The best time for solar water supply is before sunrise in the morning in summer, and after the vacuum tube cools in the evening. In winter, the best time for water supply is after the temperature rises in the evening. Morning. In summer, be careful not to fill the solar water heater too late (after 9 a.m.). Vacuum tubes tend to age due to dry heating. After a day of exposure to the sun, the temperature of the tubes will be very high. so that the solar water heater vacuum tube cools down before turning on the water, otherwise it cannot withstand the stimulation of hot and cold, especially the aging vacuum tubes tend to burst. In winter, be careful not to fill the water at night. Try to refill the water in the morning when the temperature rises or when the temperature is high at noon. This can prevent the temperature from being too low and freezing. damage energyie solar. Do not fill solar water heaters at midday when the sun is shining and do not use solar water heaters during thunderstorms. Proper use of solar water heaters and mastering the best time to fill the solar water heater can ensure the normal operation of the solar water heater and extend the life of solar energy.
In summer, it is safest to add water before 8 a.m. or after sunset in the evening. If it's cloudy in winter, there is no time limit and you can add more. at any time: If the water tank is empty, it is best to wait until the next morning before the sun rises to add water. It's for summer: in principle, this means that on sunny days, add water before the sun. comes out or after sunset: I don't know if you are satisfied with my answer Not satisfied!