Summer and watermelon go together perfectly Collection of 20 Douyin Viral Video Captions.

Introduction Summer and watermelon go perfectly together. Twenty Popular Douyin Video Captions 1. I hope the weather will be cooler this summer and the watermelon will be sweeter 2. I like it because you know I like it.

Summer and watermelon go together perfectly Collection of 20 Douyin Viral Video Captions.

1. I hope this summer the weather will be cooler and the watermelon will be sweeter

2. I probably like it because you know I like to eat watermelon watermelon, then you will give me the nicest one in the world.

3. I bought two watermelons after work, after calculating the total, it cost six and a half yuan! I shouted: Master, just forget fifty cents! The master nodded and said: Then I will charge you seven yuan!

4. Although the beginning of summer makes me dizzy, there are also beautiful flowers that bloom in early summer, such as eryngium, poinciana, etc., bringing another type of natural beauty.

5. When summer comes, we move to a very bright house, where a lot of sun shines every day. I remember receiving many phone calls from friends in that house, telling me to do my best and wishing me luck in June.

6. In summer, I fall in lovethem as many times as I meet you.

7. Watermelon lover is summer ice cream, strawberry storm, rainbow jeans, half-white floral skirt sleeves and cool Drag cold beer and peanuts

8. It would be great if you could stay with me in summer like watermelon ice cream

9. The first 8424 of this summer and more Is there anything more pleasant than sitting on the couch eating watermelon and watching TV?

10. Summer is incomplete without watermelon.

11. No summer is as exciting as this year, as if the heat is still in my heart

12. It's so hot that I really don't want to to go out, so I should stay at home and enjoy the breeze while watching TV and eating watermelon.

13. This summer, Xigua is busy making love with Xiagua, the girl is busy being strong, and the best friend is busyfalling in love with her boyfriend.

14. I think watermelon is more suitable for hot summer days

15. Have you eaten watermelon in summer?

16. This summer, I hope the watermelon will be sweeter and its weight will be lighter.

17. “Summer is a Watermelon” was written by someone else. I think summer is like flies and mosquitoes. ?

18. Summer needs watermelon, big watermelon.

19. Happiness is summer when you eat well, exercise, take a shower, dry your hands hair and eating watermelon.

20. Drinking iced tea, taking a nap on the couch and eating watermelon is all summer!

Thirty common captions for Douyin's recently popular video about eating ice cream in summer

One of the captions for Douyin's recently popular video about eating ice cream in summer

1. I like to eat ice creamment. I think I was a popsicle in my previous life.

2. McDonald's new product makes me feel bad about fries and also makes me never want to eat ice cream again.

3. Eat pudding in early summer to avoid mosquito bites.

4. On the way home from doing aerobics at school, my mother bought me an ice cream. The ice cream is round, surrounded by orange and white in the middle, like a cute little bowl. The ice cream gives off a tempting scent. It is so beautiful and delicious that I am drooling.

5. There will always be dregs. When you eat ice cream with relish, you will grab it and want to eat it.

6. I ate ice cream for the first time in two years, a Wuyang cone with honeydew flavor. Delicious!

7. I really want to eat watermelon, ice cream and ice cream every day like I did when I was a child. How is it thatmy stomach was so strong when I was a kid!

8. I can't stand it because I eat candy when I'm sad and ice cream when I'm angry.

9. My summer is perfect with ice cream, computer, WLAN and no power outage.

10. A bite of ice cream is so cool and refreshing.

11. If you can come to see me in summer, I will wear a little skirt to see you, and after you finish playing ball, we will eat ice cream and walk on the road together to enjoying the evening breeze

< p> 12. That summer, we read books, ate ice cream, and dreamed of the future with the people we loved. ——"Listen carefully"

13. In summer, the heart beats and the passion is in the ice factory.

14. When I took the first bite, I felt like my stomach was cold and I was shivering from the cold. It was sweet when chewing and it was delicious, I put thehad ice cream in my mouth and I enjoyed it. it's delicious.

15. Can I spend the summer eating ice cream with you when you have time?

Part 2 of the recently popular Douyin video about eating ice cream in summer

16. Train together, together They made skewers, ate ice cream together, lied to me, then took away my ice cream, hahaha, just thinking about it, it's all about love .

