Plant Observation Journal

Introduction Growing Plant Observation Journal The day is about to end. What did we do today? It's time to write a summary and a good journal. So how to write a beautiful journal?

Plant Observation Journal

The day is about to end. What did we do today? It's time to write a summary and journal. So how to write a beautiful journal? Below you will find the plant species observation logs that I have collected for you (17 selected articles). You are invited to share them.

Plant Observation Journal, Part 1

Weather for Sunday March 26, 2017: Sunny

Today my dad bought me an "egg". It's so beautiful, I love it.

When I got home, I saw several pictures drawn on the side labels, but I didn't understand what they meant. I thought about it and discovered it was about how to grow plants. First I took a spoon and smashed some on top of the "egg", and saw a lot of "sand". Then I pour a little more water and that's it.

Weather for Wednesday March 29, 2017: Sunny

TodayToday, as soon as I got home, I went to the balcony to look at my plants. When I took a look, why did some of the "sand" float to the east and some to the west? Really strange. I asked my mother, “Mom, why does some of the “sand” float to the east and some to the west? » My mother replied, “Because the wind blows, the “sand” floats in different directions. Understood. Keep this firmly in mind.

Today I am very happy and I have gained some knowledge.

Plant Observation Journal, Part 2

Sunny Sunday, February 20, 20xx

Today I selected ten soybean seeds and grew them in the " "House ", this "house" has three or four of the paper towels that I soaked. I first put the soybeans on the wet paper towels, and then put them in a glass to let them sleep comfortably in it.>

Monday February 21, 20xx was sunny.

Early this morning I got up and went to look at the soybeans. ah! Each soybean looks like a big baby that has drunk enough water, so cute! In order to make their lives more comfortable, I poked a few little holes in the paper towel and let the soybeans sit in those little holes!

Wednesday February 23, 20xx Rain

Come see! Come and see! Soybeans that drink enough water become stronger and stronger! It was so full it looked like it was about to burst. Two small bean sprouts grew impatiently, wanting to see the beautiful scenery outside!

Friday February 25, 20xx, sunny

Ah! The little soybeans have finally sprouted! The branches of the douban opened wide, each as mighty as a sentinel in the meadow, as if to say: “We are no longer bigger and cuter than the, but stronger and more persevering than the others! wait to explore. He came out with his pointy head and looked around!

Sunny Sunday February 27, 20xx

The soybean roots have grown! Soft filaments ** like grandfather's long beard. The “beard” is quite firmly attached to the paper towel, eagerly absorbing moisture from the paper towel, like a newly planted tree!

I will take more care of them in the future, be a serious and responsible little gardener, water them every day and let them grow happily!

Plant Observation Journal, Part 3

Friday, November 26 Sunny

Today the autumn air is cool and the sky is clear. I arrived at school very early in the morning to see what changes had occurred in the daffodils. When I arrived in the classroom, I discovered that Narcissus seemed to be a different person, standing there, tbe high and facing south. I quickly measured it, and wow, today's heads are on average 5mm longer than yesterday. I was so happy that I even ate twice as much lunch as before!

Saturday, November 27, sunny

Today is a weekend. I got up a little early in the morning, but I saw that the daffodils had woken up early and were basking in the sun. sun. I walked lazily to the balcony and turned over the narcissus buds, but there was no change. Suddenly I found that the biggest narcissus had another small bud about half a centimeter growing on the branch near the root, I was so happy. I heard a creak, looked at it, gently patted my chest and said, "Luckily it didn't break."

Sunday, November 28 Sunny

I got up at 6 a.m. this morning because I wanted to go hiking with my dad. Of courser, I will never forget the first thing I do when I get up in the morning: I take the ruler and I run to the narcissus as soon as I get up. What a shame, why is Narcissus so lazy today? No energy at all. I looked at the bottom of the pot, oh, it turns out that the father-in-law of the sun has been hanging around these past few days and has stolen all the nutrients from the narcissus. No wonder it was listless with which I filled the jar. water, helpless, and looked at him thinking: I hope he can hold his chest high again!

