Where to catch monsters in Pokemon Ruby

Introduction Pokémon Ruby Catch Monster Location No.001 Frog: Meadow on Road 120 No.002 Bullfrog: No.001 Frog LV16 Evolution No.0

Where to catch monsters in Pokemon Ruby

No.001 Frog: Meadow on Route 120

No.002 Bullfrog: No.001 Frog LV16 Evolution

No.003 Strange Frog: No.002 Bullfrog LV36 Evolution < /p> p>

No.004 Firebird: Meadow on Route 113

No.005 Speedy Bird: No.004 Firebird LV16 Evolution

No.006 Super Bird : No. .005 Speed ​​Bird LV36 Evolution

No.007 Water Elf: 123 Road Pool

No.008 Elf Monster: No.007 Water Elf LV16 Evolution

No.009 Super Elf: No.008 Elf Monster LV36 Evolution

No.010 Pipi Dog: 101/103 Road

No.011 Haired Dog black: No.010 Pipi Dog LV18 Evolution Fighter loading level 3

No.012 Needle Rat: 101/102/103 Road Grassland

No.013 Big Flying Squirrel: No. 012 Needle Rat LV20 Evolution Bump Mountain Grassland

No. p>

No.014 Barkworm: Forest Grassland

No.015 Small White Worm: ♀No.014 Barkworm LV7 Evolution Forest Grassland

No. 016 Yellow Butterfly: No.015 White Worm LV10 Evolution Route 119

No.017 Mealworms: No.014 Barkworm LV7 Evolution Forest Meadow

No.018 Flower Butterfly: No.017 Mealworm LV10 Evolution Route 119

No. 019 Wall Beast: Grassland on Route 102

No.020 Light Leaf Beast: No.019 Wall Beast LV14 Evolution Route 114< /p>

No.021 Qidianmon: No.020 Light Leaf Beast Water Stone Evolution

No.022 Seed Monster: Route 102 Grassland

No.023 Bud Monster: No. .022 Seed Monster LV14 Evolution Route 114

No.024 Qili Monster: No.023 Bud Monster Leaf Stone Evolution Meteor Waterfall

No .025 Ma Yan: Grassland on Route 104/ 116

No.026 Ma Yan: No.025 Ma Yan LV22 Evolution Road 115

No.027 Seagulls: The sea surface is everywhere

No .028 Rain -Eating Birds: No.027 Seagull LV25 Evolution Random Encounter on the Sea Surface

No.029 Sentient Beast: 104 Grasslands on the Road

No.030 God Intelligent Beast: No. 029 Sentient Beast LV20 Evolution Fighter is tanklocated on the 2nd floor

No.031 Night Sand Beast: No.030 Divine Beast LV30 Evolution

No.032 Water Spider Monster: 102 Road Pool

No.033 Giant Spider Monster: No. 032 Water Spider Monster LV22 Evolution 102 Road Pool

No.034 Muguomon: Grassland on 104 Road

No.035 Musumon: No.034 Mugomon LV23 Evolution


No.036 Leaf-Eating Beast: Grassland on Route 116

No.037 Mad Monkey: No.036 Beast leaf eater LV18 Evolution Route 118

No. 038 Giant and Fierce Monster: No.037 Mad Monkey LV36 Evolution Fighter Charges to the 1st Floor

No.039 Casey: Inside the Cave on Route 116

No .040 Yongjira: No. .039 Casey LV16 Evolution

No.041 Hu Di: No.040 Yongjila LV35 Evolution (old version is communication evolution)

No.042 Earth Boring Worm: Grass on route 116

N°043 Two-winged wasp: N°042 Ground boring worm LV20 evolves towards Route 123

N°044 Venom beeeuse: No.042 Ground boring worm LV20 evolves into No.043 Two-winged wasp Automatically generated (a space must be left in the team) Route 123

No.045 Little Qiqi: In the cave of Route 116

No.046 Takamumon: No.045 Little Qiqi LV20 Evolution

No.047 Bahrain: No.046 Takamumon LV40 Evolution Fighter is loaded on the 1st floor

No.048 Laughing Bear: Inside the Cave on 106 Road Stones

< p>No.049 Big Bear Monster: No.048 Laughing Bear LV24 Evolution Fighter Loading Level 1

No.050 Angora: Fish with low-level fishing rods in various pools around town

No. 051 Goldfish King: No.050 Horned Goldfish LV33 Evolved Meteor Falls Fishing with Advanced Fishing Rod

No.052 King Carp: You can catch it anywhere there is water

< p>No.053 Gyarados Dragon: No.052 Carp King LV20 Evolution

No.054 Lilly Rat: You can meet the male No.055 Water Rat in the lake on route 114/120 with tides for ponegg size

No.055 Water Rat: No.054 Lili Rat Intimacy Evolution

No.056 Big Water Rat: No.055 Water Rat LV18 Evolution

Xiaoquan Stone No. 057: Most of the caves in the rock system are distributed. All rock fragments are encountered randomly.

Rumble Stone #058: Fist Stone #057, part of rock evolution LV25. fragments are encountered randomly.Opportunity (I forgot the details)

No.059 Rumble Rock: No.058 Rumble Stone level evolution (the old version is a communication evolution) The fighter charges 2 layers of broken rock

No.060 Powerful monster: obtained from the three layers of broken rock in the stone cave on route 106

No.061 Little squirrel : Grasslands on Route 116

No.062 Big Squirrel: No.061 Small Squirrel from Moonstone Evolution

No.063 Sonic Bat: Found in most caves

No.064 Big Mouth Bat: No.063 Sonic Bat evolves directly in most caves. high-level caves All

No. 065 Double-winged bat: No. 064 Evolution of the intimacy of the big-mouthed bat

No. 066 Agate jellyfish : Distributed in all marine areas< /p>

No.067 Stinging jellyfish: No.066 Agate jellyfish LV30 Evolution in the waters inside the abandoned ship

No.068 Yamira : The third floor of the stone cave on Route 106

No.068 Yamira: The third floor of the stone cave on Route 106

No.069 Guji Special: The third floor of the stone cave on Route 106

No.070 Little Dragon: The second floor of the stone cave on Route 106

No.071 Little Dragon: No.070 Little Dragon LV32 Evolution Fighter Loading Level 2

No.072 Violent Dragon: No.071 Little Dragon LV42 Evolution

No.073 Wrist Strength: Level 1 stone cave on the 106th road

No.074 Powerful: No.073 Arm strength LV28Evolution

No.075 Strange Power: No.074 Powerful Evolution LV45 (Old Communication Evolution)

No.076 Meditation Beast: Route 122, Sunset Mountain Grassland

No.077 Jialeimu: No.076 Meditation Beast LV37 Evolution Fighter Loading Level 1 and 2

No.078 Lightning Monster: Grassland on Route 118

No.079 Thunder Beast : No.078 Lightning Monster LV26 Evolution

No.080 Raslu: Grassland on the road 110

No.081 May: 110 Grassland on the road

No .082 Magnemite: The new silver foil on the 110 Water Road

No.083 Three-in-one Magnemite: No.082 Magnemite LV30 Evolution 110 The new silver foils on the water road Water

No.084 Thunder Ball: 110 The Powerhouse on Water Route 110 The New Silver Leaves on Water Route

No.085 Naughty Bullet : No.084 Thunder Ball LV30 Evolution 110 New Silver Leaves on the Water Road

No.086 Qili: Grassland on the 119th Road

No.087 Diamond Beast: Grassland on the 119th Route

< p>NO.088 Walking Grass: Grassland on the 110th Road

No.089 Stinky Flower: No.088 Grass who walks in the hunting zone of evolution LV21

No.090 Rafflesia: No.089 The evolution of smelly flower and leaf stone

No.091 Beautiful flower: No. 089 The evolution of the smelly flower and the sunstone

No. 092 Duoduo: A certain grassland in the hunting area (find it yourself, not difficult)

