It is becoming increasingly unpopular to go electrofishing in rural areas. What are the dangers of e

Introduction It is becoming increasingly unpopular to go electrofishing in rural areas. What are the dangers of electric fishing? The electric fish is a battery that generates extremely high voltage in the water body after transforming the battery voltage. This high-p

It is becoming increasingly unpopular to go electrofishing in rural areas. What are the dangers of e

The electric fish is a battery that generates extremely high voltage in the water after the battery is transformed. This high-power voltage conversion current can radiate over a particularly large area. No matter where I go, the little fish come out of the water and stay still. Slowly, the big fish no longer had the ability to resist. He came out of the water and was caught in the mesh bag. Even fish that narrowly escape can turn into deformed fish. Not only have the fishery resources of the entire water body been completely destroyed, but the ecology of the entire water body has actually been destroyed.

The damage caused by electric fishing is not limited to fish. A few days ago, someone secretly went to the park lake in the middle of the night to electrofish. The next morning, people discovered that the water not far from the riVage was full of tadpoles and they had no signs of life. The tadpoles were all out of energy and the frogs naturally disappeared. This extremely destructive electric fish is extremely destructive to all living creatures in the water.

Most fishing friends have caught strange-looking fish, some with half a head and some with stunted back growth. They are electric fish. These aftereffects are particularly evident in the later stages of growth. This high voltage current causes irreparable damage to fish and other aquatic organisms. In fact, the operation of electric fish is also very dangerous. Accidents caused by electric fish are common every year. Some fish were not electrocuted, but electrocuted themselves. As a dangerous electrofishing operation, it harbors largeds dangers.

To protect the ecology of our waters, we cannot engage in activities like electric fishing. When we find out, we should make a call. Currently, many places also have 110 to answer these calls. They will also send special personnel to arrest or take additional measures. Many fishing friends have their own fishing groups. After finding out, they will call as soon as possible to protect the ecology and environment. This is what we must do.

How to identify water sources in wild survival? How to find drinking water?

How to get water in the wild?

Note: If you don't have a kettle, cup, pot or any other type of water container, you can improvise one made of plastic or waterproof fabric. Fold the plastic or tarpaulin into a bowl shape and secure the folded areawith a pin, sharp bone or other suitable object, or even your hand. If you don't have a reliable water supply, it can be helpful to pay attention to your surroundings along the way.

Dew also provides moisture. Tie clothes or grass boots around your ankles and walk through dewy grass before sunrise. When clothing or boots absorb the dew, pour the water into a container. Repeat the steps above until you have enough water or the dew has evaporated. Some Australian Aborigines can get 1 liter (1.1 liters) of water in an hour using this method.

Bees or ants crawling into a tree hole may indicate that there is water in the hole. You can use a plastic pipe to suck the water out of the hole, or use a makeshift spoon to scoop out the water, or even stuff clothesinto the hole to absorb the water, then squeeze out the water.

Sometimes water collects in tree branches or cracks in rocks. Water can be obtained using the same method mentioned above. In arid areas, bird droppings near cracks can indicate the presence of water near the cracks.

The young bamboo forest is an excellent source of drinking water. The water collected from young bamboo is clean and has no particular odor. To collect water, bend a young bamboo, tie the top to the ground and cut the top off. At night, water will flow naturally from the bamboo. Old, split bamboo can have water trapped inside.

Caution: Water must be purified before drinking.

If you find banana trees or plantains, you can also find water. Cut the tree, leaving a stump 0.3 meters high. Dig a bowl-shaped opening in the center of thestrain. Water from the roots will immediately seep into the bowl. the first three times, but it will run out later. The water is ready to drink. The tree stump can provide water continuously for 4 days. Be sure to cover the stump with something to keep insects out.

Some tropical vines can also provide water. Cut a slit in the vine, as high as possible, and cut it close to the ground to allow water to drip into a container or directly into your mouth. If the water is viscous, milky, or tastes bitter, do not drink it.

Green (unripe) coconut juice is a good thirst quencher. But the juice of ripe coconuts contains an oil that can cause diarrhea, so drink it in moderation.

In the American tropics, you will find many air plants growing on the branches of some tall plants. The superimposed parts or the leavesThe thick layers of these air plants can hold a lot of rainwater. Run through a cloth to remove insects and debris. Some plants have soft, succulent stems that you can also get water on. Cut off a section of the plant, squeeze the fleshy part to release the juice, and place it in a container. Plant roots also provide moisture. Dig up the roots of the plant, cut them into small pieces, remove the skin and suck them, which usually produces water. The fleshy leaves, or stems, like those of bamboo, often contain water. Cut the stems at the nodes and pour the water inside. The following trees can also provide water:

● Palm trees, such as flat palms, coconut palms, sugar palms, nipa palms, etc., all contain water. If you break off the lower leaves, the tree will. falling water seeped de the “wound”.

