How long does it take to get from Hangzhou Xiaoshan Airport to Zhuhai Jinwan Airport?

Introduction How long does it take to get from Hangzhou Xiaoshan Airport to Zhuhai Jinwan Airport? Route: The total distance is approximately 1,368.5 kilometers. Starting point: Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport 1. Hangzhou route map 1) From starting point to.

How long does it take to get from Hangzhou Xiaoshan Airport to Zhuhai Jinwan Airport?

Itinerary: The total distance is approximately 1,368.5 kilometers

Starting point: Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport

1 Hangzhou route map< /p>

1) From the starting point, head northwest, follow Yingbin Avenue for 900 meters, turn right and enter Airport Avenue

< p>2) Continue along Airport Avenue for 1.8 kilometers and continue straight onto the Airport Expressway< /p>

3) Follow the Airport Expressway on 70 meters and go straight on the Airport Expressway.

4) Follow the Airport Expressway for 14.6 kilometers, exit Jiangnan Avenue/Xixing Bridge, turn slightly at right on the ramp

5) Continue along the ramp for 740 meters and continue straight on Airport City Boulevard

6) Continue along Airport City Boulevard for 2.1 kilometers and continue straight on Airport City Boulevard

7) Continue along the Airport City Boulevard for 800 meters. At the 3rd exit, turn left onto Jiangnan Avenue.

8) Continue along Jiangnan Avenue for 8.8 kilometers, turn left. in Dongxin Avenue

9) Continue along Dongxin Avenue for 1,000 meters, turn left and enter Puyan Road

10) Continue along Puyan Road for 400 meters, pass Jiangnan Shanghui Building on the right for about 140 meters, then turn right into Binwen Road

11) Follow the road for 890 meters on Binwen Road, towards Zhijiang Bridge /G320/Fuyang, turn slightly left onto the ramp

12) Continue along the ramp for 400 meters, turn right and enter Binjiang Rainbow Expressway

2. Travel 4.2 km along Binjiang Rainbow Expressway, continue straight to Changshen Expressway

3. kilometers along Changshen Expressway, turn slightly right and enter Hangx Expresswayinjing

4. Continue along Hangxinjing Expressway for 73.2 kilometers, turn slightly right onto the ramp

5 Follow the ramp to. 1.0 kilometers and continue straight on Hangxinjing Highway

6. Continue along Hangxinjing Expressway for 35.6 kilometers towards Quzhou/G60 (west), turn slightly right and enter Lutangjiao Junction. 7. Continue along Lutangjiao Junction for 1.0 kilometers and go straight to Shanghai-Kunming Expressway.

8. Continue along the Shanghai-Kunming Expressway for 143.5 kilometers. At the Shangrao West/Shangrao County exit, turn slightly right. in Shangrao West Interchange

9. Continue along Shangrao West Interchange for 350 meters and go straight

10. Continue 730 meters towards Fenglingtou, turn left into Sanqing Shanxi Avenue

11. Continue on Sanqing Shanxi Avenue for 9.1 km andcontinue straight on the Hurui

12 line. Follow the Shanghai Line for 20.9 km and continue straight on Yingbin Avenue

13. Continue along Yingbin Avenue for 5.5 kilometers and turn left to enter G320

14. Continue along G320 for 10 meters and turn right and enter Hurui Line

. 15. Continue along the Hurui Line for 10.0 kilometers and continue straight into the Hurui Line

16. Continue along Hurui Line for 890 meters and take the 4th exit straight. Enter Guifeng Avenue

17. Travel 7.0 kilometers along Guifeng Avenue and continue straight on Hurui Line

18. Travel 30.2 kilometers along the Hurui Line and turn slightly left to enter G320


19. Travel 6.6 kilometers along the G320 and go straight into the Hurui

20 line. Travel 420 meters along the Hurui Line and continue all the wayt straight into Sanchuan Avenue

21. Drive 1.1 km onto Sanchuan Avenue and turn left

22 Drive 1.5 km and turn left onto G206 (old)

23. Continue on G206 (old) for 5.4 km and turn. left to enter G206

24. Continue 50 meters along G206 and continue straight into Longhushan Avenue

25. Travel 5.8 kilometers along Longhushan Avenue and turn slightly right to enter Yanshan Line. >


26. Continue along the Yanshan Line for 1.4 kilometers, turn slightly right to enter the Yanshan Line

27. Continue along the Yanshan Line for 30.2 kilometers,

28. Continue 1.7 km, turn right

29. Travel 530 meters and continue straight on Xiangshan North Road

30. Continue on Xiangshan North Road for 1.1 km. straight on Xiangshan South Road

< p>31. Continue along Xiangshan South Road pen 3.4 kilometers, turn left and enter Yanshan Line

32. Continue along the Yanshan Line for 37.3 kilometers, towards Hongmen. Town/Zuixian Lake/Yingrui Expressway/G35, turn slightly left to enter G206

33. Travel 2.9 kilometers along the G206, turn right

34. Travel 510 meters, turn slightly right<. /p>

35. Drive 890 meters,

36. Drive 150 meters, at the second exit, continue straight onto Denggao East Road.

37. for 180 meters, pass Hisense on the right. After about 100 meters from the specialist store, head towards the road and turn left onto the road.