No.093 Dodoli: No.092 Dodo LV31 Evolution

No.094 Lianmon: Grassland on the 117th Road

No.095 Library Forest Monster : 110 Grasslands on the road

No.096 Makki: No.095 Kulin Monster LV26 Evolution

No.097 Bania: 119/121/ 122 Use low altitude fishing with a fishing rod

No.098 Niamon: No.097 Bania LV30 Evolution 124-126 Advanced fishing rod for fishing in the waters

No.099 Whale Pippi: For use in most areass maritime Intermediate pole fishing

N°100 Giant whale: N°099 Whale Pipi LV40 Evolution

N°101 Mud Strange: In the desert on route 111

No. 102 Bakumon: No.101 Mud Strange LV33 Evolution

No.103 Little Snail: The Flame Cave on Route 112

No.104 Snail: No.103 Little Snail LV38 Evolution

No.105 Koos Monster: The Flame Cave on Route 112

No.106 Stinky Mud: The Flame Cave on Route 112

No .107 Stinking Sludge: No.106 Stinking Sludge LV38 Evolution

Gas Bomb #108: The Flame Cave on Route 112

Double Bomb #109: No. 108 LV35 Evolution Gas Bomb No. 128 Sea Area Underwater Cave

No.110 Bomb Monster: Grassland on Route 112

No.111 Fusi Monster: No.110 Bomb Monster LV32 Evolution

No.112 Mountain Rat: The Prairie on Route 113

No.113 Mountain Rat: No.112 Mountain Rat LV22 Evolution

No.114 Beech Bear: Meadowon route 113

< p>Giant bird n°115: The meadow on route 113

Big-headed monster n°116: In the desert on route 111

< p >No.117 Babimon: No.116 Big Head Monster LV35 Evolution

No.118 Laimon: No.117 Babymon LV45 Evolution

No.119 ShaDesert Beast: In the Desert on Route 111

No.120 Nikus: No.119 Desert Beast LV32 Evolution

No.121 Skylark: In the Grasslands on Route 114

No .122 Great Lark: No.121 Skylark LV35 Evolution

No.123 Snow Rat: Meadow on Route 118

No.124 Hatch Snake: Meadow on Route 118


No.125 Crescent Beast: Meteor Falls on Route 115

No.126 Sunflower: Meteor Falls on Route 115

No.127 Loach: used in the lake on Route 120 Intermediate fishing rod

No.128 Dragon Loach: No.127 Loach LV30 Evolution Fighter loaded in inland waters with an advanced fishing rod

No.129 Chia Crab: 111/ 117 In the pond on the roadUse an intermediate fishing rod to fish

No.130 Italian Crab: No.129 Chia Crab LV30 Evolution Fighter Inland Water Loading Use an advanced fishing rod

No.131 Beast ancient: No. 111 in the desert

No.132 Ancient cave beast: No.131 Ancient cave beast LV36 Evolution No. 131 Tianzhu on the waterway

No. 133 Lilila & No. 135 Scorpion: ① In the upper part of the desert on route 111, collect one of the two fossils, then give it to a person in front of the computer on the 2nd floor of a building in the town of Carnegie Town (the building where the learning machine is located), and he will help you hatch it. ②You can go to the deepest part of the りゅぅせぃのたき cave on Route 115 (Go all the way, there is a relatively small cave, and there is a rectangular land in the innermost part ) < /p>

No.134 Idola: No.133 Lilila LV40 evolution

No.136 Zhenzhimon: No.135 Scorpion LV40 evolution

No.137 Bubulin: No.138 Jigglypuff breeds and lays eggs which hatch

No.138 Jigglypuff: In the cave on route 116

No.139 Jigglypuff: No.138 Jigglypuff Moon Stone Evolution

No.140 Big Yellow Croaker: 119/121/123 Fish with an intermediate fishing rod

No. 141 Beautiful Snake Beast: No.140 Big Yellow Croaker evolved in beauty and intimacy (you have to eat the fruit)

No.142 Little Electric Monster: The Ghost Tower on the Waterway 122

NO.143 Starfish: Fishing in the waters of Atian City with a high-end fishing rod

No.144 Gem Starfish: No.143 Starfish Star Water Stone Evolution

No.145 Chameleon: ① On the route from 118 to 123, some places will be blocked by invisible things, use spray on them, enter after the doseReceived after the battle! ②It is also found in certain meadows in hunting areas!

Wind puppet n°146:The Ghost Tower in the Waterway 122

Little Storm No. 147: Wind Puppet No. 146 LV37 Evolution No. 131 Tianzhu on the Waterway

Wall Punch Monster No. 148 : The ghost tower in the waterway 122

Shamaru No.149: Wall-piercing monster no.148 LV37 Evolution no.131 Tianzhu on the waterway

No.150 Long dragon neck: in some grasslands in the hunting area

No.151 Stone-toothed beast: in the ghost tower of waterway 122

No.152 Disaster Beast: In the Sunset Mountain Grasslands in Waterway 122

No.153 Vulpix: In Mount Albo Grasslands on Route 112

No.154 Kyuubi: No.153. Vulpix Fire Stone Evolution

No.155 Pichu: A pair of Pikachu or Raichu hatch from eggs

No.156 Pikachu: Forest Grassland

No.157 Thunderchu: No.156 Pikachu Thunder Stone Evolution

No.158 Gotha Duck: In the waterway 103 hunting area

No.159 Gotha Duck: No.158 Can Da Ya LV33 Evolution Fighter is charged in the inner waters

No.160 Happy Beast: No.161 Patience Beast paired with eggs to hatch (eggs given by mother-in-law)

No.161 Patience Beast: No. 128 Underwater Cave in the Sea

No.162 Doll Bird: Sunset Mountain in Waterway 122

No.163 Prophetic Bird: No.162 Doll Bird LV25 Evolution Look at the cave


No.164 Twin Beast: Meadow on Route 120

No.165 Short-legged Elephant: Meadow on Route 113

NO. 166 Wheel Elephant: No.165 Short-legleg Elephant LV25 Evolution Fighter is loaded into the second layer

No.167 Dajia: Some grasslands in the hunting area

No.168 Beetle Beast: In the meadow of Route 119, there are also some in the hunting zone

No. 169 Armored rhino: Some meadows in the hunting zone

No. 170 Armored Tyrannosaurus: No.169 Armored Rhino LV42 Evolution Fighter Loading Level 1

No.171 Snowmon : The lowest level of Kankan Cave near Waterway 125

No.172 Nicolimon: No.171 Snowmon LV42 evolution

No.173 Leopard Teeth: 125 In water near Kankan Cave (high tide) near waterway

No.174 Seal: No.173 Leopard Teeth LV32 Evolution

No.175 Crazy Leopard: N°174Seal LV44 Evolution

Shell n°176: Among the algae of the waterway 124/126

Stone shell n°177: Shell n°176 Evolution of the stone 'shell water

No.178 Beemon: No.176 The beauty of shellfish evolves (eat fruit)

No.179 Flower Thorn: Fishing with a bass fishing rod in Daogoku Town

No.180 Coral: Fish with a premium fishing rod in Waterway 115 or exchange it for beautiful flowers in Gina Town

No. 181 Double-Light Fish: Fish with a premium fishing rod on the 107/108/109 Waterway

No.182 Double-Light Big Fish: No.181Double Light Fish LV27 Evolution

No.183 Young beast: Use a high-end fishing rod to fish in the lake below Champion Road

No.184 Mo Haima: fish between sea zones 129-131 or in Jina Town with a high-end fishing rod

No.185 Sea Spinosaurus: No.184 Mo Haima LV32 Evolution

No .186 Sea Horse Dragon: No.185 Sea Thorn Dragon Water Stone Evolution

No.187 Dajima: Deep in the Meteor Falls

No.188 High Gross Profit: No. 187 Dajima LV30 Evolution

No.189 Engine Monster: No.188 high gross profit evolution LV50

No.190 Egg Monster: Go home to Daogu Town after finishing level, and you can also catch it in Tianzhu

