How to Draw an Anti-Drug Handwritten Diary

Introduction How to draw a handwritten drug diary Tools: stylus, sketch paper, marker, pencil, eraser, ruler. Steps: 1. Draw the theme picture and draw a police uncle at the bottom of the handwritten diary.

How to Draw an Anti-Drug Handwritten Diary

Tools: stylus, sketch paper, marker, pencil, eraser, ruler.


1. Draw the theme picture

Draw a police uncle at the bottom of the handwritten newspaper, holding a trumpet, as He preaches anti-drug knowledge. Draw distant houses, trees and mountains next to the police uncle to represent that this is our living environment.

2. Draw a creative title

We can add creative ideas to the title to make the image more interesting, but these ideas are related to the content we want to express. one cannot be creative for the sake of creativity.

3. Draw elements that can enhance the atmosphere.

You can draw decorative elements such as the sun, white clouds and birds. Solar energy represents light and birds can represent freedom. .

4. Coloring

You can use markersrs or colored pencils to color the handwritten journal.

5. Draw lines of text for the text

Use a ruler to draw lines of text on the handwritten journal. The distance between lines of text should be equal.

6. Check the handwritten report carefully for any gaps and revise it promptly if you are not satisfied with it. A handwritten “Stay away from drugs” journal is ready.

The numerological environment is the same as the natural environment. It is affected by the four seasons and has different temperature and ambient temperature changes. When the cold wind blows in winter, the sun must warm up.

So in numerology, people born in winter generally need to have the five elements of fire, so that they can wait for the ice to lift and show their vitality. So how do people born in winter change their luck?

LikeDo people born in winter change their luck? Anyone born in October, winter, or the twelfth lunar month can be considered winter born. Cold winter, Cangua shows that although it seemingly represents the harsh winter of the Far North, it also signifies the water flowing under the snow, the cycle of heaven and earth, once again preparing for the the nascent life advances. So, what adverse effects will the snowy winter have on the character and fortune of the zodiac signs born during this time? Let's see what the teacher says!

1. Winter Mouse

Although he is a visionary, he is usually very depressed. He has high expectations for the success of everything, but he is always affected in one way or another, and it is sometimes difficult to resolve these issues. But they are not content with the status quo. These are people who work hard all their lives and suffer repeated defeats. Perseverance, bad practices and badis ability to summarize work experience. Through hard struggle, we can achieve small things, but it is more difficult to achieve big things. Tip: Keep up the good work and always look forward to the end.

2. The cow in winter

He is honest, reliable, conscientious and trustworthy. It is generally impossible to accomplish something by accident and will not cause any major inconvenience. Calm but not alert, stable but ineffective. Suggestion: It's good to live like this, you won't need to change yourself deliberately.

3. Tiger in winter

Show your skills if the opportunity arises, but it's valuable. Always complaining about the bad environment and constantly changing jobs. Arrogant, it is not easy to seek reproach and advice from superiors and colleagues. He is direct, honest and affectionate by nature, likes to be alone and has few close. Tip: Making friends with people born under the sign of the Sheep and the Ox will improve your personality.

4. Winter Rabbit

Everyone has feelings for you because you are eloquent, and your friends are willing to get along with you because you have no desires, which makes them lose a competitor . . I'm generally cautious and not brave enough, but I'm good at observing people's emotions and improvising. If you just wander around when you encounter a problem, sometimes you will lose a lot of inconvenience, and sometimes you will suffer a stupid loss. Suitable for business services, but not suitable for being a boss. Tip: Trust your own diligence and live a comfortable and safe life.

5. Winter Dragon

Realists always like to complain and worry about others, lamenting that they have gone through many vicissitudes of life, and that the God oftin doesn't like to deal with it. two. Highly educated people have rich professional knowledge, but they do not fully exploit it. Most people are willing to feel alone because of unnecessary studies. I don’t like getting together with friends on busy occasions. I spend most of my time at home, watching TV series or studying. Suggestion: Make more friends and go to places where there is water.