17. If I want to eat an ice cream cone, I want it to have waffles and crispy skin

18. I'm so angry I'm trying to lose . gain weight and skip dinner. I gained two pounds and I'm so angry I want to eat ice cream now.

19. Snooker ice, a sensation every second.

20. Air conditioning + watermelon + ice cream + computer + WIFI + cell phone + someone who loves you and the person you love = a whole summer.

21. Some thingss resemble the regrets of successive summers, like the melted ice cream, the unfinished breeze in the alley and you with short hair.

22. This summer we have ice cream, watermelon, the sea and air conditioning, but we miss you.

23. When the weather gets warmer, I want to taste ice cream from all over the world with you.

24. Open the refrigerator door, wow! There are several kinds ! I picked up a chocolate chip, hey! Why is it so sweet? I picked up another Ice+, it was broken! It became a bag of water. Damage. Yesterday I heard my mother say that the refrigerator was not cooling well.ah! My mom bought me this after I begged several times!

25. You are my ice, you stimulate me in winter and refresh me in summer.

26. Summer is really here! You have to take good care of your body and buy ice cream when it’s hot!

27. The best way to eat ice cream in summer: eat ithalf first and return the melted remainder to the refrigerator to freeze before enjoying.

28. Ice cream is the best representative of summer.

29. Lying in bed and eating ice cream is so cool and refreshing.

30. I also have the first ice cream of summer.

Let's eat ice cream together this summer, the viral TikTok caption

Let's eat ice cream together this summer, the viral TikTok caption (Part 1)

1. Summer is really here ! You have to take good care of your body and buy ice cream when it’s hot!

2. I missed the first cup of milk tea in autumn and the first hot meal in winter, but I received the first bouquet of flowers in spring and the first ice cream in summer. Everything will be alright. .

3. Ice cream is snowman poop.

4. One sip will ease your worries!

5. This is much more adorable.

6. Full Wi-Fi + cool air conditioning+ super long vacation + endless ice cream

7. The first time I ate ice cream, I laughed so excitedly that I licked some and ate it.

8. I didn't catch the first cup of milk tea in autumn, but I had the first ice cream in summer. Other kids have them, and my kids have them too.

9. The older we get, the more afraid we are of eating cold food, but this summer I really like eating ice cream.

10. It's too hot this winter and the days I ate ice cream with you in winter.

11. Lying on the bed and eating ice cream, it's so cool and refreshing.

12. The ice cream wore a brown dress. It was brown on the inside and brown on the bottom. I smelled it with my nose and asked, “It smells so good!” So I touched it with my hand. It was sweet and icy!

13. Kiss your lips, freeze your heart - ice cream, treat yourself to a summer of love.

14. [I don'tI'm not afraid that my favorite ice cream is sold out. I'm not afraid of being hurt, I'm just afraid of your hugs and shoulders being given to others. ]

15. I can't wait He rushed to the refrigerator, opened the door and took out a bowl of ice cream. Wow! The golden ice cream looks extremely delicious. I immediately took the spoon, put the ice cream in my mouth and tasted it carefully. Uh! GOOD! It has the aroma of eggs and milk, the freshness of ice cream and the sweetness of oranges. It’s truly an ice treasure! meet me, wolf As if devouring it, my mother also took a spoon and started a fight with the ice cream. Soon, a large bowl of ice cream was "wiped out" by us.

Let's eat ice cream together this summer. Douyin Viral Legend (Part 2)

16. It's ice on the surface, but it's actually a happiness explorer

17. Human emotions are really It's confusing . Maybe I'm unhappy todaytoday because I didn't have the flavor I wanted when I bought ice cream one day last year.

18. When I took the first bite, I felt like my stomach was cold and I shivered from the cold. It was sweet when I chewed it and the taste was delicious. I put the ice in my. mouth and I enjoyed it deliciously.

19. The ice cream I have loved for a long time is still delicious. The song I've loved for a long time is still good.

20. Go to the beach for a walk, watch fireworks on summer nights, and eat chocolate-flavored ice cream day and night, please come with me.

