The Latest Compensation Standards for Land Occupied by Gas Pipelines in Guangyuan City

Introduction The latest compensation standards for land occupied by gas pipelines in Guangyuan City 1) Compensation for land acquisition 1. Compensation standards for cultivated land acquisition The average compensation for dry land is 53 000 yuan per mu. The average

The Latest Compensation Standards for Land Occupied by Gas Pipelines in Guangyuan City

1) Compensation for land acquisition

1. Compensation standard for agricultural land acquisition

The average compensation for dry land is 53,000 yuan per mu.

The average compensation for rice fields is 90,000 yuan per mu.

The average compensation for vegetable fields is 150,000 yuan per mu.

2. Compensation standard for expropriation of basic agricultural land

The average compensation for dry agricultural land is 58,000 yuan per mu.

The average compensation for rice fields is 99,000 yuan per mu.

The average compensation for vegetable fields is 156,000 yuan per mu.

3. The average compensation for expropriation of forest land and other agricultural land is 138,000 yuan per mu.

4. The average compensation for the expropriation of industrial and mining building land, village residences, roads and other building land ccollective is 136,000 yuan per mu.

5. The average compensation for expropriation of waste land, barren hills, waste land, waste ditches and waste land is 21,000 yuan per mu.

(2) Other taxes and fees

1. Cultivated land occupation tax, calculated at 2 yuan per square meter.

2. The commercial vegetable land development and construction fund is calculated at 10,000 yuan per mu.

3. Land acquisition management fees are calculated at 3% of the total cost of land acquisition. It will be used by the Department of Lands and Resources in strict accordance with current regulations.

4. Land acquisition fees average 4,000 yuan per mu, and the provincial land and resources department is responsible for supervision and acceptance.

(3) Land acquisition procedures

1. Inform about the situation ofacquisition of land.

2. Confirm the results of the land acquisition survey.

3. Conduct land acquisition hearings.

4. Sign a compensation agreement for the acquisition of land.

5. Disclose Land Acquisition Approval Issues!

6. Pay compensation for land acquisition and resettlement costs.

(4) Compensation standards for houses and ground objects

1 Compensation standards for houses

Compensation for buildings (at- above two floors) is 3,300 yuan per person. square meter.

The compensation for houses with prefabricated brick and concrete structures is 2,800 yuan per square meter.

The compensation for brick and tile houses is 2,400 yuan per square meter.

The compensation for square (thatched) houses is 1,900 yuan per square meter.

2. Compensation standardion for other overhead (underground) accessories

The compensation for warehouses is 920 yuan per square meter.

The compensation for exterior cement floors is 165 yuan per square meter.

The compensation for each biogas pool is 4,600 yuan.

The compensation for toilets is 190 to 300 yuan per square meter.

The compensation for pigsties and chicken coops is 150 to 260 yuan per square meter.

The compensation for plastic greenhouses is 165 to 280 yuan per square meter.

The compensation for root cellars is 180 to 330 yuan per square meter.

The compensation for each meter of masonry wall extension is 190 yuan.

The compensation for each meter of expanded grid (including homemade grid fence) is 450 yuan.

The compensation for each door turn is 2,400 yuan.

Drinking water wells (including raw water equipments pressure) will receive compensation of 1,000 yuan per well.

The compensation for each large drainage and irrigation well (including equipment) is 30,000 yuan.

The compensation for drainage pipes (plastic pipes, cast iron) is 80 to 150 yuan per extended meter.

The subsidy fee for telephone transfers is 200 yuan per household.

Cable TV reinstallation assistance amounts to 300 yuan per household.

The compensation for each grave is 5,000 yuan.

3. The subsidy for off-site resettlement (including property, supporting facilities, rental fees, etc.) is 20,000 yuan per household.

(5) Compensation standards for forest acquisition

1. Compensation standards for forest trees

(1) Compensation fees for poplars, willows, elms and acacias.


The average remuneration per mu over 1 to 3 years is 6,000 yuan;

The average remuneration per mu over 4 to 13 years is 12,000 to 36,000 yuan;

p>The average remuneration per mu over 14 to 20 years is 60,000 to 80,000 yuan;

The average remuneration for more than 21 years is 32,000 yuan per mu .

