motorcycle generator

Introduction Motorcycle Generator There is nothing special about the principle of a motorcycle generator, it is just a general magneto. The rotor with coil rotates in the magnetic field of the stator and the magnetic field lines are cut to generate electric current.

motorcycle generator

The principle of a motorcycle generator is not special, it is just a general magneto. The rotor with the coil rotates in the magnetic field of the stator and the magnetic lines of force are cut to generate current. The generated current goes through rectification, voltage stabilization, and then to the battery or other power-consuming components. Generally speaking, the battery can be charged normally when the motorcycle's engine speed is close to 1000 rpm. Most current batteries are maintenance-free batteries that do not require adding water. If they are traditional lead-acid batteries, they should be checked frequently and distilled water or light sulfuric acid should be filled in time. To make the motorcycle battery durable, it is best to avoid using horns, lights, etc. when the engine is not running, and always leave the engine running at high speedfor a period of time when the motorcycle is not used for a period of time. long time, the battery should be removed.

The battery will run out of fluid after four months of use. After adding fluid and recharging, will the battery still be usable? Thank you for your help

I am very happy to answer for you. With the current trend of automotive electronics, more and more electronic devices are used in the car, and the battery is not only used to start the car. engine, but also more. It is used to power certain equipment. Routine battery maintenance is essential. Here are some interview methods to share with you.

1. When you drive daily, you should first turn off the electrical appliances, then turn off the engine

When you turn off the engine, you should first turn off some electrical equipment of Lby car. As long as the battery is still in use, the battery will work all the time. This will not only consume power, but also accelerate battery aging. to turn off all equipment in the car and turn it off when parking.

2. Clean the car battery poles regularly

The battery may accumulate acid-etched powder and stains during daily operation. a damp cloth Wipe off dust, oil, white powder and other contaminants that can easily cause leakage on the panel and the positive and negative electrodes. In addition, you can also apply special grease to the two battery electrodes to protect the battery.

3. Check the battery status regularly

In order to maintain the best battery performance, it is best to check the battery every six months to ensure proper battery life.See how much energy it has stored. What is the capacity? Typically, the lifespan of a battery is around 3 years, and if properly maintained, it can last up to 4 years. But the further we go, the more the time needed to check the battery decreases.

Here are some methods of daily battery maintenance. I would like to share them with you. I hope they will be useful to you.

1. Make sure the car has electricity

2. Do not use a washer gun car

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1. The function and principle of automobile batteries.

The car battery is a device that converts chemical energy and electrical energy into each other. According to the maintenance method, it can be divided into three categories: ordinary, low-maintenance and maintenance-free batteries. Their functions are:

(1) Providing electrical energy to start the car.

(2) When the generator is overloaded, it can help the generator to power electrical equipment.

(3) The car battery is a large-capacity capacitor that can absorb the instantaneous high voltage generated in the circuit inside the car, thereby protecting the electrical equipment of the car.

(4) In addition to providing electrical energy to the vehicle, it can also store excess electrical energy generated by the operation of the generator.

2. How to maintain the battery?

(1) Car batteries also discharge while parking, powering anti-theft modules or certain electronic devices. Daily discharge can reduce capacity by more than 1%. Long-term power loss will shorten the battery life or directly discard it. Car owners should regularly start the vehicle eDon't drive it a certain distance, or remove the negative terminal of the battery when parked to avoid battery loss.

(2) Clean the battery terminals regularly. If corrosion occurs, it will increase the resistance value and affect the normal charging and discharging of the battery. This must be dealt with in time. Check whether there is any aging phenomenon on the insulating surface of the wire harness and apply special grease to protect the wire harness.

(3) When the electrolyte level of the battery is insufficient, distilled water should be added until it reaches between the lines of upper and lower scale. Do not add electrolyte, as the battery density has been adjusted at the factory. If electrolyte is added, the electrolyte density of the battery will increase, its internal resistance will increase, the voltage will decrease, the charging capacity will decrease and theThe aging of the battery plates will be worsened.