6. Winter Snake

An honest, caring person who asks for something, but asks for nothing in return. He is optimistic by nature and doesn't worry about anything. Many friends, but many want to help you or help you. You don't seem to have any special skills, but you are a panacea. You know everything and can handle everything. Satisfied people are always happy and are especially appreciated at home. Suggestion: Don't follow the rules, you can do mthey.

7. Winter horses

A busy life, trapped by career and life. When I was young, without the support of my ancestors, my daily life was hard and arduous. After reaching middle age and old age, you will have friends to help you, your career will change, and your daily life will improve. But know how to seize opportunities, otherwise your life will be ordinary. People who experience a lot of stress at home generally have a lot of vitality. Advice: Difficulties are like mountains; turn around and you will find a quiet river.

8. Sheep in Winter

Those who have gone through many vicissitudes of life have endured difficulties and worked hard throughout their lives, and their careers are entirely based on their own efforts. He has a gentle temperament, has no desires or demands, pays attention to three points in everything, and advocates generosity. People are very intelligent.

CertaiPeople end up succeeding in life even if they lack a little ambition. When I work, I try to get by, but my demands are high. I like shopping centers and restaurants. I have a lot of friends, but most of them are rights friends. Even if everyday life is rich, spirituality is often out of reach. Suitable for professional work. Advice: Get out of your little world and enter the scene of social development in the service of the people.

10. Chicken in Winter

He is a person with noble ideals and always wants to change his destiny. Therefore, in market competition, one often rises by relying on the shoulders of others, regardless of the risk. No matter what people say, it is enough to achieve their goals. Sometimes you can't stand the frustration and oppression, and it's very likely that you won't be able to get over it. Some people havement to flirt if this is not the case. If nothing is done, their future will be compromised. Suggestion: Don't be brave and stop losses in time.

1. Dogs in winter

There is a pair of violence and peace, friends can be brothers and sisters. They don't want material wealth, but they just want happiness. Well, join the army. Tip: Helping others is good, but it still requires being resourceful.

12. Winter Pigs

I was born to endure hardship and endure hard work. I can't do anything all day. After starting a family, daily life will improve. Honest and frank people, who are not secretive, are generally easy to offend others. Those who do not like to learn, have a narrow new world, usually have little knowledge, are very persistent in family life, and value money very much. Do a little good for othersand keep it in your heart; make one small mistake for the rest of your life. Suggestion: go out more and learn to live.

How do people born in winter change their means of transportation? 1. The sun will definitely shine on them.

The water is very cold in winter, which must be the reflection of the sun's fire, so I like the fire in summer, so summer has the best chance.

2. Be more exposed to fire-related things

If you are happy, you can stay in the restaurant kitchen to cook, you can eat more hot pot, drink strong tea, take a sauna and enjoy the sun .

3. Common red decorations

Appropriate red decorations, such as red clothes, emeralds, agate, cigarettes, etc.

4. Looking for firefighting related jobs

In terms of work, it is suitable for the production and processing of copy, automobile gasoline, music rock, lighting, cabaret performances and other fields. Doing these popular industries can warm up the business and bring good luck.

How does the Hungry Fire of Life, born in winter, transport people born in the Gregorian calendar? The horoscope uses God as fire? Due to the harsh winter, the fire is missing. This means that people born between November 8 and February 18 are hungry. If they want to change their mode of transportation, they must light a fire to improve their luck.

So in November, December and January, fire is the key to using God. From 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day there is also a lot of fire. From 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. is also the only time there is a fire at night.

1. Red, yellow and purple are lucky colors.

People who want to be popular often need to use light colors red, purple and brown. The clothes and pants are of three colors whichrepresent luck. They also need to smoke fire when sleeping at night, so pillow bags and duvet covers are also needed.

Three colors, the pattern of fire is a triangular object, and the pattern of all birds is also fire. It is best to wear tiger and leopard prints. It's also a fire when you see a sharp commercial building outside your window, or you can install a sharp and strong commercial building model in your house.