38 Follow the road for 630 meters, pass it. Sun Rain Solar on the right for about 290 meters, turn left and enter building

39. Continue along Jianchang Avenue for 3.0 kilometers and continue straight on the Yanshan Line. 40. Continue along theYanshan Line for 96.7 kilometers and continue straight into Guangning Line

41. Continue along the Guangning Line for 44.1 kilometers and turn right

42. and turn left onto Zhongshan North Road

43. Continue on Zhongshan North Road for 810 meters, continue straight into Zhongshan Middle Road

44. Continue on Zhongshan Middle Road for 860 meters, pass the street. Shiwei Sky Building on the left for about 110 meters, then continue straight into Zhongshan South Road

45. Continue along Zhongshan Road. Continue 2.5 kilometers on South Road and go straight to the Xiamen-Chengdu Line. p>46. Travel 3.9 kilometers along the Xiamen-Chengdu line, cross Shiban Bridge, go to G319/Yudu, turn slightly right and enter G319

< p>47. Continue on the G319 for 350 meters and continue straight on the G319. Xiamen-Chengdu Line

48. Continue alonge the Xiamen-Chengdu Line for 16.2 kilometers, turn left onto the ramp

49. Continue along the ramp for 1.5 kilometers and go straight onto the Ningding Expressway

50. Continue along Ningding Expressway for 176.4 km, exiting Sanbaishan service area, turn slightly right and enter Sanbaishan service area

51. Travel 970 meters along the Sanbaishan service area and continue straight to Ningding Expressway

52. Continue along Ningding Expressway for 22.5 kilometers, direction S86/Ganzhou/Shaoguan/Dingnan, turn slightly right into Egong Hub

53 Continue along 'Egong Hub for 790 meters, continue straight. in the Dingnan connection line

54. Travel 38.8 kilometers along the Dingnan Connection Line, towards Heping/Heyuan, turn slightly left onto ramp

55. Travel 930 meters along the ramp, continue. straight on Long He Highway

56. Travel 102.7 kilometers along Longhe Expressway and continue straight to Changshen Expressway

57. Travel 26.4 kilometers along Changshen Expressway and take the Chengnan/Zijin/G205 exit. . Turn right onto ramp

58. Travel 770 meters along the ramp and continue straight

59. Continue for 240 meters towards Guangzhou/Shenzhen/G205 and turn right into Heyuan Avenue. p>

60. Continue along Heyuan Avenue for 11.5 kilometers, cross the Second Puqian Bridge for about 120 meters, and continue straight on Shanshen Line

61. Follow the Shanshen Line for 2.7 kilometers and go straight. in Jinlong Avenue

62. Continue along Jinlong Avenue for 2.5 kilometers, turn slightly right onto Shiba Avenue

63. Continue along Shiba Avenue for 3.5 kilometers and continue straight into Jinlong Avenue<. /p>< p>64. Continue along Jinlong Avenue for 3.0 kilometers, towards Mabei, turn slightly right to enter Y370

65. Continue along Y370 for 3.2 kilometers, turn right to enter Jinlong Avenue. >

66. Continue along Jinlong Avenue for 13.6 kilometers, cross the Twelve Ridge Overpass and continue straight onto S244

67. Continue along the S244 for 6.2 kilometers and continue straight across Hepai Bridge. >

68. Pai along the river Cross the bridge for 10 meters and continue straight on the S244

69. Continue along S244 for 22.9 km and continue straight into Xiangshui No. 1 Bridge

< p>70. Walk along Xiangshui Bridge No. 1 for 10 meters and continue straight on S244

71. Continue 50 meters along S244 and go straight to the second Xiangshui Bridge

72. Continue 10 meters along the secondth Xiangshui Bridge and continue straight until S244

73. Continue along S244 for 17.2 kilometers, direction Zengcheng/Guangzhou, and continue straight to Fukun Line

74. along the Fukun Line for 5.4 kilometers, towards Changfu Road, and turn slightly left to enter Y538

75. Continue along Y538 for 5.4 kilometers and continue straight onto Changfu Road

76. Changfu Road for 550 meters and turn left into Fuyuan Road

77 along Fuyuan Road 1.1 km, turn right

Drive 1.9 km, turn right onto X193< /p>

Drive along X193 for 3.7 km, turn left

80. 380 meters, turn right ahead

81. Proceed 360 meters, turn left onto Renji South Street

82. Continue along Renji South Street for 1.3km, go straight and enter X193.

83. Continue on X193 for 5.1 kilometers and continue straightit in Shiwan North Road.

84 Continue along Shiwan North Road for 1.7 kilometers and pass Hualin No. Guangdong electrical appliance brand store. 20276 on the right After 60 meters, go straight and enter Shiwan Middle Road