(4) The time between starting the vehicle should not exceed 5 seconds. If the vehicle cannot start, the interval between restarts should not be less than 15 seconds. If it fails to start three times, it should be shut down for a few minutes before restarting to avoid excessive battery discharge and damage. And if the car still does not start after several starts, the cause must be looked for in other aspects such as the circuit, ignition coil or oil circuit.

(5) During daily driving, you should always check whether the small hole on the battery cover is ventilated. If the small hole in the battery cover is blocked, the hydrogen and oxygen generated cannot be discharged. When the electrolyte expands, it will cause the battery shell to burst and affect its service life. Moreover, for the bmaintenance-free batteries, the condition of the battery can be judged by looking at the color of the observation hole. Green means the battery is good; black means the battery is low; white means the battery electrolyte level is too low; red means the battery is damaged.

Finally, I wish everyone a happy life!

How to maintain the battery? Keep the battery dry at all times, remove dust and mud from it to prevent corrosion from contact points and remove oxides from poles and connectors to avoid increased resistance. Avoid excessive discharge. Try to avoid leaving the vehicle for a long period of time. If you need to park it for a long time, you can drive the vehicle for a while or use a charger to charge the battery in time. The vehicle cannot start, continued use of the start opportunity inwill result in overcharging the battery. If it is damaged due to discharge, the correct method is to start the car for no more than 5 seconds each time, and the interval between restarts is not less. More than 15 seconds. If it fails to start several times, when it runs, the cause should be found in other aspects such as circuit, ignition coil or oil circuit. The above is my opinion on battery maintenance, thank you

1. The most important thing about the car battery is that the car cannot not be left in a powered state for a long time. for a long time, which will often lead to serious battery problems; Many people have the habit of leaving the headlights on when the car is turned off after driving at night, which will soon lead to insufficient battery power.

2. Keep it cleanvehicle. Some cars are parked under the trees. If leaves fall on the car for a long time, the wind may blow into the hood. If it stays on the battery for a long time, there will be safety hazards. Cover it with a car cover when parking the vehicle.

3. As the saying goes, the car is not damaged when it is running, but when it is unloaded. If the battery is parked for a long time, the power will. the battery will be lost little by little. If you need to park it for a long time, unscrew the primary wire of the battery, so that in the open circuit state, the battery will not be discharged, and the damage to the battery will be reduced.

4. Many people like to listen to music while driving, which actually has no impact. However, if we still listen to music when the car is parked, the battery is exhausted. If there is nohas no charge in discharge state, the battery will appear in power state soon.

5. For power supplies, the main “killer” is dust. If it builds up too much, it will form a short circuit condition on the battery, which will often be directly. burn the battery. Clean the contacts around the battery.

Under normal circumstances, car batteries do not need to be maintained, unless your car will not be used for a long period of time, then you should remove the negative electrode and charge it each time. two months. You should pay attention to normal use. If you always drive back and forth for several kilometers, the damage to the battery will be relatively significant. It is recommended to take your family for a walk to a remote place during the weekend and leave the battery. be fully charged for regular high-speed journeys.It has many advantages. It can not only remove carbon deposits from the vehicle, but also fully charge the battery. Generally, the car battery can be fully charged after running at high speed for more. More than an hour. This type of battery can maintain the best conditions. If you do not use the car for a long time, such as half a month or a month, you should cut off the battery cable or start the car after two weeks and drive it for tens of kilometers to ensure that the battery can be used normally. The above is my personal opinion, I hope it can be helpful to everyone

1. Turn off all the lights before putting out the flames

Some older models do not support auto power off function after engine stops, so you need to power off manuallyTurn off the interior lights and map lamps before turning off the engine. If you need to find something in the car or need lighting, you can use your cell phone or flashlight for lighting, so you don't turn on the reading light and forget to use it. turn off, which will cause loss of battery power.

