This circuit diagram is very simple. You connect the 13-14V solar power and then send it to the 12V battery. The problem is that the solar power is unstable and sometimes the voltage is lower than that. Your battery will charge and stop charging, and its life will soon run out. The question you asked is unreasonable in itself and ignores the current changes caused by changes in solar energy with and without light. Give up this idea. At present, it is estimated that China does not have the independent capacity to produce solar inverters that can be connected to the grid. If you want such a circuit diagram, there are manuals available, provided that the solar power output is taken as a constant. current. But this doesn't meet your needs.
Search for available solar controller circuits
Introduction Looking for available solar controller circuit, this circuit diagram is very simple. You connect 13-14V solar power, then send it to a 12V battery. The problem is that solar power is unstable