What is the telephone number for Chengdu Lingxiu Qingcheng sales department?

Introduction What is the telephone number for Chengdu Lingxiu Qingcheng sales department? Lingxiu Qingcheng Jiwu Sales Office Hotline: 4006581350, ext. 17062. Lingxiu Qingcheng is located in Qingcheng, a national tourist attraction

What is the telephone number for Chengdu Lingxiu Qingcheng sales department?

Lingxiu Qingcheng Jiwu Sales Office Hotline: 4006581350, ext. 17062.

Lingxiu Qingcheng is located in Chaping Village, Daguan Town, Waishan, Qingcheng, a national tourist attraction. The project covers an area of ​​approximately 42 acres, with a total of one phase of development (developed), with a total number of households of 108 and an overall building floor area ratio of approximately 0.21. The supporting facilities are relatively complete. For shopping, there are Anxing self-selected supermarket, Heyuan Garden supermarket, Yujia supermarket, Huhui supermarket, Xinxin supermarket, Xianghe grain and oil wholesale department and Geely supermarket for daily necessities, there is Chengdu Rural; Commercial Bank (Dujiangyan Daguan Branch), China Postal Savings Bank (Health Center North of Daguan City), Lianghe Branch of Dujiangy Credit Cooperativean Qingchengshan, China Xinhe (Qingcheng Branch), etc.

The property is located in: Chaping Village, Daguan Town (near Chaping Village Committee).

The current average property price: 8,800 yuan/square meter.

Property type: Residential.

Duration of property rights: Ordinary residence: 70 years; Large flat floor: 70 years old.

State of decoration: raw.

Click to view: Detailed information about Lingxiu Qingcheng.

What are the garment processing factories in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia? How to proceed.

Lingxiu Qingcheng Jiwu business telephone number: 4006569058, extension 17062.

Lingxiu Qingcheng is located in Chaping Village, Daguan Town, Waishan, Qingcheng, a national tourist attraction . The project covers an area of ​​approximately 42 acres, with a total of one development phase (developed), with a total number of households of 108and an overall building floor area ratio of approximately 0.21. The supporting facilities are relatively complete. For shopping, there are Anxing self-selected supermarket, Heyuan Garden supermarket, Yujia supermarket, Huhui supermarket, Xinxin supermarket, Xianghe grain and oil wholesale department and Geely supermarket for daily necessities, there is Chengdu Rural; Commercial Bank (Dujiangyan Daguan Branch), China Postal Savings Bank (Health Center North of Daguan City), Lianghe Branch of Dujiangyan Qingchengshan Credit Union, China Xinhe (Qingcheng Branch), etc. . .

Current average price: 8,800 yuan/square meter.

The property is located in: Chaping Village, Daguan Town (near Chaping Village Committee).

Property type: Residential.

Duration of property rights: Ordinary residence: 70 years; Large flat floor: 70years.

Click to view: Detailed information about Lingxiu Qingcheng.