21. My summer is perfect with ice cream, a computer, WLAN and no power outage.

22. Ice cream: cold in the mouth, sweet in the heart.

23. Hot summer goes best with ice cream. People who seriously eat ice cream to relieve the heat are so cute.

24. PoFor children, eating ice cream is happiness. For students, sleeping is happiness.

25. If it continues to be this hot, I'm afraid my ice identity will be revealed.

26. When it's cold, I want to eat roasted sweet potatoes. When it's hot, I want to eat ice cream. How can I lose weight?

27. Eating ice cream while drinking cough medicine can be considered a youthful state.

28. Large white cream ice cream, 15 cents each. Once you lick it, the rich milky and sweet scent will coat your tongue. Don't bite into the ice cream, otherwise it will be gone quickly. Take it one at a time, lick it carefully and slowly. Lick it and savor it for a long time.

29. I like to eat a lot of ice cream and feel the tingling sensation that paralyzes my entire mouth. At that point, my heart won't hurt so much.

30. Wait and wait impatientlye the first ice cream of summer.

An interesting caption for a very popular sweet proposal video on Douyin (general 60 sentences)

An interesting caption for a very popular sweet proposal video on Douyin

1. A chance meeting , that was chance; knowing yourself is destiny; knowing yourself and falling in love is love; working together is marriage; My dear, we are destined for this life and we are ready to create a beautiful relationship together!

2. Listen to me, why are you asking so many questions? I am on your side and you are still on the wrong track!

3. Give me a chance so that I can give you a life of happiness; give me a reason so that I can give you eternal happiness; give me a chance so that I can give you the love that will do it; never fade.

4. When you open the window in the morning, the gentle breeze blows., I miss you from afar. YOUlook at the clouds in the sky from afar, and I will hide there quietly. You turned and left happily, and I still kept you in silence.

5. I don't have the confidence to speak my heart, nor the courage to confess my feelings, nor the chance to let myself stay by your side. Facing the passing years, my heart is extremely entangled, seize this life, marry me today only, and let me write a life without regrets for you.

6. In this life, I have nothing more to wish for than to hold your son's hand and grow old with him; in this life, I have nothing more to wish for than to win someone's heart; person and stay together forever. Many years later, I want to hear you call me "old man" and give me this opportunity to become your "husband" and marry me.

7. Marry me, I will give you tissues when you cry, I will stay by your side and reconcile youstronghold; marry me, I will party with you when you are happy, be there to support you and congratulate you. You ; marry me, I will cook for you when you are tired, I will take care of you by your side, and I will take care of you! I hope so ! I love you inexplicably, I love you with all my heart, I care for you with all my heart, and I protect you without hesitation; being with you is my blessing Even if the white fox flirts with you, I won't ignore you. one in my life. Baby, marry me!

8. It is you that I see with my eyes, I hear with my ears, I think of you with my heart, I dream with you in my dreams; I'm afraid of losing you, stay with me forever, okay?

9. I don't know tomorrow's weather, I can't guess next year's landscape, I can't see the sky in the future, I can't wait for reunions in the future. only needs to be grasped in this life. Why bother waiting for the truthable love Let's spend it together hand in hand Life is paved with eternal happiness. Marry me and may our love last forever under the testimony of marriage!

10. Actually, I just want to be with you once. Even if it's only 61 seconds, 25 hours or 13 months.

11. Some people say that marriage is the grave of love, but I mean marriage is the source of love. My darling, marry me, I won't make you sad or cry, I will make you feel more loved than before!

12. You are the only one in my heart, regardless of the flaws and advantages, you will be my only memory. I love you without too many words. Marry me. This love will never leave you throughout your life.

13. When will you marry me at home? Almost everything in my room has been transferred to your house...

14. Every time I see children holding hands with old grandparents. There is always an impulse, one day in a certain year. We also walked at sunset with unsteady steps. At that time, your face was full of wrinkles, and then I was also full of white hair. but. Our hands are always joined. Are you ready to follow me until that day?

15. Rich or poor, honor or disgrace, never give up.

16. Love is vigorous, desire is real, care is day and night, separation is entangled, and years Just follow its path, but life can't help but meet. I just want to be married to you forever. There will be neither joys nor sorrows in life. Marry me and write a romantic life for you and me.

17. I waited so many years, pursued this far, fell in love so deeply and cared for so sincerely. With my burning heart, I wish to give you warm and ardent love all the time, and I wish to give you peace every second. Being together in this life is mon greatest wish. If you know each other, can you marry me and make your dream come true together?