2. Avoid parking the vehicle for a long time

The battery installed in the vehicle will discharge for a long time period. Term storage, mayMany car owners will find it difficult to drive the car or even the battery will be completely discharged after returning from a business or tourist trip. So it is better to drive the car once a week and the driving time is preferably more than 20 minutes. , so that the battery can be charged while the vehicle is driving.

3. Closethe windows before turning off the engine

The car's window and sunroof switches are powered by batteries, so it is best to close all the windows before turning off the engine. turn off the engine, rather than closing them after turning off the engine, or even closing the windows by pressing and holding the lock button after leaving the car.

Carefully check the cap area for rust. Once rust appears, use a professional cleaning agent.

During daily driving, you should always check whether the small hole on the battery cover is ventilated. If the small hole in the battery cover is blocked, the hydrogen and oxygen generated cannot be discharged. When the electrolyte expands, it will cause the battery shell to burst and affect its service life.

If the battery is not used for a long timegue period, it will discharge slowly. Therefore, it is better to start the car every certain period and run it for about 10 minutes. more than 15 minutes to charge the battery, the battery has a certain lifespan and needs to be replaced after a certain time.

1. It is strictly prohibited to operate or place the battery in a low power state. Power loss state (battery voltage drops 20%) means the battery is not charged in time after use. In a depleted state, the battery is prone to sulfation. Lead sulfate crystals adhere to the plates and block the ion channels, causing an increase in the internal resistance of the battery, insufficient charging, slow charging, and a decrease in battery capacity. The longer the battery is left unused, the more severely damaged it will be until it is replaced.discarded. 2. When the battery is not in use, it should be charged once or twice a month to keep it in good condition. 3. When not used for a long time, the battery ground wire should be disconnected. 4. The battery charging current should not be too large, and the charging voltage should not be more than 20% of the battery voltage. It must be charged at a current of one twentieth of the battery capacity and charged continuously. 24 hours

Battery, also called storage battery, is a type of battery whose working principle is to convert chemical energy into electrical energy. The normal lifespan of a car battery ranges from 1 to 8 years, which depends a lot on the condition of the vehicle. If the vehicle's generator is recharged normally and there are no leaks or grounding of electrical devices, it can in principle be used for more than3 year olds. If you feel that it cannot be charged or the starter is weak and the headlights are visibly dimmed, you should remove the battery and charge it with a charger for 12 to 24 hours. If it still does not work and the vehicle has been charged. used for a long time, you should consider replacing the battery.

If the battery is not used for a long time, it will discharge slowly. Therefore, it is better to start the car at regular intervals and run it for longer periods of time. 15 minutes to charge the battery. It has a certain lifespan and must be replaced after a certain period.

PS: When the car headlights are dimWhen the battery is red, the horn is not loud and the starter is weak, the battery should no longer be used and must be charged immediately. During use, you should try toe maximize charging possibilities and always work in a fully charged state. When using the battery in winter, you should always keep it fully charged to prevent the electrolyte from freezing due to its low density, which could damage the battery.

The battery plays a big role in the use of the car. If it cannot supply power normally, problems will occur in the engine and circuit system of the car. Therefore, car owners usually take good care of them to avoid the dilemma of the engine not starting or the car suddenly stalling midway. In fact, car owners only need a minute or two to service the battery every time they check the engine.

Here are some tips for battery care:

1. Use a damp cloth to wipe the exteriordrums. Wipe off dust, oil, white powder and other dirt on the panel and pile heads (i.e. positive and negative poles) which can easily cause leakage. If the battery is frequently rubbed in this way, the white acid-etched powder will not accumulate on the battery's cell head and its life will be longer.

2. Open the battery water filler cap and check if the water level is at the normal position. Generally, there will be upper and lower limit marks on the side of the battery for your reference. If it turns out that the water level is below the lower mark, distilled water should be added. If distilled water cannot be obtained immediately, filtered tap water can be used in an emergency. Don't add too much water, the standard is to add some in the middle of the top and bottom markings.