Hohhot Xinyuan Art Clothing Factory/No. 24, Shixi Road/13804748392 Hohhot Maohudaner Garment Co., Ltd./No. 20, Qingquan Street/0471-5975860 Hohhot Haosha Clothing Co., Ltd. / Yulong Industrial Park / 13804717398 Inner Mongolia Old Fashion Co., Ltd. / No. 6 Tongshun Street / 0471-9021898 Hohhot Yuquan District Shunda Knitting Garment Co., Ltd. / Xilin South Road Lighting Bureau Dormitory Building / 0471-667546 Yuquan District of Hohhot Town Yashili Garment Co., Ltd./No.471-571194 Hohhot Sanxiong Garment Factory/3 kilometers away Huqing Highway/0471-5960180 Hohhot District Yuquan Zhangxin Garment Co., Ltd./No. 64 Wutasi Qian Street Inner Mongolia Yilida Garment Co., Ltd./Fish pond Lane/0471 -9017626 Maohudaner Garment Factory, Yuquan District, Hohhot Town/No. 20 Qingquan Street/0471-5975960 Inner Mongolia Yali Fashion Co., Ltd./No. 188 Park South Road/0471-6296012 Inner Mongolia Oriental Boiling Point Clothing Co. , Ltd./Hohhot ethnic In the courtyard of the leather goods factory / 0471-5973185 Hohhot Longtai Garment Factory / No. 4, Sanliying West Road / 0471-6934885 Hohhot Huancheng Leather Clothing Co., Ltd. / 1st Floor of Yingchun Hotel, Shidong Road / 0471-5976210 Inner Mongolia Qinglang Clothing Co., Ltd. Responsible Company/Danglang Civil Engineering Village, Ordos West Road/0471-3691156 Inner Mongolia Jinyou Garment Co., Ltd./No. 1 Dabei Street/0471-624955 Inner. Mongolia Guman Clothing Co., Ltd./Hujiao West Caiyuan Team 2 (Hutuo Highway 1, 5 kilometers) / 0471-5968202 Hohhot Dance Art Clothing Factory Second Wuzhilian Dance Clothing Store / No. 209 Gongyuan West Road / 0471-5978559 Mongolia Inner Xinrong Garment Co., Ltd. / Nanchafang Hohhot Yiming Clothing Factory / 6th Floor, Building 1, Zhongshan West Road Shopping Mall / 0471-6301637 Hohhot Ledis Clothing Co., Ltd. Sweater Factoryine / No. 1 Nansuncheng Street / 0471-6301113 Jiamusi Swissman Garment Co., Ltd. Hohhot Distribution Branch Company/ In the library courtyard of Gongyuan East Road/ 0471-628812 The first branch of Inner Mongolia National Clothing Co., Ltd./ No. 21, Xilin North Road/ 0471-6900645 West Village Clothing Factory of Kangfu Industrial Company, Huimin District, Hohhot Town/No. 2, Building 59, Gong Xicun, Ningbo Youngor Clothing Co., Ltd. Hohhot Sales Branch / No. 110 Zhongshan West Road / 0471-6265931 Hohhot No. 8 College Clothing Processing Factory / No. 1 Taiping Street / 0471-34484 Hohhot Ledisi Clothing Co., Ltd. Sales Branch / No. 26 Wenggong Street / 0471-6672487 Hohhot Qitai Clothing Co., Ltd. Maternal and Child Health Hospital. Store / National Costume Processing Factory of Inner Mongolia Acrobatic Troupe North of the Gate of Inner Mongolia Maternal and Child Health Hospital / No. 13 X Streetinhua / 0471-664834 Inner Mongolia Jingtai Clothing Co., Ltd. Fourth branch/No. 3 Wenzhou. Commercial Pedestrian Street/0471-6953487 Hohhot Weiyu Garment Co., Ltd.Co., Ltd./ No. 18 Haixi Road/ 0471-3963981 Hohhot Xinxinshi Garment Factory/ No. 48 Dongshaliang/ 0471-3963900 Inner Mongolia Mengba Clothing Co., Ltd. No. 5 Trousers Specialty Store/ West side of Manda Mall / 0471-3956710 The Fourth Branch of Inner Mongolia Weilang Clothing Co., Ltd./ South of Yunzhong Hotel, 1st Floor, Mongolia Ethnic Mall Inner, First Sales Department, Hohhot Branch, Inner Mongolia Sanai Clothing Co., Ltd./ No. 39, Zhongshan West Road/ 0471-6281321 Inner Mongolia Jinqi Clothing Company / No. 12, Zhongshan West Road / 0471-902520 Inner Mongolia Lucianu Clothing Co., Ltd. / No. 128, Zhongshan West Road / 0471-6959921 Inner Mongolia Xintiandi Clothing Co., Ltd. / No. 31, Zhongshan West Road / 0471-6927881 Hohhot Qitai Clothing Co., Ltd. Xiyuan—Shuaihaote Professional Wear Exhibition Center/No. ., Ltd./No. 98 Zhongshan West Road/6953355-8503 Hohhot Fule Garment Co., Ltd./Yihe Lane / 0471-626918 Hohhot Xinyi Garment Factory / Guangming Road / 0471-3968821 Inner