Address of Nantang Huafu Community: Nantang Huafu, 100 meters south of the intersection of Hualongqiao Road and Dezheng East Road, Lucheng District, Lucheng District.
The surrounding transportation resources in a straight line of 1 km include (Dezheng, Dezheng East Road, Xingtong Bridge, Nanhui Primary School, Aoqian, the first and last station of Liuhongqiao Campus of Municipal Hospital of tradition Chinese Medicine, Jiaoyun Chengxi Company No.2, Xishan South Road, S1 Dezheng (Shiliting), Municipal Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Liuhongqiao Campus, Grape Shed), etc.
There are 10 educational resources within 2 km of the straight line (Beida Jade Bird (automatic fire alarm system store), Xinya Art School, Zhangman Art Education, Xingbao Education, Chika Children's Potential Development Center (Tongtai Center), Liren Education, Wenzhou Communications Technical School (Niushan North Road Campus), Caizi Education (Xishan South Road Branch), Qunfang Education (Nanjiao Campus), Zhuofeng Education), etc.
There are 6 medical resources within 2 km of the surrounding area, among which Wenzhou Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital is 613 meters from the community, Wenzhou Dongou Hospital is 916 meters away. meters from the community, Wenzhou Donghua Hospital is 1084 meters away. meters from the community and Wenzhou Jianguo Hospital is 1,549 meters from the community, Wenzhou Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital (Shuixin Campus) is 1,654 meters from the community and Wenzhou Cining Hospital is 1,654 meters from the community. 1,936 meters from the community, thus guaranteeing medical needs.
The surrounding commercial facilities of Nantang Huafu include: (Maker Space Convenience Store, Liyu Candy Shop, Wenzhou Shengcheng Office, Chengxin Sewing Machine Company, Century Hualian Supermarket, Wenzhou Rongrun Lubricants, Real Life, Wenzhou Construction Machinery Hypermarket, Baixin Supermarket (Dezheng store), Baoxiniao (Buanwan Road store)), etc.
Click to learn more: Detailed Information about Nantang Huafu Community