85. Continue along Shiwan Middle Road for 510 meters and continue straight onto Shiwan South Road

86. Shiwan South Road for 590 meters and turn left. About 120 meters after the Yabao building on the side, turn right.

87. Continue 10 meters and turn left.

< p>88. Continue 90 meters. At the first exit, turn left. Turn onto Shiwan South Road

89. Continue along Shiwan South Road for 1.0 kilometers, turn right onto Greening East Road. >

90. Continue along Greening East Road for 220 meters, turn left onto Yuanlin Road

91. Continue along Yuanlin Road for 190 meters, turn right and enter Binjiang East Road

92. Continue along Binjiang East Road for 650 meters, go straight and enter Binjiang Middle Road

93. Continue along Binjiang Middle Road for 380 meters and go straight into Binjiang West Road

94. Continue along Binjiang West Road for 700 meters and turn right to enter Jiangnan West Road

95. Continue along Jiangnan West Road for 620 meters, turn slightly right into Wanlong Road

96. .Drive along Wanlong Road for 7.6 kilometers, turn slightly right onto Wanlong Road Auxiliary Road

97. Continue along the auxiliary road of Wanlong Road for 480 meters, pass Lingfeng Building on the right for about 160 meters and. go straight into Wanlong Road

98. Continue along Wanlong Road for 830 meters and continue straight into Xueyuan Road

99. Continue along Xueyuan Road for 1.3 kilometers, pass the Don Buildinggguan Junyi. Turn right for about 300 meters, head towards Heyang Road/Dongzheng Road, and turn slightly right into Heyang Road

100. Continue along Heyang Road for 140 meters, pass Hesheng Building A on the right for about 130 meters. , then continue straight into Dongzheng Road

101. Continue on Dongzheng Road for 540 meters, pass Jinjin on the right. After about 120 meters from the store, turn left onto Xinfen Road

102. .Drive along Xinfen Road for 300 meters, turn right into Xiangyang Road

103. Continue along Xiangyang Road for 550 meters. Turn left onto Gaodi Street

104. Continue for 180 meters and go straight into Jiefang Road

105. Continue along Jiefang Road and pass Civic Square on the right for about 300 meters. Then head towards Wan Tai Avenue/Hong Fu Road, turn left and enter Wan. Tai Road

106.Continue along Wan Tai Road for 22.3 kilometers, turn right and enter Baisha Road North.

107. Continue 770 meters along Baisha Main Road north and continue straight into Baisha Main Road Middle.

108. Travel 1.7 kilometers along Baisha Main Road and pass Jiale Affordable Department. turn right for approximately 180 meters. After that, go straight and enter Baisha Road South

109. Continue 950 meters along Baisha Road South, turn slightly right

110. meters, turn right and enter Zhenkou River Road

111. Continue along Zhenkou River Road for 490 meters, turn slightly left into Zhenkou River Road

112. Continue for 240 meters, turn right

113. Continue 50 meters and turn around

114 and turn right onto Zhenkou Road

115. along the Zhenkou road for 280 meters. Enter Jiefang Road

116. Continue along Jiefang Road for 50 meters and turn left.

Drive 480 meters and pass Taiping Trade City on the right. for about 150 meters and turn right. Take Yunhe North Road

118. Continue along Yunhe North Road for 600 meters and continue straight into Yunhe North Road

119. for 130 meters and take the 3rd exit towards Jiumenzhai, turn left and back to enter Huandao Road

120. Continue along Huandao Road for 220 meters, pass Shengfu Department Store on the right for about 280 meters. meters and turn right onto Baihuashan North Road

< p>121. Continue along Baihuashan North Road for 260 meters, turn right to enter Humen Avenue

122. Continue along Humen Avenue for 1.9 kilometers, turn right to enter Nan Avenue

123. Along the860 meters on South Avenue, turn right into Hai Zhan Guan Road

124. Continue 230 meters along Hai Zhan Guan Road, turn. right into Weiyuan

125 interchange. Continue along Weiyuan Interchange for 590 meters, go straight and enter Wanfo Expressway

126. Continue along Wanfo Highway for 15.2 kilometers, crossing road #13. Huangge South Road Bridge, direction Zhongshan/Zhuhai/Jiangmen/Zhanjiang, turn slightly right and take the ramp


Drive 1.4 km along the ramp and continue straight on the Guang'ao Highway

128. Travel 23.7 km along Guang'ao Expressway towards Zhongjiang Expressway/Port/Jiangmen/Yangjiang and turn slightly left. Enter the Xinlong Overpass

Drive along the Xinlong Overpass for 610 meters. after the Xinlong overpass for about 330 meters, continue straightright on Shenluo Highway

130. Continue along Shenluo Expressway for 1.6km, at Zhongshan Town North/Port Exit, turn slight left onto the ramp. /p>

131. Follow the ramp for 1.5 kilometers and continue straight onto Gangkou Avenue

132. Continue along Gangkang Avenue for 2.4 kilometers, continue straight into Dongming North Road. >133. Continue along Dongming North Road for 3.3 kilometers, continue straight into Liantang North Road.

