What about Liupanshui grain and oil wholesale market?

Introduction What about Liupanshui grain and oil wholesale market? Liupanshui Grain and Oil Wholesale Market is a branch owned by all persons registered and established in Zhongshan District, Liupanshui City, Guizhou Province on March 20, 2002.

What about Liupanshui grain and oil wholesale market?

Liupanshui Grain and Oil Wholesale Market is a branch owned by all (unincorporated) persons registered in Zhongshan District, Liupanshui City, Guizhou Province on March 20 2002. His registered address is No. 32, Renmin Middle Road. , Zhongshan District, Liupanshui City, Guizhou Province.

The social credit code/unified registration number of Liupanshui Grain and Oil Wholesale Market is 91520200429320429W. Wang Minggui legal entity is currently in operation.

The business scope of Liupanshui grain and oil wholesale market is: rice (rice, japonica rice), wheat (flour), corn, soybean and edible oil. Food and processing, additives, department stores, hardware, sugar, wine, house rentals.

View more news and information about Liupanshui Grain and Oil Wholesale Market via Aiqicha.

Shuicheng is a beautiful place, suitable for travel, photography and dining. Yes, foodies are very happy and feel that the food in Shuicheng is quite appetizing. Go see what you have.

Xiao Yong Lao Guo

This main store with a history of nearly 40 years has gone through three generations of careful management and now has many branches in Shuicheng. The head office has already prepared some casseroles in Guzhen. It has to be said that it has the largest store and the most complete tableware, which is very suitable for one-stop eating. At the time, his family also stood in front of the Guzhen Hotpot. Because the handmade chili tastes good and gradually became famous, it was transformed into stores. For many years, chili peppers have been made by hand without the addition of colorings or additives and are often purchased by customers. She prepares her propre chili, there are two kinds, one is pan chili, but she can call the owner's daughter at 13885886113 and have it mailed to you. The other is a paste of garlic and chili paste, which can be eaten directly or drizzled with hot oil in a wok. I like the way chili smells when I'm wet.

Bashi Laoguo

If you see this potato cake but don't know which company it comes from, it means you have never been in the industry Shuicheng dry pots! In my opinion, "Old City Griddle" has a party atmosphere and a period feel, it's unique here! The store owner, Master Ba, is a first-class national chef, so he offers many original dishes, such as garlic pulled pork, peppercorns, fish steak, crispy ribs and pork belly in sauce. Each one is marinated. differently and has its own characteristicsstics. We must regret the same oversight. This potato cake is called “Qian Taro Pancake”! Its sweet wine and bait cakes are also not to be missed. Not only is the sweet wine made by ourselves, but the sweetness is just right, and sago is also put in it!

Address: On the hillside next to Shuike No. 1 Middle School

Telephone: 0858-8240391

Sheep powder in clay pot, store 6 years old. The flavor of the store comes from Bijie, but it also incorporates the characteristics of Shuicheng. Open 24 hours a day and displayed in the store we only have local black goats, both goats and rams. Customers can eat it with confidence, especially pregnant women. I even highlighted my vegetable oil when ordering, which shows that the store prioritizes food quality. Mutton powder is cooked directly in a casserole dish and is absolutely delicious. Yous can add it from the sheep's eyes to the sheep's tail, and from the sheep's tongue to the sheep's tongue.brain.

Address: [Market Road] Next to Walmart

Jiaguai Braised Vinegar Powder

Generally speaking, the noodle shop signs we see will never emphasize “meal.” His family pointed this out for a reason. This special coarse powder became an instant hit over a decade ago. Its roughness is a little different from that of ordinary tinderboxes, a little thicker than a tooth. The main thing is that it bounces slightly when you eat it, and that the powder has a strong presence when you bite into it. More than ten years ago, his family only sold spicy chicken and minced meat. Later, potatoes, dried beans and white beans were added, and it got weird. When you eat strange glutinous rice noodles at her house, you have to add wine firstsour so they taste better. Second, order a pork trotter. Its pork trotters have enjoyed an excellent reputation for many years.

