Funny Quotes About New Year Composition 500

Introduction Funny New Year Sayings Essay 500 According to legend, in ancient times, people used to light red candles and light firecrackers every New Year's Eve in order to scare away the fierce monster called "Nian" .

Funny Quotes About New Year Composition 500

According to legend, in ancient times, people used to light red candles and light firecrackers every New Year's Eve in order to scare away the fierce monster called "Nian". Gradually, “Nian” became the most important tradition. festival in China, contains rich folk culture. The lively atmosphere created by "Nian" and the family affection and friendship it conveys are irreplaceable by any other festival.

Nowadays, we often hear people say that the flavor of the New Year is getting weaker and weaker. Yes, today, when people's living standards have improved significantly, the New Year can no longer bring us new clothes. , The joy of eating white noodles, however, “Nian” has never left us. It is not only synonymous with family reunions and gatherings of relatives and friends, because it has long been rooted in the soul of the Chinese people.

No, New Year chinois is coming soon. Aunt Wang Jingzhen, aged in her 60s and living in the family home at Anyang Machine Tool Factory, is thinking about which New Year products to buy while chatting with her grandchildren. New Year in Anyang and last year and now.

There is no more food, but it still tastes delicious. » Aunt Wang is 71 years old and her family lives in Wadian Township, Anyang County. It began to vaguely resemble the New Year, but the real Spring Festival has begun. while worshiping the stove. “At that time, when you came to worship the stove, you first had to place an incense burner in front of the old stove god to offer stove sugar, and then kneel down and pray: “The stove king is coming up. to heaven., say more good things than talk about them, and finally burn the old statue and send the Lord of Pans to heaven."

Does the Lunar New Year start with the Festival of Laba or theFrying Pan Festival? People from different eras and regions have different explanations, but the same opinion is that during the ancient winter it was difficult to prepare New Year's products due to the slack agricultural season. Many people started preparing for the New Year after the Laba festival.

Steamed buns

After offering sacrifices at the stove until New Year's Eve, it is the busiest time for the family. There is a popular saying: "On the twenty-third, sacrifices are made to the person in charge of the stove, on the twenty-fourth, the house is cleaned, and on the second, fifteen grind tofu, twenty-six steamed buns , twenty-seven kills a rooster, twenty-eight applies flowers (referring to collage couplets, window decorations, New Year's pictures, etc.), twenty-nine goes to buy wine and thirty removes their skin (changes of clothes)". Prepare the New Year productsn, buy new clothes, then the whole family, young and old, clean the yard, decorate the house, wash, cut, steam, stir-fry and fry vegetables, tofu, chicken, duck and Fish. should also be diced, chopped and pureed for later use, the dumpling filling should be enough for the whole family to eat during "Po Wu", the steamed buns should be enough until the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. , red couplets and blessing figures are displayed throughout the house, and packaged dumplings are stacked in cupboards and cutting boards. When everything is ready, New Year's Eve has arrived and it is time for New Year's Eve dinner.

Aunt Liu Suqin, 76, who lives in the same courtyard, is from Anyang . What she remembers most clearly are the steamed buns andvarious sacrifices. noodles. Fish, flower cakes and hedgehogs are offered on New Year's Eve. It is said that steamed fish noodles can bring fish year after year; flower cakes are also very special, with many steamed layers, which is said to be getting better and better; a pair of hedgehogs are carried on the backs of jujube flowers, placed. It is said that the door of the house attracts wealth. »

Thirty Children's Offering

The concept of "coming home to celebrate the New Year" is deeply rooted in people's minds. Children who are far from home will definitely return home before the New Year's Eve to have fun with their families. Plan a cozy reunion dinner.