No.191 Wind Wood Beast: No.190 Eggman LV20 Evolution

No.192 Colorful Stone Monster: No.191 Windwood Beast LV45 Evolution

No.193 Thunder Beast: Mission or in the Stone Cave

No.194 Bête du Tonnerre: Mission or look deep in the cave

No.195 Sky Thunder Beast: Mission or New Silver Leaves

No.196 Female Water City: on route 131 ( the sapphire is randomly encountered on the sea after clearing the level)

If it is 386, just be on the right side of the map. You can meet him on the sea in the lower corner. Even if you surf the sea, there is no chance. very high, so be patient. When I caught it, I also caught it by the way, Lucia

106 Waterway: 40 Red Water City [1%] 107 Waterway: 40 Blue Water City [1%]

108 Waterway: 40 Sea Royal Fang [Fishing] [Super Fishing Rod] [1%]

109 Waterway: 30-35 Lugia [60%]

New Silver Leaf: 50 Lightning Bird [4%] 50 Thunder God [1%] 50 Steel Pillar [1%]

The flame is close Route: 30-40 Phoenix [4%] Bump Island: 40 Gulaton [1%]

Mountain Sunset: 20-35 Wishing Star[1%] Look Cave: 40 Icicle [1%] ]

The deepest part of Meteor Falls: 50 Frozen Bird [10%], 30 Mew [10%], 50 Suicune [Water] [60%]

The fighter charges the first level: 50 Entei [5%]

Tianzhu: 60 Mewtwo [20%] 50 Flamebird [4%] 40 Rock pillar [4%]

50 Rayquaza [1%] 50 Diosis [1%]

No.197 Xiongshuidu: randomly encountered on the sea after completing the level (Sapphire is on route 131)

No.198 Strange Beast & No.199 Gulla Monster: Once the plot has developed and the mythical beast has escaped to Shuanglu, it can be collected at deepest of the Temple of Awakening.


No.198 Strange beast Strange beasts: 108 Waterway (still water inside the abandoned ship, I forgot)

No.199 Gulla Monster: Can also be encountered in the grassy and desert area of ​​Route 111

No.200 Mumu Beast: You can encounter it in the comb loading screenadjoining

No.201 Moon Shadow Beast: In the ghost tower on Route 122 (in front of the white tombstone on the top floor)

No.202 Lucky: Can be encountered in Tianzhu

No.203 Bulbasaur: Meadow on Route 114

No.204 Bulbasaur: No.203 Bulbasaur LV16 Evolution

< p>No.205 Venusaur: No.204 Ivysaur LV32 Evolution

No.206 Charmander: obtained by crushing the stone on the 114th route

No.207 Fire Dinosaur: No. 206 Charmander LV16 Evolution

No.208 Charizard: No.207 Fire Dinosaur LV36 Evolution

No.209 Squirtle: In the swimming pool of Tianyuan City

No. 210 Cammy Turtle: No.209 Squirtle LV16 Evolution

No.211 Blastoise: No.210 Cammy Turtle LV36 Evolution

No. 212 Green Caterpillar: Forest Grassland

No.213 Armored Nymph: No.212 Green Caterpillar LV7 Evolution

No.214 Bada Butterfly: No.213 Armored Nymph LV10 Evolution

No.215 One-horned insect: Forest Meadow

No.216 Iron-shelled insectr: No.215 Angled Insect LV7 Evolution

No.217 Giant Needle Bee: No.216 Iron Beetle LV10 Evolution

No.218 Bobo: 101/102/103 /104 Grass on the road

No.219 Bibi Bird: No.218 Bobo LV18 Evolution 114 No.220 BiDiao: No.219 BiDiao LV36 EvolutionRoute 115

Lada no.221: Grass on route 101/102/103/104

Lada No.222: Lada LV20 Evolution grass on Sunset Mountain

No.223 Flamingo: Meadow on route 103/112< /p>

No.224 Toucan: No.223 Flamingo LV20 Evolution Road 115

No.225 Arbor Snake: Grassland on Route 117

No.226 Monster of the arbor: No.225 Arbor snake LV22 Evolution No. 128 Underwater cave in the sea

No.227 Nidor (female): Meadow on road 116

No. 228 Nidona: No.227 Nidoll (Female) LV16 Evolution In the hunting area on Route 121

No.229 Nido Later: No.228 Nidona Moon Stone Evolution

No .230 Nidor (Public): Meadow on 116th Road

No.231 Nido Cano : No.230 Nidoll (male) LV16 evolves in the hunting area on Route 121

No.232 Nidoking: No.231 Nidokano Moonstone Evolution

No.233 Skin Pi: In the cave on the 116th route

No.234 Pixi: No.233 Pipi Moon Stone Evolution

No.235 Paras: In the cave on the 116th route

< p>No.236 Parasite: No.235 Paras LV24 Evolution Hunting Area

No.237 Hairball: The Concave and Convex Mountain Grassland on Route 112

No.238 Moth: No.237 Fur Ball LV31 Evolution

No.239 Gopher: The lower layer of 106 Waterway Stone Cave (the place where the Messenger Generation is located)

No. 240 Three Gophers: No.239 Gopher LV26 Evolution

No.241 Meow Meow: Meadow on Route 121

No.242 Cat Boss: No.241 Meow Meow LV28 Evolution


No.243 Monkey Monster: Grasslands on Route 112

No.244 Hot Monkey: No.243 Monkey Monster LV28 Evolution

No.245 Kati Dog: Prairie on Route 112

No.246 Wind Speed ​​​​​Dog: No.245 Kati Dog Fire Stone Evolution Tianyuan

No.248 Mosquito Flavor Frog: No.247 Mosquito Taste Tadpole Evolution LV25

No.249 Fast Swimming Frog: No.248 Frog Water Stone with the taste of mosquitoEvolution

No.250 Morning flower: Meadow on route 117

No.251 Kouduhua: No.250 Morning flower LV21 Evolution on route 118

No.252 Big Food Flower: No.251 Evolution of the Silly Mosaic Stone

No.253 Little Fire Horse: Meadow on Route 112

No.254 Flame Horse: No.253 Little Fire The Horse LV40 Evolution Fighter is charged on the 1st floor

No.255 Slowpoke: In the pool on Route 111

No.256 Slowpoke: No .255 Slowpoke LV37 Evolution

No.257 Shallot Duck: The Grassland on Route 115

No.258 Little Sea Lion: In the Waters of Ka Cavenkan on the waterway 125

No.259 White seal: No.258 Little sea lion LV34 evolution

No.260 Big tongue clam: advanced fishing rod 103/124 on track navigable or found in seabed aquatic plants

No.261 Iron-shelled clam: No.260 Evolution of the big-tongued clam waterstone

No. 262 Ghost: In the ghost tower on the island on waterway 122

No.263 Ghost Stone: No.262 Evolution Ghost LV25

No.264 Gengar: No.263 Evolution of the level of the ghost stone (level uncertain)

No.265 Big Rock Snake: in the cave of the 106 waterway stones

Sulip n°266: Meadow on the road 117

Sulip n°267: Sulip n°266 Evolution LV26

Crab n°268: route 103/110 and near Atian Intermediate rod fishing in town

No.269 Giant claw crab: No.268 LV28 Evolution crab

No.270 Dandan: Some grasslands in the hunting area

No .271 Coconut tree: No .270 Eggleaf Stone Evolution

No.272 Kola Kola: In Waterway Stone Cave 106

No.273 Gala Gala: No.272 Korra Evolution of Korra LV28

No. 274 Shawarang: No. 371 Balamon's attack power is greater than its defense power at evolution LV20

No. 275 Abby Lang: No. 371 Balamon evolves when its attack power is lower than its defense power at LV20

No.276 Big Tongue: encountered in the underwater cave of 128 Waterway

No.277 Lucky Egg: Hunting The meadow in the upper left corner of the hunting area (use the wind horse bike to get there)

No.278 Vine Monster: The grassland in the upper left corner of the hunting area (use the wind horse bike to get there)

No.279 Dragon Bag: Hunting area on the left The grassy area above (use the Fengma bike to get there)

