Order of preparation of chicken fillets

Introduction Ingredients for making chicken fillets: 500 grams of chicken, 50 grams of potato flour, 3 eggs, 500 grams of vegetable oil, a little chili powder, pepper, refined salt and brandy. system

Order of preparation of chicken fillets

Ingredients for fried chicken fillet: 500 grams of chicken, 50 grams of potato flour, 3 eggs, 500 grams of vegetable oil, a little chili powder, pepper, refined salt and cognac.

Preparation: 1. Cut the chicken into strips, add the cognac, salt and pepper and mix well. 2. Crack the eggs into a bowl, add the starch to make a paste, add the chicken strips and coat evenly. 3. Pour the oil into the wok and heat until cooked, add the chicken strips and fry until golden brown, remove them and put them in a plate, sprinkle with chili powder and serve. How to prepare Taiwanese boneless chicken fillets: First cut the chicken breast into shreds, then soak it in marinated water for half an hour. The proportion of marinated water is 20 grams of marinated powder for each pound of chicken, then mix it with50. grams of water, then mix the fried chicken powder in a palette (the ratio is one pound of fried chicken powder to one pound of water), put the shredded meat into the palette and coat it with 'a layer of paddle, drain, then add it to the breadcrumbs, shake with a layer of breadcrumbs and separate, shake off the excess breadcrumbs, fry in oil for 1-2 minutes, take out, sprinkle with corn powder cumin and spicy powder and put in a bag of chicken fillet. Serve. The most common fried chicken fillets are those often eaten at roadside stalls. Choose chicken breasts. Use a meat mallet or the back of a knife to break apart the chicken breasts, then cut them into finger-thick strips. more meat). Beat a few more) in the egg liquid, add salt and black peppercorns and beat evenly, a plate of breadcrumbs, it is best to buy some without sugar or ssalted, coat the cut chicken fillets with the egg liquid. , then roll it on the bread. The crumbs should be rolled everywhere. When the oil is hot for 7-8 minutes, fry it until golden brown, take it out, remove the excess oil and you can eat it. dip it in tomato sauce or western sweet and sour soy sauce, or just eat it dry, delicious~~Here is the recipe, taking 1 pound of meat as an example: 5 grams of chicken essence, 5 grams of salt, 5 grams of sugar, 3.5 grams of fried powder, 3.5 grams of sweet baking powder, curry powder 3.5 g, sodium carbonate 2 g, meat tenderizer 4.5 g, starch corn 2.5g (green onion, oil, appropriate amount of water. Please prepare the water according to recipe 1. Boneless chicken fillet is a kind of chicken breast that uses fresh chicken breast as raw material. After fast food marinated chicken, breaded, fried and onfrozen, flavors are divided into spicy, original, cumin, curry, etc. According to consumers' needs, it can be fried at 170℃ for 2-3 minutes. Due to its golden appearance, crispy and delicious taste, it is very delicious when dipped in tomato sauce and salad. has always been loved by consumers as a deeply processed chicken product. Low investment in equipment; long shelf life, refrigeration at low temperature for up to 12 months; increased added value of chicken by 10-40%, etc.

< p>Gourmet recipe

1. Fresh raw materials. The chicken breast meat has passed the veterinary health inspection and the fat content is less than 10%; . are commercially available; spices and wheat flour are commercially available; compound phosphate is starch powder and analytical grade coating. The basic formula ist of 100 kg of chicken breast, 20 kg of ice water. 1.6 kg salt, 0.6 kg white sugar, 0.2 kg compound phosphate, 0.3 kg MSG, I+G0.03 kg, white pepper 0.16 kg, garlic powder 0, 05.㎏, other spices 0.8㎏, Tianbo chicken flavor 209280.2㎏, chicken flavor 210670.01㎏. Other flavors can be adjusted according to this flavor: add 1 kg of chili powder for spicy flavor, 1.5 kg of cumin powder for cumin flavor and 0.5 kg of curry powder for spicy flavor of curry.

