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1 First of all, you must believe that you and your car can fully experience this journey, with a few hundred modifications and long distance modification parts (prepare the front and rear shelves in advance, including bags, repair parts, protective equipment, maps, travel guides, a small amount of protection supplies against cold, etc.).
2 This journey of hundreds or thousands of kilometers cannot be completed in one day. To ensure physical strength, it is not easy to reach a speed above 20 per hour for the entire long distance. easy to consume physical strength whenit's too cold or too hot.
3 It's best not to cycle at night! Install a computer in your car, consult the map to estimate the first day's route, find accommodation before dark, leave early and return early. If you don't know the route, just follow the bus. If you come across a fork in the road, you can ask pedestrians to go there together.
4 Be sure to check the condition of the car before leaving. If you can, it's best to bring simple repair tools.
5 In addition to luggage and water, the backpack should contain a fully charged cell phone and sufficient money, a whistle (for help), chocolate rich in energy, dried meat, Red Bull, glucose, banana (anti-cramps), etc., contact your family and friends before departure!
6 Put on protective equipment (helmet, glasses, gloves, etc.) and you ares ready to go!
7 This is a suggestion from a long distance veteran. Either way, safety comes first! I wish you a good trip.
VAT taxpayers are divided into small taxpayers and general taxpayers. Only general taxpayers can issue special VAT invoices, while small taxpayers can only issue ordinary invoices. Only businesses and corporations. entities that exceed the standards for small taxpayers can go through certification procedures with the competent tax authorities, attaching the standards for the recognition of small taxpayers
( 1) Engage in taxpayers who produce goods or provide taxable services, as well as taxpayers who are primarily engaged in the production of goods or provide taxable services and who also engage in sale inwholesale or retail of goods, whose annual taxable sales are less than 1 million yuan. ;
(2) Taxpayers engaged in the wholesale or retail sale of goods whose annual taxable sales are less than 1.8 million yuan;
(3) are considered small taxpayers, that is, their annual taxable sales to individuals that exceed the standard for small taxpayers, non-business units, and businesses that do not frequently engage in taxable activities.
Recognition standards:
(1) Taxpayers engaged in the production of goods or the provision of taxable services, and taxpayers whose main activity is the production of goods or the provision of taxable service services and also engage in the wholesaling of goods. Taxpayers engaged in the wholesale or retail sale of goods, whose annual taxable sales are iless than 1 million yuan. Taxpayers engaged in the wholesale or retail sale of goods, whose annual taxable sales are less than 1.8 million yuan. ;
(2) Accounting Accounting is not sound;
(3) Activities subject to value added tax are not frequent;
p>(4) Small, large-scale enterprises engaged in the retail trade of goods, whether financial accounting is sound or not,Not all taxpayers are recognized as general taxpayers of value added tax;
(5) Individuals;
(6) Non-business entities.