Tuesday, November 30, sunny

Today's music class was really fun. I hummed a little tune and went home to see the daffodils. Oh my God! Why did he fall on all fours on the ground? Turns out my mom dropped it while she was drying clothes, I picked it up and complained to my mom. After conditioning the roots of the narcissus, I put them in the smalljar. I glanced at him and thought: the professor is right, raising flowers is much better than raising animals.

Wednesday, December 1st, sunny

Tomorrow I will have a full practical course again. I adjusted the daffodils. During the fitting process, I noticed that many buds still contained With. small buds. I wiped away the fine dust from the narcissus. He looked very energetic, clean and attractive. I think my daffodil must be the best in class tomorrow. Maybe no classmates will call him Onion anymore.

Sunny Thursday, December 2

Today is the full practice day. In the morning, I arrived at school happy with my daffodil. As soon as I entered the classroom, I found that the. the students had put theirs on. All plants are placed on the south windowsill. There are many varieties: garlic, celery, radishes,potatoes and many flowers that I cannot name. The harvest was not small. I held my daffodil with my head high and walked towards my position. Classmates in front and behind me gathered around and talked about it: “What a big change in one week” Oh! so big ! On the surface I don't care, but inside I'm still complacent! I took out a ruler and turned the daffodils over to see, oh! The new shoots grew another half a centimeter! What joy!

Plant Observation Journal, Part 4

One of my favorite plants is of course the mimosa!

The mimosa is produced in the tropical regions of South America. In spring, mimosa shoots, small, green and very cute; in summer, the mimosa grows green leaves; in autumn, mimosa flowers are pink, fluffy, like a little hedgehog in winter, Mimosa pudica bears; fruit, round seeds like edamame.Its particularity is that as soon as you touch its leaves, it shyly lowers its head like a little girl, looking sweet.

What a pretty mimosa! This is one of my favorite plants.

The chrysanthemum that I observed

The plant that I observed is the chrysanthemum. Its leaves have four deep fissures that divide the leaves into five petals. Each petal is zigzag shaped, which is very cute.

The flower blooms slowly. Its petals are divided into seven layers and have eleven groups of petals. There is a yellow stamen in the middle, and the golden stamen in the middle of the flower emits a refreshing scent. There are many colors of chrysanthemums: purple, purple-red, pale yellow, goose yellow, light pink and dark pink. , pink, dark purple and lavender, and golden... There are white and white chrysanthemums, golden thread dragon claw chrysanthemums in full bloom, graceful dahlias and marigolds in full bloom... Its hold me and I hold you, competing to see their pretty faces through the green leaves. It was like a group of dressed up girls kissing affectionately, laughing and playing.

Thanks to this observation, I love chrysanthemums even more! I hope children all over the world love chrysanthemums, because they symbolize celebration, blessing and peace!

Plant Observation Journal, Part 5

Although it is not as big and straight as a pine, nor as beautiful and fragrant as a rose, it is always as green and full of life. It's the vibrant aloe vera of our house!

Aloe vera has six or seven leaves. Its leaf “head” is pointed and thicker as it goes down. The leaves are surrounded by small thorns, which appear sharp and prickly, but can be easily removed. you touch it lightly, it's not very spicy, but rather comfortable. These green leaves are doing their best to spread outin all directions in order to win the warm embrace of Father Sun. Aloe vera is covered with a green coat, and its leaves are so cute that even a wall painted with green paint will seem inferior to it.

It is unknown and never makes noise in the plant world. One day, the proud rose looked with disdain at the Aloe VeraHe said: “Look at you, how ugly you are, and you still live with us, get out of the plant world! » Aloe lowered her head, blushed in shame and remained silent. The delicate roses, Chinese roses and camellias, some holding brooms and some holding slippers, led the Aloe Vera, and the Aloe Vera ran down the street crying, running thousands of miles with one breath.

In a cold corner, Aloe Vera cried with red eyes. I quickly ran to comfort Aloe Vera and said to her: "Don't be sad. Even if you are not as beautiful as a rose or as tall as a pine tree, you are nots not as beautiful as a rose nor as tall as a pine tree. " You are so cute and green, and you are a human treasure. You can not only purify indoor air, but also have incredible beauty effects!"