Mongolia Economic and Trade Department Garment Processing and Distribution Department / West side of 4th floor, building 3, shopping mall / 0471-6933889 Inner Mongolia Weirang Garment Co., Ltd. 5 Branch/No. 40, Gongyuan East Road, Hohhot Shengshida Garment Co., Ltd. /Xinhua Street (Inner Mongolia Stadium)/0471-6396243 Hohhot Suburban Xiyuan Clothing Factory Women's Trousers Store/No. 304, Gongyuan East Road Baihe Mall/6929988 -63381 Hohhot Yinshan Garment Co., Ltd. / No. 99 Gangtang Road / 0471 -34413 Inner Mongolia Shixin Garment Co., Ltd. / Xinhua Street (inside Inner Mongolia Gymnasium) / 0471-6923355 Lihua Clothing Processing Sales Department, Huimin District, Hohhot Town / No. 1 Branch of Zhongshan West of Inner Mongolia Weilang Garment Co., Ltd., Road No. 45 / Zhuofan Clothing Sales Department of Hohhot Railway Garment Factory , No. 27 Bell Road/Hohhot Tianfeng Garment Factory, No. 86 Nanma Road/No. 7, Building 1, Zero Kilometer, Saihan Road / 0471-. 9012335 Jinmei Garment Processing Factory, Huimin District, Hohhot Town / No. 80 Yihe Lane, Hohhot Huaxing Garment Factory / No. 25 Xianfu Street / 0471-35198 National Hohhot Garment Factory Material Sales Department Mengwei Building / Hohhot Exhibition Hall / 0471- 5974582 Hohhot Weishi Clothing Co., Ltd./Gongyuan South Road Inner Mongolia Weilang Clothing Co., Ltd.Branch 1/No. 17 Wenzhou Pedestrian Street, Zhongshan West Road/0471-2205654 Inner Mongolia Weirang Clothing Co., Ltd. Branch 8/No. 11, 1st Floor, Victory Commercial Building, No. 39, Zhongshan West Road/ 0471-226332`1 Xiongfeng, Ordos Road, Huimin District, Hohhot Town Clothing Factory/ Opposite West Chemical Fiber Factory/ 3963377-412 Inner Mongolia Mengba Clothing Co., Ltd. Zhongshan West Road Store/Shop No. 12, Building 1, Xianghe, North Gate, Zhongshan West Road/ 0471-3683009 Hohhot Bixuerong Cashmere Clothing Co., Ltd. The First Specialty Store/Bell Road Oriental Plaza/0471-6972571 Inner Mongolia Mengba Clothing Co., Ltd. Processing Factory/Steel Road (inside Hugang Institute)/0471-3683009 Hohhot Qitai Clothing Co., Ltd. Xiyuan After-sales Service No. 15/Xianghe Building 3, District 3, Community/0471-4605577 Hohhot Mengdiwei Cashmere Clothing Factory/West Locomotive Section Dormitory/0471-6917781 Ningbo Youngor Clothing Co., Ltd. Hohhot Parkson Mall Store/Parkson Mall 3rd Floor/0471-6300915 Inner Mongolia Zhong Xin Radio and Television Economic Development Company Garment Factory/No. 13 BellRoad/0471-662176 Hohhot Bixureong Cashmere Clothing Co. ., Ltd./No. 29 Xilin North Road/0471-5965988 Inner Mongolia Mengba Clothing Co., Ltd./Industrial Economic Park/0471-368309 Branch of Jinzu Shoes and Clothing Co., Ltd. of Inner Mongolia/Manda West Gate Shopping Mall / 0471-6694655 Inner Mongolia Mengba Clothing Co., Ltd. Clothing Factory/Ordos Road/ 0471-3683009 Hohhot Brick Clothing Co., Ltd./ No. 26, Wenhua Palace Street / 0471-6969125 Inner Mongolia David Clothing Co., Ltd. Seventh Branch / No. 44 Wenzhou Pedestrian Street, Zhongshan West Road / 0471-6966906 Hohhot Tianjiao Garment Co., Ltd. / No. 40, Bayannur South Road / 0471-363400 Bi, Hohhot City The second store of Xuerong Cashmere Clothing. Co., Ltd. / No. 34, Wenzhou Commercial Pestrian Street / 0471-6670135 The second branch of Inner Mongolia David Clothing Co., Ltd. / No. 1 Boutique House, Xizhong Victory Commercial Building, Zhongshan / 0471-6840502 Inner Mongolia Jingtai Clothing Co., Ltd. Third Branch / No. 183, Zhanbei Road Railway Section / 0471-2263163 Hohhot Chuangyuan Garment Co., Ltd. / Commercial Building No. 2, Zhongshan West Road Shopping Mall / 0471-6934816 Hohhot Shanshan Garment Co., Ltd. / No. 118 Gongyuan East Road, Hohhot Library 1F/ 0471-6919733 The fifth branch of Inner Mongolia Aljili Cashmere Clothing Co., Ltd. / 1st Floor, West Side of Victory Commercial Building, Zhongshan West Road / 0471-4914109 The first