● The Madagascar traveling banana has a cup-shaped leaf sheath at the base of the leaf, which often stores water.

● The leaves and roots of magnolia trees in tropical West Africa provide moisture.

● The bottle-shaped trunks of baobab trees on the sandy plains of northern Australia and Africa can store water during the rainy season. Water can usually be found from these plants a few weeks after the dry season begins.

Warning: Do not store plant juice for more than 24 hours as it will then begin to ferment and will be unsafe to drink.

Distillers are used all over the world. They can absorb water vapor from the soil and plants, but it also requires special materials to make a still. It also takes a long time to collect water with a distiller. He doesIt takes about an hour to prepare 1 pint to 1 liter (0.6 to 1.1 liters) of water. There are two types of quiet vessels: those for aerial use and those for underground use. For above-ground use, you must place the still on an inclined surface exposed to the sun.

The steps are as follows: To remove the condensation water from the still, first loosen the mouth of the bag and tilt the bag to allow the condensation water present on it to drain out. small stones. Then reattach the bag and position it to get more water for the level still below ground, you will need a digging tool. Choose a location where the soil contains moisture (such as a dry riverbed or a low-lying area where rainwater collects), where the soil should be easy to dig, and where it should be exposed to the sun for the longest time. most of the day.

The specific steps are as follows: You can drink water through a straw, which does notwill not prevent the distiller from continuing to operate. You can also put green plants in the pit as a water source. If you want to do this, you need to dig a slope on one side of the pit to place the plants. The following steps are the same as above. If your only water source is contaminated, dig a channel 10 inches (25 cm) from the edge of the still, approximately 10 inches (25 cm) deep and 3 inches (7.6 cm) wide, to evacuate waste water. the sink, taking care not to let the waste water splash near the edge of the plastic wrap that touches the floor. The function of the water tank is to store water, so that the water is filtered through the ground before flowing into the still, and then the water condenses on the plastic film and drips out in the container. This method also works particularly well when your only water source is salt water.

How to produce clean water in open waterture?

Wildlife Survival Skills: Finding and Collecting Water

Life is inseparable from water. Normal people can live three weeks without food, but they cannot live three days without water, so water. is necessary. Prioritize, some tips, I hope to help you quickly find or collect water in nature.

1. The first choice for finding water sources is at the bottom of valleys. To find water in high mountain areas, you must look for it along rock fissures. Spring holes are often dug in the dry sand of river beds. gravel areas.

2. On the coast, the pit must be dug above the highest waterline. It is likely that a layer of sedimented water about 5 cm thick floats on top of the denser seawater layer.

3. When drinking water from pools of water in depressions, it should bebe disinfected and precipitated before boiling for drinking.

4. Collect rainwater: Dig a hole in the ground, cover it with a layer of plastic and surround it with clay to effectively collect rainwater.

5. Condensation water: Place a plastic bag over a twig with dense leaves. The transpiration of the leaves will produce condensation water.

6. Track animals, birds, insectsInsects or traces of humans can find water sources.

7. Obtaining water from plants: Water is often stored in the internodes of hollow plants such as bamboo, vines often have potable sap and fruits and vegetables Stems of palm trees and cacti are rich in moisture.

8. Solar Still: In arid desert areas, water can be best collected using the following method: dig a hole approximately 90 cm wide and 45 cm deep din a relatively humid place. ground. Centimeter pit, a water collector is placed in the center of the bottom of the pit, and a plastic film stretched in an arc is hung on the surface of the pit. The light energy increases the temperature of the moist soil and air in the pit and evaporates to produce water vapor. When water vapor comes into contact with the plastic film, it condenses into water droplets and slides into the container.

Wilderness Survival Skills: Making Fire in the Wild

What can fire be used for? Cook food thoroughly. bingo! It also has many uses: the flame releases heat to produce heat, which prevents loss of body heat; it can dry smoked clothes longer; it can scare away dangerous beasts; and also It can melt metal crafting tools... It's great, I'll teach you some tricks forur make a fire in nature.

The first step is to find flammable fire starters: such as dead grass, dry leaves, birch bark, pine needles, rosin, twigs, paper, cotton, etc.