Plant observation journal 6

I I planted one on the balcony! Pepper strain. Water and weed it every day, impatiently awaiting its harvest.

This pepper tree is not big, but it has lush branches and leaves. The green leaves are stacked on top of each other, leaving no space and fluttering in the wind. The emerald green color shines brightly in our eyes. Suddenly I found a "little head" sticking out from the dense leaves. I quickly opened the leaves and discovered that the little head turned out to be a small pepper. He wears a green straw hat, has a body like a crescent moon, and his whole body is red, like a little child's face, so cute. If you don't lookCarefully, you won't find any green peppers hiding in the green. Some of them are lying horizontally, some are standing, and some are leaning diagonally... They are really scattered and swinging here and there. They looked like small lanterns, hanging in the air one by one. When a gust of wind blew, they laughed and laughed together, as if to say: "Happy harvest, good harvest!"

I couldn't. I can't wait to pick one up and taste it. "Wow! It's so spicy! Get some water quickly." I shouted. Don't look at a small pepper, it's quite powerful!

Plant Observation Journal Chapter 7

Sunday September 13th is cloudy

I go in and out of high school every day. I just discovered today that there are two large plants at the door. - Tiger tail orchid.

I observed carefully: Sansevieria has no stem! There are only long sheets stuck togetherinto the ground, like a big drawn sword. Its leaves are dark green with black stripes, similar to the skin of a watermelon. There is a golden edge around the leaves, as if someone specially decorated it with gold. Some Sansevieria orchids in the pot have large leaves with cracks on the leaves, as if indicating their age; some leaves are short, but very strong, and the color is thicker, some leaves are thicker, very smooth. to the touch and very eye-catching to look at.

Why is it called Sansevieria? There are big doubts in my little head. Is it because it looks like a tiger's tail? I searched the internet and this is indeed the case. It is a foliage plant from the Agaves family. The shape and markings of its leaves resemble the tail of a tiger, which is why it is called Sansevieria orchid. It actually has rhizomes buried deep in the soil.erior, so it's not easy to find.

I've never seen anyone water them, but they still grow well and have lush colors, which shows how tenacious they are.

I love the Sansevieria orchid, its beautiful silhouette, its unique temperament, and even more its tenacious spirit.

Plant Observation Journal, Part 8

Saturday, March 15, Sunny

On Wednesday, Professor Tan sent us some morning glory seeds, and I was very excited to that time. Professor Tan asked us to plant morning glory seeds in the soil. So today my grandfather and I planted morning glories together. Grandpa found a flower pot and I used a small shovel to dig up the dirt and put it in the flower pot. Then I put the seeds in it and brought a glass of water and asked me to sprinkle the water into the soil and put the flower pot. On the balcony, I thought: this time, I will insert a very long stick and let it creep slowly until it flowers.

Sunday March 30, rain

Today my morning glories germinated and I was very happy. Some plants are light green, others are yellow-green. It has two oval leaves and its leaves extend left and right, just like we hold our little hands. I poured my soy milk into the ground and gave it away. à It contains protein and makes it grow quickly. It finally sprouted. I want to take good care of it and make it grow and grow.

Wednesday, June 3 Sunny

Today the morning glory has reached five inches in height and there are four leaves on the stem, which are soft green. The lower two leaves resemble a swallow's tail, and the upper two leaves are flattened and round. Three morning glories swayed gently in the breeze. The stems of the morning glories are very thin and I fear thatThey won't be blown away if the wind blows hard. If the stems were a little thicker I wouldn't have to worry.

Sunday June 15th light rain turned to overcast

Today my morning glory finally grew again. There is a morning glory with leaves that resemble triangular leaves. They were originally green, but are now dark green. Its stem is very thin and there are white hairs on the stem that resemble those on the skin of winter melon. My grandmother helped me insert a stick into the flower pot, and the morning glory crawled along the stick, next to each other. TREE. Without the staff, the morning glory would be brought down. I mean Morning Glory Observation Diary Part 4 Why does morning glory sit on sticks? So I checked the book, and the book told me that the stem of the morning glory is very thin and soft, and can be easily broken by the wind, but itneeds more sunlight and space to grow, so it needs to be wrapped around a stick and grow up, just like children grow up day by day, they also need the care and warmth of their parents. There are still a few small buds on the morning glory. I think one day the buds will grow and bloom, I can't wait for them to grow and bloom day by day.