No.280 Suction Cup Golem: the area in the middle of Meteor Falls

No.281 Flying Mantis: The grassy area in the upper right corner of the hunting area (use the sand path. Bikes pass)

No.282 Sister Mizui: The ground floor of Kankan Cave near waterway 125

No. 283 Electric Beast: The New Silver Leaf on Waterway 110

No.284 Duck-billed Dragon: Inside the Flame Cave on Route 112

No.285 Kentero: The grassland on the upper left side of the hunting area

No.286 Riding the Dragon: Look at the water in the cave near waterway 125

< p>No.287 Variety Monster: Collect the rocks on Route 111 with broken rocks

No.288 Yibu: The grass on Route 121

< p>No.289 Elf of water: No.288 Eevee evolves after using the water stone

No.290 Thunder Elf: No.288 Eevee evolves after using the thunder stone

No .291 Fire Spirit: No.288 Eevee evolved after using firestoneu

No. 292 Dragon Three D: 110 New Silver Leaf on the Water Route

No.293 Ammonite Beast: 115 Route The Depths of Meteor Falls (Waterway)

No.294 Ammonite Dragon: No.293 Ammonite Beast LV40 Evolution

No.295 Fossil Helmet: The Depths of Meteor Falls on Route 115 (Waterway)

No.296 Sickle Helmet: No.295 Fossil Helmet LV40 Evolution

No.297 Stone Winged Dragon: Deep in the meteor falls on Route 115 (the rectangular room on the ground)

No .298 Kirby: The meadow on Route 115

No.299 Frozen Bird: The lower layer of the cave near the waterway 125

No.300 Lightning Bird: In the new silver leaf on 110 Water Road

No.301 Flame Bird: in the flame cave on Route 112

No.302 Mini Dragon: the pond above to the right in the hunting area. Use high-end fishing rods to fish

No.303 Hark Dragon: No.302Mini Dragon LV30 Evolution

No.304 Fast Dragon: No.303 Hark Dragon LV55 Evolution


No. 305 Super Dream: The third floor of Tianzhuli in the sea area 131

No.306 Fantasy: Meteor falls on the road 115

No.307 Chico Profit: Grasslands on the 117th Road< /p>

No.308 Flower Beast: No.307 Chicoli LV16 Evolution

No.309 Giant Flower Beast: No.308 Flower Beast LV32 Evolution

No .310 Fire Lan: Inside the Flame Cave on Route 112

No.311 Flame Arashi: No.310 Fire Arashi LV14 Evolution

No.312 Blazing Beast : No.311 Flame Arashi LV36 Evolution

No.313 Crocodile: Fish in the lower left pond of the hunting area with a high-end fishing rod

No.314 Original Crocodile: No.313 Crocodile LV18 Evolution

No.315 Strange Crocodile: No.314 Original Crocodile LV30 Evolution

No.316 Long-tailed Beast: 102/104 grasslands on the road

No.317 Big-tailed beast: No.316 Long-tailed beast evolution LV15 in bumpy mountain grassland


No.318 Kitty Hawk: 102/104 Road Grassland

No.319 Owl: No.318 Kitty Hawk LV20 Evolution In the Alpine Mountain Grassland

Beetle No. 320: Touウカのもり Forest Meadow

Insect Beast No.321: Beetle No.320 LV18 Evolution Route 114

No.322 One-horned Spider: Touウカのもり Forest and Grassland

No.323 Big-horned Spider: No.322 One-horned Spider LV22 Evolution Route 114

No. 324 Petit Pipi: No.233 Pipi combines to lay eggs and hatch


No.325 Wave Comparable: The meadow on Route 123 (you have to swim there)

< p>No.326 Winged beast: No.325 Evolution of intimacy comparable to the wave

No.327 Little sheep: Grassland on the 110th road

No.328 Sheep: No.327 Little Sheep LV15 Evolution

No.329 Tianlong: No.328 Sheep LV30 Evolution No.131 Sky on the Water Road Column

No.330 False tree: In the desertrt on Route 111< /p>

No.331 Big Water Frog: No.248 Mosquito Frog evolves with Sun Stone

No.332 Leaf Grass: Meadow on Route 104< /p>

No. 333 Flower Beast: No.332 Grass Leaf LV18 Evolution on Route 120

No.334 Floating Flower Beast: No.333 Flower Beast LV27 Evolution

No.335 Ape Beast : Meadow on Route 120

No.336 Grass Seeds: Meadows on Route 120

No.337 Sunflower: No.336 Grass Seeds Evolution of Sunstone< /p>

No.338 Featherfly Flower: Meadow on Route 123

No.339 Little Water Monster: Route 110/117/120

No.340 Slowpoke: N °339 Little aquatic monster LV21 Evolution

No.341Light Elf: No.288 Evolution of Eevee's Moonstone

No.342 Night Elf: No.288 Evolution of Eevee Moonstone

No.343 Black Feathered Bird: 122 Road to the Sun The grassland above the falling mountain

No.344 Hippo King : No.225 Silly Hippo Water Stone Evolution

No.345 Fire Beast: The Ghost Tower on Route 122

No.346 Anon: Inside the Temple of Awakening

No.347 Pinecone Beast: The concave mountain meadow on Route 112

No.348 Stone Fruit Beast: No.347 Pinecone Beast LV31 Evolution

No. 349 Earth Dragon: Obtained from the Broken Rock in 106 Waterway Stone Cave

No.350 Crab Bug: 113 Grasslands on the Road< /p>

No.351 Super Hard Worm: No .265 Big Rock Snake Level Evolution (level uncertain)

No.352 Blue: Meadow on Route 121

No.353 Big Blue: No.352 Blue LV23 Evolution

No.354 Pufferfish: 104 Intermediate Waterway Rod Fishing

No.355 Hard Beast: No.281 Flying Mantis Intimacy Evolution< /p>

No.356 Hu Hu: Collect it from the rock fragments in the upper right corner of the hunting area

No.357 Three-tailed beast: Look in the hole near waterway 125

No.358 Little Bear: The Grasse on Route 112

No.359 Big Bear: No.358 Little Bear LV30 Evolution 125 Look in the cave near the waterway

No.360 Little Pig Monster: Look in the cave near the waterway 125

No.361 Hairy Pig: No.360 Pig Monster LV33 Evolution

No.362 Water Spear: Advanced Rod Fishing in Waters 105/106

No.363 Squid: No.362 Water Gun LV25 Evolution

No.364 Geely Bird: Look at the bottom of the cave near Waterway 125

No.365 Fish Monster: Use in Sea Zones 107/108/109/115. Intermediate rod fishing

No.366 Dark Dog: The meadow on the island on Road 122

No.367 Devil Dog: No.366 Dark Dog LV24 Evolution Fighter Level of loading 3

No.368 3D Dragon 2: No.292 Three-D Dragon Intimacy Evolution< /p>

No.369 Little Tail Deer: 123 Meadow on the Road (swum)

No. 370 Illustrated dog: Meadow on the road 118

No.371 Balamon: Meadow on the road112

Capola #372: Balamon #371 attack power at LV20Equal to defense evolution

Big-eyed girl #373: Miss Lip # 282, paired with eggs to hatch

Electric beast No.374: Electric beast No.283 paired with eggs to hatch

No.375 Fire-breathing beast: No.284 duck-billed dragons team up and lay eggs to hatch

No.376 Giant Cow: Grassland on 121 Route

No.377 Happy Egg: No.277 Auspicious Egg Intimacy Evolution

No.378 Telephone Beast & No.379 Earth Beast & No.380 Fairy Beast: Inside the Temple of Awakening in Shuanglu Town (a guy on the first floor)

No.381 Armored Baby Beast: Deep in the cave where Meteor Falls is

No.382 Armored Little Beast: No. 381 Baby Armored Beast LV30 Evolution

No. 383 Large Armored Beast: No.382 Small Armored Beast LV55 Evolution

No.384 Lucia: 124/126 Seabed

< p>No.385 Golden Phoenix: Sunset Mountain in the Prairiewaterway 122

No.386 Celebi: The meadow without volcanic ash on the left side of the bumpy mountain on Route 112

