Introduction to tourist attractions in Shizong County What are the scenic spots in Shizong County

Introduction Introduction to tourist attractions in Shizong County. What are the scenic spots in Shizong County? A comprehensive list of tourist attractions in Shizong County. Shizong County's idea to make Nandan Mountain a national 5A-level tourist attraction and in

Introduction to tourist attractions in Shizong County What are the scenic spots in Shizong County

A comprehensive list of tourist attractions in Shizong

Shizong County's plan to make Nandan Mountain a national 5A tourist attraction and increase its popularity

The county of Shizong is home to Phoenix Valley and Junzi Mountain. The two national 4A-level tourist areas have now become a rising star of tourism in southeastern Yunnan. They are also the main supporting points of Shizong tourism and an important business card for Shizong's outdoor publicity; the lunar calendar is that of the Five Dragons. One of the important contents of tourism. However, compared with the establishment and popularity of some well-known tourist attractions at home and abroad, and even surrounding tourist attractions such as Luoping, it seems much inferior. Wulong Nandan Mountain has the reputation of “the largest natural giant Buddha in the world”. It's still a landundeveloped ierge. We will make full use of the location and natural advantages of Nandan Mountain to make Nandan Mountain a 5A-level national scenic tourist attraction. Effectively improve the visibility of tourism and stimulate the economic development of a party.

1. Natural advantages

Nandan mountain is made up of five peaks. The middle peak is the highest, with an elevation of 1,832 meters. The other four peaks are grouped on both sides. the main peak, as if emerging from the ground. A screen that stands out from other tops. Mount Nandan was formed by volcanic eruptions during movements of the Earth's crust 300 million years ago. It gets its name because the cliffs on the west side are mostly red. What's even more amazing is that its second peak is round and full, like a Buddha's head, measuring 279.4 meters high and 200.8 meters wide, withhis eyes open and closed, he is sacred and calm, solemn and kind, and supernatural. locals call it Nanshan Dan Buddha. On the rock face to the right of the Buddha statue, thousands of years of natural weathering and rain erosion have left a white mark from the summit to the base of the peak. It measures 275 meters high and 120 meters wide. , agile statue with long hair. A statue of Avalokitesvara in white with hanging shoulders, holding a pure vase in his hand and walking on a lotus. At the foot of Nandan Mountain, the peaceful Jianglong River meanders. Six round riverside hills are arranged in an orderly and well-proportioned manner, such as vegetarian meals and fairy peaches dedicated to Nandan Buddha and Guanyin.

2. Cultural Support

Nandan Mountain has the meaning of Xuan Zen. It is said to have been enlightened by Master Chunfa and became a place of worship for hundreds of thousands of disciples.s. Feel the transcendence and refinement of life with a pious heart, and the heart to pray for blessings arises spontaneously; There is also a touching legend, according to the "Chronicles of Shi Zong Prefecture" published in the 56th year of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty. : There was a chaste woman named Jiang. When a married woman dies, there is someone who cares about her and wants to marry her by force. The woman begged him and said, “It is not too late to remarry after sacrificing my husband.” That night I walked to Nandan Pass and cried to my husband's grave. My mouth, eyes and nose were bleeding. I was ready to die. I generously climbed the cliff and hung myself by hanging on a stone. Even today, there are still shadows of chaste women on the stone and the walls are all red. Sincerity runs through stone and will never wear out. To commemorate this chaste woman, generationsThe following people built the Temple of the Martyred Daughter (now destroyed) on the mountain. This is still widespread among masters.

According to local legends, it is said that there was a beautiful and benevolent fairy named Yanfeng in the Jade Emperor's Heavenly Palace because she admired the world's love and did not want feel alone in paradise. , she fell in love with the guard Nandan. Their love offended the heavens. Tiao was expelled from the Heavenly Palace by the Jade Emperor and demoted to the human world. Yanfeng and Nandan descended on a legendary phoenix and arrived in a hot and humid river valley region, where they prospered. Soon, gave birthThe next daughter was named "Danfeng", which has transformed into Danfeng Mountain on the outskirts of Shizong today; two years later, 5 more sons were born, named "Wulong", which turned into five rivers in Wulong; Yanfeng sacrificed her precious life by giving birththis five-dragon, and its reproductive organs solidified and became today's "Yanfeng Cave". After Yanfeng's death, Nandan was heartbroken and continued to watch over its southeast side. Over time, it transformed into a majestic mountain - Nandan Mountain.