Rain on Saturday, July 5

Today my morning glory grew again. It's already very green. He scaled the anti-theft net, climbing to the top. One plant has climbed to the top and the other two are climbing vigorously, as if in competition. The morning glories have started to bud. I added a little water to it today and it will rise higher tomorrow.

The leaves of my morning glory are almost wilted, some have fallen and others are still green. Its stems are long and thin, and they are everywhere emmixed in the anti-theft nets. It has more than a dozen small, very beautiful pink flowers. It reminds me of a childhood song: Tick-tock, tick-tock, the morning glory trumpets, who wants to play with me in the sky? The morning glories that bloomed first have faded and borne fruit. When mature, I put it away and can continue to plant more morning glories the following year.

Plant Observation Journal Part 9

Today, March 1, I took a piece of garlic and gently peeled off the outer layer of white skin, then found an empty bottle of mineral water and I cut a big piece of it; , leaving only the lower part; then pour half of the water and put the garlic in it.

Today, March 2, I found that on the head of the garlic, a little green comes out. The garlic is about to sprout! I quickly changed a bottle of water and found that the roots were morelong. I measured it with a ruler and found that the roots had only grown a little, about 1 mm.

Today, March 4, I came to see my garlic. Ah, the garlic buds were just a little blurry the day before yesterday, I couldn't see clearly, but today the green buds are there. come out, there are two in total, about 7mm long. I was worried that there wasn't enough nutrients in the water, so I changed the water again.

Today, March 5, I noticed that the green shoots of garlic were longer, about 1 cm long, and the other one was growing faster, with a length total of 1.3 cm. When I changed the water, I found after measuring that the garlic root had increased by 4mm and the total length had increased by 5mm. March 6 Today I noticed that the garlic was getting very weak. Maybe it was malnourished, so I added two compound fertilizers to it, hoping it would grow faster and taller.s strong. Today, March 8, I discovered that the little green garlic sprouts were actually getting bigger, and they were getting stronger. very happy, and quickly added another grain of compound fertilizer, for fear that the nutrients in the water would not be enough for the growth of garlic. I also noticed that the two little green shoots had grown an additional 1 centimeter, the taller one was 2.5 centimeters long and the shorter one was 2 centimeters long. The garlic roots also took on the shape of a spiral. March 9 Today I found out that the green garlic shoots are 3mm long, the tallest one is 2.9cm, the middle one is 2.3cm and the shortest one is 6mm long. I can't measure the garlic root with a ruler because the root is twisted, I estimate it to be 6mm long. March 10 Today, I found another small green bud of less than 1 mm pierced with these 3 buds.rts, and added another grain of compound fertilizer. I measured it with a ruler and found that the longest was already 3 centimeters, but it was still too weak. Perhaps it was due to malnutrition and lack of sunlight. So I planted it in a flower pot and placed it on the balcony. it can benefit from a little sunlight, so it can get enough nutrients and sunlight. With soil and enough sunlight, it will grow faster and better!

Plant Observation Journal 10

At my house,There is a flower pot called a "parachute".

Why is it called "parachute"? Because once it rotates, when the flower bone flies down, the falling speed is very slow, just like a parachute.

The "parachute" flower has 5 petals. When small, the petals are white, like white clouds; the flower heads are sharp, like needles. When they reach adulthood, the red flower heads of“Parachute” become round, like five small figures dancing in a circle in the air. It's so beautiful !

I looked carefully and discovered that the "parachute" flower is indeed composed of 5 petals and a branch. The leaves of the "parachute" flower are also very beautiful, somewhat similar to adult petals. Each leaf is stacked on top of another leaf, just like a large banyan tree.

The "parachute" flower has many unique characteristics, so I won't go into detail.

Actually, I don't know what its scientific name is. The “parachute” flower is actually the nickname I gave it.