The fire stone, water stone, stone Grass, Thunder Stone, Moon Stone Fire Stone, Sun Stone

Fire Stone (Feiyin Town/Flame Shortcut) Water Stone (Shuanglu Town/Shuanglu Town Lawn left) Grass Stone (Hichuan Town/Meteorological Research Institute) A hidden location nearby (search it carefully) Thunder Stone (Silverleaf Town/Power Plant (after beating the fifth gym)) Moon Stone ( Hatch Town/Meteor Cave) Sun Stone (Dogu City/Rocket Launch Base) (Talk to people))

(Buy in the front, collect in the back.) All can be purchased (2,100 yuan) except Moon Stone (0 yuan)

Eevee can be used All stones

Fire stone: unknown (except Eevee)

Grass stone : egg, stinking flower

< p>Water stone: bet beastslack

Thunder Stone: Pikachu

Moon Stone: Pipi, Jigglypuff

Sun Stone: Stinky Flower

< p> Attachment:

Flaming Shortcut: Flame Bird, Wind King

Power Plant: Lightning Bird, Steel God Pillar

Meteor Falls: Fantasy

The First thing is to eat the monster box made from tree fruits.

You mean the blue turban Maximize the beauty of a certain monster and place it at the front of the line. In the house with the gray-green roof, talk to the president who wears the hat (How is your monster? Let me see!), and he will give you the turban). Encountered in the meadow in the upper left part of the hunting area. (use the accelerating bike to go up the slope in the upper left part of the hunting area, go up to the right, there will be a lake, there is one in the meadow near the lake)

Use trick bike, press A and B keys + direction keys to jumpon top.

The red water regulator is to the left of Shanyu, the blue water regulator is in the full image of Gulla's random monster desert

Great wooden fishing rod at the bottom of the Qiqi beast abandoned ship The wooden beast Tianzhu Diosis is on the third floor of the Tianzhu

Mewtwo is on the third floor of the Tianzhu and Dream is on the popular Celebi waterfall is on the concave and convex island.

The moon shadow beast is in the sunset cave. The lower part of the top floor

Toureji is in the stone cave where Dai Hou is located. The Ice God Pillar is in the Ice Cave in Kankan Cave

The Steel God Pillar is in the New Silver Leaf

If you wish always ask questions, send me a message


Please share more points, thanks, haha

It's more comprehensive than the ones below


Ruby 386 Illustrated Friday May 25, 200713:03No.001 Frog: Meadow on Route 120

No.002 Bullfrog: No.001 Frog LV16 Evolution

No.003 Strange Frog: No.002 Bullfrog LV36 evolution< /p>

No.004 Firebird: Meadow on Route 113

No.005 Speedy Bird: No.004 Firebird LV16 evolution

No.006 Super Bird: No. 005 Speed ​​Bird LV36 Evolution

No.007 Water Elf: 123 Road Pool

No.008 Elf Monster: No.007 Water Elf LV16 Evolution

No.009 Super Elf: No.008 Elf Monster LV36 Evolution

No.010 Dog Pee: Route 101/103

No.011 Dog black hair: No.010 Pip Dog LV18 Evolution

< p>No.012 Needle rat: 101/102/103 Road meadows

No.013 Large flying squirrel: No.012 Rat needles LV20 Evolution

No.014 Barkworm: トウカのもりForest meadow

No.015 Small white worm: No.014 Barkworm evolves with higher AT smaller than DF at LV7

No.016 Yellow butterfly: No.015 White insect LV10 Evolution

No.017 Mealworm: No.014 Bark Bug LV7 AT is superior to DF Evolution

No.018 Flower Butterfly: No.017 Small Mealworm LV10 Evolution

No.019 Parietal Beast: Prairie on Route 102

No.020 Bright Leaf Beast: No.019 Wall Beast LV14 Evolution

No.021 Superior Strange Beast: No.020 Water Stone Evolution of Light Leaf Beast

Seed Monster #022: 102 Road Grassland

Bud Monster #023: Evolution of Seed Monster #022 LV14

No.024 Qili Monster: No.023 Bud Monster Leaf Stone Evolution

No.025 Ma Yan: 104/116 Grasslands on the Road

No.026 Ma Yan: No.025 Ma Yan LV22 evolution

No.027 Seagulls: everywhere on the surface of the sea

No.028 Rain-eating bird: No.027 Seagulls LV25 evolution

No.029 Sensing Beast: Grassland on the 104th Road

No.030 Divine Beast: No.029 Sensing Beast LV20 Evolution

No.031 Night Sand Beast : No. 030 Divine Beast LV30 Evolution

No.032Water Spider Monster: Pool on Route 102

No.033 Giant Spider Monster: No.032 Water Spider Monster LV22 Evolution

No. 034 Woodland Fruit Beast: Grassland on Road 104

No.035 Woodland Fruit Beast: No.034 Woodland Fruit Beast LV23 Evolution

No.036 Leaf Eater: Grassland Route 116

No.037 Mad Monkey: No.036 Leaf-Eating Beast LV18 Evolution

No.038 Giant Monster: No.037 Mad Monkey LV36 Evolution

No.039 Kai West: Inside the cave on Route 116

No.040 Yongjira: No.039 Casey LV16 evolution

No.041 Hu Di: No .040 Yongjira level evolution (old version is Communication Evolution)

No.042 Ground Boring Worm: 116# Road Grassland

No.043 Diptera Wasp: No.042 Earth Borer LV20 Evolution

No.044 Poisonous Bee: No.042 Earth Borer LV20 evolves into No.043 Double-winged Bee, which is automatically generated (a space must be left in the team)

No.045 Little Qiqi: In the cave on Route 116


No.046 Gaomumon: No.045 Little Qiqi LV20 Evolution

No.047 Bahrain: No.046 Gaomumon LV40 Evolution

No.048 Laughing Bear:Inside the 106th Cave いしのどうくつ

No.049 Big Bear Monster: No.048 Laughing Bear LV24 Evolution

No.050 Horned Goldfish: Fish with low-level fishing rods in various ponds around town.

No.051 Royal Goldfish: No.050 Horned Goldfish LV33 Evolution

No.052 Royal Carp: You can catch wherever there is water


No. 053 Gyarados: No.052 Magikarp LV20 Evolution

No.054 Lilly Rat: You can meet him in the lake on route 114/120

No.055 Water Rat: No.054 Lili Rat Intimacy Evolution

No.056 Big Water Rat: No.055 Water Rat LV18 Evolution

No.057 Small Fist Stone : Most rocks distributed in caves of all mountains

No.058 Longlong Stone: No.057 Small Fist Stone LV25 Evolution

No.059 Longlong Rock: No.058 Longlong Stone Level Evolution (old version is Evolution communication)

No.060 The monster wandering: Obtained from the three layers of broken rock in the いしのどうくつ cave on Route 106

No.061 Little Squirrel: The meadow on Route 116

No.062 Big Squirrel: No.061 Little Squirrel Moonstone Evolution

No.063 Super Sonic Bat: Found in most caves

No. 064 Big-mouthed bat: No.063 Supersonic bat evolves directly

No.065 Two-winged bat: No.064 The intimacy of the big-mouthed bat evolves< /p>

No.066 Agate jellyfish: Distributed on the sea surface

No.067 Stinging jellyfish: No.066 Agate jellyfish LV30 Evolution

No. 068 Yamira: The third floor of the hidden cave on Route 106

< p >No.069 Gurgit: The third floor of the cave on Route 106: The third floor of the grotte

No.070 Little Dragon: The second floor of the cave on Route 106: The second floor of the cave

No. 071 Little Dragon: No.070 Little Dragon LV32 evolves in China

No.072 Tyrannosaurus: No.071 Little Dragon LV42 evolves

No.073 Wrist strength: 106 Route いしのどうくつ Cave First level

No.074 Power: No.073 wrist strength LV28 evolution

No.075 Strange power: No.074 power level evolution (old evolution of communication)