Address: [Market Road] Next to Walmart

Fuyuan Casserole Noodles

For this more than ten-year-old brand, this is a meal to any time ! Difficult to find a place because there are so many people! Don't think about Guiyang casserole noodles, they have their own characteristics. Sanxian is not the hot spot in the store. The spicy chicken, pork chops and shiitake mushrooms have long been snatched away! The family first cooks flour together, then puts clear oil made from lard and vegetable oil into a casserole dish, puts two kinds of specially seasoned chili peppers, then adds broth and flour, orders a large row and covers it for cooking. After cooking, add the leeks and pour in the broth. This double h recipeoil, double pepper and double soup cannot be done without freshness! His casserole is spicy, which is the strongest flavor in the casserole. Because the powder is cooked once, it will be tastier when cooked again! The last spoonful of soup is also crucial. Leek strips are more fragrant than green onions! Its regular customers usually come to the store and order directly. Most of them like this or that and have their own favorite combinations!

Address: [Market Road] next to Walmart

Fragrant Mutton Rice Noodles

Every Shuicheng has its own mutton noodle shop. When the answers vary so much, most family members rarely say, “Not bad!” The 20-year-old workshop has now moved to new premises and is using new machines to cut the sheep more evenly! Its mutton noodles are full of spice and aromame chili constantly jumps to activate your tongue, but it does not dominate the style of the sheep. The soup is very thick and oily and has a filling mouth feel, which works very well with heavy flavors. The shopkeeper pointed out that one should take a bite of mutton garlic powder to enjoy it.

Address: Ginkgo Tree Restaurant next to Yinxinyuan

Telephone: 1388581123

A travel note about "Taste Lamb Noodles" mentioned a store with many branches . honored brand founded in the late 1980s. I went to the main store. From the first square meters to the current scale, taste is naturally decisive, and there is a row of medals hanging in the store! Its mutton powder soup requires dozens of fine Chinese medicinal materials, many of which can only grow in the special geographical environment of Liupanshui. Mutton noodles are famous forur be spicy but not dry, numb but not astringent, and oily but not greasy.

Address: Caiyuan Road, Chayelin

Tel: 13985916761

Gelée Langdai

For more than 8 years, the aunt of the owner of the store is Langdai Yangjia sauce brand, so the jelly in his store has always been Langdai sauce and vinegar. The tempting store is here. The flour was submerged in the soup, like an island surrounded by floods. If you eat less flour in soup in summer, you will feel a refreshing coolness, and the slight smell of vinegar will simply relieve drowsiness and thirst. Langdai Town is located east of Liupanshui Town and south of Liuzhi Special Zone. Lang Dai sauce is prepared using eight traditional methods. It has a sweet and salty but not oily taste, a long aftertaste and a unique aroma. It is the best seasoning for steaming, sautéing, stewing and seasoning atcold. If you like it, you can buy it in this store.

Address: [Zhongshan Avenue][Anbaili Electric]

Cocoa Ice Cream

More than 20 years ago, the store owner saw someone 'one sell this kind of food. in another city, I really liked ice cream, so I opened a shop in Shuicheng. Today's ice machine is the seventh it has replaced. Several generations of machines have been removed, but the good taste has remained the same! It carries the first memories of love for many locals! The store said that in the past, it was good brands of domestic milk powder, but now it is imported milk powder that keeps up with the times, and it will be more mellow and smooth! His peanuts are delicious. Unlike some ice cream brands, the peanut flavor is pretty random. Better to buy spring rolls. The egg roll skin is delicious, crispy and rich in flavorof egg. The owner did it himself.

Address: Next to Liupanshui Experimental Kindergarten, at the intersection of Wenhua North Road and Jianshe Road.

Yang Jie Potato Chips

They have also been sold for N years. There are two types: grated potatoes and chips. Once weighed, you can add the peppers. You decide how much to put and the store will always give you a taste. Very spicy and a little numbing. Its potato products are often offered as specialties by locals. If you want to take it to a remote location, tell her so she can put it in a sealed bag for you.