18. I can't meet Sister Feng's standards, I can't meet Sister Furong's requirements, and I can't hold back even a drop of tear in the car Mano's BMW. So, baby, I just have to. I marry you resolutely. You, marry me, we have our world.

19. In the discreet sound of crickets in the autumn moon, it is your sweet, gentle, quiet smile that breaks my loneliness, and silent desire grows like a vine. The trembling of the heart is so disturbing. Don't let me suffer from this lovesickness anymore. Marry me, my darling!

20. The scent of roses, this is my wish, the collection of diamond rings, this is my affection, the wishes of my subordinates, carry my affection, a wonderful life, fight for blessings and misfortune, happiness Coming from an intimate heart, I will offer you all myn heart a life of happiness.

Part 2 of Douyin's popular sweet proposal video with interesting accompanying text

21. The house has been sold, the car has been bought and the money has been paid, what's missing Is there anything else? After thinking about it, this beautiful house is missing a mistress. I wonder when this empty house will have a mistress worthy of her? And when you read the text message, do you feel moved?

22. My responsibility is to earn money to support my family, and your obligation is to continue to encourage me to earn money to support my family.

23. It doesn't matter if you fall in love with someone whose lifestyle is very different. You should be careful before getting married and consider whether you can tolerate each other's differences for a long time.

24. Love comes and goes a thousand times in my heart. I want to see you again. Let me know you smellso in your heart that our love is not in vain. You and me. We miss you deeply until the last day of our lives!

25. One word: think. Two words: I like it. Three words: I love you. Four words: I like you. Five words: Please marry me. Six words: We will be happy: Seven words: I love you every tomorrow. Eight words: Hold hands and grow old together. If you smile, it means you agree. If you're not smiling, it means you're emotional. Let's get married!

26. How many times have I called your name in my dreams, how many times have I looked for you in my dreams, how many times have I found you in my dreams, darling, marry me, let our dreams come true, good things come in pairs and good things always happen.

27. I can't say why I love you, but I know you're the reason I don't like others.

28. My blessings are deep, II care about you, my friendship is endless and I miss you. Distance blocks time, and time confuses the soul, but my love for you crosses the sky, and the desire to accompany you remembers time, marry me,Marry me because of true love, marry- me because of close friendship and let's happily ever after.

29. My dear, let's get married. Some people say that after marriage, the husband will no longer be as good and caring as he was before chasing his wife. But I won't, because I know there were so many people chasing you before, so many people were nice to you, but after you get married, you only have me, so I will be twice as much nice to you. marry me!

30. My love for you is my hatred for human beings, because if I fall in love with human beings, I can't focus on you.

31. Marry me! For the first time in my life, my heart moved thanks to you, Ifully realized the feeling of happiness and attachment. Marry me and don't let the whole world regret it!

32. If I could see you every day, it would be the best blessing in this world.

33. You say I'm a liar. What I want to do is lie to you for the rest of my life, hand over all my money, buy a nice car and build a big house. It's better if you can give me more money. A son, let's be happy and proud sons together! Happiness will become reality tomorrow provided you agree to be my wife!

34. Ten years ago, I made you a promise. If we stay in love for ten years and our relationship remains unchanged, we will get married and have children. We are now in the tenth year and I propose to you now. Would you marry me ?

35. We will step over the flamboyantly colored glasses, step over the walls of the ruined courtyard and crossns the dirty, shallow waters, carrying with us gentle warmth until we are all old and white-haired. Then I wait here. After a few years, you will wear white gauze and marry you.

36. I want to write poetry, about rain, about heartbreak at night, about you, but I can't.

37. I will remember your appearance, even if we have no history.

38. One person is alone, two people are in love. I don't want care, friendship or love. I want you to be my bride, put on a wedding dress and walk hand in hand. accompany me on the path of life, my heart. It is your refuge, your comfort zone, promising you a life of love and a life of love.

39. I'm very excited right now, but I don't know how to express it. These words of proposition that were initially suggested have long been forgotten. My dear, forgive me for not pmay be good at saying too many sweet words, but please believe that I have a heart that truly loves you. May the only Levi's in this life testify to me that you are my only love in this life, I am ready to protect and love you forever, throughout my life, and never be separated. Maybe these words are still too broad to say, so let me spend my whole life realizing that!