134 Continue along Liantang North Road for 700 meters, turn right. After about 110 meters from RT-Mart (Daxin Store). ), Go straight Enter Liantang Road

135. Continue along Liantang Road for 10 meters. After passing Vitality 18 on the left for about 170 meters, turn right and enter Liantang Road

136. Road 90 meters, at the second exit, towards Liantang Road/Sunwendong Road, turn left into Liantang Road

137. Continue along Liantang Road for 530 meters, pass Zhongshan-Yangguo People's Hospital on the left for about 80 meters. after Enci Building, go straight and enter Sunwen East Road

138. Continue along Sunwen East Road for 190 meters, pass Siemens (Sunwen East Road Store, Shiqi District) on the right, about 250 meters later, turn. turn right and enter Hua Bai Road

139. Continue along Hua Bai Road for 800 meters, pass Guangfa Building on the right for about 150 meters, then continue straight into Qiguan West Road

140. . Follow Qiguan West Road Drive for 930 meters, cross the Qiguan West Road Bridge for approximately 60 meters, and continue straight onto Qiguan West Road

141. Continue along Qiguan West Road for 140 meters, turn right and enter Guangzhu. Highway

< p>142. Continue along Guangzhu Expressway for 1.1 kilometers and enter the expresswayute Guangzhu

143. Continue along Guangzhu Expressway for 140 meters, take the second exit and head towards the South Outer Ring Road. Chengnan Road/G105, turn left to enter Guangzhou-Zhuhai Expressway

144. Travel 680 meters along the Guangzhou-Zhuhai Expressway, pass the Milan Sunshine Bridge for about 70 meters, and then enter the Guangzhou-Zhuhai Expressway. Highway

145. Travel 120 meters along Guangzhou-Zhuhai Expressway, pass Milan Sunshine Bridge into Crazy World, take the 3rd exit, continue towards Chengnan Road/Banfu, and continue straight into Chengnan 1st Road >146. Continue along Chengnan 2nd Road for 860 meters, pass Gree Electric Appliances (Store NO. Guangdong T00022) on the right for about 90 meters, then continue straight into Chengnan 2nd Road

147. Continue along Chengnan 2nd Road for 1.0 kilometers toward the towne from Sanxiang/G105, continue straight into Chengnan 3rd Road

148. Continue along Chengnan 3rd Road for 1.5 kilometers, towards Zhuhai/Xianmuyuan Hot Spring, continue. straight on Chengnan 4th Road

149. Continue on Chengnan 3rd Road. Travel 2.3 kilometers on the fourth road, direction Tanzhou/Zhuhai/Zhanyuan, Zhongshan, and continue straight on Chengnan 5th Road

150. Continue 2.3 kilometers along Chengnan 5th Road and continue straight into Banfu North Road

< p>151. Continue along Banfu North Road for 1.2 kilometers, turn left onto Banfu North Road

152. .Drive along Banfu North Road for 3.3 kilometers and enter Banfu Middle Road

153. Travel 6.0 kilometers along Banfu Middle Road, direction Shenwan/Shenwan Port/Gushen Highway/Doumen, turn right and enter Shenwan Avenue North.

154. Continue 6.0 kilometers along Shenwan Avenuee North, go straight into Shenwan Avenue Middle.

155. Continue along Shenwan Avenue Middle for 950 meters and continue straight into Shenwan Avenue South.

156. Continue along Shenwan Avenue South for 2.7 kilometers and continue straight onto Shenwan Avenue South

157. Continue 100 meters along Shenwan Avenue South, No. 1. Exit towards Doumen/S47/Zhongjiang Expressway/Zhuhai Airport, turn right and enter Zhupai Middle Road

158. Continue along Zhupai Middle Road for 2.2 kilometers, cross Xili Bridge for about 90 meters and continue straight. Xili Bridge

159. Walk along the Xili Bridge for 2.3 kilometers, turn slightly left to enter the S365

160. Continue along S365 for 2.5 kilometers, go straight and enter Lianqiao Road. >

161. Continue 320 meters along Lianqiao Road, turn left onto S272

162. Continue on the S272 for 5.7 kilometers, enter S272

163. Continue on the S272 for 110 meters. , at the 2nd exit towards Zhuhai Airport/Huxin Road/Airport Exhibition Hall/Zhuhai Horse Riding Course, turn left onto S272

164 Zhuhai City Driving Plan

1 ) Continue on the S272. for 25.2 km, turn left

2) Travel 260 meters, turn left

3) Travel 130 meters, reach the end point

Point final: Jinwan Airport

I will give you the directory directly, but the address cannot be pasted.