3. Technical process: chicken breast (frozen) → defrost → dice → cut into strips → (add spices, ice water) vacuum roll → pickle → sizing → breading → quick freezing → packaging → Storage 4. Specific steps 1 . thaw. Remove the outer packaging and inner plastic bag from the chicken breast meat that has passed veterinary inspection, place it on the stainless steel cutting board in the defrosting room.n and defrost it naturally until the core temperature of the meat reaches -2°C. 2. Cut into strips. Cut the breast meat into strips along the muscle fibers, each weighing 7 to 9 grams. 3. Roll vacuum and leave to marinate. Place chicken breasts, spices and ice water into the glass, cover the lid, vacuum, vacuum degree -0.9 Pa, rotate forward for 20 minutes, reverse for 20 minutes, total of 40 minutes. 4. marinated. Place in a refrigerated room at 0℃-4℃ for 12 hours. 5. Sizing. Place the cut chicken pieces on the basting machine conveyor belt and beat the chicken pieces evenly. The slurry uses a special slurry with a powder: water ratio = 1: 1.6. In the mixer, the beating time is 3 minutes, and the viscosity of the porridge is uniform. 6. Crumbs. Use special commercially available breading powder. In une stainless steel plate, first put an appropriate amount of breadcrumbs, then drain part of the marinade liquid from the breast strips and pour it into the breading powder. Use your hands to coat evenly. chicken strips with crumbs after calibration. Press lightly to evenly coat the crumbs, then place them in a plastic basket and shake gently to remove any crumbs from the surface. 7. Fry. First, preheat the frying machine to 185°C, pass the chicken pieces wrapped in the oil layer in sequence, use shortening or palm oil and fry for 25 seconds. 8. Quick frozen. 9. Pack and store, DIY to make the most appetizing fried chicken noodles

Food recipe

The traditional recipe for fried chicken noodles ingredients: 200 g low-grade flour in gluten, 400 g of sweet potato powder, glutinous rice 100g of farine, 50g egg flavoring powder Method: Mix all ingredients. Salt and Pepper Ingredients: 1 tablespoon salt, 2 tablespoons powdered flavor crystals, 2 tablespoons pepper, 1 teaspoon red chili powder, 1/4 teaspoon chili powder allspice, 1/2 teaspoon ginger powder, 1/2 teaspoon licorice powder, 1/2 teaspoon licorice powder. cinnamon powder Method: Mix all ingredients. Perfectly Fried Chicken Cutlet This dish uses the frying method. If you want the skin to be crispier, you can fry it once but not completely. Remove and let cool before frying a second time. fried chicken nuggets that are crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. 1. Good chicken noodle steak and fried chicken. 2. Heat the oil pan, add an appropriate amount of oil and heat itat approximately 150°C. You can use an oil thermometer to check if the oil temperature is correct. 3. When the oil is hot, brown the floured chicken chops in the pan over medium-low heat. 4. When the chicken cutlets are fried for about 2 minutes, if the surface is golden and crispy, scoop and drain the fat. 5. Sprinkle an appropriate amount of pepper, salt and pepper over the chicken steaks drained of their fat. It has become a delicious chicken steak, and it is absolutely okay. The marinated meat sauce recipe uses marinades prepared with various seasonings to marinate meat before cooking. This not only makes the raw materials ripe and uniform, not curled, shriveled or broken, but also gives a plump and neat appearance. smell and add a greasy flavor. However, many people are not very good at making marinades. Regardless ofthe type of meat, they just pour soy sauce, sprinkle salt, add MSG... the meat and dishes they make taste the same, but don't have the characteristics. They should have.

Now I will teach you how to prepare several popular and trendy marinade recipes. What do they taste like?

