What are the advantages of solar energy?

Introduction What are the advantages of solar energy? Advantages of solar energy (1) Universal: The sun shines all over the earth and there are no geographical restrictions. It can be found everywhere, whether on land or in the sea, on mountains or islands, and can be

What are the advantages of solar energy?

Advantages of solar energy

(1) Universal: the sun shines all over the earth and has no geographical restrictions, whether on land or sea, on mountains or on the islands. directly developed and used and is easy to collect and there is no need to operate and transport it.

(2) Harmless: The development and use of solar energy will not pollute the environment. It is one of the cleanest sources of energy, which is extremely valuable today as environmental pollution becomes more and more serious.

(3) Huge: The energy of solar radiation that reaches the Earth's surface each year is approximately equivalent to 130,000 billion tons of coal, and its total amount constitutes the greatest energy that can be developed in the world today.

(4) Long term: based on estimates of the rate of nuclear energy produced by the sun, the storage ofe hydrogen is enough to last for tens of billions of years, and the Earth's lifespan is also about billions of years. In this sense, we can say that the energy of the sun is inexhaustible.

Advantages of solar energy

Advantages of solar energy

As a new energy source, solar energy has three major characteristics compared to conventional energy sources: First: it is human The most abundant energy source available. It is estimated that over the past 1.1 billion years, the sun has consumed 2% of its energy. In the future, it will be enough to supply humans on earth for billions of years. It is truly inexhaustible. Second: there is solar energy everywhere on the planet, which can be developed and used locally without transport problems. It is particularly valuable for rural areas, islands and remote areaswhere transport is underdeveloped. Third: Solar energy is a clean energy source. During development and use, no waste residue, waste water, waste gas or noise will be produced and it will not affect the ecological balance. Absolutely no pollution or public nuisance will be caused.

·Disadvantages of solar energy

First: the energy density is low and when the sunshine is good, the energy received by 1 square meter of soil is only of approximately 1 kilowatt. A fairly large lighting and heat collection area is often required to meet the usage requirements, resulting in the device occupying a large area, using a lot of materials and increasing the cost. Second: the weather has a big impact. The intensity of solar radiation reaching a certain ground is affected by factors such as region, climate, season and day changes.r and at night. He is sometimes strong, sometimes weak and sometimes unavailable. brings many difficulties of use. In order to overcome the problem of promoting application difficulties, people have made great improvements in the selection of suitable materials and optimal thickness for water tank insulation, so that the water temperature can be reduced to a minimum in the short term (one or two). In addition, the addition of an auxiliary heat source allows the solar water heater to be used in all circumstances and becomes an all-weather solar water heater.

·Technical areas of solar energy utilization

There are three major technical areas in which humans use solar energy only, namely photothermal conversion, photovoltaic conversion and photochemical conversion. energy storage technology.

The photochemical conversion of sunlight includes: la photosynthesis, photoelectrochemistry, photosensitive chemistry and photodecomposition reaction. Currently, this technical field is still at the experimental research stage.

Solar photoelectric conversion mainly includes various types of solar panels and power supply systems.

Solar cells direct sunlightA device that is directly converted into electrical energy.

The photoelectric efficiency of solar cells is about 10-14%, and their product types mainly include monocrystalline silicon, polycrystalline silicon and amorphous silicon. The price of domestic products (referring to the total cost of photovoltaic devices) is about 60-80% yuan/peak watt.

Solar cells have a wide range of applications. For example, artificial satellites, unmanned weather stations, communications stations, relay stationss televisions, solar clocks, electric fences, black lights, navigation beacons and railway signals.

Sunlight thermal conversion technology has the largest number of products. Such as water heaters, water boilers, dryers, heating and cooling, greenhouses and solar rooms, solar cookers and high temperature ovens, desalination devices, water pumps, devices thermal energy production and solar medical equipment.

Answer 2:


1. Solar energy is the most abundant source of energy that humans can use. Solar energy is the most abundant source of energy available to humans.

It is estimated that over the past 1.1 billion years, the sun has consumed only 2% of its own energy, and this will not change significantly in the next few years.billion years, the sun can therefore serve as a source of energy. Permanent, inexhaustible and inexhaustible human energy. It is estimated that over the past 1.1 billion years, the sun has consumed only 2% of its own energy. The sun will not change significantly over the next billion years, so it can be used as a permanent energy source for humanity. Inexhaustible, inexhaustible. It irradiates the ground with energy for 15 minutes, which is enough for the whole world to use for a year. It irradiates the ground with energy for 15 minutes, which is enough for the whole world to use for a year.

2. Solar energy is available everywhere and does not require transportation. Solar energy is available everywhere and requires no transportation.