Address: No.1 Food Market on Jianshe Road

Telephone: 13595815695

Fresh White Sugar Cake Rolled Noodles

This 1788- one year old brand, rolled powder, daily production. I must say that its whiteness is unmatched by many restaurants, and the chili and lhe seasonings are also very good, even more amazing. Buckwheat jelly is very good when soaked in water. Cold noodle jelly with pea flour is also popular. The ice powder is not to be missed. The old-fashioned ice cream powder is kneaded by the store itself. Even the seasonings are pretty retro and they bring their own boiled brown sugar. The most notable thing about her family is the white sugar cake, which to some people looks like bubbles. It has enough acidity to keep our childhood memories intact.

Xiangrui Restaurant

This 12-year-old restaurant, serving spicy Panxian chicken and sticky rice, is a favorite of many students. It sounds simple, but the spicy chicken should be pretty good. The tube bone soup should be placed in glutinous rice, the oily chili should be fragrant, and the red beans should be served with the soup. It is said thate some Panxians pour the soup into their rice and eat it. There is another one of their favorites among students, which is sauerkraut, ground pork and red bean flour, which is refreshing and spicy. Stir evenly and then you can eat. Spicy and delicious, perfect for summer. The store says to choose sauerkraut and kidney beans carefully.


It's an old stand with more than 20 years of history. I come to Master Zhang to buy sesame cakes. I rarely buy just one. They all come here or are ordered to buy several at once. Even if you buy dozens of them at a time, they are still available and ordered at many restaurants. The pancakes are big but cheap. There are two kinds of sesame cakes, sweet and savory. Generally, those who don't like it will feel like the sweet ones aren't sweet enough and the salty ones aren't as good.ez scented! Her sesame cookies are so sweet that you can even see the original sugar, but not greasy. Savory foods are also full of flavor and less crunchy. It is said that many foodies in Shuicheng buy them back and eat them! beef! Meat! Eat it! Oh my God!

Address: Opposite Agricultural Bank of China, Xiangyang South Road.

Telephone: 13985381840


For more than ten years, the old store has offered minced garlic, chili pepper and crushed peanuts. Those who know how to eat first pour oil into the pan, and then mix the proportion of minced garlic and chili pepper according to their preferences. When the oil is hot, pour it over, and with a squeak it becomes a garlic and chilli drenched dish. If you're afraid of spicy foods, you can add some crushed peanuts before pouring in the oil! This spicy garlic flavor is what he eats in the pot. There are floorsup and down in his house. The ground floor is often open in the afternoon. If you see that the first floor is closed, go directly to the second floor.

Address: Near Quanxing Hotel, Xiangyang South Road

Shanmeihua Weining, Buckwheat Rice and Chicken Hot Pot (No. 1, Fenghuang New District)

It is said to be the first true local restaurant store. You will be in visual confusion when you go there, because there are many stores, and they all emphasize their own stores, making it very difficult to distinguish them. The one I interviewed is from Weining and has been open for many years. There are green peppers, tofu and potatoes in the chicken fondue. The spicy appetizer will immediately whet your appetite. For more than 4 people, the price is 20 yuan per person. Don't forget to order their ham and buckwheat rice or their buckwheat pancakes, inchot pot must-haves! Order buckwheat pancakes as you sit down. The store doesn't do much, and it will take a long time to stock up once it runs out, so it's best to go early.

Address: Meihuashan Toll Plaza (second from left, it is recommended to call the store directly to confirm)

Telephone: 15885324380

< p>Jiaxiang Restaurant

Its “Black Bean Hot Pot” is so popular that reservations must be made in advance in the afternoon. It has been open for many years. The store emphasizes that the beans are carefully selected and made the old way without any additives. They are sealed and placed in the freezer. Each pot is filled with moist tasting bean cake. Customers often take her black bean cake elsewhere to make fondue. He also has buckwheat pancakes at home. It is recommended to order them with a bean fondue noirs, which simply solves the strong taste of black bean fondue. His pork belly must have a few tricks up his sleeve. Freshly fried pork, just like our crispy pork. It is good to enjoy dry or in a hot pot.

