It is a new power generation technology that uses the photoelectric effect of semiconductor materials to directly convert solar radiation energy into electrical energy. Its advantages are: no noise, no pollution, no geographical restrictions, no need to consume fuel, no rotating mechanical parts, etc., and has a low failure rate, easy maintenance, can be without monitoring, can be of any size and can be easily connected to the Combine building. Improving living standards (bevis_z)
Oh, in addition to the above characteristics, the interests of real estate developers are similar to what the friend downstairs said
On the basis of energy saving, emission reduction and low carbon emission, the interests of real estate developers are The use of solar photovoltaic energy can obtain policy benefits such as subsidies,preferential treatment and exemptions. For example: "Overview of the adjustment and revitalization plan of the new energy sector (2009-2011)" (
Home buyers can play the high-tech card and the price per square meter will be higher. Benefit from it
Hope this helps.
Solar power provided by the developer can be moved to the roof, but solar power can also be moved. be installed on high-rise buildings, but if it is placed on the roof, it will be connected to your house. This will require a long water pipe and the cost is much higher, not to mention it is easy to install. break. Therefore, many high-rise buildings install small solar panels on the balcony