EN 50336:2021

Bushings for transformers and reactor cable boxes not exceeding 36 kV

EN 50336:2021

Name:EN 50336:2021   Standard name:Bushings for transformers and reactor cable boxes not exceeding 36 kV
Standard number:EN 50336:2021   language:English language
Release Date:22-Apr-2021   technical committee:CLC/TC 36A - Insulated bushings
Drafting committee:CLC/TC 36A - Insulated bushings   ICS number:29.080.20 - Bushings

SIST EN 50336:2004
Skoznjiki za transformatorje in reaktorska kabelska ohišja do vključno 36 kV
Bushings for transformers and reactor cable boxes not exceeding 36 kV
Durchführungen für Kabelanschlusskästen von Transformatoren und Drosselspulen bis
36 kV
Traversées pour boîtes à câbles de transformateurs et bobines d'inductance ne
dépassant pas 36 kV
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 50336:2021
29.080.20 Skoznjiki Bushings
29.180 Transformatorji. Dušilke Transformers. Reactors
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

April 2021
ICS 29.080.20; 29.180 Supersedes EN 50336:2002 and all of its amendments
and corrigenda (if any)
English Version
Bushings for transformers and reactor cable boxes not
exceeding 36 kV
Traversées pour boîtes à câbles de transformateurs et Durchführungen für Kabelanschlusskästen von
bobines d'inductance ne dépassant pas 36 kV Transformatoren und Drosselspulen bis 36 kV
This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on 2021-03-30. CENELEC members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC
Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC
Management Centre or to any CENELEC member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the
same status as the official versions.
CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic,
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European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung
CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2021 CENELEC All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC Members.
Ref. No. EN 50336:2021 E
Contents Page
European foreword . 3
1 Scope . 4
2 Normative references . 4
3 Terms and definitions . 4
4 Requirements . 5
4.1 General requirements . 5
4.2 Ratings . 5
4.2.1 Standard values of rated voltage for ceramic insulators (U ) . 5
4.2.2 Standard values of rated voltage for resin-insulated bushings (U ) . 5
4.2.3 Standard values of rated current (I ) . 5
4.3 Ceramic bushings . 5
4.3.1 General requirements . 5
4.3.2 Clamping arrangements . 6
4.3.3 Terminals . 6
4.4 Resin-insulated bushings . 7
4.4.1 General requirements . 7
4.4.2 Type test (temperature cycle) . 7
4.4.3 Routine tests . 7
5 Ceramic busing dimensions . 8
5.1 Ceramic insulator . 8
5.2 Clamping arrangement for ceramic insulators . 10
5.3 Bushing end terminal arrangement . 11
6 Resin bushing dimensions . 15
Bibliography . 17
European foreword
This document (EN 50336:2021) has been prepared by CLC/TC 36A “Insulated bushings”.
The following dates are fixed:
• latest date by which this document has to be (dop) 2022-03-30
implemented at national level by publication of
an identical national standard or by
• latest date by which the national standards (dow) 2024-03-30
conflicting with this document have to be
This document supersedes EN 50336:2002 and all of its amendments and corrigenda (if any).
— 3.1 – Minimum IP rating removed from air filled cable boxes.
— 3.4 and 3.5 – EN 60137 added as a reference specification.
— 4.1 – Clarification that transformer side bushing connection is to be fully immersed in insulating liquid.
— 4.3.1 – EN 62155 referenced as standard rather than HD.
— Table 1 – Material corrected on the 400 and 630A rated items from brass to copper.
— 4.4.2 – Time frame for temperature cycle testing added.
— – Test criteria clarified for applications over 1.1kV.
— Table 2 – Corrected L3 dimension on 36kV bushings from 250 mm - 350 mm.
— Figure 9 / Table 9 – D2 dimension added to show required plain connection size for the range of
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. CENELEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
1 Scope
This document is applicable to insulated bushings, excluding those plug-in bushings specified by
EN 50180 series, for use in air insulated, shroud insulated and fully insulated cable boxes for liquid filled
transformers and reactors for rated voltages up to 36 kV, and rated currents up to 4 000 A at frequencies from
15 Hz to 60 Hz.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes
requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references,
the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 60137, Insulated bushings for alternating voltages above 1 000 V (IEC 60137)
EN 62155, Hollow pressurized and unpressurized ceramic and glass insulators for use in electrical equipment
with rated voltages greater than 1 000 V (IEC 62155)
IEC 60296, Fluids for electrotechnical applications - Mineral insulating oils for electrical equipment
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at
— IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia.org/
air insulated cable box
metallic weatherproof enclosure designed to protect the ends of cables and their associated bushings using
air as the primary source of insulation
cast or moulded resin-insulated bushing
bushing in which the major insulation consists of a cast or moulded organic material with or without an
inorganic filler
[SOURCE: EN 60137:2017, 3.13]
ceramic, glass or analogous inorganic material bushing