Crispy salt chicken marinade Ingredients: 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon powder, 50 g minced ginger, 50 g chopped green onions, 1 teaspoon sesame oil, 1/3 teaspoon of pepper, 1 tablespoon of wine, a little salt, 1 teaspoon of chicken. powder. Method: Mix all the ingredients evenly, add the chicken breasts cut into 3 cm cubes and marinate for at least 20 minutes to 2 hours to allow the flavor to fully infuse. During the pickling process, it is best to wrap it in plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator. Demonstrateation on how to use salty chicken marinade. Creamy Chicken Popcorn Ingredients: 1 pair of chicken breast, 2 tablespoons of crispy powder, 1 teaspoon of cream, 1/2 egg, 1 tablespoon of water, appropriate amount of salted chicken marinade. Method: 1. Process the chicken breast according to the above method and marinate it thoroughly with the marinade. 2. Once the butter has melted to room temperature, add the crispy dough powder, eggs and water to form a dough. 3. Evenly coat the diced marinated chicken with the prepared batter. 4. Take a frying pan, pour appropriate amount of oil, heat it and fry the batter-coated chicken dices at 130 degrees for about 2 minutes until the surface is golden brown. 5. Sprinkle a handful of nine-layer tower before serving to let the flavor of the nine-layer tower shine through. Quickly collect the chicken popcorn and towernine layers. If you like a stronger taste, you can sprinkle some pepper or a little chili powder while it's still hot. If you don't like the taste of cream, you can leave it out.

Tips: You can buy ready-made crispy dough powder in the market, or you can prepare it yourself. The salty crispy chicken in the market has a crispy taste because it has been fried once before and then fried a second time when customers want to buy it. Even though it tastes better this way, it’s not very healthy. It is recommended to fry it once.

Beef Slices Marinade Ingredients: 2 teaspoons salt, 1 teaspoon sugar, 1 tablespoon baking soda, 1 tablespoon cornstarch, 1/ 2 cup rice wine, 1 teaspoon sesame oil, 1 egg. Method: Mix all ingredients evenly, add beef and marinate untile the beef is fragrant. Use: marinated beef slices, minced beef, marinated beef or pork fillet, etc. Ingredients for marinating pork ribs and chicken chops: 2 tablespoons baking soda, 1 tablespoon papaya essence, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon chicken essence, 2 tablespoons cheese powder, 1 tablespoon flour, 1 teaspoon curry powder, 1 teaspoon shacha sauce, 1 teaspoon curry powder. of rice wine, a little water. Method: Mix all ingredients evenly, add the ribs and marinate until the ribs are fragrant. If you like a sweeter taste, you can add about 1 tablespoon of sugar.

Tip: Once the ribs are marinated, you can fry them in oil at around 180 degrees until golden brown and cooked through. Remove the ribs from the pan and set aside. Prepair a clean pot and put in the Kyoto rib sauce that we prepared. Bring to a boil, then add the fried pork ribs and mix well quickly before serving. This marinade can also be used to marinate pork chops, bone-in chops, chicken chops, etc. Demonstration on using marinade for crispy pork ribs and chicken chops. Ingredients: 2 pairs of chicken breasts, 2 egg yolks, appropriate amount of marinade for pork ribs and chicken chops.

Frying Powder Ingredients: 2 cups Japanese cornstarch, 1 cup flour, 2 teaspoons white pepper, 2 teaspoons salt, 1/2 tablespoon yeast chemical, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of white pepper, 1 tablespoon of soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of cornstarch. Method: 1. Remove large bones and skin from breastchicken and lightly beat the front and back sides with your back or meat hammer. Wash and dry the chicken breast after pounding it, and use a knife to cut the chicken breast in half from the side. In other words, each chicken breast can be used to make two chicken steaks. 2. Marinate the chicken breast with the chicken chop marinade mentioned above for 10 minutes, then add the egg yolk and mix well, grasp it firmly with your hands and dip it into the fried powder before to fry it. 3. Heat 4 cups of oil to 70% and fry for 2 minutes until the outside is golden and crispy.