3. Create ideas

(1) Rebuild the Martyrs' Temple and build large temples to normalize tourism in Nandan

The first is to rebuild the Martyrs' Temple and shape it. The Martyr Girl statue allows the beautiful legend of the Martyr Girl to stick to love, pursue freedom, and prefer to live in pieces rather than live in ruins.

The second is to build a big temple next to the temple of the martyred girl and carve the golden bodies of Master Chunfa, Nandan, Yanfeng and other "gods from all walks of life" for people who believe in Buddhism. worship, so that Nandan can beloved it. Those who travel to the mountains “have something to do.”

(2) Construct a glass plank road to increase the tourism elements of Nandan

Nandan Mountain is majestic and steep, with an altitude difference of 908 meters from the headquarters of the township government (Shui Village). A glass plank road is built on the Danshan side facing the water village, so that tourists traveling towards the mountain can have a panoramic view of the Five Dragons. Especially early in the morning, they can better appreciate the sea. The clouds and the Five Dragons Sea give people the feeling of floating like gods, effectively increasing the number of southern tourists' travel elements.

(3) Build a flying platform, hold international aviation events, and improve the international status of tourism

According to on-site inspections, one of the five peaks is relativelynt flat, and the Wulong National Performing Arts Exhibition Center. There is flat and open land behind it, covering an area of ​​more than 10,000 square meters. The distance from the peak of Nandan Mountain to here is more than 7,000 meters, and the height difference between the two. both points measure over 900 meters. It is suitable for organizing international flight competitions such as wingsuit flying. It is recommended to build a take-off platform on the flat area on the top of Nandan Mountain, build a grass landing place in the open area behind Shuizhai Village-National Performing Arts Exhibition Center , to organize an international wingsuit flying competition every year and invite famous wingsuit flying enthusiasts at home and abroad. Head to Wulong to hold flying shows and competitions.

At the same time, build a road froms Nandan

What are the tourist attractions in Shizong?

I don't know what you want to do?

If you want to travel, I recommend you to visit Shizong. People say, “When you travel to Yunnan, you must see King Sejong.” " It's true. In Shizong, the most famous places are Junzi Mountain, 32 miles from the county seat, and Phoenix Valley, 50 kilometers from the county seat. These two places are the best known. CCTV has repeatedly carried out special reports. At that time, I saw a group of tourists from Kunming at the station. They rented a car together (they were going to Junzi Mountain at that time and said they would wait for a few hours to get a taxi - and then the car no.4, which is the Yun DT5004 car) 300 yuan - the further you go in the Phoenix Valley, the more expensive it will be. However, I will teach you a better way to save money, that isire that you ask his driver to tell him that going to these two places (two places together) all day will cost less, second. If there are a lot of people (more than 20 peopleRent a bus)—

If you want to experience natural hot springs, go to Guishan (21 kilometers from the county seat), where the Rentian hot spring is famous. 100 yuan allows you to take a one-hour bath. If you are a man, you can choose **. After she washes you, you have an hour to do whatever you want. There is a bed inside. You don't need a public bath**. 30 yuan doesn't matter how many people you enter per hour -

If what you need (position yourself) is a "cultural trip", then I suggest you go to Uncle Ji - this place is so famous! There are historical and cultural celebrities in Yunnan, Dou Yao in the textbooks of Yunnan history and Quji historyng junior high school - Yunnan historical and cultural celebrities and Qujing historical and cultural celebrities are ranked first. Dou You was not only an official physician of Jiangxi Province, but also wrote dozens of couplets, poems and other works, such as "Yueyang Tower Changlian". You can also visit the most famous cultural village in Yunnan here (so Zhuji County is referred to as the "hometown of culture"). There are twenty or thirty courtyard houses from the Qing Dynasty left in the village (including Dou E's family and their descendants who live there now), and they are all listed as "provincial cultural relics protection units" - too many.