< p>No.076 Meditation Beast: 122 Road ぉくりびやまIsland Grassland

No.077 Jiaremu: No.076 Meditation Beast LV37 Evolution

No.078 Lightning Monster: Meadow on Route 118

No.079 Thunder Beast: No.078 Lightning Monster LV26 Evolution

No.080 Laslu: Meadow on Route 110 < /p>

No.081 May: The meadow on Highway 110

No.082 Magnemite: In the power plant on the 110 Waterway

No.083 Three-in - a Magnemite: No.082 Magnemite Strange LV30 evolution 110In the power plant on the waterway

No.084 Thunderball: 110 In the power plant on the waterway110 In the power plant on the waterway

No.085 Naughty Bullet: No.084 Thunder Ball LV30 Evolution

No.086 Qili: Grass on Route 119

No.087 Diamond Beast: Grass on Route 119

p >

NO.088 Walking Grass: Meadow on Route 110

No.089 Stinking Flower: No.088 Walking Grass LV21 Evolution

No.090 Rafflesia: No.089 Smelly Leafstone Flower Evolution

No.091 Beautiful Flower: No.089 Smelly Flower Sunstone Evolution

No.092 Duoduo: A Certain Grassland in the hunting area


No.093 Dudori: No.092 Duoduo LV31 Evolution

No.094 Liangmon: Grassland on Route 117

No. 095 Kulin Monster: Grassland on the road 110

No.096 Ma Qiqi: No.095 Kulin Monster LV26 Evolution

No.097 Bania: 119/121/122 Fishing with a rod bass fishing inwater

< p>No.098 Niamon: No.097 Bania LV30 Evolution

No.099 Whale Pipi: Fish with an intermediate fishing rod in most sea areas

No.100 Giant Whale: No.099 Pipi Whale LV40 Evolution

No.101 Mud Strange: In the desert on Route 111

No.102 Bakumon: No .101 Mud Strange LV33 Evolution

< p>No.103 Little Snail: The Flame Cave on Route 112

No.104 Snail: No.103 Little Snail LV38 Evolution

No.105 Koos Monster: The Fire Cave on the 112th Route

No.106 Stinky Mud: The Fire Cave on the 112th Route

No.107 Stinky Mud #106: Stinky Sludge LV38 Evolution

Gas Bomb #108: The Fire Cave on the 112th Road

Double Gas Bomb #109: Gas Bomb # 108 Evolution LV35

Bomb Monster No.110: Grassland on Route 112

No.111 Fusi Monster: No.110 Bomb Monster LV32 Evolution

No.112 Mountain Rat: The meadow on Route 113

No.113 Mountain Rat: No.112 Mountain Rat LV22 Evolution

No.114 Beech Bear: Meadow on Route 113

No.115 Giant Bird: The Meadow on Route 113

No.116 Big Head Monster: In the Desert on Route 111


No.117 Babimon: No.116 Big Head Monster LV35 Evolution

No.118 Raimon: No.117 Babimon LV45 Evolution

No.119 Desert Beast: In the desert on Route 111

No.120 Nikus: No.119 Desert Beast LV32 Evolution

No.121 Skylark: In the meadows on Route 114

< p> No.122 Big Skylark: No.121 Skylark LV35 Evolution

No.123 Snow Rat: Prairie on Route 118

No.124 Hatch Snake: Meadow on Route 118

No.125 Crescent Beast: The Cave on Route 115

No.126 Sunflower: The Cave on Route 115

No.127 Loach: Use an intermediate fishing rod to fish in the lake on Route 120

No.128 Dragon Loach: No. 127 Loach LV30 Evolution

No.129 Chia Crab: 111/117 Use a cintermediate fishing rod for fishing the pond on the road

No.130 Italian crab: No.129 Chia crab LV30 Evolution

No.131 Ancient beast: In the desert on the route 111

No.132 Ancient Cave Beast: No.131 Ancient Cave Beast LV36 Evolution

No.133 Lilila & No.135 Scorpion: ① In the upper desert on route 111, get l Take one of the two fossils and give them to a person in front of the computer on the 2nd floor of a building in Carnegie Town (the building where you got the learning machine), and he will help you hatch it. ②You can go to the deepest part of the りゅぅせぃのたき cave on Route 115 (Go all the way, there is a relatively small cave, and there is a rectangular land in the innermost part ) < /p>

No.134 Idola: No.133 Lilila LV40 evolution

No.136 Zhenzhimon: No.135 Scorpion LV40 evolution

No.137 Bubulin: No .138 Jigglypuff breeds and lays eggseggs that hatch

No.138 Jigglypuff: In the cave on route 116

No.139 Jigglypuff: No.138 Jigglypuff Moon Stone Evolution

No .140 Big Yellow Croaker: 119/121/123 Fish with an intermediate fishing rod

No.141 Beautiful Snake Beast: No.140 Big Yellow Croaker has evolved in beauty and intimacy (you have to eat the fruit)

No.142 Little electric monster: Ni-ニ-キンセッri on the waterway 110

NO.143 Starfish: Fishing with a high-end fishing rod on the Miミナモシティ side of Hikawa Town

Starfish Gem No.144: No.143Starfish Star Water Stone Evolution

No.145 Chameleon: ① On the road to 118 at 123, some places will be blocked by invisible objects. Use a spray on them and enter the battle to collect it! ②It can also be found in certain meadows in hunting areas!

Wind puppet n°146: 122 The Tari tower in the waterway

Little storm n°147: Poupwind turbine n°146. Evolution LV37

Wall Punch Monster #148: ぉくりびやまTARI in Waterway 122

Shamaru #149: Wall Punch Monster #148 Evolution LV37

< p> p>No.150 Long-necked Dragon: In some grasslands in the hunting area

No.151 Stone-toothed beast: In the ghost tower of Waterway 122

< p>No.152 Disaster Beast: 122 The Ghost Tower in the Waterway

No.153 Vulpix: Feiyin Mountain Grassland on Route 112

No.154 Kyuubi : No.153 Evolution of the Six-Tailed Firestone

No.155 Pichu: A pair of Pikachu or Raichu are born from eggs

No.156 Pikachu: Forest meadow in front Jinshui City

No. 157 Thunderchu: No.156 Pikachu Thunder Stone Evolution

No.158 Accessible Duck: 103 Waterway

No.159 Gotha Duck: No.158 Accessible Duck LV33 Evolution

< p>No.160 Happy Beast: No.161 Patience Beast teams up to lay eggs and hatch (eggs given by the belle-mother)

No.161 Patience Beast: 128 Sea Area's かいていどうくつUndersea Cave

Doll Bird No.162: The Grassland in Waterway 122

Prophetic Bird No. 163: Doll Bird No. 162 LV25 Evolution

No.167 Dajia: Some grasslands in the hunting area

No .168 Beetle Beast: In the grassland on Route 119

No.169 Armored Rhinoceros: Hunting Some grasslands in the area

Armored Tyrannosaurus #170: Armored Rhinoceros #169 Evolution LV42

Snow Beast No. 171: 125 ぁさせのほらぁな near the waterway Lower Floor

No.172 Nicolimon: No.171 Snowmon LV42 Evolution

No.173 Tooth Leopard: Look at the water in the cave near waterway 125

< p>No.174 Seal: No.173 Leopard LV32Evolution

No.175 Crazy Leopard: No.174 Seal LV44 Evolution

No.176 Seashell: Among the Algae of Waterway 124/126

No. 177 Shell Stone: No.176 Evolution of Sea Shell Water Stone

No.178Bibemon: No.177 Evolution of Stone Shell Beauty (Eat Fruit)

No.179 Flower Thorn: Fishing with a low-level fishing rod on the Mitsui River of the city of Michiya

