The more parts an object has, the worse its reliability. As long as the goal can be achieved, a product is built with an appropriate number of parts.
If you use 18 branch pipes, there is no need to use more pipes.
For example, the chance of a pipe failing is one in ten thousand, you don't know that. when your pipes will arrive broken, but if you use 10,000 of them, then you must have one that will break. This means that the more you use, the higher the risk of breakdown.
For solar water heaters, instead of increasing the number of tubes, it is better to increase the volume of the tank of water because on sunny days, especially in summer, it is common for the water temperature to exceed 80 degrees. However, if the water temperature is too high. high, it is detrimental to the water reservoir. The insulation materials and plastic materials of the pipes will be damaged unders high temperatures. Aging will be faster, but the actual shower water only needs to be around 43 degrees.
Therefore, increasing the volume of the water tank can make full use of the existing pipes. Increasing water storage capacity can extend the life of hot water. It is still there on the third and fourth days, and lowering the temperature increases the life of the tank. system, which is a desirable direction.