2. Let the sunlight enter the service hall of the house.

Those who want to be popularYou must live in a house where solar energy reaches your house in the morning, it is a lucky house. Put lots of hydroponic green plants on the south side of your house, open the windows and enrich yourself. If the sun doesn't come into your house, prepare your breakfast every morning and turn on thea cooker to change your luck.

3. Hair dyeing and transportation.

People who thirst for the fire of life should dye their hair a little brown, or choose to dye part of their hair a little red, while the nails of their hands and toes women should be dyed a little pink, which is their most beautiful favorite color. The practical effect of this method is also very good.

4. Eat more red food

Drink a little red wine every night, smoke a little fire, eat a little spicy food, a little ginger. However, regarding your attitude, you should eat more hot pot and Korean barbecue, and to get rich, eat more chili jerky beef, pork heart, pork red food, seafood winter, mutton, snake meat, horse meat, 3 p.m. is also a day Ways to change your diet.

5. Pupilz dogs and cats, fast shipping

6. Holiday travel will be moved south.

Australia is the hottest place in the world, followed by Malaysia and Southeast Asia, where summer is all year round, and Africa is also very hot. For example, in China and the Chinese province of Taiwan, if you go to Hong Kong, Macau and Shenzhen, you can also say that you are going south. Pay attention to the four main furnaces of China: Wuhan, Nanjing, Nanning, Chongqing and the British furnace in Las Vegas.

7. Burn incense and tea.

Fire of life Hungry people often light incense or candles at home, which are also fire. Setting out a teapot to make tea each day is naturally a personal act that fuels the fire. Buddhist believers often burn incense and worship gods, including the God of Wealth.

8. Night lighting is a scame.

From nine o'clock to three in the middle of the night is a period of very cold water. The Hungry Fire of Life During this period, people will feel very comfortable when all the lights in the house are on, especially those in the bathroom, dining room and kitchen. Cooking in the kitchen is also a fire-absorbing activity.

9. Buy more lithium batteries.

Hungry people like to buy lithium batteries and bring lighters when they are lucky. Their phones often run out of battery, and lithium batteries discharge more easily than others. Therefore, the more appliances you have at home, the better. When you get home, turn on the TV or computer first. I also like to turn on the TV when I go to bed at night or when I'm sleeping together, and turn off the TV when I'm half asleep and half awakeille.

10. Pay attention to the bathroom.

People who live in the cold are hungry for the fire of life, and there will be a lot of moisture in the cold. Therefore, people who are thirsty for fire are most afraid of floods. The most important condition for luck is that the bathroom is not leaking, not cold, and not close to a restaurant kitchen or in the same room. So put a dehumidifier in the bathroom to extract moisture from the body. There are flowers, plants and trees in the bathroom, so there is no need to stay in the bathroom for a long time. The bathroom door must be closed at all times.

11. The design of the fire of life mascot

The jewelry is mainly fire, and the sun painting, lychee painting and cattle are wood fire. All carsCar posters are popular, paintingsHorse paintings are popular, carriage paintings are even more popular and horse and car brands such as POLO, BMW and Lamborghini are all popular. The hungry fire of life, people wear red POLO shirts and sit in red BMWs, and all their luck comes. HELLOKITTY, Dingding Bell, raising kittens and all cats and leopards are also fire. You have to be lucky to have a real tiger skin at home.

12. A text message from the fire of life for hungry people.

Xu, Ma Su, Ji, Cheng, Rong, Sheng, Wei, Qun, Yi, Mei, Ding, Ling and Bing are two fires. Lucky numbers: 7, 13, 19, 31, 43, 55. Data belonging to fire.

13. A firefighter who adapts to everything.

People born between June 6 and July 8.

People born between May 5 and June 6.

People born between July 8 and August 7.

People born between February 19 and March 5.

People bornbetween October 8 and November 8.

14. Understanding the second light of C and d.

There are two types of fire, one is Bing fire and the other is Ding fire. Therefore, people who are hungry for heat should first enjoy the sun and avoid wearing sunglasses. Ding fire is the fire of household appliances and electronics. It also refers to the main door of the house and should be installed on the south side of the house. The higher the cost of water and electricity, the more abundant the Ding fire will be.