Address: South Gate Bridge, Zhongshan Avenue. After crossing the bridge, walk 30 meters and turn left.

Tel: 0858—8962698

Our Black Bean Hot Pot

Some people like to eat another Black Bean Hot Pot, called our Bean Hot Pot black, not far from Jiaxiang restaurant. I've heard that the two families are related, but I haven't verified it yet. Each family has its own fans and you can eat any of them.

Address: South Gate Bridge, Zhongshan AvenueIntersection

Tel: 13086974119

Halal Beef Restaurant

He mainly eats beef believed ! First of all, the meat must be absolutely good, without gluten or gluten.fat! Then there's the excellent dipping sauce. It contains dozens of spices and seasonings. After soaking, add some seasoning and wait a few minutes before eating. Traders are advised not to drink mineral water immediately after drinking it. The taste is not fishy at all and can be accepted by all kinds of people. If you still don't dare to eat raw beef, its roast beef and roast beef are very popular. The 20 small tables can be filled in the evening. Naturally, everyone was relieved. The owner learned the baking technique from his uncle in Yunnan. Each table has a small stove. It is recommended not to remove it. Sit and roast over low heat. The further back we go, the tastier it becomes.

Address: 50 meters in front of "Killing Pig Rice" in Chuanxin Community.

Jiugui Barbecue

Is the name just greedy?Yes, the owner drinks a lot, so his barbecue is particularly suitable for serving wine. He wasn't there when I went, so I went back to Guiyang to see friends. The couple have been from Guiyang for a long time. They were selling

Address: Opposite Tianli Business Hotel, Chuanxin Community

Tel: 18212910666

Pizza Heart

The owner had the I usually sell it to I work in Guangzhou and I discovered Italian pizza, so I opened this store more than a year ago. Excellent value for money, [Italian Supreme] [Assorted Seafood] [Classic Style] [Margherita]. It offers a variety of pizzas and pastas, as well as a variety of Western dishes. From the pizza base to the toppings, the pizza is entirely made by the store itself, and it is both creamy and fragrant. Even a four-color humanized tray is provided. Not only does it offer delicious pizza, but iIt is also recommended to order pasta, which has its own specialties and is covered in cheese. Cheese and bacon potatoes cost 20 yuan each. If you can't finish it, you can order half. It is also filled with cheese. Take a spoonful!

Address: Opposite Subway No. 3 Middle School in Fenghuang New District

Contact Number: 18768758815 18685415647

Cat Cafe (stop by)

Really There is one cat, and only one, a Chinese garden cat. Sometimes he lingers in the store, sometimes he makes noises in the grass at the door, quietly and content. The atmosphere in the store too. When I arrived, I wanted to sit there all afternoon. I have to say that the owner is a very elegant beauty. The store is like your wardrobe. What a colorful little world. Little ideas keep popping up, keeping your eyes from stopping. When I went to the interview,she was renovating the second store and told me it would be completely different from the current one. Now that the second store has opened, she calls this old store a grocery store, which really sounds a bit like her. Girls, you will be happy here!

Her rose milk tea is the best I've ever tasted, and you can drink three cups of it! The shop owner is also good at making mousse cakes and cheesecakes. She is good at making desserts. You have to try your luck with bread and biscuits. If the owner cooks it, hurry up. Especially this one is a crying dish, and you will literally burst into tears if you can't eat it. Compared with ordinary toasts, the toasts are cooked by the owner himself. Season and bake twice, cut the fruit, garnish with ice cream and drizzle with chocolate sauce. This toast is more burnt than breadgrilled square.

Grocery store: Longjing Viaduct Bus Station, walk forward 100 meters and turn right.

Telephone: 0858-8698189

Stop: Next to the parking lot at the corner of Tairui Building in Chuanxin Community.

Telephone: 0858-8190177

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