Salted Pork Marinade Ingredients: A: 1 cup black pepper, 1/2 cup shallots, 1/2 cup chopped green onions. B: 1/2 cup sorghum wine (hot), 1/2 cup salt, 3 tablespoons MSG, 1/2 cup sugar, 1 teaspoon chili peppermaic. Method: Sauté ingredient A until fragrant, then add ingredient B and stir evenly. Usage: Marinate pork chops, pork belly, marinated chicken chops, etc. Demonstration of using salted pork sauce Salted pork Ingredients: 1 slice of pork belly, 1 bowl of marinated sauce. Method: 1. Wash and dry the pork belly, then marinate it in the marinade for 2 days (in the refrigerator). 2. Roast, slice and serve. Beef fillet sauce marinade Ingredients: 1 tablespoon baking soda, 1 tablespoon papaya essence, 1 tablespoon corn flour, 1 tablespoon salt, 1 tablespoon sugar, 3 egg yolks, half a bowl of rice wine, a little sesame oil. Method: Mix all the ingredients to make a very useful marinated beef fillet sauce. Use: Used to marinate beef fillet or pork.

Prime Rib Marinade Ingredients: 1 tbsp baking soda, 1 tbsp MSG, 1 tsp salt, 2 tsp cornstarch, 1 tbsp pepper, 1 tsp tablespoon onion powder, 1 tablespoon celery powder, 1 tablespoon minced garlic, 4 eggs. Method: Mix all ingredients evenly and use to marinate the beef short ribs. Usage: Can be used to marinate ribs, steaks, ribs, etc. Chicken wings and chicken thighs marinade ingredients: 1 small piece of ginger, 10 shallots, 10 garlic, 1 teaspoon chicken powder, 2 tablespoons sugar, 1 tablespoon black pepper, 3 tablespoons of rice wine, 2 tablespoons of cornstarch, 2 green onions, a small amount of five spice powder. Method: Mix all the ingredients evenly, then add the meat to marinate. Useon: Whether you are marinating chicken thighs or you are a fan of marinated chicken, you can use this marinade. Put the chicken thighs in the marinade, make sure the marinade covers the ingredients, then cover it with a lid or seal it with plastic wrap and refrigerate it for a few hours to a day. Remove it when you want to use it. The marinade will be tastier.

Miso fish marinade Ingredients: 1 cup mild miso, 2 tablespoons mirin, 3 tablespoons fine sugar, 1 tablespoon chicken powder. Method: 1. Mix all the ingredients evenly. 2. Apply to the surface of fish fillets or seafood, preferably leave to marinate for more than a day. Use: Can be used to marinate fish or meat. The famous miso fish involves first applying the miso marinade around the fish fillet, then.Place it in the refrigeratorigerator for refrigeration. Once the miso flavor is absorbed, take it out and fry or grill the miso fish.

Ingredients for crispy and spicy fish marinade: 1/2 piece of southern milk, 1 teaspoon of flour, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 1 teaspoon of sesame oil, 1 teaspoon pepper, 300 g spicy chili powder, 1 teaspoon baking soda, 2 tablespoon water. Method: 1. Mix southern milk with a little water to make a paste. 2. Add baking soda to the water, mix thoroughly and set aside. 3. Then mix the other ingredients well, then add the ingredients prepared in steps 1 and 2 and mix well. Use: Can be used for marinated cod or marinated grass carp. The method is very simple, just marinate the cod for 30 minutes, then prepare a separate bowl, add the eggs and low gluten flour, mix wellr, then coat the outer layer of the marinated cod with flour paste, and finally coat the outer surface. evenly with the bread flour. Fry in the pan.

Marinade for Chinese steak Ingredients: 5 tablespoons tomato sauce, 1 tablespoon A1 sauce, 1 teaspoon Maggi Umami sauce, 1 teaspoon Mirin, 1 teaspoon MSG. Method: Boil all the ingredients together. Usage: Can be used to braise beef, mutton stew, brisket stew or Chinese-style steak marinade. If you like the taste of Chinese-style steak, you can use this Chinese-style braised steak sauce to braise the steak and then pan-fry or grill it. If you like the taste of soy sauce, you can also add a little soy sauce, which may suit your taste more.

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