Coral #180: Fishing with a Premium Fishing Rod on Waterway 115

Double Light Fish #181: Use on the Advanced Fishing Rod waterway 107/108/109

No.182 Large Double-Light Fish: No.181 Double-Light Fish LV27 Evolution

No.183 Young Beast: Fish with a rod advanced fishing rods in the lake below Champion Road

No.184 Mohaima: use advanced fishing rods to fish between sea zones 129-131

No.185 Sea Spiny Dragon: No.184 Mohaima LV32 evolution

No.186 Seahorse: No.185 Sea Spiny Dragon Water Stone Evolution

No.187 Dajima: Deep in the cave

< p>No.188 High Margin: No.187 Dajima LV30 Evolution

No.189 Motor Monster: No.188 High Margin LV50 Evolution

No.190 Egg Monster: After completing the level, go to the house in the seaside town of Tokusuda Yes, you can also collect tower No.200

Wood beast from wind No.191: Egg Monster No.190 Evolution LV20

No.192 Colored Stone Monster: No.191 Beast of the Windwood LV45 Evolution

No.193 Beast of the Wind Thunder: Mission or in the Mountain Tree Cave

No.194 Earth Thunder Beast: Mission or in the Ice Cave above Dao Valley

No.195 Sky Thunder Beast: Mission or in the Silver Leaf Power Plant

No.196 Female Water City: Encountered randomly on the sea after completing the level

No.197 Xiongshuidu: Randomly encountered on the sea after completing the level

No.198 Strange Beast & No.199 Gulla Monster: After the plot developed for At the Point Where the Beast mythical escapes to Shuanglu, you can go deep into the Temple of Awakening. Collarread everywhere


No.198 Strange Beast: 108 Waterway

No.199 Gullah Monster: Can also be found in the Grassy Desert Area of Route 111 encountered

No.200 Mumumon: Can be encountered in the cave on Champion Road

No.201 Tsukieimon: In the ghost tower on おくりびやま on Route 122 ( In front of the upper white tombstone)

No.202 Lucky: Can be encountered in Tianzhu

No.203 Bulbasaur: Grassland on the 114th Road

No. 204 Bulbasaur: No.203 Bulbasaur LV16 Evolution

No.205 Ivysaur: No.204 Ivysaur LV32 evolution

No.206 Charmander: 114 on the road against fragments of stone and rock

No.207 Fire Dinosaur: No.206 Charmander LV16 Evolution

No.208 Charizard: No.207 Fire Dinosaur LV36 Evolution

No.209 Squirtle: Tianyuan City Takuya GYM In the opposite diagonal pool

No.210 Cammy Turtle: No.209 Squirtle LV16 Evolution

No.211 Blastoise: No.210 Cammy Turtle LV36 Evolution

No.212 Green Caterpillar: トウカのもりForest Grassland

No.213 Armored Nymph: No.212 Green Caterpillar LV7 Evolution

No.214 Bad Butterfly: No.213 Iron-shelled Chrysalis LV10 Evolution

No.215 One-horned Insect: Touya Forest Grassland

No.216 Iron-shelled Insect : No.215 One-horned Insect LV7 Evolution

No.217 Giant Needle Bee: No.216 Iron Shell Beetle LV10 Evolution

No.218 Bobo: 101/102/103 /104 Grass on the road

No.219 Bibi Bird: No.218 Bobo LV18 Evolution

No.220 Pidgeot: No.219 Bibi Bird LV36 Evolution

No.221 Rattata: 101/102 /103/104 Meadows on the road

No.222 Lada: No.221 Lada LV20 Evolution

No.223 Flamingo: 103/112 Grasslands on the road

< p>No.224 Toucan: No.223 Flamingo LV20 Evolution

No.225 Arbor Snake: Grassland on the road 117

No.226 Arbor Monster: No.225 Arbor Snake LV22 Evolution

No.227 Nidor (Female): 116 Prairie on the road

No.228 Nidona: No.227 Nidor (Female) LV16 Evolution

No.229 Nidoqueen: No.228 Nidona Moonstone Evolution

No.230 Nidoll (Male): Meadow on Route 116

No.231 Nidokano: No.230 Nidoll (Male) LV16 Evolution

No.232 Nidoking: No.231 Nidokano MoonStone Evolution

No.233 Pippi: In the cave on route 116

No.234 Picoxi: No.233 Pippi Moon Stone Evolution

No.235 Paras: In the cave of Route 116

No.236 Paras: No.235 Paras LV24 Evolution

No.237 Hair Ball: On the meadow of Route 112デコボコさんどう

No.238 End Moth: No.237 Furball LV31 Evolution

No.239 Gopher: The lowest level of the cave at 106 Waterway (which is the messenger station)

< p>No.240 Three Gophers: No.239 Gopher LV26 Evolution

No.241 Meow Meow: Meadow on Route 121

No.242 Cat Boss: No.241 Meow Meow LV28 Evolution

No.243 Monkey Monster: Grassland on Route 112

No.244 Hot Monkey: No.243 MBnkey Monster LV28 Evolution

No.245 Kati Dog: Grassland on Route 112

No.246 Wind Speed ​​Dog: No.245 Kati Dog Fire Stone Evolution

No.247 Mosquito tadpole: 120 /In the water on Route 121 you can also meet it in the swimming pool in front of the GYM of the Tuscan town

No.248 Speedy frog by mosquitoes: No.247 Tadpole celebrated by mosquitoes LV25 Evolution

No . 249 Fast-Swimming Frog: No.248 Evolution of Anti-Mosquito Frog Water Stone

No.250 Morning Flower: 117 Road Grassland

No.251 Flower of mouth: No.250 Morning Flower LV21 Evolution

No.252 Big Food Flower: No.251 Silly Mosaic Stone Evolution

No.253 Little Fire Horse: Prairie on Route 112

No.254 Flame Horse: No.253 Little Fire Horse LV40 Evolution

No.255 Slowpoke: In the pool on Route 111

No.256 Slow Hippo: No.255 Slowpoke LV37 Evolution.

No.257 Echa ducklote: the meadow on Highway 115

No.258 Little Sea Lion: in the cave on Waterway 125

No.259 White Seal: No.258 Little Sea Lion LV34 Evolution

No.260 Big Tongue Shell: 103/124 Advanced Waterway Fishing Rod

No.261 Armored Shell: No.260 Big Stone Evolution tongue water

Ghost #262: in the ghost tower on the island on route 122 Water

Ghost Stone #263: #262 Ghost LV25 Evolution

No.264 Di Ghost: No.263 Ghost Stone Level Evolution (level uncertain)

No.265 Big Rock Snake: In the cave of 106 Waterway


No.266 Sulip: Grass on Route 117

No.267 Sulip: No.266 Sulip LV26 Evolution

No.268 Crab: 103 /110 Fishing the intermediate fishing rod on the road and near Tokusui Tebu

No.269 Giant claw crab: No.268 LV28 Evolution crab

No.270 Dandan: Some grasslands of hunting zone


No.271 Egg coconut tree: evolutionn of egg leaf stone No.270

No.272 Carat: in the cave of 106 waterways

No.273 Clark La: No.272 carat evolution LV28

No.274 Shawarang: No.371 Balamon AT is higher than the DF evolution at LV20

No.275 Aibilang: No.371 When Balamon reaches LV20, its AT is smaller than its DF evolution

No.276 Big Tongue: Use gravel in the underwater cave of 128 Waterway

No.277 Lucky Egg: Somewhere in the area of chase from サファリゾーンいりぐちGrassland (use the wind bike to get there)

No.278 Vines Monster: Same as above

No. 279 Bagosaurus: Same as above

No.280 Suction Cup Golem: The area in the middle of Meteor Falls

No.281 Flying Mantis: The meadow in the upper right corner of the hunting area (use a sand bike to get there)

No. 282 Sister Milip: ぁさせ near the waterway 125 No. 283 Electric beast: Ninja on the water road 110

No .284 Can-billed Dragonard: inside the flame cave on Route 112

No.285 Kentero: the upper left grassland of the hunting area

No.286 Chenglong: Water in Cave ぁさせのほらぁな near Waterway 125

Variety Monster #287: Collect the rocks on Route 111 with Broken Rocks

#288 Eevee: The grass on Route 121

Water Elf #289: Eevee #288 evolves after using the Water Stone

Thunder Elf #290: Eevee #288 evolves after using the water stone. Thunder Stone

No.291 Fire Elf: No.288 Eevee evolves after using the Fire Stone

No.292 Dragon Three D: Ni-ni-キンセッri on the 110th Water Route

Ammonite No. 293: The depths of the meteor falls on the 115th route (waterway)

No.294 Dragon Ammonite: No.293 Ammonite Beast LV40 Evolution

No.295 Fossil Helmet: The Depths of Meteor Falls on Route 115 (Water Route)

No.296 Helmetsickle: No.295 LV40 Evolution Fossil Helmet

No.297 Stone Winged Dragon: Deep in the Meteor Falls on Route 115 (the rectangular floor)

No.298 Kirby: The meadow on Route 115

No.299 Frozen Bird: The lower layer of the cave near Waterway 125 (low tide)

No.300 Lightning Bird: The Power Plant on Waterway 110 is the mission location where you can get 100,000 Volts after completing the task.