Before eating New Year's Eve dinner, you must worship the gods and ancestors, also called "The Thirty Years' Offering." God must be worshipedin the middle room and placed with flower cakes, flour fish and various sacrifices. Five bowls are needed to worship the gods, and four bowls are needed to worship the ancestors. If conditions are good, pig heads are offered, three in number. All men in the family must kneel and prostrate. "Aunt Liu said that after the memorial ceremony, the firecrackers were set off and the dumplings were served. First, a bowl was brought to the table for the gods and ancestors to taste. Then, all the family was able to gather around the table to eat.

"New Year's Eve. It is not lucky to see kitchen knives, scissors, etc. from evening to morning of the first day of the Lunar New Year, so you should hide them before the New Year's Eve dinner and take them out at noon on the first day of the Lunar New Year. "Aunt Wang said with a smile that there were many tabous during this period, from the time when the thirty-year-old lit firecrackers at night until the "five o'clock" period. No matter how much the child cried, he couldn't hit the child on the head. It was said that this would easily bring bad luck in the coming year; he couldn't sweep the floor and couldn't clean it. The ashes, especially the ashes of firecrackers, would be afraid to sweep the floor. blessings with a broom. In Aunt Wang's hometown, the newly married daughter-in-law must go to the ancestors' graves on the first day of the Lunar New Year, otherwise the ancestors will not recognize her after she dies.

New Year Greetings

On the first and fifth eve of the Lunar New Year, the younger generation goes to their elders to bow down to the New Year and ask for red envelopes as gifts. 'habit

As usual, they must first set off a firecracker, commonly called "openir the door." "In the past, bowing down in rural areas required bowing down all over the street. It is still a custom in some places. In most places. , people now hold hands in front of each other and say some blessings, and no longer bow down. "Aunt Liu said: "In Huaxian, Junxian, Neihuang and other places, people must first eat dumplings before greeting the New Year, and then have breakfast after returning home after New Year's greetings It is not very popular in the urban area. . "It is said that if two families generally have conflicts, going to the door to kowtow to the old man during the Chinese New Year is equivalent to an apology. It has become a special and effective social means in rural areas.< /p>< p>Because "Sui" and "Sui" have the same pronunciation, so New Year's money has the meaning of removing evil spirits.ation can spend the first year of his life in peace by receiving New Year's money

Send it to the poor god

"You can't go on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, and you can't go past noon. , unlucky people say." Aunt Wang said clearly: "On the second day of middle school, you go to your parents, and after the third year of middle school, you go to your aunt, uncle or sister, etc. "In Huaxian, Neihuang and other places, gifts intended to visiting parents must be doubled When they return from dinner at noon or in the morning, they must generally return half of the gifts and "return the gift" (i.e. send a junior to the home of the (other to pay homage to him).

The fifth day of the first month of the lunar calendar is "Po Wu". Generally, people do not visit their loved ones, but stay at home to spend time together. improve In eastern Anyang, there is an old stupid custom.sistant to remove the ashes and send them to the middle of the street, called "sending ashes to the poor". good fortune for the year ahead; Aunt Wang said that she would put a bamboo pole at the door of the house after sending out the poor god, saying that she was afraid that the family's wealth would go up the mountain.

"This. I have gotten older in recent years and I don't go out much. In recent years, I had to choose one before the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. One day in the mountains. "Aunt Wang said that Dagong Mountain in Junxian County, Jiulong Mountain in Shuiye, Yunmeng Mountain, and Lingshan Mountain in Qixian County were all crowded before the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. Aunt Liu had been to Dagong Mountain in Junxian County, and she said she had the deepest memory. Additionally, the mountain's branches are covered with red-headed ropes. I have heard peopleire that it can not only pray for a child, but also bless young men and women to meet early. This is especially effective in places where temples are located. There are temple fairs on the 15th day of the first lunar month, and they are most popular on the 15th and 16th days of the first lunar month. the old man always buys something like Junxian's "nigugu" or a wooden gun with red tassels. "The children like it very much. "

Watching "Tricks"