Areas between 50 and 60 degrees north and south latitude are generally thought to have abundant solar energywhich can be used provided that a certain amount of money is initially spent to build a device for using solar energy. energy will be available. It will be delivered to your door in a constant stream, “for free”. Areas between 50 and 60 degrees north and south latitude are generally thought to have abundant solar energy that can be used. As long as a certain amount of money is initially spent to build a solar energy utilization device, energy will continually be supplied to your home. door, “free” supply. During this period, a small amount of equipment maintenance fees will be requested. During this period, a small amount of equipment maintenance fees will be requested.

3. Solar energy is a clean energy source. Solar energy is a clean energy source.

Coal, oil and other fossil fuels produce harmful gases et waste residues, but when using solar energy, they will not cause pollution and will not emit any substances that have a negative impact on the environment. clean energy source. Fossil fuels such as coal and oil produce harmful gases and waste residues. When using solar energy, they do not cause pollution and do not emit any substances that have a negative impact on the environment. Of course, after extensive use of solar energy, due to the full use of solar energy, the temperature of the environment will increase slightly, but this temperature increase will not cause adverse effects on the environment.Good influence. Of course, after extensive use of solar energy, the temperature of the environment will increase slightly due to the full use of solar energy, but this temperature increase does not causewill have no adverse effects on the environment.

4. Solar energy systems are also called “variable energy systems”. Solar energy systems are also called “variable energy systems”.

Solar energy does not add a thermal load to the Earth, which is a particularly important advantage of solar energy. This is why systems that use solar energy are also called “variable energy systems”. Solar energy does not add a thermal load to the Earth, which is a particularly important advantage of solar energy. This is why systems that use solar energy are also called “variable energy systems”. Because when we use solar energy to do work, even though it eventually turns into heat, if we don't use it to do work, it will eventually turn into heat. Because when welet's use solar energy to do work, even if it eventually turns into heat, if we don't use it to do work, it will eventually turn into heat. On the other hand, when we use coal, oil, uranium splitting and nuclear fusion, it seems that it will eventually turn into heat, but if we don't exploit it for use, no heat will be produced. On the other hand, when we use coal, oil, uranium splitting and nuclear fusion, it seems that it will eventually turn into heat, but if we don't exploit it for use, no heat will be produced. This heat is therefore an additional thermal load added to the earth. This heat is therefore an additional thermal load added to the earth. In order to evacuate this additional heat load, the earth must generally increase its temperature. In order to evacuate this loadadditional thermal, the earth must generally increase its temperature.

5. Solar Energy Safety Solar Energy Safety

Nuclear power generation will present a risk of nuclear leakage. Once a nuclear leak occurs, it will cause a huge ecological crisis, but. solar energy presents absolutely no risk. This situation is very reliable. Nuclear power generation poses a risk of nuclear leakage. Once a nuclear leak occurs, it will cause a huge ecological crisis. However, solar energy absolutely has no such situation and is very reliable.

Disadvantages Disadvantages

1. The device for using solar energy must have a considerable area. 1. The solar energy utilization device must have a considerable area.

Although the solar energy reaching the entire ground is very enormous, this energy is very dispersedrsée. As an energy source, its density is too low. Although the solar energy reaching the entire ground is very enormous, this energy is very dispersed and its density is too low as an energy source. Therefore, the solar energy utilization device must have a considerable area to collect enough energy. Therefore, the solar energy utilization device must have a considerable area to collect enough energy. However, the larger the area, the higher the cost. However, the larger the area, the higher the cost. Only when the surface unit cost of the energy harvesting device is relatively cheap can the solar energy utilization device be used economically. Only when the surface unit cost of the energy harvesting device is relatively cheap will the deviceuse of solar energy can be used economically.

2. Solar energy is affected by climate, day and night.Influence. 2. Solar energy is affected by climate, day and night.

Solar energy is strongly affected by climate, day and night, and is extremely unstable. Solar energy is strongly affected by climate, day and night, and is extremely unstable. Therefore, a storage device is required, which not only increases technical difficulties, but also increases the cost. Therefore, a storage device is required, which not only increases technical difficulties, but also increases the cost. Although a variety of storage systems have been realized, they are still not ideal and there are some difficulties in specific applications. Although a variety of storage systems have been realized, theyare still not ideal and there are some difficulties in specific applications.

Summary-The use of solar energy is imperativeSummary-The use of solar energy is imperative

Regarding the advantages and disadvantages of using of solar energy, the development of solar energy is still very desirable. Considering the advantages and disadvantages of using solar energy, it remains very desirable to develop solar energy. Visual pollution is very subjective, and who can guarantee that a huge collector will not become a spectacular landscape, and the question of cost cannot be short-sighted. Money and space spent can be exchanged over time. Visual pollution is very subjective, and who can guarantee that a huge collector will not become a spectacular landscape, and the question of cost cannot be short-sighted. The money and space spent canbe exchanged over time.

