Anhui Zhiyu Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd. is a limited liability company (investment or holding by a natural person) registered on 01/05/2018. Its registered address is No. 18, Longxing Road, Longhu High-tech. Zone, Huaibei Economic Development Zone.
The social credit code/unified registration number of Anhui Zhiyu Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd. is 91340600MA2RF54T3A. Liu Qiang legal entity is currently in operation.
The business scope of Anhui Zhiyu Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd. is: manufacturing, sales and wholesale of pure water equipment, mineral water equipment, industrial ultrapure water equipment, pharmaceutical purified water equipment, filling machines, drinks. machines, membranes Separation equipment, air self-purifier, stainless steel container, laboratory equipment, ozone generator, ultraviolet sterilizer, disinfection machine, air shower room, water treatment equipment, multi-stage pump, reverse osmosis membrane, filter element, filter material, water treatment chemicals, water solution equipment urea for vehicles, antifreeze equipment, glass water equipment, renewable resource recycling, water treatment plant projects, clean workshop projects, wastewater treatment projects, water reuse projects reclaimed, agricultural and beverage projects and building installation projects. (Projects that require approval according to law can only carry out commercial activities after approval from relevant departments).
View more news and information about Anhui Zhiyu Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd. via Aiqicha.
How easy is it to make car glass water (business)? How about releasing just one water productglass ?
1. Ordinary type: 0.7 yuan/500g. The cost of bulk type is 0.3/500 g. The market price is 4 yuan/500g and the lowest wholesale price. is 2.5 yuan/500 bottles.
2. Hardcover type: 1500 kg = 3000 catties. Total profit is 3,000 times 2.5 yuan - raw material cost is 3,000 times 0.7 yuan per kilogram - packaging price is 3,000 times 0.5 yuan/piece - salary of labor is 100. times 2 - electricity cost is 8 times 1 = 3,692 yuan, monthly profit is 3,692 times 30/month = 110,760 yuan.
Does anyone know how much glass water for cleaning car windows and air conditioning cleaner costs, and whether the products available on the market are harmful to the body?
It's really hard to do just one because what you do is comparable. You need to bring car wash fluid, tire wax,all-purpose water and machine head water. In this way, products will be diversified and customers will have more choice. Of course, there are business people who win. money and others who don't have any. Therefore, the quality of the product determines everything. I have the technology to help you produce water wax car wash fluid and high foam car wash fluid. No equipment required at this time.
As far as I know, the purchase price of a 10 yuan bottle in the market is only 4 to 5 yuan! Some places sell it for 15 yuan... Good ones are 20, 25, etc. They are commonly used. The quality will be better, and the purchase price ranges from 8 to 10 yuan! These things are similar to soap and have no direct danger! Unless you drink it! This is our price! I don't know if it's different from yours!