The second step is to collect dry firewood: for dry firewood, choose dry, non-rotted tree trunks or branches. Try to choose hardwoods like pine, oak, oak, birch, black locust, mountain cherry, mountain apricot, etc., which have a long burning time, high fire intensity and lots of charcoal. Do not collect firewood near the ground. Firewood close to the ground is very moist, difficult to burn, and smokes a lot.

The next step is to clear an open space, sheltered from the wind, flat and away from dry grass and dry firewood. Place the kindling in the middle, plLightly sharpen thin pine branches, fine dry firewood, etc. on top, then install bigger and longer firewood, then light the kindling. Fire lighting should be adapted to local conditions and can be designed in cone shape, star shape, "parallel" shape, side-by-side shape, roof shape, pasture shape, etc. You can also use stones to support the dry firewood or press the dry firewood against the rock wall, place an attractor underneath and light it. Under normal circumstances, dig a pit approximately 1 meter in diameter and 30 centimeters deep in a sheltered location. If the ground is too hard to dig a hole, you can also find stones and form a circle. The size of the circle will depend on the size of the fire. Then place the leader in the middle of the circle, place dry firewood on top and light the leader to ignite the woodheating and create a bonfire. If the dry firewood has not ignited when the fire starter is about to go out, you should continue adding fire starters into the gaps in the dry firewood until the firewood burns, instead of installing new firewood to light the fire.

Finally, it is best to light a bonfire near water, or prepare mud, sand, gravel, moss, etc. next to the bonfire to extinguish the fire timely.

Wilderness Survival Skills: Using Sleeping Bags

There are skills for sleeping in a sleeping bag. People who don't know how to "sleep" will be cold even if they use an alpine sleeping bag (minus 35 degrees) at normal low temperatures (minus 5 degrees), so how can they sleep warmer? When using a sleeping bag, many factors eExternal influences affect the performance of the sleeping bag. It should be noted that the sleeping bag itself does not generate heat. It only reduces body temperature loss. The following conditions will help you sleep warmer. .

1. Windproof and moisture-proof

In the wild, a windproof tent can provide a warm sleeping environment. When choosing a campsite, do not choose a valley bottom, where cold air collects, and try to avoid ridges or valleys exposed to strong winds. A good moisture-proof pad can effectively separate the sleeping bag from the cold and wet ground. Airbags are even better on snow.

2. Keep the sleeping bag dry

The moisture absorbed by the sleeping bag does not come mainly from the outside world, but from the body human. Even in extremely cold conditions, the human body absorbs moisture during sleep.At least a small cup of water will still be released. When the insulation cotton gets wet, it sticks together and loses its elasticity, and its thermal insulation capacity decreases. If the sleeping bag will be used for several days, it is best to dry it in the sun. Cleaning your sleeping bag regularly will keep the insulation flexible.

3. Wear more clothes

Some softer clothes can double as thick pajamas. Filling the space between the person and the sleeping bag can also improve the warmth of the sleeping bag.

4. Warm up before going to bed

The human body is the heat source of the sleeping bag if you do a short warm-up exercise or drink a hot drink before. As you lie down, your body temperature will be slightly increased and will help reduce the time it takes for your sleeping bag to warm up.

Militia Survival Skillsu wild: a first aid kit

In nature, no one can predict what will happen. A first aid kit can prolong your life, so be sure to carry it with you.

The first aid box contains the following items for basic first aid:


Different widths and materials to handle different areas and types of damage .

Generally includes:

Gauze rolling strip bandage: suitable for the treatment of general wounds, mainly used as a fixed dressing.

Elastic rolling bandage: It is elastic. In addition to being used to treat wounds, it can also be used to treat general strains, sprains, varicose veins and other injuries to stabilize the injured limb and reduce swelling.

Triangular bandage: The triangular bandage can be used in its entirety or folded into bandages of different widthseurs. Usually used as a hanger to support the upper limbs.

②The dressing

is made of several layers of gauze and has a flexible texture. It is mainly used to cover wounds and absorb secretions; For wounds with heavy bleeding and discharge, thickening can be used to cover them.

③ Dressing package

The dressing package consists of a cotton pad and a rolling bandage. Cover with cotton pads (i.e. dressings) The wound is then secured with the included rolling bandage.

④Disinfectant solution

Overview of the uses of several commonly used disinfectant solutions:

1. Gentian violet (violet solution): accelerates crusting and healing of wounds.

2. Mercury (red solution): protects wounds and has antibacterial effects.

3. Alcohol and iodine: used for disinfection of plant surfacesnon-mucous aches. It cannot be used to disinfect wounds.

4. Hydrogen peroxide: used for basic disinfection of contaminated mucous membranes or broken wounds.

⑤Clean cotton balls

Used to clean wounds, soaked in disinfectant before use.