40. When the petals rain, be my beautiful wife.

Part 3 of Douyin's popular sweet proposal video with interesting accompanying text

41. The rapeseed that was just planted in the field testifies to our love; the eternal oath is the love we promise, listen to the leaves for which children play music; us, watch for us the dance of the grass; they are celebrating our wedding.,marry me!

42. Will we love for a long time? Yes, a little less than 10,000 years, because we are getting old and dyingns all. So how long will it take? I am ready to marry myself for the rest of my life.

43. To buy a diamond ring, I haven't seen fish meat for a long time. In order to have a lively and decent wedding, I left the hotel room and stayed in the church. To buy a car, I haven't slept for three days and two nights. My dear, for the sake of my sincerity and hard work, will you marry me?

44. Looking around in the vast sea of​​people, I met you , innocent and adorable, maybe It was love at first sight, maybe it was love at first sight, or maybe it was love at first sight. I fell in love with you later. Anyway, I just fell in love with you, I want to grow old with you and. tell yourself the most romantic things. If you ask me what else I want to do, I will enthusiastically say I want to marry you, give it to me!

45. On requestAs far as love is concerned, people are only asked to commit to it for the rest of their lives. Thank you God for allowing me to find you in the vast sea of ​​people, I will cherish you throughout my life. If love lasts long, it will last day and night! Marry me and I will protect you with my life.

46. There is a kind of love called strong, which persists in loving forever, gives you broad shoulders and protects you from rain and wind. There is a power called love that rides the wind and waves, just to embrace you as a wife.

47. If I were Guo Jing, you would be Huang Rong; if I were Yang Guo, you would be Xiaolong; if you were the Seven Immortals, I would be Dong Yong. Baby, marry me, I'll be your husband forever!

48. My friend's computer was updated again. I think our relationship should also be improved, right? If they change the motherboard, memory and processor, let's change the title"boyfriend" in ". Husband", please replace "girlfriend" with "wife", okay?

49. Sincerity has never moved the world, wishes did not shake the world, love has no joy, life does not seek the world, I only want to be with you. You spoke about everything, even through the ice and snow, thank God for marrying me and for having written immense happiness with you.

50. How many years of affection have led to today, how much true love has come through love, how much sincere commitment has led to the present, how much happiness and joy awaits us to continue together, marry me, let's bring happiness. Let's see it through to the end.

51. Falling in love is a beautiful feeling. Meeting yourself, understanding yourself and falling in love with you made it possible to achieve this beauty. I love you deeply and thank you! I am ready to hold hands with you for a lifetime, fall in love, accompany you and stay etogether for a lifetime!

52. You are my heart, you are my liver and you are three-quarters of me.

53. I spend my whole life looking for reasons to love you, and I will tell you one by one when we enter heaven hand in hand.

54. I am an ordinary person. But I have an extraordinary heart. I'm a person who gets hurt easily, don't make me sad. marry me!

55. The like is just a touch of love. like, I love him deeply. I hope I don't have to send you home in the future, but we can go home together.

56. Some people say that marriage is a city under siege, and I am ready to build you the most beautiful palace in the city; a colorful butterfly and become an immortal with you. Life with you is the most beautiful, and marrying you is the sweetest feeling! Baby, marry me!

57. If I can have this honor, I would like to accompany you all my life, all theyear. In spring, I walk gently with you among the blooming flowers; in summer, I accompany you to run by the cheerful river; in autumn, I accompany you to stroll under the red maple forest; in winter, I accompany you to sit around; to a blazing stove.

58. Maybe you can't be a big hero in this life, but it would be nice to be a warm man who covers you.

59. I don't know how long a life is. No one can understand how many destinies there are. It doesn't matter how far this road is. end of the world with you, I will cherish that you are my girlfriend every second! You were born with a smile that touches my heart. I sincerely love you for the rest of my life. I worry that others will chase you and make me inattentive at work. I'm happy when I see you, I will always be. very sincere towards you. I will never change my heart for the rest of my life. The monde will no longer be the same.

60. Give me my shoulders, and I will be your support for life; give you my hands, and I will be your companion for life; give you my heart, and I will be your eternal destination. . Marry me and I will protect you, love you and promise you a life of love.