Plant Observation Journal Chapter 11

Sunny Tuesday, May 13

I have a big orange at home. It was not purchased, but an unknown tree in my community was uprooted. I often call large oranges “strange lanterns.” For what ? Because it is round and looks like a lantern. It is about three times bigger than a regular orange, but not as big as a pomelo. The color above is green, but the color below is turquoise. It feels soft to the touch and smells slightly refreshing! Today I opened the “strange lantern”. There were petals inside, but it wasn't easy to separate them. The color was yellow and it looked like there was a lot of moisture. I couldn't wait to take a bite, wow! Oh my God! So sour! From this observation, I came to the conclusion: the “strange lantern” is not actually an orange, but an immature, sour and astringent grapefruit.

Tuesday, May 13 Sunny

Today our team observed many plants, and we observed them very seriously!

The first plant I observed looked like a green onion. Half of them were red and the bottom half was green. What surprised me was thattthere was a ** thing in the middle of the two bound sheets. There was something on it. A black spot, what is it? I think that might be where other leaves grow!

The second plant is a green cactus. It is a small cactus growing on a cactus. This type of cactus is not ordinary. It will shrink when you touch it, then slowly return to its original shape. He really is like a coward.

The third plant is a type of grass. The grass grows as strong as a tree. The leaf edges are white and have thorns. The center of the leaves is green. I am deeply hurt. The autumn breeze outside the window blew lightly, and the grass swayed in the wind, as if beckoning to me.

Today I am very happy because I know many secret plants.

Saturday September 20 Sunny

Ah! The sun was already shining on the bed. I opened my sleepy eyes today. The sun shineswas like a huge red bean in the sky! A big red bean? Beans...beans! I jumped out of bed, rushed out of the room, ran to the kitchen, picked up the box and took a look, alas! I thought it had grown leaves! I saw a large crack in the skin of the mung bean, and a small bud grew; and the red bean was like a shy little girl, with only a little crack, the red bean didn't even move; was full, but it swelled a lot.

In the afternoon, I went to see these cute “children” again, wow! Mung Bean is like a naughty little boy who took off his entire green coat.

Plant Observation Journal, Part 12

I'm not at home these days. When I got home today, I quickly ran to the balcony to check on my impatiens. So, I was dazzled by a little red. Among the green plants, there were indeeda little red.

Ah! It turned out that the impatiens I had planted flowered. I jumped up for joy and shouted to my grandfather, “Look, my impatiens have bloomed purple-red flowers.” joy with me, because it was the first time I planted flowers. Under my careful care, beautiful flowers bloomed.

My grandfather and I admired it. : "Impatiens can be used to dye nails and make medicinal materials."

Ah! Beautiful impatiens, you can not only let people enjoy it, but also make medicinal materials from it!

Plant Observation Journal, Chapter 13

Monday afternoon I went to a composition class. Teacher Chen took us to observe the Baicao Garden, and we wanted to write an essay about the Baicao Garden when we returned.

Baicao Garden is located behind Kuixing Tower. We went around Kuixing Tower and saw small gates withec 1, 2, 3 engraved on it... as if to say don't squeeze, don't push, follow. the order. Come.

We entered in an orderly manner and the classmates said: “There are so many strange plants”! I saw a dense bamboo forest and entered. I couldn't see anything but I heard the sound of 'rustling'. The purple-leaved plum next to the bamboo forest is a bit small. She loves the sun and the heat and does not tolerate the cold. There are also two banana trees that look like banana fans. Their leaves are very green. Some students wanted to tear off their leaves and use them as fans. I told them the plants are alive, don't harm them. There were several large camphor trees next to the banana leaves. No matter it was snowing or hot, it remained still.

Baicao Garden is also called science park, which means we cans observe these strange plants, share the knowledge they contain, and grow to become botanists.

Ah! Baicao Garden is so beautiful!

Plant Observation Journal Chapter 14

Today our school had a spring field trip to the Shanghai Botanical Garden. I am very excited.

We came to the Shanghai Botanical Garden. There are several heat-tolerant plants that have had a profound impact on me.

