The sun rose at 10 a.m., but the sagebrush was not yet available. Mugwort is an herb commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine for fumigation, moxibustion and other treatments. The use of mugwort is associated with specific times and methods. The use of mugwort is subject to certain regulations in traditional Chinese medicine theory, including specific time periods. According to traditional Chinese medicine theory, mugwort should be used in the morning or evening, not after sunrise. So at 10 a.m. the sun came up and the sagebrush was not yet available.
The sun rises at 10 a.m., can we still use mugwort?
Introduction The sun rises at 10 o'clock, can mugwort still be used? The sun rises at 10 o'clock, but the mugwort cannot be used yet. Mugwort is an herb commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine for fumigation, moxibustion and other treatments.