15. It will bring good luck if he sleeps until dawn.

For people who wake up in the middle of the night, if they ring the bell at 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. in the middle of the night, that means there is still a fire, but if they wake up at other times, this means they are extremely low on fire, which is also kind of low luck. When they are unlucky, they have nothing to do. If theyorm at noon, they will have a lot of fire. Or use electricity to make the bed. Humanity's problems quickly diminished.

16. The clothing and breakfast habits of hungry people.

It is best to use electric shaving and sonic electric toothbrushes, and use G brand and mint as whitening toothpaste, which will make you more popular. Avoid taking a shower in the morning. It is best to comb your hair high and expose your forehead, put a marker in your coat bag and put on a red scarf. Or wrap three red peppers and put them in a breast pocket. The metro station is a golden stop. You can balance listening to headphones and making phone calls while riding the subway. It is better to prepare your own breakfast and eat more eggs, tomatoes and carrots.

17. Hungry Burning Man Headquartersp>

When you go to work, you must put a red dress on the chair and then ride on a red steering wheel. Work begins at nine o'clock every day and the electricity, computers, telephones and cafe are on fire. Be sure to drink tea at tea time and eat more chocolate beans and herbal jelly. 70% of people who suffer from hunger have intestinal problems and are very prone to severe constipation. So be aware of the symptoms. At seven or nine in the evening, when the fire is strong, it is best to dine with customers, discuss business or play cards, and eat more mutton.

18. Furniture delivery method for fire hungry people

Raising dogs and kittens can significantly increase fire luck. People who raise dogs will have better gastrointestinal and energy levels, and those who raise kittens will have bettertheir energy and gastrointestinal levels. There will be a particularly pleasant vacation trip. On the Internet, I often watch TV series. I can turn on the lights in my life, turn on the toilet lights all night and use the open kitchen. From 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. and from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. are all lucky times. Often go to the kitchen to cook, energy consumption can receive enough fire during sleep. It is not appropriate to place mirrors at home, especially in the southwest of the house. Do not put ice particles in refrigerator ice.

9. Diseases that require attention

Pathogenic bacteria that deprive people of the fire of life should be found in the cardiovascular system and in the colon, and the heart in the tongue. Therefore, the mouth should be healthy and free from any damage, as well as the throat, throat, eyes, ears, etc. THEThe disadvantages from which they often suffer are heart disease, rheumatism, athlete's foot, eye and throat diseases, as well as joint pain and swelling. So, if the fire is strong enough, there will be no problem with blood night and blood pressure.

20. Zoology activities on the theme of effective hunger.

People born in the year of the Rat, Ox or Pig are born in the year of Fire.

As long as there is a national religion, it means fire. Regular sacrifices to the gods and burning incense are of great help.

The people who hunger for fire are snakes, monkeys, oxen and chickens.

Marriage is a fire sign, so divorce is not appropriate. Wedding photos or horse photos should be placed at home.

People born in the year of the Rat, Dragon or Monkey are hungry for fire.

Travel is always popular. For exampleThe, if you go to a popular place, you can get three months of luck at once.

Those born in the year of the Rabbit are those who hunger for fire.

Happiness is fire and laughter is fire.

People born in the year of the dog, horse or tiger are born in the year of fire.

Many subordinates or employees are impetuous. Madam, and world peace is fire. In other words, pride is fire.

Summary: Check if the door of your house is installed to the south. People who want to light a fire can install a television in the room. It is better not to have a bathtub in the house, but to transform it into a shower room. Make sure you enjoy cooking and cooking for yourself. Spend as little time as possible in the bathroom. Drinking jujube tea is particularly good for your complexion and can bring good luck; use tomato peels to take care of your skin or drinkdrink tomato juice; eat more pumpkins and eggplants. There are a lot of fires in electronic and computer devices. Weapons, cigarettes, household appliances, televisions, cigarettes, electronic optics and lighting equipment also pose fire hazards. When working in a restaurant kitchen, Chinese food, Vietnamese food, Thai food, and hot pot are all popular. It is also suitable for use in sprinkler fire extinguishing areas.

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