There is also Maoshuidong Power Station - also very famous;

Welcome to play with your friends! If it's not too crowded, I can take you there. This way you cansave more money and enjoy more fun.

In short, Shizong has a long history, beautiful scenery and rich cultural heritage. Welcome to play as soon as possible! !

What are the attractions of Internet celebrities in Qujing?

Qujing Internet celebrity attractions include:

1. Shizong Phoenix Valley: Shizong Phoenix Valley Scenic Area is located in Wulong Zhuang Nationality, Shizong County, Qujing City. , a township in Yunnan Province, with an average altitude of 1,200 meters and a planned scenic area of ​​180 square kilometers. It has karst reliefs and a subtropical climate. Because there are phoenix-shaped stalactites in the cave, it is called: Yanfeng. Gorge in ancient times. It is said to be the holy land of Phoenix Nirvana and the highest cave in the world, the vertical height of the cave is 218 meters.

2. Case groupLuoping Jiulong Waterfalls:

Luoping Jiulong Waterfall Group is a national AAAA-level tourist attraction located 22 kilometers north of Luoping County, Yunnan Province. Due to the special geological structure and thousands of years of water erosion, a group of ten-tiered waterfalls with different heights, widths and shapes were formed here. The largest is 112 meters wide and 56 meters high. spectacular and is known as Kowloon's first waterfall.

3. Huize Daicao Mountain:

Huize Daicao Mountain is located in the southeast of Dahai Township, Huize County, Qujing City, Yunnan Province. The Wumeng mountain system, with an altitude of 3,570 meters, its highest peak, Guniuzhai, is 4,017.3 meters above sea level. In the Tang Dynasty, the king of Nanzhao named it Dongyue.

4. Pearl River Source Scenic Area:

The Scenic AreaThe area around the headwaters of the Pearl River has dense forests and gurgling streams. It presents a strange landscape composed of a "drop of water in three rivers". a vein separated by two discs". In spring and summer, cherry blossoms are in full swing all over the mountains and fields, and they are bright and dazzling. Voluptuous cherry blossoms and pine trees, the best compass in the world, the world's best chessboard, Pearl River Spring Stone Arch, Zhuyuan First Waterfall, Xiake Thatched Cottage, Pearl River Zen Temple, etc. constitute the beautiful and unique natural and cultural landscape. from the source of the Pearl River.

5. Luliang Colorful Sand Forest:

Luliang Colorful Sand Forest is a national AAAA-level tourist area, at 18. kilometers from Luliang County, and is distributed among 108 named scenic spots. In the “Y”-shaped canyon, area is 180 hectares.

The sand forest is formed by weathering and denudation, and has the shape of mountains and peaks and because its main colors are red, yellow and white, mixed with green, to blue, black and gray; , as well as the season and the climate. Different colors, sunlight, and viewing angles produce brilliant, colorful tones, hence the name colored sand forest. It is a famous geological tourist landscape.

What are the tourist attractions of Shizong County, Qujing City

Phoenix Valley Scenic Area, Junzi Mountain Scenic Area, Nandan Mountain and Hale Waterfalls have not yet been developed. is good, but the traffic conditions are not good. In addition, there are Shizong Wenbi Pagoda, Tongxuan Cave, Kuishan Hot Spring, Cuiyun Mountain Scenic Area, etc.

What areAre there any fun places in Shizong County, Qujing City?

I don't know what you want to play.