Classic Douyin Phrases_Classic Douyin Essay Words

The reasons why Ye Anan does not show his face in Douyin may be as follows:

p>1. Personal wishes: Ye Anan may not want to show his face on the public platform. It's his personal choice.

2. Privacy Protection: As with faceless live streaming, this is about protecting privacy and avoiding overexposure.

3. Live broadcast style: In the live broadcast, Ye Anan may not want to confuse his image with the live broadcast content and hopes to maintain a unique style.

4. Rulesof the Platform: Douyin may have relevant regulations or requirements that prohibit or restrict presenters from showing their faces during live broadcasts.

Whatever the reason, we must respect everyone's choice and decision.

Now Douyin software is popular on the streets, and almost everyone has this software on their mobile phones. Many people worry that Douyin doesn't know what copy to write. How can a good video not match the copy? Here are the classic Douyin phrases I compiled - Classic Douyin Essay Words Welcome to read and share.

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< p> 1. If you smile too much, others will think you're a characterless fool.

2. Someone asked me what spring was, then I remembered the first time I met you.

3. Qing Hongyan. Steeped in the mortal world, it is difficult to write a wonderful book, and a piece of paper is a melancholy tale.

4. If one day I can't help but ask you, you will have to lie to me. No matter how reluctant you are, don't tell me that the person you love most is not me.

5. Not every “I’m sorry” can be exchanged for an “It’s okay.” Don't think that all excusesit can bring everything back to the same situation as yesterday. Sometimes the excuses are just yours. relief, not the relief of others.

6. Please don't appear in my dreams. I can no longer afford this loss when I wake up.

7. There is no one in this world who loves each other but cannot be together. If they are not together, it only means that the love is not deep enough, at least love is more important than love. factors that separate you. From this point of view, there is nothing to regret.

8. I never changed, I just learned to disguise myself. Getting through life's darkest and darkest times, as well as the most difficult times.

9. If you treat me like a human being, I will treat you like a human being. If you treat me like a ghost, I will act like a ghost towards you.

10. The so-called experience is simply taking the wrong path,to believe in bad people and deep or superficial scars etched on the heart.

11. In fact, I really want to find someone to talk to, but I don't know where to start, I say nothing and tell myself that everything will be fine tomorrow.

12. Emotional people crave a sense of existence. They deliberately say sarcastic things just to get your attention. You must know that these awkward and unintentional dislikes are all my unspeakable love.

13. The best love has no beginning or end, it just wants to be together, that's all.

14. You never know how many versions of yourself there are in other people's mouths, so just be who you are.

15. Love with your heart, not with your eyes; make a decision with courage, even if the decision is wrong, it is better than making no decision at all.

16. There are hundreds of beauties in the world, but you are mypreferred.

17. No matter how bad something happens today, you shouldn't feel sad. Life is short. Before you go to bed each night, forgive everyone and everything.

18. Waiting and not waiting, I waited for the presence and the absence; Anyway, I already care; there is always an answer to everything; Instead of worrying, it is better to let nature do its work.

19. There are trees in the mountains. You are so thoughtful. The stars were like you last night.

20. My sadness at sunset is like a melancholy bird, and the melancholy bird flies in my sadness at sunset.

21. Some people will always remain engraved in our memory. Even if we forget his voice, his smile and his face, the feeling every time I think of him is that it will never change.

22. In your scenario, I am ready to play yoursupporting role. The principle is that this supporting role is irreplaceable.

23. I'm still waiting for you where you are, but you forgot you were here.

24. This sword measures three feet and one inch. I've killed a lot of people with it. If he hurts someone and kills himself, he's the best in the world. When it comes to rubbing his heart, he is not as sharp as you.

25. The leaves have returned to the embrace of the earth, and it is time for you to return to my embrace.

26. In this life, if there is someone who allows you to go through the vicissitudes of life and endure the ups and downs of destiny, without ever regretting it, how lucky are you? have.

27. Life is always like this, and people cannot be satisfied everywhere. But you still have to live with passion. There are many things worthy of love in a person's life. Don’t get discouraged just because you’re not happy with something.