branch of Inner Mongolia Jingtai Clothing Co., Ltd. / 1, Victory Commercial Building, No. 39, Zhongshan West Road Building No. 6/0471-2263136 Inner Mongolia Zhupai Clothing Co., Ltd./No. 14 Main Body of Wenzhou Pedestrian Street/0471-6966906 Hohhot Qitai Clothing Co., Ltd. Baihe Women's Pants City/No. 34 Baihe Commercial City Inner Mongolia Mengba Clothing Co., Ltd. Specialty Store/Kongjiaying Intersection of Ordos Road/0471-3683009 Hohhot Yijieya Garment Factory/4th Floor of Xinxing Wholesale Market, Tongtong South Street/ 0471-6307310 Inner Mongolia Sanai Clothing Co., Ltd. Second Sales Department of Hohhot Branch/Bell Road Oriental Plaza Bottom Store/0471-6281321 Hohhot Yongdaxing Fashion Co., Ltd./No. 15, Xilin North Road/0471-6933225 Inner Mongolia Tianping Textile and Garment Co., Ltd./No. 16, Jianzi Lane, Luzumiao Street/0471-6928761 Hohhot Dongzhu Garment Factory/Yihe Lane/0471-365677 Inner Mongolia Mengba Clothing Co., Ltd. No. 69 Zhongshan West Road/0471-2273924 Inner Mongolia Merxinte Fashion Co., Ltd./Guangming Road Shila Mengba Inner Mongolia Mengba Clothing Co., Ltd. No. 1 Mengba Pants Specialty Store / North Side of Wusi West Gate Shopping Mall / 6968877-456 Hohhot Qingcheng Garment Co., Ltd. No. 1 / No. 1 Specialty Store Bell Road Inner Mongolia Wang's Clothing Co., Ltd. Tianyuan Commercial Building Affairs Department / No. 16, Zhongshan West Road / 0471-654592 Inner Mongolia Dadong Salon Fashion Co., Ltd. / No. 3, Nanchafang Xinjian / 0471-67366 Garment Co., Ltd. Eighth Store/North side of the door on the first floor of Jiuzhou Building, South Street, Xincheng District/0471-6912791 Inner Mongolia Kalden Knitting Garment Co., Ltd./Ruyi Economic Development Zone/0471-6520193 Hohhot Yiren Garment Factory / No. 203 Xincheng West Street (Inner Mongolia Cultural and Art Cadres School) / 0471-6903767 Inner Mongolia Weirang Garment Co., Ltd. Third Branch / Ulanqab East Road, Inner Mongolia Yiyi Cashmere Sales Service Center of Garment Co., Ltd./No. 90, Zhongshan East Road/0471-4313466 Hohhot Qitai Garment Co., Ltd.After-service Branch No. 21/No. 3, Unit 1, BBuilding 9, Xingfu Community/0471-4605566 Inner Mongolia No. 2 Branch Weilang Clothing Co., Ltd./Outside Zhelimu Road Tuzhong Middle Wall Hohhot Milanya Clothing Co. , Ltd./University West Road No 2, 1st Floor, Commercial and Residential Building / 0471-6298542 Inner Mongolia Thumb Fashion Co., Ltd. / Rishengmao Street, Ulanqab West Road / 0471-5973196 Inner Mongolia Jima Garment Co., Ltd. / No. 3, Row 42, Inner Mongolia Normal University / 0471 -4304651 Inner Mongolia Sanse Garment Co., Ltd. / Thirty-sixth Middle School / 0471-622339 Hohhot Economic and Technological Development Zone Zhengda Plush Garment Co., Ltd. / Room 6044, Ruyi Building, Ruyi Development Zone / 0471-5972142 Hohhot Ruby Cashmere Garment Co., Ltd. / South Xilin Road/ 0471-9013740 Inner Mongolia Yinyu Garment Co., Ltd./ No. 3 Standard Factory Building in Ruyi Zone Development/ 9027279-0472 Inner Mongolia Zhang Shi Garment Co., Ltd./ At intoutside Tiexan College/ 1384710168 Hohhot Young Eagle Garment Factory/ General Administration Street No. 24/ 0471-6513680 Hohhot Henglida Garment Co., Ltd./ Opposite Zhaowuda Road Mongolia Product Inspection Bureau Inner Guoyu Garment Co., Ltd./ Inside Hohhot Grain School, No. 95 West Lane, Exhibition Hall/ 0471-4924947 Inner Mongolia Blue Dream Fashion Co., Ltd./ No. 32 Daxue Road/ 0471- 5979001 Inner Mongolia Huidu Fashion Co., Ltd./ Tuanjie Community/ 4941888-1489 Inner Mongolia Munster Cashmere Garment Co., Ltd./ East side of Tongda Mall Inner Mongolia Personalized Space Clothing Co., Ltd./ No. 95 Zhongshan East Road / 0471-6916481 Hohhot Lijun Fashion Co., Ltd. / No. 15, Zhongshan East Road / 0471-6932944 Hohhot Qitai Clothing Co., Ltd. No. 10 Store / No. 1, Xincheng South Street / 0471-4668316 Inner Mongolia Fidelity Garments Co., Ltd./No. 