Crystalline silicon is divided into monocrystalline silicon and polycrystalline silicon. Monocrystalline silicon is characterized by a relatively high conversion efficiency of around 18%, but the cost is high. Polycrystalline silicon is cheaper, but the efficiency is lower, around 15%. .
The advantages of dye-sensitized solar cells are wide source of materials, simple manufacturing process, relatively low cost, relatively low environmental pollution and relatively low weight. The disadvantage is that the conversion efficiency is low and monochromatic. light is about 12% and about 10% for sunlight.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of installing solar panels on the roof?
There are two main types of solar cells! The main material of crystalline silicon solar cells is silicon wafers. For examplee, if they are placed on a curtain wall of large area solar cells, there will be too many silicon wafers. not looking good. But the conversion efficiency of crystalline silicon solar cells is twice that of thin-film solar cells. The conversion rate of crystalline silicon solar cells is 16% to 17%, while that of thin-film solar cells is only about 8%. Therefore, currently crystalline silicon solar cells have a larger market, but this may not be the case in the future. .
Compared with ordinary batteries, ordinary batteries have the disadvantage of not being environmentally friendly (although they are supposedly environmentally friendly).
p>But the advantage is that ordinary battery technology is relatively simple and the manufacturing process is relatively simple. It's not very complicated, and itThere is no monopoly in the technical field!
Currently, solar panels mainly use silicon, and the high purity of this thing is 6 9. , which is 99.9999% of silicon . The technology is used by Germany, Japan and the United States. The company has a monopoly, so the silicon used in high-end solar cells in China is imported, which is very inconvenient.
Also, I don't know what kind of ordinary battery you refer. Ordinary batteries are also divided into nickel-metal hydride and nickel-metal hydride. Electricity, carbon, alkaline, etc...
< p>1. Advantages of Rooftop Solar Panels 1. If the solar panel is installed on the roof, it can effectively use solar resources to generate electricity and save energy. power. Currently, the state provides subsidies for the installation of electricity generation panels. The papproved solar power production will reduce our daily electricity consumption, which means your family will save on their electricity bills. 2. Disadvantages of Rooftop Solar Panels 1. The investment in installing solar panels is relatively large and for some families, installation costs can be factored in. Questions will not be accepted. 2. This type of solar power generation panel is installed directly on the roof. It will be affected for a long time afterward. When exposed to sun and wind, corrosion problems can occur. 3. After all, solar panels are obtained from solar energy. It also uses Yang's resources to generate electricity, so it can only produce electricity on sunny days. Use it, but if it is cloudy or not very sunny. Sometimes energy consumption is affectedlisted.