If you want to travel, I recommend you to visit Shizong. People say that "when traveling to Yunnan, you must look at the master", and it is true. In Shizong, the most famous ones are Junzi Mountain (32 km from the county seat) and very convenient to drive, and Phoenix Valley (50 km from the county seat). These two places are the most famous. It was broadcast several times on CCTV. That time I saw a group of tourists from Kunming renting a car together at the station (they were going to Mount Junzi and they were waiting for them to play for a few hours. The taxi - it was car No. 4 at the railway station). at the time, which was the Yun DT5004. The asking price for a car is 300 --- it will naturally be more expensive if you go further into the Phoenix Valley. However, I will teach you a more efficient methodeconomical and better, that is, you ask the driver to agree with him to go to these two places throughout the day (go to both places together), and the cost will naturally be lower; . If there are a lot of people (rent a bus for more than 20 people) ---

If you want to experience the natural hot springs, go to Kuishan (21 kilometers from the county). it is very famous and costs 100 yuan to bathe for one hour, if you are a man, you can choose **. After she washes you, you can do whatever you want for an hour, and there's a bed in there. You don't have to**, a public bath costs 30 yuan per hour, no matter how many people enter ----

If what you need (position yourself) is a "cultural trip", then I suggest you go to Shuji - this place is so famous! There is Dou_, a famous person in Yunnan history and culture. In the textbooks“History of Yunnan” and “History of Qujing” of middle schools, “Celebrities of Yunnan History and Culture” and “Celebrities of Qujing History and Culture”. " both place Dou_ at the forefront. Dou_ was not only a doctor at the Ministry of Official Affairs, but also a censor of Jiangxi Province. He also wrote dozens of couplets and poems such as the Yueyang Tower Couplet. can also regard this place as the most famous cultural village in Yunnan (so Zhuji Township is designated as "cultural township"). There are a total of 20 or 30 courtyard houses from the Qing Dynasty left in the village (including. those of the Dou_ family and their descendants) are listed as "province"."Quality Cultural Relics Protection Unit" --- too many

There is also the Maoshuidong Power Station - also very famous;

You and your friends are invited to play if the staff!is not too much, I can also drive you there, so you can save more and have more fun ---

In short, Shizong has a long history, beautiful mountains and clear waters, and a rich cultural heritage. You are welcome to come play as soon as possible!

What are the tourist attractions along the road from Shizong to Yanshan?

Tourist attractions along the road from Shizong to Yanshan? Yanshan includes the Colorful Sand Forest and Cuan Cultural Park. 1. Colorful Sand Forest: It is a picturesque place characterized by naturally formed sand pillars and sand peaks. It is located 18 kilometers southeast of Luliang County. ​6 square kilometers. It was gradually formed by earthquakes, movements of the earth's crust and other factors. The colorful sand condenses into sand pillars: it includes the Botanical Garden, Cuan Cultural Square, Pedestrian Streetcultural commercial center of Cuan, wholesale market for sugar, tobacco and alcohol, activity center for young people and sports activities for seniors. It consists of 8 parts: the center, the moat management project and the Cuan cultural and commercial center, with a green space of 2,000 m2. ​​187.16 acres and other areas of 153.14 acres

How about Shizong County, Maoshuidong Power Generation Co., Ltd.

Maoshuidong Village, Shanwuguo Village Committee, Kuishan Town, Shizong County, Qujing City, Yunnan Province. According to Baidu map, Yunnan Qujing Shizong Summer Resort is located in Shanwu, Kuishan Town, Shizong County, Qujing City, Yunnan Province, Maoshuidong Village, called Yun or Dian. is one of the 23 provinces of China, located in the southwest region, with the provincial capital Kunming

Shizong County Maoshuidong Power Generation Co., Ltd. The company is a responsible companylimited ility (fully responsible). state-owned) registered in Shizong County, Qujing City, Yunnan Province on March 25, 2002. Its registered address is located in Xiaofatu Village, Zhuji Town, Shizong County

Shizong County The Unified Social Credit Code/. The registration number of Maoshuidong Power Generation Co., Ltd. is 91530323709791444Q, and the legal entity is Wang Tiancai. The company is currently operating

The business scope of Shizong County Maoshuidong Power Generation Co., Ltd. . : Power generation, power sales (projects that require approval according to law can only be carried out with the approval of relevant departments)

View more information about Shizong County Maoshuidong Power Generation Co., Ltd. via Aiqi and information

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