⑵Oak Forest Compensation Fee

The average compensation per mu over 1-3 years is 12,000 yuan.

The average compensation per mu over 4 to 20 years is 12,000 yuan; 18,000 to 30,000 yuan

The average remuneration per mu from 21 to 50 years old is 44,000 to 60,000 yuan

The average remuneration per mu over 51 years is 24,000 yuan;

⑶Compensation fee for red pine

The average compensation per mu over 1-3 years is 12,000 yuan

The average compensation per mu over 4 at 20 years ; years is 20,000 to 31,000 yuan;

The average remuneration per mu from 21 to 40 years old is 56,000 to 62,000 yuan

The average remuneration per mu from 41 to 70 years old is 168,000 yuan; ;

The average remuneration over 71 years. The compensation is 126,000 yuan per mu.

⑷Compensation fee for larch forest

The average compensation per mu over 1-3 years is 150,000 yuan.

The average compensation per mu over 4 to 20 years is 150,000 yuan; 180,000-250,000 yuan;

The average remuneration per mu from 21 to 50 years old is 60,000-130,000 yuan

The average remuneration per mu over 51 years old is 110 000 yuan;

2. Compensation standards for forest trees in front and behind villagers' houses

General forest trees (willow, elm, black locust, etc.)

Young forests (1-10 years) in average per Plant compensation is 35-65 yuan;

Average per-plant compensation for middle-aged forests (11-20 years old) is 220-300 yuan. ;

The average compensation per plant for mature forests (over 21 years old) 350 yuan.

3. Forest vegetation restoration fee

120,000 yuan per mu for timber forests, economic forests, firewood forests and nursery lands

86,600 yuan per mu; undeveloped forest;


Shelterbreak and special-purpose forest 63,360 yuan per mu, key national protection forest and special-purpose forest76,670 yuan per mu;

< p>50,000 yuan per mu for sparse forest land and shrub land; 43,340 yuan per mu for suitable forest land, logging ravaged land and fire ravaged land.

4. Forest design fees are charged at 3% of the total restoration costs for forest land, trees and forest vegetation.

(6) Compensation standards for fruit trees

1. Apple trees

The compensationThe average compensation per tree during the cultivation period (1-5 years) is 150-220 yuan;

The average compensation per tree during the cultivation period and initial fruiting period (6-8 years) is 300-450 yuan;

The average compensation per plant during the fruiting period (9-25 years) is 600-1,800 yuan;

The average compensation per plant during the waning fruiting period is more than 26 years and amounts to 900 yuan.

2. Pear trees

The average compensation per plant during the cultivation period (1-5 years) is 45-120 yuan;

The initial fruiting period (6-8 years) The average compensation per plant is 150-300 yuan;

The average compensation per plant during the fruiting period (9-25 years) is 1,900-2,200 yuan;

The average compensation per plant during the waning fruiting period is over 26 years. Compensation for each plante is 1,200 yuan.

3. Peach trees

The average compensation for each plant during the cultivation period (1-3 years) is 45-90 yuan;

The initial fruiting period (4-8 years)) The average compensation per plant is 150-280 yuan;

The average compensation per plant during the fruiting period (9-20 years) is 350-680 yuan;

The Average compensation per plant during the waning fruiting period is over 21 years. The compensation per plant is 280 yuan.

4. Vines

The average compensation per plant during the cultivation period (1-2 years) is 30-55 yuan;

The initial fruiting period (3-5 years) The average compensation per plant is 40-150 yuan;

The average compensation per plant during the fruiting period (6-11 years) is 150-330 yuan;

The average compensation per plant during the decreasing fruiting period is higherat the age of 12. The compensation per plant is 190 yuan.

5. Jujube trees

The average compensation for each plant during the cultivation period (1-3 years) is 30-80 yuan;

The initial fruiting period (4-8 years)) The average compensation per plant is 50 to 120 yuan;

The average compensation per plant during the fruiting period (9-30 years) is 520 to 130 yuan;

The Average compensation per plant during the waning fruiting period is over 31 years. The compensation for the plant is 680 yuan.