⑥Disinfectant tape

Usually used to treat small wounds. Before applying the tape, make sure the skin around the wound is dry and clean, otherwise it will not stick firmly.

⑦Adhesive tape

Used to secure dressings, rolling bandages or triangular bandages.

⑧Various pills

Such as Contac, Ganmaotong, Berberine, Niuhuang Jiedu Tablets, Biliton, Huoxiang Zhengqi Pills, Stomach Medicine, etc.

⑨Snake Medicine

Vacuum poison extractor, Shanghai snake medicine, Ji Desheng snake medicine.


Eye drops, dix thousand flower oils, hemostatic patches, cooling oil, carminative oil, etc.

Wilderness survival skills - how to find the right route

The skills needed to find the right route should be accumulated through outdoor activities daily air. For example: Make a habit of referring to maps and compasses at all times, and actively observe the surrounding terrain and plants around you to determine the correct location.

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. This is the most basic way to identify direction. You can also use the stick shadow method to measure. When there is enough sunlight to form a shadow, erect a straight stick (more than a meter) on the flat ground, place a stone (or make other marks) on top of the stick. the shadow of the staff, and the staff The shadow will move with the movement of the sunL. After 30-60 minutes, place another stone on the shadow of the stick again. Then draw a straight line between the two stones, and in the middle of this line draw a straight line that intersects it perpendicularly. Then step on the first point marked with your left foot and on the second point marked with your right foot. At this time, the standing person's front is due north, the back is due south, the right hand is east, and the left hand is west.

If you get lost on a cloudy day, you can find your way by observing the growth of moss on trees or stones. When it comes to trees in the northern hemisphere, the leaves grow thickest in the south. If you cut a tree, the side with the widest growth rings and the side with moss is north.

Use of stars: In the northern hemisphere, the North Pole is generallyThe star is the goal. The key toUsing the North Star to identify directions at night is to accurately find the North Star in the vast sea of ​​stars. There are many ways to know the North Star. Here's a simple and effective one:

First look for the Ursa Major, which is shaped like an Ursa Major, which extends the distance between the two stars. the handle of the ladle Five times, Polaris finds himself on this straight line. The stars on these two handles are usually called key planets. If you can't see the Big Dipper, look for the constellation Cassiopeia in the opposite direction. The constellation Cassiopeia is made up of five stars. They resemble the shape of the English letter M or W leaning on its side. Draw a straight line from a star in the constellation Cassiopeia to find the North Star at almost the same distance between the Big Dipper and the North Star. The direction of Polaris is true north.

Use a mare to check the direction: you want to know the direction but you don't have a compass in hand. In this case, you can use your watch to find your direction as long as the sun is shining.

Place the match vertically on the floor, then place the watch horizontally on the floor, overlapping the shadow of the match with the short hand. The direction of noon on the surface and in the middle of. the scale indicated by the short needle is south, the opposite side is north.

If you don't have any matches, you can use small branches instead to make your shadows more precise. If you participate in harsh survival activities, remember to wear a watch. At present, a regular watch is more valuable than a digital watch. Because the hour and minute hands of a regular watch will become an important tool for survival when necessary.

17 TipsSurvival

Lighting a fire and boiling water is probably the simplest and most common method. Once the water boils and then boils for about five minutes, there will be virtually no bacteria left in the water.

The charcoal filtration method takes advantage of the adsorption principle of charcoal, and its small pores can absorb many small particles. This method is suitable for turbid water mixed with sediment, but it cannot eliminate bacteria and viruses present in the water. Remove the water from the bamboo and drink it. Use the tools you carry with you to tap on each section of bamboo. If you feel a bamboo making a dull sound when you hit it, that means it has water in it. You can cut the bamboo with a knife and collect the water in a container. Of course, you can also drink it straight.

Obtain water from wild plantain. The core of the plwild antain contains a lot of water. If you cut the bottom with a sharp knife, clean liquid will flow from the stem. Drink it quickly while it's still sweet.

For the filtered water purification method, use a beverage bottle, remove the bottom of the bottle, then use a sharp knife to dig a few small holes in the bottle cap and turn it over -THE. Then fill the bottle with two or three layers of gauze, clean fine sand, clean coarse sand and very small stones in sequence. Pour out the impure water and the water that comes out will be very clear. For natural "water purification tablets", you can put a small amount of alum in the water. Of course, you can also use some natural plants as water purification tablets. Take branches and leaves of kapok, cacti and walnut kernels, crush them, stir well and put them in thewater for about half an hour. The water will then become clean.