List of licensed product manufacturers for the Shanghai World Expo

1 China Post Group Corporation

2 China Philatelic Corporation

3 China Gold Coin Corporation

4 China Post Advertising Co., Ltd.

5 Gome Electric Co., Ltd.

6 Beijing Zhongchao Banknote Design and Platemaking Co. , Ltd.

7 Beijing Kaiyuan Gold Coin Distribution Center in China

8 BanknotesChinese Guoding Investment Co., Ltd.

9 Guojin Gold Group Co., Ltd.

10 Company Beijing Gongmei Group Co., Ltd.

11 Beijing Jinyi Cultural Development Co., Ltd.

12 Beijing Prosperous Cultural Communication Company, Ltd.

13 Beijing Yuanlong Shengshi Enterprise Planning Co., Ltd.

14 Beijing Yuanlong Yatu Cultural Communication Co., Ltd.

15 Baoquan Coin Investment Co. ., Ltd.

16 Beijing Hengmeirui Cultural Development Co., Ltd.

17 Beijing Hualiufengshang Cultural Development Co., Ltd.

18 Beijing Sangzimei Technology Development Co., Ltd.

19 Beijing Wu Yutai Tea Co., Ltd.< /p>

20 Beijing Youpac Cultural Development Co., Ltd.

21 Baiyue (Beijing) International Cultural Development Co., Ltd.

22 China Telecom Co., Ltd . Shanghai Branch

23 China Gold Group Shanghai Gold Company

24 Itochu Fiber Trading (China) Co., Ltd.

25 Innovation Technology (China) Co ., Ltd.

26 China No. 1 Pencil Co., Ltd.

27 Shanghaojia (China) Co., Ltd.

28 Xinjulong Industrial Co., Ltd.

29 Guanshengyuan (Group) Co., Ltd.

30 Aiosmith (Shanghai) Water Treatment Products Co., Ltd.

< p>31 Shanghai Aiwu Food Co., Ltd.

32 Shanghai Bainuo Food Co., Ltd.

33 Shanghai Preciosa Trading Co., Ltd.

34 Company Shanghai Bisong Trading Development Co., Ltd.

35 Shanghai Watch Industry Co., Ltd.

36 Shanghai Boda Enterprise (Group) Co., Ltd.

37 Shanghai Butiange Culture Communication Co., Ltd.

38 Shanghai Welfare ** Distribution Center

39 Shanghai Caohexuan Art Ceramics Co., Ltd.

40 Shanghai Tianyuan Tea Co., Ltd.

41 Shanghai Tea Co., Ltd.

42 Shanghai Chenguo Culture Communication Co., Ltd.

43 Shanghai Chenghuang Jewelry Co., Ltd.

44 Shanghai City Animation Publishing Media Co., Ltd.


45 Shanghai Chengyu Culture Communication Co., Ltd.

46 Shanghai Chuangqiao Import andExport Co., Ltd.

47 Shanghai Dachen Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd.

48 Shanghai Tisende Investment Management Co., Ltd.

49 Shanghai No 1 Food Chain Development Co., Ltd.

50 Shanghai Dingguan Hat Industry Co., Ltd.

51 Shanghai East Ai Ceramics Co., Ltd.

52 Shanghai Oriental Collection Souvenirs Co., Ltd.

53 Shanghai Dongguan Huajie Paper Co., Ltd.

54 Shanghai Donghao Crafts Co., Ltd.

55 Shanghai Donghua Diamond Jewelry Co., Ltd.

56 Shanghai Dongping Fashion Co., Ltd.

57 Shanghai Dongwo Culture Media Co., Ltd.

58 Shanghai Arts and Crafts Co., Ltd.

59 Shanghai Public Transport Card Co., Ltd.

60 Shanghai Gujin Underwear Co., Ltd.

61 Shanghai Guanhua Stainless Steel Products Co., Ltd.

62 Shanghai Guoli Investment Co., Ltd.

63 Shanghai Hongyi Economic and Trade Co., Ltd.

64 Shanghai Hongrui Clothing Co., Ltd. .

65 Shanghai Hongji Trading Co., Ltd.

66 Shanghai Hongze Cultural Communication Co. , Ltd.

67 Shanghai Huatong Clothing Co., Ltd.

68 Shanghai Huajie Crafts and Gifts Co., Ltd.

69 Shanghai Huili Shoes Co., Ltd.

70 Shanghai Huiluo Diamond Co., Ltd.

71 Shanghai Jiabao Trading Development Co., Ltd.< /p>

72 Shanghai Jiale Co., Ltd.

73 Shanghai Jiawei Industrial Development Co., Ltd.

74 Shanghai Jiaxiu Industrial DesignCo., Ltd.

75 Shanghai Jianyi Gift Design Co., Ltd.

76 Shanghai Jieqiang Tobacco, Sugar and Wine (Group) Co., Ltd.

p>77 Shanghai Jielong Industrial Group Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd.

