IGBT is natural evolution of a vertical power MOSFET with strong current, high voltage applications and fast terminal devices. Since a high breakdown voltage BVDSS requires a source leakage channel, this channel has a high resistivity, thus causes the power MOSFET with the RDS (ON) numerical feature, and IGBT eliminates these existing power MOSFETs. Major shortcomings. Although the latest generation of power MOSFET devices greatly improve the RDS (ON) characteristics, the power conduction loss is still much higher than IGBT technology at high levels. Lower pressure drop, converted into a low VCE (SAT) capabilities, as well as the structure of the IGBT, supports higher current density compared to the same standard bipolar device, and simplifies the schematic of the IGBT driver.
IXYS PSD62/18 Diode Rectifier Bridge Module
SanRex SanRex Rectifier Bridge DF100LB160 Electronic Instrument for Electrical Appliances
5014206.63SIBA fuse 22*58
T1219N22TOF Infineon Thyristor
FUJI Module 1MBI1000VXB-170EH-80 1MBI150VA-120L-50 1MBI400HH-120L-50
EUPEC T1929N34TOF Thyristor Module
bussmann BUSSMANN C10G10 BUSSMANN fuse
5STP18F1601 ABB high power flat panel thyristor
SKT1202/20E SemikronSEMIKRON thyristor IGBT module rectifier bridge module
IXYSMCC225-16io1 single-phase three-phase rectifier bridge
T178N18TOF Infineon Flat Thyristor
3NA3810-2C 3NA3812-2C 3NA3814-2C 3NA3817-2C Siemens fuse
M1565VF400 UK WESTCODE Thyristor
Mitsubishi CM50DY-24H sic igbt igbt drive transformer
EUPEC T568N02TOF Thyristor Module
German Semikron IGBT module SKM100GAR063D SKM145GAR063D
BUSSMANN fuse 170M6010
DCR960G28 DCR1610F28 DCR2060C28 DCR2760V28DYNEX Flat Thyristor
SemikronSKD62-18 60A1800V rectifier bridge module / three-phase rectifier bridge
Infineon IGBT SCR thyristor TT210N18KOF diode rectifier bridge module
5STP20F1201 ABB high power flat panel thyristor
MDMA110P1200TG MDMA110P1600TG German IXYS diode module
Germany SKKT105/12E triac
Infineon Infineon FF400R17KE4 two-unit IGBT module for inverter, converter
MCD224-20IO1 German diode module
SanRex power thyristor module PK110FG120
Japan SanRex fast recovery diode module
T553N70TOH Infineon Flat Thyristor
CM150TL-24NF Mitsubishi IGBT
French Mersen fuse A15QS150-4