1, Hulun North Road/0471-629997 Mongol Autonomous Regionie domestic Huiqing Fashion Co., Ltd./No. 31, Xilin South Road/128-19836 Inner Mongolia Saina Clothing Co., Ltd./No. 2 Xuefu Wall Shopping Street, Haixi Lane, Mandu Building/0471-9023303 Hohhot Qitai Clothing Co., Ltd. Ulanqab Road Store/Ulanqab Road Geological Survey Building Street Store Inner Mongolia Feiren Hats and Garments Co., Ltd./Ruyi Qiaodong Development Zone/0471-69342350 Inner Mongolia Sanyuan Garment Co., Ltd. / Standard Factory Building No. 3, Ruyi Development Zone / 0471-4966574 Shuangyun, Hohhot TownClothing Factory/No. 102, Xing'an North Road/0471-6515492 Hohhot Qitai Clothing Co., Ltd. New Century Store/New Century Plaza, East Shop, First Floor, Hohhot Ameni Fashion Co., Ltd./Renmin Road Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital Dormitory Inner Mongolia Fulda Cashmere Clothing Factory/No. 4 Dongluofeng Street /0471-4953830 Inner Mongolia Jinzu Shoes and Clothing Co., Ltd./No. 158, Xilin North Road/0471-6962558 Hohhot Buwang Garment Co., Ltd./Novomul Street Hill Danlou/0471-5963479 Hohhot Qitai Clothing Co., Ltd. Bailing Store/East Store on the first floor of Bailing Commercial Building Inner Mongolia Sailu Cashmere Garment Co., Ltd./Xilin South Road Hohhot Qitai Clothing Co. ., Ltd. Changle Palace Store/Changle Gongdongmen Street Shop Hohhot Economic and Technological Development Zone Daqian Garment Co., Ltd. / No. 301, Ruyi Building, Development Zone / 0471-6937196 Inner Mongolia Ruilida Clothing Co., Ltd. / No. 259, Zhaowuda Road / 0471-9026724 Wang's Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Clothing Co., Ltd. / Ruyi Economic and Technological Development Zone Office Building / 625544-46 Inner Mongolia Jingdi Clothing Factory / No. 29, University East Road / 0471-6927537 Inner Mongolia Jinzu Shoes and Clothing Co., Ltd. Guest House / No. 158, Xilin North Road / 0471-6962558 Hohhot Golden EagleKing Garment Co., Ltd. / No. 3, Nohemule Street / 5972266-353 Hohhot Xiyuan Suburban Clothing Factory Store / Zhongshan West Road / 0471-4925316 Hohhot Jingmeicheng Clothing Co., Ltd. Huimin District Branch/No. 62, Zhongshan West Road (Longhai Building)/0471-6289994 Hohhot Qitai Clothing Co., Ltd. Xiyuan After-sales Service Store 48/No. 26, Ulanqate West Street/0471-4928316 Inner Mongolia Personalized Space Clothing Co., Ltd. The first branch/No. 32, Zhongshan West Road/0471-6916481 Hohhot Yingjun Clothing Co. ., Ltd./North Street Geological Bureau/0471-626765 Inner Mongolia Kaiyuan Garment Co., Ltd./Jinqiao Economic and Technological Development Zone/0471-4315100 Mongolia Aili Gete Cashmere Clothing Co., Ltd./Factory No. 3, Qiankun Industrial Park, east of Yuanjing 2nd Road, east of Ruyi Development Zone, north of Yuanwuwei Road/ 0471- 2212208 Hohhot Yabis Knitting Textile Fashion Co., Ltd./ Ruyi Development Zone 2 Original Qiankun Gold Store on Weidong Road/0471-6890566 Hohhot Liyali Clothing Co., Ltd./Mengjili Community, Jinchuan Development Zone/0471-3682566Hohhot Ruifuxiang Trading Co., Ltd. Garment Factory / No. 1, Erwei Road East, Ruyi Development Zone / 0471-4963439 Hohhot Teliya Garment Factory / No. 101, Dongying North Road / 0471-4979025 Hohhot Cereals, Oils and Food Group Corporation Feifei Fashion Co. , Ltd. / No. 23 Zhongshan East Road, Hohhot Xiaoli Garment Processing Factory / No. 1, Xinhua Street / 0471-629647 Hohhot Qingxin Knitting Garment Factory / Dongmenwai Dongying North Road, Hohhot Zhangxin Garment Co., Ltd. Company/Shengli Road/0471-656950 Hohhot Yashi Garment Co., Ltd./No. 28, Xilin North Road/0471-6964757 Hohhot Xincheng District Huadian Garment Processing Factory/Dongfeng Road/462233-2293 Hohhot Qingcheng Garment Co., Ltd. . Second Branch of Specialty Store/Xincheng West Street, Dongfeng Garment Processing Factory, Xincheng District, Hohhot City/Ulanqab Road, Hohhot Aoxiang Knitting Garment Co., Ltd./No. 88, Inner Mongolia Exhibition Hall West Road/0471-. 