On the 15th and 16th of the first lunar month, in addition to eating Yuanxiao, making lanterns, and watching fireworks, the thing The old man's favorite is to watch "Tricks" ("Tricks" is the common name for stunts or social fire)

Aunt Liu was born and raised in Anyang What she remembers. most clearly, these are the "tricks" of the old West Street Place. On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, she came from.the back of Qugou. Pavilions, raised pavilions, boats on stilts and folk acrobatics abound. “What I remember most clearly is 'The Horse on the Mountain,' or a few. the children were doing somersaults on the poles. It was truly magnificent. "Aunt Liu said that Old Anyang sent the statue to the city god on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month and transported the statue from the city god temple to Beiguan. At that time, a large boat made of paper floated on the Anyang River, with various statues of gods and paper flowers attached. After a memorial ceremony, the paper boat was burned and the city god was sent to heaven on those days. the streets were full of people. "


"New Year celebrations are not as lively as in the past "Aunt Wang said that life. is better now and what to do shoppingis very practical. “You can order flower cakes and steamed buns at the door. There are many dumpling fillings in the supermarket. It is also very convenient to purchase semi-finished products as well as semi-finished products. meatballs and crispy meat. If you want to cook, buy them. You can cook whatever you bring, and if you don't want to cook, you can go out to eat..."

Like Aunt Wang, because she is afraid of physical damage as she gets older, Aunt Liu's son said that she had nothing to do during the New Year this year: "Last year, I can still bake flower cakes and fry them." a few meatballs, and I'll just have some leftovers to eat this year. »

“I was looking forward to Chinese New Year because there would be delicious food and fun things to do during the New Yearthe Chinese New Year. Now that we have everything at home, Chinese New Year is no more. very different from usual hours. “Aunt Wang said: “However, although “New Year” is easier to “live,” people cannot do without this festival, and traditions can never be lost. ”

Which store in Anyang Shuiye has flower steamed buns?

□Reading tips

According to legend, in ancient times , people wanted to scare the fierce It was not until this era that people developed the habit of lighting red candles and lighting firecrackers every New Year's Eve. Gradually, "Nian" has become the most important traditional festival in China, which contains rich folk culture and lively atmosphere. embodies. Family affection and friendship are irreplaceable in any other festival.

Nowadays, people often say that the flavor of the New Year becomes weakermore and more. Yes, today people's standard of living is weakening. greatly improved. , Nian can no longer bring us the joy of wearing new clothes and eating white noodles, but "Nian" never did. Even after he left us, he is not only synonymous with reunions of family and gatherings of relatives and friends, because it has long been rooted in the soul of the Chinese people.

No, Chinese New Year is coming soon. Aunt Wang Jingzhen, aged in her 60s and living in the family home at Anyang Machine Tool Factory, is thinking about which New Year products to buy while chatting with her grandchildren. New Year in Anyang and last year and now.

There is no more food, but it still tastes delicious. » Aunt Wang is 71 years old and her family lives in Wadian Township, Anyang County. It started to vaguely resemble the New Year, but the real Spring Festival hasbegin. while worshiping the stove. “At that time, when you came to worship the stove, you first had to place an incense burner in front of the old stove god to offer stove sugar, and then kneel down and pray: “The stove king is coming up. to heaven., say more good things than talk about them, and finally burn the old statue and send the Lord of Pans to heaven."

Does the Lunar New Year start with the Festival of Laba or the Pan Festival? People from different times and regions have different explanations, but the same opinion is that during the ancient winter, it was difficult to prepare New Year's products due to the slack agricultural season. Many people started preparing for the New Year after the Laba festival