17 survival tipsTips: use leaves to keep warm, use your own clothes to make a fire, try not to drink your urine, use a watch like compass, collect morning dew, make a water filter, use pine trees to repel insects, use trees and sunlight. to collect water, use stones. Dry boots, gather wool, make stone knives, stay alert, ask for help, don't be afraid, protect yourself, carry what you need, stay visible.

1. Use leaves to stay warm

In the wild, if you face cold conditions, you can source local materials and use whatever leaves and grass you can find. Come and keep yourself warm. You simply slip it into your jacket. They offer good insulationion, making you less likely to feel cold.

2. Use your own clothes to make a fire

In the wild, if you want to use a primitive method of making a fire, you may need something dry and small. You can find dry twigs in nature, but you also have other options, like looking for small lines on your clothing that can help you start a fire.

3. Try not to drink your urine

Water sources are of course very important, but even if you can't find water, don't drink all kinds of liquids casually. . In extreme cases, some people may consider drinking their own urine. But you should know that your urine is excrement, which your body does not need. Although it also contains water, it also contains salt and minerals.

4. Use a watch as a compass

If you are lost in nature andIf you have a watch, you can try using it as a compass to show the way. You need to hold the watch horizontally so that it is parallel to the ground.

5. Collect Morning Dew

In extreme circumstances, it is very important to obtain a source of clean water. You can try to collect morning dew. It can be collected by wiping a clean cloth on the tree and twisting it into a container. You can also tie cloth around your legs and catch the morning dew by walking on the grass.

6. Make a water filter

If you have a plastic bottle lying around, you can use it to make a water filter. Cut the neck off the plastic bottle and place it upside down on the bottle. Then you can put grass, stones, coal and other objects into the inverted part, which can help you clean and filter the water. In the end, the water sticksected to the bottom will be cleaner.

7. Use pine trees to repel insects

In nature, insect harassment is unbearable. To solve this problem, you can check if there are pine trees nearby, crush the pine trees and rub them on your skin to keep mosquitoes away from you.

8. Use trees and sunlight to collect water.

If you want to collect cleaner and safer water, you can try using a plastic bag to help you. Just wrap it on a branch facing the sun and leave it for a few hours, then condensation will form inside the bag. This method is relatively simple, but it often only works when there is sunshine. Only under such circumstances can the real effect be achieved.

9. Use stones to dry the boots

Collect some dry, non-porous stones and place them on the edge ofu fire and put them in wet boots. . Dry your boots faster and more thoroughly.

10. Collect the wool

Cotton socks and wool socks will collect these "hairs" and only need a spark to ignite them. they are artifacts.

11. Make a stone knife

If you don't have a knife, look for flint (beige and shiny on the outside, black on the inside) and break it by slicing. slices.

12. Stay vigilant

The forest is certainly the most dangerous place, with many obstacles. The forest has beautiful but dangerous waterfalls and countless wild animals and reptiles. You must always be vigilant and not take risks, otherwise your life will be in danger. When exploring nature, be sure to pay attention to safety.

13. Ask for help

It is very common to get lost in the forest. If you are lost, there areThere are many other ways to find help, such as writing help messages on the ground and lighting a fire. You can make a pile of stones or sticks to display to those searching for your location.

14. Don't be afraid

When traveling in the forest, it's natural to lose direction. At this point, you have to keep a cool head. Remember “where there is a will, there is a way” and continue your journey. Find out how to build a tent or cook your food. A calm mind allows you to find other ways to solve problems and continue your survival in the wilderness.

15. Protect Yourself

The most important thing to survive in the wild is to learn how to protect yourself. You have to learn how to set up a tent, how to live, how to find food, etc. If you get lost or can't find a route to start your journey, use your surroundings, such as grass, sticks and stones,to build a shelter.

16. Carry the necessary items

A trip to the forest is very risky, so you should bring the necessary items, such as a compass and a tent lamp. You absolutely must have a lighter with you to start a fire. Temperatures in forest areas are very cold, especially at night, and you will need some fire to keep warm.

17. Stay visible

Always remember this, you must remain visible in wooded areas. Remember to equip yourself with the necessary equipment, which will allow you to discover yourself in the forest. Bring a pair of binoculars to see further into the forest. If you wear dark clothing, you can make a flag so others can find you more easily or prepare a whistle.

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