28. Yes, I particularly like money, but not because I like money, but because I like the freedom that money can buy.

29. No matter how you live, there will be people who make irresponsible remarks about you behind your back. Laughing, treating yourself to bright sunshine, free ocean and letting yourself become stronger is actually the best form of contempt.

30. Never give up is a reflection of the reality of everyone's wishes. She waited for him in this dimly lit place for a long, long time, until the east gradually turned white and she could wait no longer.

31. Thousands of veils have passed, and looking back, the pure dream has already flown away. Now what remains over the years is nothing but desolation.

32. If I want to be a person who is at the top of my heart and someone loves me, then I will definitely give him all the good things and make him thebest in the world.

33. I never ask to see you, not because I'm arrogant, but because it's meaningful for us to meet only when you also want to see me.

34. Where you can see, my eyes are with you; where you cannot see, my heart is with you.

35. When two people are together, they look at their feelings; when they are separated, they look at their virtues.

36. I am doing two things now, one is to become excellent and the second is to wait for you.

37. Don't give up on your dreams, sooner or later they will shine in your hands.

38. I hope I'm a person who makes your heart beat, rather than someone you think is good after weighing the pros and cons and analyzing the pros and cons.

39. There will always be someone who will change to please you. He wasn't born with a good character, but he just pafraid of losing you.

40. The promise is too cheap and the experience is unreliable. I will be kind to anyone who is by my side now.

41. In life, all the beautiful things we encounter in life are counted in seconds.

42. If you care too much about other people's opinions, there will be two ends: you will either die of exhaustion or you will let others torture you to death.

43. The warmth you give is like warm milk On a windy morning, it is so comfortable to drink a full cup.

44. When I wake up every morning and see you and the sun, that’s the future I want.

45. Everyone should learn to enrich their own life and have their own way of being alone.

46. Waiting for a colorful floral event is bliss. Building dreams with the people you love under the sun is happiness. It's also the joy of aging slowly while keeping a healthy balance.period of time interspersed with heat and cold.

47. I hope that after we part, my wife will comb her temples again, sweep her eyebrows beautifully and look graceful and graceful. I hope I will choose the master of high officials, explain my grudges, and don't even hate you. Give birth to joy.

48. The judgment of a person's quality depends not only on the people with whom he associates, but also on those with whom he refuses to associate.

49. I want to have a very, very long future with you. I really want to get everyone's blessing from you. I really want to accompany you throughout your life and live up to everyone's warmth.

50. I only dare to look at you with my peripheral vision. At that time, I just felt that you were beautiful by the water, gentle in the snow and pleasant to look at.

51. Sometimes you can fall from the sky orthe forest, but the best way is to fall in love with me.

52. I know you are alone for so long, but after being flattered, do not rush to reveal your heart and soul. You should calm down and observe whether the other person is a human or a human being. a ghost.

53. Even though you will never forget some people, they will never affect your life again.

54. Who affectionately pursues me on the road to Huangquan for the rest of my life; who keeps my promise on the Naihe Bridge for the rest of my life. Who listens to my lifelong dispute by the Wangchuan River; who remembers my lifelong sorrow on Wangxiang Terrace.

55. You only saw me turn around silently and calmly at the end, but you did not see that I could neither eat nor sleep because of your departure, and then I said it was all over. Looks like it's over.

56. When tEverything will become a thing of the past and as you casually look back, you will remember that you were the protagonist of that scene. The memory may still be very clear, or it may have faded over the years. leaving only vague traces.

57. When you are here, spring, autumn, summer, cicadas and snow in winter; when you are not there, spring, summer, autumn and winter.

58. If I delete a moment from my life, I cannot become who I am today.

59. I can get a wrong answer every time I have to choose one of the two options, so every time I get the multiple choice question on one of the four options I get it wrong.

60. You and I are like children, filling a mysterious jam one day, tasting it little by little to see how sweet it will be.

61. You must know that everyone will be tired, that no one will be able tobear all the heartache for you and that there will always be a period of time where people will have to learn to grow on their own.

62. I am a passer-by whom you turn around and forget. Why should I accompany you to the ends of the earth wasting your time?

63. The memories are still warm, but the commitment has cooled.

64. Learning is a path strewn with thorns. You can only get through this with hard work as your weapon and diligence as your shield.

