The best route from Baishi Township to Shuangshui:
The approximate distance from Baishi County to Shuangshui is 24.58 kilometers. The entire journey takes approximately 87 minutes. It passes through 27 stations and has a total of 2 transfers. Transfer vehicles. Lines include No. 19 → K101 → Xinhui No. 207.
How to take the best route from Baishi Township to Shuangshui:
Walk about 157.0 meters from the township from Baishi to Orthopedic Hospital, take bus No. 19 after 8 stops and get off at Wuyi Town; walk about 18.0 meters to Wuyi Town, take K101 for 2 stops and get off at Chengxi Station; walk about 23.0 meters to Xinhui Old Station, take Xinhui Line No. 207 for 17 stops and get off at Shuangshui Power Station. ; walk for approximately We reach the finish line Shuangshui at 79.0 meters. [Map]
Other AC routesnton from Baishi to Shuangshui:
Route 2
The approximate distance from Baishi Township to Shuangshui is 24.7 kilometers, and the whole journey takes about 90 minutes, in passing through 31 stations, with a total of 2 transfers. The transfer vehicle lines are No. 19 → K101 → Xinhui No. 220. [Map]
Route 3
The approximate distance between Baishi Township and Shuangshui is 25 .45 kilometers. The entire journey takes approximately 92 minutes. It passes through 23 stations and has a total of 2 transfers. Change vehicle. Lines include Special Line No. 19 → K101 → Xinhui No. 203 Tianhu. [Map]
Route 4
The approximate distance between Baishi County and Shuangshui is 24.67 kilometers. The entire journey takes approximately 99 minutes. It passes through 45 stations and has a total of 2 transfers. Change vehicle. The routes include No. 2 → No. 101 → Xinhui No. 220. [Map]
Route 5
Approximate distancee between Baishi Township and Shuangshui is 24.48 kilometers. The entire journey takes approximately 100 minutes. It passes through 46 stations and has a total of 2 transfers. Change vehicle. The lines include No. 2 → No. 101 → Xinhui No. 221.