DingTalk Qidian data comes from corporate credit reporting agencies, including corporate risk data, company official website, company profile. For more information about the company's recruitment, please refer to the company's official website. For more business phone addresses and email addresses. addresses, you can find them on DingTalk Qidian for any inquiries
Company Profile:
The Solar Sales Department of Longheng of Jiancaoping District of Taiyuan City was established on 01/11/2011. The registered capital is 1,000,000,000 RMB, the legal representative is Zhang Xilian, the company address is No. 3, Zone F, Solar Energy Market, No. 8 Hengshan Road, the social credit code unified and the tax number are. , the industry consists of other unspecified retail industries and the registration authorityregistration is Yingxin Street Industrial and Commercial Bureau of Taiyuan City, Jiancaoping Branch of Administration for Industry and Commerce, the business scope is: Longheng Solar Distribution Department, Longheng District Jiancaoping, Taiyuan City, the industrial and commercial registration number is 140108600404672
The platform you are talking about is Northern Star Light. It is quite good, mainly for the photovoltaic industry. It contains knowledge, engineering, recruitment, photovoltaic industry. company information, etc. There are a lot of content, all related to the photovoltaic industry, the recruitment is also relatively rich, and there are many top companies, you must have an excellent resume, many companies will find you, and the. the effectiveness is very rapid; the Zhiyouji platform is also relatively good, with rich contenthe and comprehensive, covering all walks of life and various positions, as long as you have needs, it's Yes, you can find out more by viewing your CV