4931579 Inner Mongolia Hohhot Guochang Cashmere Wool Fashion Co., Ltd. / No. 3 Novomul Street / 672266-312 Inner Mongolia Mengba Clothing Co., Ltd. Xilin North Road Store / Xilin North Road / 0471-3683009 The third store of Xiyuan Garment Factory in the suburbs of Hohhot / Inner Mongolia The fourth branch of Inner Mongolia David Clothing Co., Ltd. in front of the Autonomous Region Non-ferrous Geological Survey Bureau Building / North Xilin Road (east of Xilin Hotel) / 0471-5920746 The first branch of Inner Mongolia Lingzi Clothing Co., Ltd. / No. 2 West Street / 0471- 6203166 The second branch of Inner Mongolia Lingzi Clothing Co., Ltd. / No. 126, Xilin North Road / 0471-6210748 Qingshan Garment Factory, Xincheng District, Hohhot / West Exit of Jiankang Street/ 0471-6927853 Hohhot Railway Garment Factory / West side of Hulun North Road Viaduct / 0471-6243804 Inner Mongolia Lingzi Clothing Co., Ltd. / No. 102, 1st Floor, Building 7, Xiluofeng Street / 0471-6203166 Inner Mongolia Karen Clothing Co., Ltd. / Hulun South Road Maofangdong Community / 673344-3044 Hohhot Hengte Garment Co., Ltd. Garment Processing Branch/No. 7-1, Haixi Lane, Mandu/0471. -6286606 Inner Mongolia Jinyuclan National Song and Dance Clothing Factory/West Street Art Hall/0471-6950373 Hohhot Ruby Cashmere Garment Co., Ltd. Hongye Building Restaurant/Xin Linnan Road/0471-9013740 The first store of Xiyuan Garment Factory in the suburbs of Hohhot City/The third store of Inner Mongolia David Clothing Co., Ltd. opposite Changle Palace East Gate/ No. 120, South Street / 0471-6840502 Hohhot Saiheng Garment Co., Ltd. / Commercial Building No. 3, Tuanjie Community / 0471-4924036 Manduhai Garment Factory, DistrictXincheng CT, Hohhot / Building 4, Xincheng East Street / 0471- 43073 Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Ethnic Knitted Clothing Factory/No. 314, Hulun South Road/0471-5970694 Hohhot Xinguang Clothing Factory/Second Floor of Tongda Shopping Mall/0471-668540 Inner Mongolia Mengba Clothing Co., Ltd. Xilin Mall Store/ No. 223, Xilin North Road/0471 -2273831 Inner Mongolia Mengba Clothing Co., Ltd. Mengba Trousers Specialty Store No. 3/East of Bailing Hohhot Mall Gate Ives Cashmere Clothing Co., Ltd./No. 28 East Unit, College Dormitory Building No. 19 East Xincheng Street/ 13015012807 Hohhot, Inner Mongolia City Textile Velvet Clothing Factory/No. 15 Xilin South Road/575544-3061 Hohhot Railway Bureau Waterproof Clothing Processing Factory/No. 2 East Station Street. /0471-6240932 Xinghua Garment Factory of Hohhot Railway/No. 3 Haidong Road/0471-6514808 Inner MongoliaShiqi Group Co., Ltd. Qingyang Clothing Factory / No. 62 Novomul Street (inside Inner Mongolia Second Woolen Weaving Factory) /0471- 5920459 Inner Mongolia Jingtai Clothing Co., Ltd. / 110 National Highway South (Inner Mongolia Hongsheng High-Tech Park) / 0471-6517410 Dalan Inner Mongolia Tax Clothing Factory / No. 4 Jiankang Street / 0471-627537 Inner Mongolia Jingtai Clothing Co.., Ltd. Second branch/No. 6, 1st Floor, Jintai Plaza, Zhanxi West Street/ 0471-2263136 Inner Mongolia National Clothing Co., Ltd./58 Beiyuan Street No. 3-7 / 0471-6900645 Hohhot Xincheng District Disabled People's Federation Ruihua Cashmere Clothing Factory / No. 3 Dongmen Waijiji Street / 6921155-2042 Inner Mongolia Aljili Cashmere Clothing Co., Ltd. First Branch / Xincheng West Street Comptoir du Nouveau Siècle on the 4th floor of the square / 0471-4914109 Xinyu Clothing Factory, Xincheng District, City ofHohhot / Xingying Village, Haoqinying County / 13704715731 Xinghua Garment Factory, Xincheng District, Hohhot / National Road 110 / 0471-6110873 Inner Mongolia Jinghua Garment Co., Ltd. / Armed Police 5303 Factory Complex/0471-6598777 Zoma Clothing Factory, Xincheng District, Hohhot/3rd Floor, Agricultural Bank of China, No. 