Steamed buns

After offering sacrifices at the stove until New Year's Eve. , it is the busiest time for the family. There is a popular saying: “The v.”twenty-three, sacrifices are made to the person in charge of the stove, on the twenty-fourth, the house is cleaned, and on the second, fifteen grind tofu, twenty-six steamed buns, twenty-seven kill a rooster, twenty -eight applies flowers (referring to collage couplets, window decorations, New Year's photos, etc.), twenty-nine go to buy wine and thirty remove skin (changes of clothes)". Prepare the products of the New Year, buy new clothes, then the whole family, young and old, clean the yard, decorate the house, wash, cut, steam, stir-fry and fry vegetables, tofu, chicken, duck and fish should also be diced, chopped and pureed for later use, the filling of the dumplings should be enough for the whole family to eat during "Po Wu", the steamed buns should be enough. suffice until the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, from di.Red stickers and blessing characters are displayed throughout the house, and packaged dumplings are stacked in cupboards and cutting boards. When everything is ready, New Year's Eve has arrived and it is time for New Year's Eve dinner.

Aunt Liu Suqin, 76, who lives in the same courtyard, is from Anyang . What she remembers most clearly are the steamed buns and various sacrifices. noodles. Fish, flower cakes and hedgehogs are offered on New Year's Eve. It is said that steamed fish noodles can bring fish year after year; flower cakes are also very special, with many steamed layers, which is said to be getting better and better; a pair of hedgehogs is carried on the back. It is said that jujube flowers, placed at the door of the house, attract wealth and treasure."

Thirty offerings for children

The concept of "coming home to celebrate the New Year" is deeply ingrained in people's minds, and children who live far from home are deeply ingrained in people's minds. I will definitely come home before New Year's Eve and have a warm reunion dinner with my family.

Before eating New Year's Eve dinner, you must first worship the gods and ancestors, which is also called the "Thirty Children's Offering." "The God of Wealth, the All-God, the Lord of the Gate, and the Immortal Family are all to be worshipped. All Gods are to be worshiped in the middle hall, with flower cakes, flour fish, and various sacrifices are required to worship the gods, and four bowls are required to worship the ancestors. If the conditions are right, there are also pig heads, gods and ghosts, and all the men in the family.must kneel and prostrate themselves. " Liu Da said. .Mom said that after the memorial ceremony, the firecrackers were exploded and the dumplings were served, a bowl was first brought to the altar table for the gods and ancestors to taste, then the whole family was able to gather around the table to eat

“It is unlucky to see kitchen knives, scissors, etc. from New Year's Eve to morning. from the first day of the Lunar New Year, so you have to hide them before the New Year's Eve dinner and don't take them out before noon on the first day of the Lunar New Year." Aunt Wang said with a smile. in the past regarding lighting firecrackers at thirty o'clock in the evening until "Bowu", a lot the child cries, he cannot hit him on the head It is said that it will easily bring bad luck in the coming year. He cannot sweep the floor or clean the ashes from the oven, especially he cannot touch the ashes from the pelate. It is said that they are afraid that a broom will sweep away their blessings. In Aunt Wang's hometown, the newly married daughter-in-law must go to the graves to worship her ancestors on the morning of the first day of the Lunar New Year, otherwise her ancestors will not recognize her after she dies.

New Year Greetings

On the first and fifth eve of the Lunar New Year, the younger generations go to their elders to bow down to the New Year as usual and ask for red envelopes. more or less.

As usual, you must first set off a firecracker, commonly called “opening the door”. "In the past, people in rural areas had to bow down in the street. This is still the custom in some places. In most places, people hold hands and say blessings, and no longer bow down, Aunt Liu said." , "Huaxian, Jun In Neihuang counties and other places, people have to eatdumplings before going to New Year's greetings, and then having breakfast after returning from New Year's greetings. It is not very popular in the city. "It is said that if two families usually have conflicts, they will visit the elderly during the New Year is equivalent to an apology, which has become a special and effective social means in rural areas.

Because "Sui" and "祟" have the same pronunciation, New Year's money has the meaning of removing evil spirits. The younger generation can spend the first year of their life in peace by receiving New Year's money. p> It is to visit the house of aunt, aunt or sister, etc. “In Huaxian, Neihuang and other places, gifts for visiting relatives should be doubled. from dinner to noon or in the morning, you usually have to return half of the gift and "return the gift" (i.e. send the juniors to the other party's home tour pay homage to him).