78 Shanghai Jinke New Energy Materials Technology Co., Ltd.

79 Shanghai Jinya Jewelry Co., Ltd.

80 Shanghai Gold Coin Investment Co., Ltd.

81 Shanghai Kimberlite Diamond Co., Ltd.

82 Shanghai Jinfeng Liquor Co., Ltd.

83 Shanghai Jinyuan Cultural Development Co., Ltd.

84 Shanghai Jinfei Composite Materials Technology Co., Ltd.

85 Shanghai Jiongsheng Industrial Co., Ltd.

86 Shanghai Julan Water Treatment Technology Co., Ltd.

87 Shanghai Junyao (Group) Co., Ltd. Company

88 Shanghai Kerun Luggage Products Co., Ltd.

89 Shanghai Kuzai Industrial Co., Ltd.

90 Shanghai Lanvali Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd .

91 Shanghai Laochenghuangmiao Spicy Bean Food Co., Ltd.

92 Shanghai Laofengxiang Co., Ltd.

93 Shanghai Laomiao Gold Co., Ltd.

94 Shanghai Lefei Crafts Co. ., Ltd.

95 Shanghai Lifeng Food Co., Ltd.

96 Shanghai Liyingfang Baby Products Co., Ltd.

97 Shanghai Longfeng Chinese Clothing Co. ., Ltd.

< p>98 Shanghai Loutang Stationery Co., Ltd.

99 Shanghai Meilin Meida Food Co., Ltd. .

100 Shanghai Metersbonwe Clothing Co. , Ltd.

101 Shanghai Minguang International Enterprise Co., Ltd.

102 Shanghai Nanxiang Tea Co., Ltd.

103 Shanghai Farmhouse Brewing Co., Ltd.

104 Shanghai Nuoyi Gift Co., Ltd.

105 Shanghai Oumao International Trading Co., Ltd.

106 Shanghai Pavlo Stationery Co., Ltd.

107 Shanghai Qingya Industrial Co., Ltd.

< p>108 Shanghai Qufeng International Trade Co., Ltd.