11 Shuiyuan Street/0471-6296012 Huaguang Clothing Factory, Hohhot/South Street Xincheng/0471-6925378 Mengba, Inner Mongolia Clothing Co., Ltd. Mengba Pants Specialty Store No. 2/ East Gate of Changle Palace/ 0471-4924293 Inner Mongolia Lanbol Clothing Co., Ltd. / No. 81 Xincheng West Street (Information Port Building) / 0471-626196 Inner Mongolia David Clothing Co., Ltd. Fifth Branch / No. 89 West Street / 0471-6840502 Hohhot Qitai Clothing Co., Ltd. Xiyuan After-sales Service Store No. 16/Liyuan Community MG1#2# Business No. 022/0471-4605599 Inner Mongolia Weirang Clothing Co., Ltd., Branch 12/No. 108 South Xincheng Street (1st Floor, Jiuzhou Commercial Building) / 0471-2205654 Inner Mongolia Kaler Clothing Co., Ltd./Zhelimu Road/0471-6510469 Hohhot Textile Rongchen Cashmere Garment Factory Yutong Communication Equipment Sales Department /Hulun South Road Post and Telecommunications School North Hohhot Qitai Clothing Co., Ltd. Xiyuan After-sales Service Store 31/No. 12, Building 6, West Street Station Engineering Office/0471-4605577 Sales Department of Hohhot Wumei Art Clothing Factory/No. 25, 2nd Floor, Shopping Mall Bayi, East Station. Street/0471-6955677 Inner Mongolia Rouman Knitting Fashion Co., Ltd., Branch/2nd Floor, No. 4 Dongluofeng Street/0471-4931996 Inner Mongolia David Clothing Co., Ltd. Clothing Factory/Daizhouying Village Committee, Haoqinying County/0471 -6517097 Inner Mongolia Weirang Clothing Co., Ltd. Nine Branches/Xincheng West Street West side of the gate on the first floor of New Century Plaza/0471-6912791Inner Mongolia Mengba Clothing Co., Ltd. New Century Drum Tower Commercial Building Store /First floor of New Century Drum Tower Commercial Building on South Street/0471-2273831 Hohhot Qitai Clothing Co., Ltd. Xiyuan After-sales Service No. 38/ No. 108, Zhanzhan East Street/ 0471-4605577 Inner Mongolia Menglite Fashion Company / Zhongzhuan Road/ 0471-43938 Jianhua Garment Factory, Yuquan District, Hohhot/ No. 27 Jianhua Market/ 0471-6930946 Hohhot Jingmeicheng Clothing Co., Ltd. / No. 62, Zhongshan East Road / 0471-6289994 The 10th store of Inner Mongolia Weilang Clothing Co., Ltd. / West Street Station / 0471-673006 Inner Mongolia David Clothing Co., Ltd. / 6th Floor, Agricultural Building, No. 124, Hulun North Road / 0471 -4915082 Hohhot Qitai Clothing Co., Ltd. 9th Jintai Store/Zhanzhan West Street/0471-4928316 Inner Mongolia Kaitao Fashion Co., Ltd./Yingbin South Road/0471-666975 Xinglong Clothing Factory, Xincheng District, Hohhot/Hexi Company South Lane / 2932288-1236 Hohhot suburb construction. Installation Engineering Company Xiangyu Clothing Processing Factory/No. 6 Xilin South Road East, Xincheng District, Hohhot CityFang Clothing Factory/Dongfeng Road/0471-4953085 Hohhot Qingzu Clothing Accessories Company/No. 1, Shiyangqiao West Road/0471-671200 Hohhot Chaolemeng Fashion Co., Ltd./Wulanqab Road 35 Zhongqiao West No. 1-3, Building 4/ 0471-4912057 Inner Mongolia Jinsui Taxation Garment Factory Sales Department/Counters 97 and 98 au Quanyechang 2nd Floor/ 0471-4306679 Inner Mongolia Tianlong Garment Co., Ltd./ Sanhe Village/ 0471-5971322 Hohhot Zongyuan Haoye Wool Knitting Fashion Co. , Ltd./No. 45 Airport Road Inner Mongolia Fulda Cashmere Garment Co., Ltd./No. 8, Beijia Village, Tuanjie Community Railway/0471-6515771 Hohhot Manduhai Clothing Co., Ltd./Building 4, Xincheng East Street/ 0471-4963073 Inner Mongolia Mengba Clothing Co., Ltd. Xincheng South Street Store / Boutias 1st floor of Hetai Building, Building 1 South Street / 0471-3683309 Inner Mongolia Chaoyang Garment Co., Ltd. / East District of Tuanjie Community / 0471-9033861 Hohhot Jieli Fashion Co., Ltd. Company/Ulanqab Road/0471-466575 Inner Mongolia Cinderella Fashion Co., Ltd./No. 9, Zhongshan East Road/0471-9023524 Hohhot Fuyu Clothing Co., Ltd./Ulanqab Road Inner Mongolia Steel Furnace Company/0471-4963831