Flame Bird #301: The Flame Cave on 112th Route


No.302 Mini Dragon: Use a high-end fishing rod to fish in the pond at the top right of the hunting area

No.303 Hacker Dragon: No.302 Mini Dragon LV30 Evolution

< p>No.304 Kuailong: No.303 Hackron LV55 Evolution

No.305 Super Dream: Into the Tianzhu of the Sea 131

No .306 Fantasy: At Meteora Falls

No.307 Chicoli: Meadow on Route 117

No.308 Floral Beast: No.307 Chicoli LV16 Evolution

No.309 Giant Flower Beast: No.308 Flower Beast LV32 Evolution

No.310 Fire Arashi: ほのおのぬけみち (Flame Cave)

No.311 Flame Arashi: No.310 Flame Arashi LV14 Evolution

No.312 Blazing Beast: No.311 Flame Arashi LV36 Evolution

No.313 Crocodile: Use an advanced fishing rod to fish in the lower left pond of the hunting area.


No.314 Primitive Crocodile: No.313 Crocodile LV18 Evolution

No.315 Strange Crocodile: No.314 Primitive Crocodile LV30 Evolution

No.316 Long-tailed beast: 102/104 Grassland on the road

No.317 Big-tailed beast: No.316 Long-tailed beast LV15 Evolution

No.318 Kitty Hawk: 102/104 Grassland on the Road

No.319 Owl: No.318 Little Eagle LV20 Evolution

No.320 Beetle: Touya Forest Grassland

No.321 Insect Beast: No. 320 Beetle LV18 Evolution

No.322 One-horned Spider: Touya Forest Grassland

No.323 Large-horned Spiders horns: No.322 One-horned spider LV22 Evolution

No.324 Little Pipi: No.233 Pippi pairs up to lay eggs and hatch them

No.325 Bo Kebi: 123 Meadow on the road (must swim across)

No.326 Flying Wings Beast: No.325 Wave of Comparable Intimacy Evolution

No.327 Little Sheep: 110 Road Grassland

No.328 Sheep: No.327 Little Sheep LV15 Evolution

No.329 Tianlong: No.328 Sheep LV30 Evolution

No.330 Fake Tree: In the Desert on Route 111

No.331 Big Water Frog: No.145 Evolution of Mosquito Repellent Frog Sunstone

No.332 Leaf Grass: Grassland on Route 104

No.333 Flower Beast: No.332 Leafy Grass LV18 Evolution

No.334 Floating Flower Beast: No.333 Flower Beast LV27 Evolution

No.335 Monkey beast: Meadow on Route 120

No.336 Grass seeds: Meadow on Route 120

No.337 Sunflower: No.336 Evolution of Grass Seed Sunstone

No.338 Flower Feather Fly: 123 Meadows on the Road

No.339 Little Water Monster: 110/117 /120 On the Road

< p>No.340 Slowpoke: No.339 Small Water Monster LV20 Evolution

No.341 Light Elf: No.288 Yiburi Stone Evolution

No.342 Elf of the night: No.288 Eevee Moonstone Evolution

No.343 Black-feathered bird: The grassland under the misty valley on Route 122

No.344 Hippo King: No.225 Slowmon Water Stone Evolution

No.345 Flamemon: In the ghost tower on Route 122

No.346 Anmon: In the underwater city cave by Rita< /p>

No.347 Pineconemon: No. 112's デコボコさんどうGrassland

No.348 Stoneconemon: No.347 Pineconemon LV31 Evolution

No. 349 Earth Dragon: Obtained from Broken Rocks in Waterway 106 Cave

No.350 Crab Bug: Grassland on Route 113

No.351 Super Hard Worm: No. 265 Evolution of the Big Rock Snake level (the level is uncertain)

No.352 Blue: Meadow on the 121st road

No.353 Big Blue: No.352 Blue LV23 Evolution

No.354 Pufferfish: 104 Intermediate rod fishing on waterways

No.355 Hard Beast: No.281 Flying Mantis Intimacy Evolution

No.356 Stone-shooting Beast: Hunting Obtained from the rock fragments in the upper right corner of the area hunting

No.357 Three-tailed beast: The ぁさせのほらぁなri near waterway 125

No. 358 Little Bear: The meadow on the 112th Road


No.359 Big Bear: No.358 Little Bear LV30 Evolution

No.360 Little Pig Monster: ぁさせのほらぁな里 near waterway 125

No. 361 Hairy Pig: No.360 Little Monster Pig LV33 Evolution

No.362 Water Marlin: 105/106 Advanced Water Zone Pole Fishing

Squid No.363 : Water Marlin No.362 Evolution LV25

Geely Bird No.364: The lower layer of the ぁさせのほらぁな near the waterway 125< /p>

No.365 Fish Monster: Fishing with a fishing rod interminary in sea area 107/108/109/115

No.366 Dark Dog: The meadow on the island on route 122

No.367 Devil Dog: No. 366 Dark Dog LV24 Evolution

No.368 Three D Dragon 2: No.292 Three D Dragon Intimacy Evolution

No.369 Little Tail Deer: 123 Meadow on the Road (swum )

No.370 Dog photo: 118 Meadow on the road

No.371 Balamon: Meadow on the 112th Route

No.372 Capola: No. 371 When Balamon is LV20, AT is equal to the evolution of DF

No.373 Big Eyed Girl: No.282 Miss Lip, combined with eggs to hatch

Electric beast #374: Electric Beast #283 Pairs with Eggs to Hatch

Breathing Fire Beast #375: Duck-billed Dragons #284 Pairs to Lay Eggs and Hatch

No.376 Giant Cow: Meadow on Route 121

No.377 Happy Egg: No.277 Geely Egg Intimacy Evolution

No.378 Calling Beast: The Cave for catch the sacred beast in Shuanglu Town (OR Sunset Mountain?)

No.379 Earth beast: as above

No.380 Fairy beast: as above

No.381 Armored young beast: au bottom of the cave where Meteor Falls are located

No.382 Small armored beast: No.381 Young armored beast LV30 Evolution

No.383 Large armored beast: No.382 Small beast armored LV55 Evolution

No.384 Lucia: 124/126 Seabed

No.385 Golden Phoenix: The Misty Valley Grassland on Waterway 122 on the ぉくりびやま< /p>

N°386 Celebi: route 112 on the prairie デコボコさんどう

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    Where is the cheapest battery wholesale in Tangxia, Sanyuanli, Baiyun District? There is an enterprise specializing in the independent production of electric vehicles in Tangxia, Sanyuanli, Baiyun District, Baiyun Sanyuanli Avenue, Baiyun Sanyuanli Street
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    Four 3.7V lithium batteries in series and parallel produce 7.4V/4.4A. I personally think it is impossible to reduce it to 4.8V/4.4A. Because the discharge platform of lithium batteries is generally set
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  • 30mAh~500mAh 3.7 V Li-ion Battery

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