1. Determine if the water odor is caused by solar energy. If this is the case, replace your solar water heater as soon as possible. The function of a solar water heater is only equivalent to a large kettle that uses solar energy to heat a. water reservoir. The water after heating cannot have any odor. Perhaps the solar material is of poor quality and may react chemically with water. 2. If it has nothing to do with solar power, then it's a water quality problem. Ask other families if this phenomenon happens. If this is the case, you can be sure that there is a problem with the water quality. Just buy a water purifier. Some solar power retailers sell piped water purifiers. If you can't buy one, you can go to the mall. buy a small water purifier. 3. Does it stink after a long period of disuse? Ifthis is the case, simply drain the water, refill half the water, drain it again and repeat several times.
Why does solar water give off a bad smell in the water heater?
Introduction Why does solar water smell in the water heater? 1. Make sure the water smell is caused by solar energy. If so, replace your solar water heater as soon as possible.