109 Shanghai Sanlian (Group) Co., Ltd.

110 Shanghai Sanlin Embroidery Art Co., Ltd.

111 Shanghai Sanwen International Trade Co., Ltd.

112 Shanghai Sanxin Technology Development Co. , Ltd.

113 Shanghai Shenlong Pen Factory

114 Shanghai Shenpu Food Co., Ltd.

115 Shanghai Shenbo Cultural Development Co., Ltd.

116 Shanghai Shenglong Industrial Co., Ltd.

117 Shanghai Shengmin Industry and Trade Co., Ltd .

118 Shanghai Shengshun Clothing Co., Ltd.

119 Shanghai Shikun Jewelry Technology Co., Ltd.


120 Shanghai Philatelic Corporation

121 Shanghai Shichengquan Industrial Development Co., Ltd.

122 Shanghai Silede Stainless Steel Products Co., Ltd.

123 Shanghai Swish Watch Co., Ltd.

124 Shanghai Totole Food Co., Ltd.

125 Shanghai Taifeng Luggage Co., Ltd.

126 Company Shanghai Taotu Animation Technology Co., Ltd.

127 Shanghai Tiqiao Textile Dyeing Co. , Ltd.

128 Shanghai Tianbao Longfeng Gold and Silver Jewelry Co., Ltd.

129 Shanghai Maruding Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.


130 Shanghai Weiyi Industrial Co., Ltd.

131 Shanghai Weimeng Environmental Protection Materials Co., Ltd.

132 Shanghai Wending Gift Co., Ltd.

133 Shanghai Wuhua Umbrella Co., Ltd.

134 Shanghai Xiling Ceramics Trading Co., Ltd.< /p>

135 Shanghai Xinfeng Electronics Co., Ltd.

136 Shanghai Xinying Sanitary Products Co., Ltd.

137 Shanghai Xinda Meihua Shoes Co., Ltd.< /p>

138 Shanghai Xinlian Weixun Technology Development Co., Ltd.

139 Shanghai Xinshiao Group Co., Ltd .

140 Shanghai New World Tourism Souvenirs Co., Ltd.

141 Shanghai Xuyang Green Food Co., Ltd.

142 Shanghai Colorful Art Co., Ltd .

143 Shanghai Yaqing Industry and Trade Co., Ltd.

144 Shanghai Yayi Gold Store Co., Ltd.

145 Shanghai Yixin Trading Co., Ltd.

146 Shanghai Yingke Industrial Co., Ltd.

147 Shanghai Hero Gold Pen Factory Co., Ltd.

148 Shanghai Youxi Industry and Trade Co., Ltd.

149 Shanghai Yunzhilu Culture Communication Co., Ltd.

150 Shanghai Zhanyi Culture Development Co., Ltd.

151 Shanghai Zhang Tiejun Jewelry Group Co., Ltd.

152 Shanghai Zhenhua Art Co., Ltd.

153 Shanghai Zhongcheng Digital Technology Co., Ltd.

154 Shanghai Zhou Huchen Cao Sugong Pen and Ink Co., Ltd.

155 Shanghai Zongheng International Trading Co., Ltd.

156 Shanghai Diamond Exchange Co., Ltd.

157 Shanghai Diamond Bird Trading Co., Ltd.

158 Bailian Group Co., Ltd.

159 Hengyuanxiang (Group) Co., Ltd.

160 Kaicheng Xingye (Shanghai) ) Gift Co., Ltd.

161 Lilan Clothing Products (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

162 Magalonte Bone China (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

163 Mark Hua Fei (Shanghai) Commercial Co. , Ltd.

164 Suntory Beer (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

165 Mijue Candy Food (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

166 Yingnan International Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

167 Anhui University of Science and Technology iFlytek Information Technology Co., Ltd.

168 China Rice Paper Group Corporation

169 Anhui Shanchuan Economic and Cultural Development Co., Ltd.

170 Huangshan Huizhou Bamboo Art Xuan Engraving Co. , Ltd.

171 Xiuning County Zhuangyuan Tourism Development Co., Ltd.

172 Thermos (China) Household Products Co., Ltd.

173 Changzhou Xurong Knitting Printing and Dyeing Co., Ltd.

174 Huarong Electronics (Kunshan) Co., Ltd.

175 Jiangsu Donghai Huayu Industrial Co., Ltd.

176 Jiangsu Guoda Line Complete Co., Ltd.

177 Jiangsu Hengshun Vinegar Industry Co., Ltd.

178 Jiangsu Huajia Investment Group Co., Ltd.

179 Jiangsu Soho International Group Co., Ltd.

180 Jiangsu Wan Gong Technology Group Co., Ltd.

181 Jiangsu Xinmin Textile Technology Co., Ltd.

182 Kunming Colorful Yunnan Qingfenxiang Tea Co., Ltd.

183 Kunshan City Huada Plastic Industry Co., Ltd.

184 Kunshan Xinxin Youtian Food Co., Ltd.

185 Nanjing Talent Technology Group

186 Nanjing Yuyang Zhengying Yuhua Stone Co., Ltd.

187 Nantong Dongdi Textile Co., Ltd.

188 Nantong Silk Village Silk Co., Ltd.

189 ​​Suzhou Kaihua Creative Technology Co., Ltd.