Think about it in a few years, when all non-renewable energy sources are exhausted. At that point, solar energy will be extremely valuable. As for the problem of poor stability, it is a fact. no one can change, just like farmers live their lives according to the face of God. The relationship between man and nature is not like that. The birth and death of all things have their own reasons. So this is something that humans cannot change. , the use of solar energy is imperative. Think about it: in a few years, all non-renewable energy will be exhausted. At that time, solar energy will be extremely valuable. As for the problem of poor stability, this is a fact that no one can change. see God The relationship between man and nature is not like that. The birth and death of all things have their own reasons. It's something thatthat humans cannot change. Therefore, the use of solar energy is imperative.

Advantages of solar energy

As a new energy source, solar energy has three major characteristics compared to conventional energy sources:

First: it can be used by humans The most abundant source of energy. Clean, pollution-free, environmentally friendly, inexhaustible. It is estimated that over the past 1.1 billion years, the sun has consumed 2% of its energy. In the future, it will be enough to supply humans on earth for billions of years. It is truly inexhaustible.

Second: There is solar energy everywhere on earth, which can be developed and used locally without transportation problems, especially for greenhouses and solar rooms, solar cookers and ovens. high temperature, water desalination devicessea, water pumps. , Thermal power generation devices and solar medical equipment. Rural areas, islands and isolated areas where transportation is underdeveloped have greater use value. It is generally estimated that in areas between 50 and 60 degrees north and south latitude, the annual sunshine hours in this area are between 1,600 and 2,000 hours.400 hours (hours), solar energy is abundant and can be used. As long as you initially spend a certain amount of money and build a solar energy utilization device, the energy will be continuously delivered to your door, free and only. a small amount of money will be spent during the period. Equipment repair costs.

Third: Solar energy is a clean energy source. During development and use, no waste residue, waste water, waste gas or noise will be produceduit and it will not affect the ecological balance. Absolutely no pollution or public nuisance will be caused.

Fourth: Solar energy does not add thermal load to the Earth. This is a particularly important advantage of solar energy. This is why systems that use solar energy are also called “variable energy systems.” Because when we use solar energy to do work, even though it eventually turns into heat, if we don't use it to do work, it will eventually turn into heat.

Fifth: Solar Energy Safety. Nuclear power generation poses a risk of nuclear leakage. Once a nuclear leak occurs, it will cause a huge ecological crisis. However, solar energy absolutely has no such situation and is very reliable.

Advantages of solar products:

1. Unlimited energy is wideement available and energy is provided at the lowest cost. As long as there is sunshine, it can perform photothermal conversion and work all year round.

2. Green and environmentally friendly products. As a clean, renewable energy source, solar energy has unrivaled advantages over other energy sources: no environmental pollution and no safety risks.

3. Long life expectancy. For example, the vacuum tube, the main component of the solar water heater, has a lifespan of around fifteen years. After expiration and replacement, other components may continue to be used. for another cycle.

4. When used in conjunction with other energy sources, it can operate in all weathers.

5. Significant economic benefits. One-time investment and long-term benefits are the distinctive features of solar products.

Summary- The use of solar energy is imperative

In view of the advantages and disadvantages of the use of solar energy, the development of solar energy remains very desirable. Visual pollution is very subjective, and who can guarantee that a huge collector will not become a spectacular landscape, and the question of cost cannot be short-sighted. Money and space spent can be exchanged over time. Think about it: in a few years, all non-renewable energy will be exhausted. At that time, solar energy will be extremely valuable. As for the problem of poor stability, this is a fact that no one can change. see God The relationship between man and nature is not like that. The birth and death of all things have their own reasons. This is something humans cannot change. Therefore, the use of solar energy is imperative.

Technical areas of use of energysolar energy

Human beings use solar energy in only three major technical fields, namely photothermal conversion, photovoltaic conversion and photochemical conversion. Additionally, there is energy storage technology. .

Photochemical conversion of sunlight includes: photosynthesis, photoelectrochemistry, photosensitive chemistry and photodecomposition reaction. Currently, this technical field is still at the experimental research stage.

Solar photoelectric conversion mainly includes various types of solar panels and power supply systems.

The solar battery is the sunA device that converts light directly into electrical energy.

The photoelectric efficiency of solar cells is about 10-14%, and their product types mainly include monocrystalline silicon, polycrystalline silicon and amorphous silicon.The price of domestic products (referring to the total cost of photovoltaic devices) is about 60-80% yuan/peak watt.

Solar cells have a wide range of applications. For example, artificial satellites, unmanned weather stations, communications stations, television relay stations, solar clocks, electric fences, black lights, navigation beacons and railway signals.

Sunlight thermal conversion technology has the largest number of products. Such as water heaters, water boilers, dryers, heating and cooling, greenhouses and solar rooms, solar cookers and high temperature ovens, seawater desalination devices, pumps water heaters, thermal power generation devices and solar medical equipment.

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