The fifth day of the first month of the lunar calendar is “Po Wu”. Generally, people do not visit their loved ones, but stay at home to improve their lives. In eastern Anyang, there is. an old custom of removing ashes and sending them to the middle of the street, called "sending ashes to the poor". It is said that this can guarantee good fortune and good fortune for the coming year; After sending the poor god to the poor god that day, she also put a bamboo pole at the door of the house, saying that she was afraid that the family wealth would escape.

Going up the mountain

"I have gotten older in recent years and I don't go out much. In recent years, before the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, I would choose a day to climb the mountain." Aunt Wang said that Dagong Mountain in Jun County in Qingdao, Jiulong Mountain in Shuiye, Yunmeng Mountain andLingshan Mountain in Qixian County are all crowded before the fifteenth day of the first lunar day. month. Aunt Liu went to Dagong Mountain in Junxian County. She said what she remembers most is that the mountain's branches are covered in red-headed ropes. People say that not only can they pray for children, but they can also bless young men. and women to meet a good match at first. Particularly effective.

In places with temples, temple fairs are usually held on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, and they are most popular on the fifteenth and sixteenth days of the first lunar month. At the temple fair, old people always buy things like "Nigugu" from Junxian County or wooden things. Hongying Qiang replied: “The children liked it very much.” "

Watch "Tricks"

The 15th and 16th of the first lunar month, inplus eating Yuanxiao, making lanterns and watching fireworks, the old man's favorite thing is to watch "Tricks" ("Tricks" It's the common name for stunts or social fire) < /p>

Aunt Liu was born and raised in Anyang. What she remembers most clearly are the “tricks” of Old West Street. Place. On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, she came from behind Qugou. Pavilions, raised pavilions, boats on stilts and folk acrobatics abound. “What I remember most clearly is 'The Horse on the Mountain,' or a few. the children were doing somersaults on the poles. It was truly magnificent. "Aunt Liu said that Old Anyang sent the statue to the city god on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month and transported the statue from the city god temple to Beiguan. At that time, a large boat made of paper floated on the riverAnyang era, with various statues of gods and paper flowers attached. After a memorial ceremony, the paper boat was burned and the city god was sent to heaven. those days, and the streets were full of people. "


"New Year celebrations are not as lively as in the past. “Aunt Wang said that life is better now and shopping is very convenient. “You can order flower cakes and steamed buns at the door. There are many dumpling fillings in the supermarket. It is also very convenient to purchase semi-finished products as well as semi-finished products. meatballs and crispy meat. If you want to cook, buy them. You can cook whatever you bring, and if you don't want to cook, you can go out to eat..."

Like Aunt Wang, because she is afraid of physical harm while livingAs she grew older, Aunt Liu's son said that she had nothing to do during the New Year this year: "Last year, I can still bake flower cakes and fry them." a few meatballs, and I'll just have some leftovers to eat this year. »

“I was looking forward to Chinese New Year because there would be delicious food and fun things to do during Chinese New Year. Now that we have everything at home, Chinese New Year is no more. very different from usual hours. “Aunt Wang said: “However, although “New Year” is easier to “live,” people cannot do without this festival, and traditions can never be lost. "

The address of Anyang Shuizhi Huahua Steamed Bun is:

1 Zaoxiang Huahua Steamed Bun Processing Workshop in Beiguan District , Anyang Town, Address: Battery, Beiguan District North of.the eastern section of Changbei Street

2. Anbaoping Steamed Bun Processing Workshop, Shuiye Town, Anyang County, Address: Fucheng West Street, Shuiye Town, Anyang County

3. Anyang Ma Flower Bun, Shuiye Town, County, Address: Jijiatun Village, Shuiye Town, Anyang County

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