3.Check if the battery charges normally. If you have an ammeter, after starting the engine, measure the voltage at both poles of the battery. It must exceed 13V to be considered normal. If you find that the charging voltage is too low, you should ask a professional to check the charging system. If there is no three-function ammeter, you can carry out a visual inspection: after starting the engine, open the battery water filler cap and see if there are any bubbles in it. every little cell. The normal situation is that bubbles will continue to come out of the water, and the more oil comes out, the more oil will bubble; If you see no bubbles, there is probably a problem with the charging system. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that hydrogen will be generated during this inspection, so do not smoke during the inspection to avoid any risk of explosion.osion and fire.

How long does it take to charge the battery after adding distilled water? Does the battery need to be discharged before adding water?

Can it be used? But pay attention to the following points: 1. Add distilled water, do not add additives; 2. Charge with low current, do not let the generator charge in the car (the generator in the car is charged at constant voltage, when the battery loses a lot of energy. The charging current is too large and can sometimes reach 30 to 40 A). 3. Make sure your generator's power generation voltage is normal. It is best if it is around 14.5 V. Normally this will not be the case. exceed 15 V (12 V series) and double it for 24 V series; < /p>

If the power output is normal, it means your battery quality is not very good. Just check the fluid level in timeand refuel. Distilled water will cause liquid shortage in the long term. The plates are vulcanized and the battery capacity is reduced.

How long does it take to charge the battery after adding distilled water? It is recommended to charge it 1-2 hours after adding distilled water. The battery is an important part of the car. When the engine does not start, the battery powers the electronic equipment of the entire car and is also responsible for starting the engine. Without a battery, the car cannot operate properly.

When starting the engine, the starter, fuel system, ignition system, etc. are affected. must all work, and the operation of these systems cannot be separated from electricity.

If the battery is discharged, the engine cannot start.

After starting the engine, the engine will run the generator.

When the generator is running, it can power all the electronic devices in the car, and the generator can also charge the battery.

The battery is a wearing part that must be replaced regularly. As the number of charges and discharges increases, battery performance will continue to decrease.

During charging and discharging, the battery ions will move through the electrolyte, and some of the ions will react chemically with the electrolyte as they move through the electrolyte. 'electrolyte.

As the number of charges and discharges increases, the number of ions in the battery will continue to decrease, so the battery performance will also decrease.

If you can maintain good car usage habits, you can actually extend the life of the battery.

It is recommended not toDo not use electronic devices in the car for a long time without starting the engine, and do not turn on headlights, air conditioners and other electrical appliances. -devices consuming at the same time when starting the engine.

Does the battery need to be discharged before adding water?

If you want to add water to the battery, it is recommended to discharge it to the advance, so that the effect will be better. . Most batteries require no maintenance. The case of this battery is sealed and cannot be filled with water. If the battery is old, it can only be replaced by adding water. There is a cover on the battery that can be filled with water. The lid can be unscrewed and distilled water can be added after unscrewing.

Battery electrolyte will be reduced during use. When the electrolyte is reduced, the energy storage capacity of the batterywill decrease.

Once the electrolyte has been reduced, it can be replenished by adding distilled water.

The reason why the battery storage capacity decreases is also the loss of ions.

The positive and negative electrodes of rechargeable batteries consist of two metals with different active properties. During the charging and discharging process, the electrodes will produce ions and the ions will dissolve. in the electrolyte.

There will be losses during the movement of ions in the electrolyte. As battery usage time increases, the number of ions that can move through the electrolyte becomes smaller and smaller. This will cause the battery storage energy strength to decrease.

This situation can be resolved by replacing the positive and negative plates.

As the number of charges and discharges increases, the pBattery performance will certainly decrease. When this happens, distilled water should be added in time. If you use a maintenance-free battery, it cannot be replaced.

If it is not replaced, it may affect your normal use of the car. (Images/Text/Photos: Calling the Beast Q&A) @2019

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