65. You never cared about me. And I always look forward to it. Is it fate or is it shame?

66. May all our regrets of the first half be the omen of surprises in the second half.

67. If you stick to one thought, you will be trapped in one thought; if you give up a single thought, you will be free in your heart.

68. A sentence that I really likeoop: Reduce the circle, make the language cleaner, improve your grades, keep the stories in your heart, and you will have what you want now.

69. Once you meet certain people, you will be hooked for a thousand years; For some people, once you start falling in love, it will be irreversible.

70. There is always a person who still lives deep in my heart, but who is no longer in life.

71. May we love each other until the end of time. I believe we can wait together until our black hair turns white. When you're here and I'm here, everything will be like cake.

72. The most heartbreaking feeling in the world is not the loss of love, but the fact that you cheated on me when I gave you my heart.

73. When you become better and better, you will meet better people.

74. Don't tell me you can fall in love withother people in the future. I never thought that feelings could be transferred at will. comes with you, I like you, serious and shy, from start to finish.

75. Every day without dancing is a betrayal of life.

76. Maturity means being less self-righteous and more self-aware.

77. If you want others to take care of your feelings, don't accept other people's feelings in everything. Only by maintaining your own results can you earn the respect of others.

78. Floating life is cool and bones come in pairs, but it's just a separation of three lives.

79. Dare to try, which means you have taken the first step towards success.

80. The scariest thing is not people's absence, but pretending to be absent.

Douyin sad popular editorial

1. There is no emotion between us, it just doesn't matterIt has nothing to do with love. That's all.

2. No matter how separated we become in the end, the kindness I once showed you is true. Anyway, I love you so much. If you carry it with indifference, there will be no more. From then on, one separated and the other separated, each was at peace and no longer disturbed each other.

3. I don't remember who said that living was more uncomfortable than dying.

4. Do you know what I'm afraid of? It's not the strangeness or the disappointment, it's the fear of having loved you desperately but not remembering you.

5. We can't be friends after a breakup because we hurt each other; we cannot be enemies because we have loved each other deeply and therefore we have become the most familiar strangers.

6. Bury everything about me and you, and from now on we will meet again as passers-by.

7. The so-called strength is simply comparer who can pretend to be indifferent.

8. Lying quietly is like leaving behind the desolation of the whole world.

9. May your next love match your opponent, be equal, long-lasting and lasting, and stay together forever.

10. Some people can't say the right thing, but no one can replace it!

11. I know very well that in the end, his mouth will kiss someone else's lips, and I will give you the gift of love. Everything that has been given to me, everything that has not been given to me, is completely given to another.

12. No matter how separated we become in the end, my kindness to you is true. I hope you will not regret knowing me and that you will be truly happy.

13. I used to think that sad people would shed a lot of tears, but it turns out that real sadness wouldn't shed a single tear. Everything will pass, it's likethat's what we survive.

14. God gave me the right to pursue you, and Cupid gave you the obligation to enjoy love. Destiny has made it so that I love you every minute and every second, because. for the love of you, I am in love with you, accept my love!

15. Lonely nights, illusory intoxication, our love was once beautiful.

16. You say how strong I am, but I don't have more heart than the others.

17. Time throws the fleeting years into the abyss, and pain is the pulse of the abyss.

18. At the end of the day, you are still you, but we are no longer us.

19. Love is like a kite whose string is broken, it suddenly loses its direction.

20. The wind in this city is very strong at night, driving away magnanimity and exaggeration. You always miss home when you're tired, and you miss it when you're alone.

21. It's just a journey togetherthe, why make the memories longer than the passage.

22. I love you so deeply that in the end I even stray.

23. Sometimes love is just a moment, it comes suddenly and goes quickly.

24. A little lonely, a little painful, a little public, a little overwhelmed, a little in need of comfort.

25. Deep loveThe sea cannot withstand the lost years. After all, I'm still the same old person.

26. I gave you my heart, but you killed me with your indifferent eyes.

27. The dreams I once had were shattered on the ground. I picked them up and tried to piece them together. Then they were broken again and I glued them back together until they were together. day when I could no longer put them back together.

28. If I hadn't added you as a friend at the beginning, I wouldn't have so many emotions later.

29. Who can understand the sadness of being alone in the sky of Paris?

30. JI want to speak warmly to someone, but it's just me and loneliness.

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