There is a type of leaf cactus whose scientific name is pereskia aculate. Also known as tiger thorn. I also have a cactus in my house, which is a potted plant. It seems it has never flowered, let alone produced fruit. And this type of leaf cactus not only flowers and bears fruit, but the fruits are edible. It is also a climbing shrub. True to its nickname, its stems are covered with thorns. Its flowers grow on the branches of the tige and look like cones. It smells fragrant. It's very special. I have heard that it grows mainly in the tropical regions of America and India.

There is a heat-resistant plant with a very strange name called Luanxue. I'm very curious why it's called Luanxue. If you look closely you can see that its leaves are long and flat. The surface is smooth, a bit like the leaves of my hometown zongzi, but its leaves are narrower. The whole thing looks like fireworks. This sounds really complicated...

What impressed me the most was a plant called royal flower, which is native to South Africa and is a commonly grown flower there. But we rarely see it. The body of the emperor flower is enormous, surrounded by beautifully colored bracts. The color is extremely beautiful and the shape is elegant and refined. It therefore occupies a very important place among the flowers pprecious people of the world. it is called the emperor flower. The Royal Flower is a multi-flowered evergreen perennial shrub with a plant lifespan of over 100 years. Not only does it have a long overall lifespan, the stamens of the emperor flower bulb can also be opened for a long time, making it a dazzling landscape in the garden for several months, and it can also be displayed as a freshly cut flower. for a long time. It is said to "open undefeated for a long time", which naturally represents strong and tenacious vitality, and can also symbolize victory, perfection, wealth and luck. Revered as the national flower by South Africans. The magnificent royal flower grows in clusters on the Cape of South Africa, which is full of flowers. In dry summers, fires often occur there, but this is a boon for the emperor flower, because fire is a condition for its survival.e. Its fruits are too hard for birds and mice to eat, so it relies on the heat of the fire to break the fruits and spread the seeds on the ground. The fertile soil after the fire is a breeding paradise for emperor flowers.

When we came out of the botanical garden with surprise and laughter, our hearts turned to nature...

Plant Observation Journal Chapter 15

xx, xx, Sunday , x sunny

I can't tell which are cabbage seeds and which are radish seeds.

There is a seed that is round and if a little bud grows it will be a shell. Its little buds are very short and there are some small, round green leaves on the top, like peanut seedlings.

The other has the same shape as a raindrop, but it appears flatter and thinner. It still smells weird!

Vegetable plant observation journal part 16

xx, xx, Sundayhe x the weather is nice

This afternoon we went to enjoy spring together. Professor Zhou gave us a book, asking us to observe spring plants. So we left.

While walking, it started to rain. We hid under the bridge. I saw a strange grass, so I asked Professor Zhou, and the professor replied: “It’s an octagonal gold plate. » So I wrote "It's an octagonal gold plate."

The rain stopped, we came out of the hole in the bridge and saw the green wicker, like a spring girl's braid. I saw the red roses, the big smiling Lechang and the bird tree on which no bird dared to fly.

Unconsciously, we arrived near the Science and Technology Museum. We also saw onion-like Ophiopogon japonicus, as well as pansies, winter jasmine, smiles, palms, cedars, bougainvillea,peacock grass, foxtail whip and orange trees. I picked an orange and took a bite. However, it was time for back to school, so we had to say goodbye to the beautiful scenery and head home.

Plant Observation Journal Chapter 17

xx, xx, Sunday, x is sunny

Today the sun is shining and there are no clouds in the sky. My mother took me to the flower. walked for a walk. The scent of flowers comes to my nose and all kinds of plants appear before my eyes.

Suddenly I saw a bright red flower blooming in the corner of the greenhouse. I took my mother's hand and walked closer to observe her carefully. Its flowers and leaves were very luxuriant and green in color; the flower was very bright. The flowers bloom at the top of the entire plant, resembling sunflowers when viewed from above.

My mother told me: "This type of flower is called 'Hongyun Dangtou'. It is an auspicious flower. She is very noble and can bring good luck to people. Its leaves can release a lot of oxygen. the night. It is a lucky flower. "A very suitable houseplant to put at home!" After hearing this, I looked at my mother and said, "Let's buy this potted flower. I hope it will bring good luck to our family. " My mother looked at me happily. Say: “Baby has grown up”!

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