6. Apricot trees

The average compensation per tree during the cultivation period (1-3 years) is 45-185 yuan;

The initial fruiting period (4-7 years) The average compensation per plant is 200-310 yuan;

The average compensation per plant during the fruiting period (8-35 years) is 500-1,600 yuan;

The average compensation per plant during the period frdecreasing uctification is greater than 36 years. The compensation per plant is 980 yuan

7. Chestnut

The average compensation per plant during cultivation. The initial fruiting period (1-4 years) is 45-95 yuan;

The initial fruiting period (5-7 years), the average compensation per plant is 190-210 yuan;< /p>

The average compensation per plant during the fruiting period (8 to 35 years) is 50 to 1,600 yuan;

The average compensation per plant is 860 yuan if the period fruiting period is greater than 36 years.

8. Mixed fruit trees

The average compensation per tree during the cultivation period (1-3 years) is 25-50 yuan;

The initial fruiting period (4-10 years) ) The average compensation per plant is 80-130 yuan;

The average compensation per plant during the peak fruiting period (11-25 years) is 130-280 yuan;


CompensationAverage ation per plant during the waning fruiting period is more than 26 years. The compensation per plant is 140 yuan.

(7) Standards of compensation for the relocation of electrical installations

1. The compensation for moving low-voltage lines (0.4 KV) is 30,000 yuan on average per kilometer of line raising wooden poles; 1,000 yuan each, concrete The average price of each pole is 1,500 yuan (including material, cables, land area, taxes, etc.).

2. The compensation for moving high-voltage lines (10KV) is 47,000 yuan per kilometer; the average cost of each concrete pole to raise the line is 6,000 yuan, and the average cost of each concrete pole is 6,000 yuan per kilometer. The H pole costs 8,000 yuan (including hardware, cables and floor space), taxes and other fees).

3. Raising high voltage line (66KV): lhe average price of a single concrete pole is 5,500 yuan per pole, the average price of a concrete H pole is 8,000 yuan per base, or the average cost of a concrete A pole costs 10,000 yuan per base, and the average cost of an iron tower is 100,000 yuan per base (including material, cables, land, taxes, etc.).

4. Raising high-voltage lines (above 220KV): the average cost of concrete double poles is 20,000 yuan per base, and the average cost of iron pylons is 200,000 yuan per base (including the material, wires). , land use, taxes, etc.).

(8) Compensation Standards for Relocation of Postal and Telecommunications Facilities

1. Telephone lines

The average wooden pole (including telephone lines, crossed arms, porcelain bottles, etc.) is 1,000 to 2,000 yuan;

The cost means of each concrete pole (including telephone lines, armscrusaders, porcelain bottles, etc.) is 1,500 to 3,000 yuan.

2. Overhead optical (electrical) cables

The average wooden pole costs 500 yuan each;

The average concrete pole costs 1,000 yuan each;

< p>The cable optical (electric) costs between 50 and 150 yuan per meter.

3. Underground cables

Cables and optical cables cost between 100 and 200 yuan per meter.

(9) Compensation standards for the relocation of agricultural land irrigation and water conservancy facilities

Adopt the principle of combining technical restoration and compensation, and compensate appropriately according to the cost price.

1. Small rural reservoirs

The compensation for the reservoir area (used for both irrigation and livestock) is 19,000 yuan per mu

The compensation for the area of the reservoir; reservoir area (for irrigation) is 16,000 yuan permu;

The compensation for the deserted reservoir beach is 300 yuan per mu.

2. Farmland irrigation and water conservancy facilities

Compensation for each small gate (concrete structure) is 15,000-20,000 yuan;

Compensation for each meter of extension of the main drainage and irrigation canals and dams is 80 yuan.

(10) Compensation standards for the relocation of factories, companies and mining institutions

For the relocation of factories, companies and institutions state-owned and collectively owned mining companies, appropriate compensation will be given taking into account actual losses. Office buildings refer to private housing relocation standardsPrecise; factories and other production facilities are calculated on the basis of replacement depreciation, taking appropriate account of the cost of suspension andmoving.