190 Suzhou Neumann Industrial Co., Ltd.

191 Suzhou Shanshui Silk Co., Ltd.

192 Taizhou Art Museum Co., Ltd.

193 Taicang Floss Food Co., Ltd.


194 Wuxi Gedi Clothing Co., Ltd.

195 Wujiang Dezuo Daily Chemicals Co., Ltd .

196 Yangzhou Arts and Crafts Group Co., Ltd.

197 Zhangjiagang Meiruyi Hat Co., Ltd.

198 Xinyuan Cocoon Silk Group Co., Ltd.

199 Haimen Tomorrow Home Textile Co., Ltd.

200 Anji, Zhejiang Luqing Bamboo Fiber Co., Ltd.

201 Zhejiang Aoguang Crafts Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

202 Zhejiang Feijian Industry and Trade Co., Ltd.

203 Zhejiang Hals Vacuum Vessels Co., Ltd.

204 Zhejiang Jiali Pearl Jewelry Co., Ltd.

205 Zhejiang Jinniu Industry and Trade Co., Ltd.

206 Zhejiang Kaixiya International Co., Ltd.


207 Zhejiang Mingxiao Fenghui Holding Group Co., Ltd.

208 Zhejiang Ouyue Household Products Co., Ltd.

209 Zhejiang Ruyi Gift Co., Ltd.< /p>

210 Zhejiang Yingpai Sports Goods Co., Ltd.

211 Zhejiang Youyi Fino Umbrella Co., Ltd.

212 Hangzhou Wangxingji Fan Co., Ltd.< /p>

213 Hangzhou Tiantang Umbrella Industry Group Co., Ltd.

214 Meitong Daily Necessities (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd.< /p>

215 China Fisheries Zhoushan Marine Fisheries Company

216 Meixinda Group Co., Ltd.

217 Silk Road Holding Group Co., Ltd.

< p>218 Huzhou Wangyipinzhai Pen Shop Co., Ltd.< /p>

219 Huzhou Xiangshun Industry and Trade Co., Ltd.

220 Wansli Group Co., Ltd.

221 Xinxiu Group Co., Ltd.

222 Ningbo Luo Xiyu Clothing Co., Ltd.

223 Longda Bone China Co., Ltd.

224 Henan Yiyang Embroidery Crafts Co., Ltd.

225 Runan Yixiaotang Crafts Co., Ltd.

226 Hunan Hualian Porcelain Co., Ltd.

227 Jiangxi Enda Home Textile Co., Ltd.

228 Jingdezhen Yingyuan Ceramics Co., Ltd.

229 Qingdao Hengxu Textile Arts Co., Ltd.

230 Shandong Beitihe Ceramics Co., Ltd.

< p>231 Shandong Quanlin Paper Co., Ltd.

232 Shandong Zhaojin Gold and Silver Refining Co., Ltd.

233 Shandong Zhenbei Porcelain Co., Ltd.< /p>

234 Weihai Baoming Kitchen Crafts Co., Ltd.

235 Yantai Jinwang Technology and Trade Co., Ltd.

236 Puxun Software Development (Xi'an) Co., Ltd.

237 Gage (China) Weaving and Dyeing Clothing Co. , Ltd.

238 Chaozhou Qingfa Ceramics Co., Ltd.

239 Chaozhou Songfa Ceramics Co., Ltd.

240 Dehong (Fujian) Optoelectronics TechnologyCo., Ltd.

241 Fujian Zangtianyuan Shoushan Stone Industry and Trade Co., Ltd.

242 Xiamen Huaxiangyuan Industrial Co., Ltd.

243 Fujian Tianxi Yuchayuan Tea Industry Co., Ltd.

244 Fuzhou Ruida Electronics Co., Ltd.

245 Jinjiang Hongda Hardware and Leather Co., Ltd.

246 Qianbai Hui (Zhangping) Crafts Co., Ltd.

247 Quanzhou Baofeng Shoes Co., Ltd.

248 Quanzhou Huaning Sports Goods Co., Ltd.

< p>249 Shantou Qishi Clock Co., Ltd.

250 ​​​​​​​Cultural and Creative Solar Energy (Fujian) Technology Co. ., Ltd.

251 City of Wuyishan, Fujian Province Yongsheng Tea Co., Ltd.

252 Bank of China Financial Bank Co., Ltd.

253 Guangdong Mona Lisa Ceramics Co., Ltd.

254 Guangdong Weibao Industrial Co., Ltd.

255 Guangdong Xinyi Series Industrial Co., Ltd.

256 Aifeng Trading (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd .

257 Junxiang Plastic Hardware Electronic Products (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

258 Dongguan Baoquan Electronics Co., Ltd.

259 Dongguan Fengda Electronics Co. ., Ltd.

260 Dongguan Julong Garment Co., Ltd.


261 Dongguan Weiguang Gifts Co., Ltd.

262 Dongguan Yigao Leather Products Co., Ltd.

263 Foshan Nanhai Fuhe Toys Co., Ltd.

264 Jieyang Laohongxiang Jewelry and Jade Co., Ltd.

265 Yangjiang Xinli Industrial Co., Ltd.

266 Putian Huachang Jewelry Co., Ltd.

267 Sanya Dadongshan Marine Breeding Co., Ltd.

268 Zhongshan Tongwei Clothing Co., Ltd.

269 Shenzhen Cuilu Jewelry Co., Ltd.

270 Shenzhen Fuli Industrial Co., Ltd.

271 Shenzhen Hanyue Industrial Co. , Ltd.

272 Shenzhen Jiahong Industrial Co., Ltd.

273 Shenzhen Kangjiafu Industrial Development Co., Ltd.

274 Shenzhen Lingyun Cuixuan Jewelry Co. , Ltd.

275 Shenzhen Xinwangpai Technology Development Co., Ltd.

276 Shiyunda ( Shenzhen) Electronics Co., Ltd.

277 Guangxi Nanning Yongming Pearl Palace Jewelry Co., Ltd.

278 GuangxiQinzhou Beibuwan Nixing Jade Pottery Co., Ltd.

279 Guangxi Qinzhou Nixing Ceramics Co., Ltd.

280 Hainan Nanguo Food Industrial Co., Ltd.

281 Dujiangyan Qingcheng Gongpintang Tea Co., Ltd.

282 Yunnan Longrun Tea Group Co., Ltd.

283 China Kweichow Moutai Winery Co., Ltd.

< p>284 Tibet Zangyuan Highland Barley Wine Co., Ltd.

285 Xinjiang National Jade and Tian Jade Co., Ltd.

Buhong Heluo Henghe Pu Mu Yin Sheng Qi Wei Huan Cong Liu Prison Mei Zhai Jiao Ying

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