bushing in which the major insulation consists of a ceramic, glass or analogous inorganic material
[SOURCE: EN 60137:2017, 3.12]
fully insulated cable box
metallic weatherproof enclosure as in 3.1 where those parts of the termination and bushing within the
enclosure including live metal parts and cable cores are insulated by a liquid or compound suitable for the
appropriate system voltage
Note 1 to entry: The box shall be suitably sealed to contain the liquid or compound and allow for their expansion due to
temperature changes.
shroud insulated cable box
metallic weatherproof enclosure as in 3.1 but within which the cable cores are terminated with local insulation
enhancement, e.g. phase barrier, bushing protection or taping
4 Requirements
4.1 General requirements
Bushings specified by this document shall be installed with the transformer side of the bushing fully immersed
in insulating liquid and the other end either;
— fully immersed in an insulating liquid;
— or with shrouded insulation in air;
— or in air but not exposed to external atmospheric conditions.
All current-carrying parts shall be tin plated in accordance with customer requirements.
NOTE IEC Guide 109 and EN 62542 provide guidance which could be used to minimize the impact of bushings on
the environment during all phases of their life (including manufacturing, operation during service life, dismantling after their
end life and disposal or recycling).
4.2 Ratings
4.2.1 Standard values of rated voltage for ceramic insulators (U )
The value of U of a bushing shall be chosen from the standard values of the highest voltage for transformers
and reactors U given below in kilovolts:
12 - 24 - 36
— For values of U less than 12kV bushings with U = 12kV shall be chosen
m r
— For values of U greater than 12kV and less than or equal to 24kV bushings with U = 24kV shall be
m r
— For values of U greater than 24kV and less than or equal to 36kV bushings with U = 36KV shall be
m r
4.2.2 Standard values of rated voltage for resin-insulated bushings (U )
The value of U is 12kV in oil but the same item can be used at 1,1kV in air.
4.2.3 Standard values of rated current (I )
The value I of a bushing shall be chosen from the standard values given below in amperes:
250 - 400 - 630 - 800 - 1 250 - 1 600 - 2 000 - 2 500 - 3 150 - 4 000
4.3 Ceramic bushings
4.3.1 General requirements
Ceramic bushings shall meet the requirements for both type and routine tests laid out in EN 60137 and in
addition the following shall also apply:
Bushings shall be capable of sealing a liquid filled chamber. The design of 24 kV and 36 kV bushings shall be
such that free entry of liquid is allowed into the space between the conductor and the ceramic. In such
instances the sealing integrity of the bushing shall be maintained.
Table 1 defines the conductor size, material and the dimensions of nuts for a given current rating of bushing.
Ceramic insulators in accordance with Figure 1 shall be used in air insulated cable boxes as defined in 3.1.
Ceramic insulators in accordance with Figure 2 shall be used in shrouded cable boxes as defined in 3.5 and
fully insulated cable boxes as defined by 3.4.
The ceramic insulator will be in accordance to EN 62155. The glaze, which shall not be depended upon for
insulation, shall cover all surfaces except the flat surfaces of the flange and the ends of the ceramic. The
glaze colour shall be brown unless otherwise specified.
It is recommended that the mounting hole is of diameter D2 + 3 mm.
Each ceramic insulator shall be marked with the name or trade mark of the manufacturer and the month and
year of manufacture. These marks shall be clearly legible after glazing and firing and not appear on the flange
faces or end surfaces.
All ceramic insulators shall be subjected to tests in accordance with EN 62155.
4.3.2 Clamping arrangements
Bushing clamps shall be selected in accordance with Figure 3 or Figure 4 as appropriate. They shall be fitted
to the transformer side unless otherwise specified. Bushing clamps fitted to the cable box side shall be subject
to electrical testing in accordance with EN 60137.
4.3.3 Terminals
Bushing terminal arrangements for the cable box side are shown in Figures 5, 6 and 7. Terminal
arrangements for the transformer side are shown in Figures 8 and 9.
Table 1 — Bushing conductor and nut specifications
Conductor Brass nuts
Current Diameter Material Screw Across Across Thickness
thread and
I flats corners
A mm  mm mm mm mm
250 12 Brass 12 × 1,75 19 21,90 7
400 16 Copper 16 × 2,0 24 27,70 8

  • Relates Information
  • IEC 60300-3-7:1999

    IEC 60300-3-7:1999 - Dependability management - Part 3-7: Application guide - Reliability stress screening of electronic hardware Released:5/31/1999 Isbn:2831847974
  • HD 571 S1:1990

    HD 571 S1:1998
  • ISO 8130-4:1992

    ISO 8130-4:1992 - Coating powders
  • HD 478.2.7 S1:1990

    HD 478.2.7 S1:2003
  • ISO 8473:1988/Cor 1:1992

    ISO 8473:1988/Cor 1:1992 - Information processing systems — Data communications — Protocol for providing the connectionless-mode network service — Technical Corrigendum 1 Released:12/10/1992
  • EN ISO 9013:2017/prA1

    EN ISO 9013:2017/oprA1:2024
  • IEC 60118-6:1999

    IEC 60118-6:1999 - Hearing aids - Part 6: Characteristics of electrical input circuits for hearing aids Released:6/9/1999 Isbn:2831848075
  • HD 280.3 S1:1990

    HD 280.3 S1:1999
  • ISO 9832:1992

    ISO 9832:1992 - Animal and vegetable fats and oils -- Determination of residual technical hexane content
  • EN 60188:1988/A1:1990

    EN 60188:1999/A1:1999