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    What is the difference between 18500 and 26500 batteries? The answer above is 18650. The person asking the question should ask what is the difference between 18505 and 26500 batteries. In the case of Fuant ER1
  • What does 3.7V 80mAh written on a lithium battery mean?

    What does 3.7V 80mAh written on a lithium battery mean? 3.7 V, 80 mA = 0.08 A, H means 1 hour, or 3600 seconds. Taken together, it is
  • How long does a lithium battery (cell phone battery) last?

    How long does a lithium battery (cell phone battery) last? The lifespan of mobile phone batteries, under normal conditions of use and without serious impact, the lifespan set by the manufacturer must be 5 years.
  • Will lithium batteries explode when charging?

    Will lithium batteries explode when charged? Will lithium batteries explode when charged? Lithium battery explosions usually occur during the charging process, because the negative electrode material of lithium batteries is graphite or other carbon materi
  • Parameters of lgdas31865 lithium battery

    Parameters of lgdas31865 lithium battery The parameters of lgdas31865 lithium battery are as follows: LGDAS31865 is a model 18650 lithium battery with a capacity of
  • What are the main components of lithium battery electrolyte?

    What are the main components of lithium battery electrolyte? The composition of lithium battery electrolyte is shown below. 1. Ethylene carbonate: molecular formula C3H4O3. Colorless transparent liquid (>35℃), room temperature
  • Who are the lithium battery manufacturers in Shandong?

    What are the lithium battery manufacturers in Shandong? Shandong Shengyang Power Supply Co., Ltd. and Shandong Weineng Environmental Protection Power Technology Co., Ltd. 1. Shandong Shengyang Power Supply Co., Ltd. is located in Shengyang, Qufu City.
  • Types of drone batteries available in 2024

    Part 1. Types of drone batteries available in 2024In 2024, drone batteries have advanced significantly, offering a range of options to cater to various needs in
  • How long does it take to charge 26650 battery?

    How long does it take to charge a 26650 battery? The charging time for a 26650 battery is generally between 3 and 6 hours, but the precise time depends on the power of the charger and the capacity of the battery. in general
  • For what?Sure, here's an article based on the phrase "For what?

    The simple yet profound question, "For what?" often serves as a gateway to deeper reflections on purpose and intention. It is a query that invites us to delve into the reasons behind actions, decisions, and circumstances that shape our lives and the wor
  • Choosing the Right Cart Battery

    This comprehensive guide will walk you through everything you need about cart batteries, from understanding different types to making an informed purchase decision.
  • 30mAh~500mAh 3.7 V Li-ion Battery

    Welcome to Ufine's collection of 3.7V lithium-ion batteries ranging from 30mAh to 500mAh. Explore a diverse range of compact and lightweight batteries suitable for various electronic devices,
  • Here are 10 essential facts about drone batteries for 2024.

    10 Key Facts About Drone Battery for 2024 In 2024, drone batteries have advanced significantly, offering a range of options to cater to various needs in the consumer, commercial, and industrial sectors. Below are the primary types of drone batteries avai
  • Could you please explain the difference among IMR, ICR, INR, and IFR 18650 batteries?

    What is the Difference Between IMR, ICR, INR, and IFR 18650 Battery?In 18650 batteries, discerning the differences among IMR, ICR, INR, and IFR types is fundamental for tailored and efficient battery usage. These distinct
  • Safety considerations for cart batteries

    Selecting the ideal cart battery is crucial for ensuring optimal performance and longevity of your electric vehicle or vaping device. This comprehensive guide w