(11) Compensation Standards for Construction Transportation Roads

All rural transportation roads designated for project construction will be repaired and maintained by the construction unit during the construction period. project, the compensation standards will be paid by the municipalities. Rural roads (asphalt roads) will receive compensation of 200,000 to 350,000 yuan per kilometer depending on the difficulty of collecting materials and the width of the roadway.

The compensation for rural roads (gravel road) is 90,000 yuan per kilometer.

Compensation of 40,000 yuan per kilometer for rural roads (earth road)

(12) Compensation standards for rural roads and agricultural works roads

Consider farmer production Rural road links and agricultural works roads that actually need to be built according tocompensation standards will be organized and implemented by each city according to the compensation standards.

The compensation for rural road connection lines (gravel road) is 120,000 yuan per kilometer (including land acquisition costs and simple structures).

Compensation of 80,000 yuan per kilometer for rural road connections and field work roads

(13), unforeseen costs for land acquisition and relocation< /p>

According to the signed agreement land acquisition agreement and 5% of the total cost approved in the investment agreement compensation for resettlement. The construction unit is responsible for the use of contingency fees, which are mainly used to compensate for the expansion of land acquisition and shifting of ground ties caused by changes in project design; Compensation for planned travelible of underground structures; compensation for unforeseen projects; such as national policy adjustments and force majeure seismic disasters. Unplanned projects involving land acquisition must be jointly approved by the provincial Ministry of Transportation and the provincial Ministry of Lands and Resources.

(14). The management fee for each city's resettlement office

is calculated based on 3% of the total expenses approved in the resettlement compensation investment agreement signed by the province and the city.

The relocation offices in each city are temporary agencies, mainly responsible for the demolition of overhead and underground ties and the local coordination of highway construction projects. The municipal relocation office must strictly follow current regulations and use it on a flat rate basis, and no excess expensesssive must not be authorized.

(15) Compensation for the occupation of road land - Method for calculating compensation for forest land

1 Method for calculating compensation for nursery land

Compensation for nursery land = Average. annual production value of the nursery in the first three years (hectares), the land area of ​​the nursery (hectares) and the compensation multiple

Note: The compensation coefficient = temporary land occupation (referring to the period of occupation of less than two years, as below) is 2.5 times per year, or 5 times; permanent occupation (referring to the occupation period of more than three years, as below) is 10 to 25 times.

II. Method for calculating compensation for other state-owned forest land (excluding nursery land)

Compensation for other forest land = production valueaverage annual agricultural land in the county (city) over the previous three years (hectares) Compensation coefficient for forest area and forest species

3. Method for calculating the compensation fee for the permanent occupation of other collective forest land (excluding nurseries)

Compensation fee for the permanent occupation of other collective forest land = average annual production value of dry agricultural land of the township (city) during the previous three years (hectares) multiple of compensation of the area of ​​forest land (6 to 10)

IV. Method of calculating the compensation fee for temporary occupation of other collective forest land (excluding nurseries)

Compensation fee for temporary occupation of other collective forest land = dry agricultural land in the canton ( city) Compensation multiples for annual production valueaverage (hectares) of forest land in the first three years (1.5-3 times during the one-year occupation period and 5 times during the two-year occupation period)

(16) Compensation for extremely poor households and those who lost their jobs due to demolition. Houses for disabled people unable to earn a living will be taken over by demolition workers in accordance with the following regulations:

1. For demolished households holding a valid "Municipal Minimum Life Safety Certificate", the demolition monetary compensation will be low if the amount exceeds 55,000 yuan, the monetary compensation will be paid at the rate of 55,000 yuan.

2. For disabled residents who hold a valid "Urban Resident Minimum Life Security Certificate" for demolition, the "People's Republic of China Disability Certificate" they hold must indicate the level of disability.cap.

>People with level one or two hearing, language or physical disabilities, or those with visual, intellectual or mental disabilities, will receive an additional grant of RMB 10,000 based on the Article 1.

(17) For special circumstances, refer to relevant regulations and the current local price market, and the relevant provincial and municipal authorities will hold hearings and negotiate with owners.

(18) Economic construction is a people's livelihood project. It must gain the understanding and support of the people and create an atmosphere for all to build their homes. It must not be achieved by force. there is a threat to the masses, intimidation, even violence, directly Hold those responsible accountable.

Jinhua Lawyer

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