Basic knowledge and types of solar panels

Introduction Basics and Types of Solar Panels There are two main types of solar panels: photovoltaic (PV) solar panels and thermal solar panels. First by converting solar energy into electricity

Basic knowledge and types of solar panels

There are two main types of solar panels: solar photovoltaic (PV) panels and solar thermal panels. Electrical energy is first generated by converting solar energy into electrical energy. Second, it uses solar energy to heat water tanks and produce hot water in the building. In this article, I will discuss the first – photovoltaic (PV) solar panels, as they are closely related to solar lighting. Therefore, the term "solar panel" is further used here to describe photovoltaic solar panels.

Why solar energy?

First of all, the sun is a huge source of energy. The amount of energy the sun provides to Earth in one hour is enough to power the entire world for a year. Of course, it's impossible to collect all this energy and convert it into the electricity we need, butPeople are moving closer and closer to using solar energy as their primary source of energy. Solar energy has clear advantages over other energy sources. First, it's free for everyone. Of course, free may not be the right word to describe solar power, and even though we can get solar power for free, we still need special tools to convert it into electricity or other useful energy, and these tools are certainly not free. Second, solar energy is independent and people do not need to depend on electricity prices set by the government or private companies. Third, harnessing the benefits of renewable solar energy does virtually no harm to the planet, we reduce carbon emissions and pollution and do not consume the planet's precious resources.

Solar energy

Currently, solar energy can be converted into electricity using photovoltaic solar panels. Solar panels are made up of several solar cells, most used in groups to power a solar system. These solar systems are mainly used to generate electricity in homes, with the solar panels installed on the roof. Likewise, smaller solar panels are known to be used to power different electronic devices and tools. The simplest example is a calculator that uses solar energy. Today, solar panels are a common choice for outdoor lighting, portable music players, portable chargers and other devices we use daily.

Solar panels are still in continuous development, and scientists are looking for ways to increase efficiency and reduce manufacturing costs.on, and they are also researching new methods that can improve the efficiency of solar cells. . Material. Current technology primarily involves the use of crystalline forms of silicon, and silicon is used in 90% of solar panels produced. Likewise, advanced thin-film modules are becoming increasingly popular because they are inexpensive to manufacture and can also be made flexible, allowing them to be used in wearable applications.

Now let's understand how photovoltaic solar panels work.

How solar panels work

Most solar panels are made of crystalline silicon. Silicon is actually the second most abundant element in the Earth's crust and can be found in dust and sand. Solar panels use the photovoltaic effect to produce electricity at pfrom sunlight. This is the basis for how solar cells and solar panels work.

To determine the power output of a solar panel, the term “power rating” is used. Power ratings are determined by measuring the current and voltage of a solar panel under very specific laboratory conditions and according to international specifications. The panels are placed under full solar radiation and the maximum power generated is determined. The nominal power is expressed in “peak watt” (Wp) or “peak kilowatt” (kWp). “Peak” means that the solar panel produced this power under optimal conditions, which cannot be obtained in real conditions, so in practice the rated power value will be more than 10% lower than that under normal conditions. optimal. These power ratings are useful for comparing different solar panels and choosing whichthem which are suitable for use on the roof of a house or elsewhere.

What materials are used?

Metallic silicon

Solar cells are generally made of a layer of silicon. Silicon is one of the most common elements on earth and is used in most photovoltaic cells. Crystalline silicon is used in monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar cells, which are most commonly used in different applications. In thin-film solar cells, a material other than silicon is used. Most solar cells have a protective glass layer on the front that protects them from outside elements, and an insulating layer with a backing sheet on the back of the cell. Since silicon is a shiny material, a special anti-reflective coating “Anti-reflective coating in silicon solar cells” must be applied onr the surface of the cell to increase the efficiency of the cell. The wires can be made of different transition metals like silver or copper. Several individual photovoltaic cells are connected together in an array to obtain the appropriate voltage and current. These cells are placed in a rigid frame, usually made of aluminum, which reinforces the panels and protects them from different impacts, and allows the solar panels to be mounted in different ways, for example on the roof of a house.

Solar energy systems used in homes require a special inverter that converts direct current to alternating current so that it can power various devices in the home.

Thin-film solar panels can use materials other than silicon or a combination of silicon and other materials. Create thin film units on glass substrates. THEThe most common types of thin film solar cells are:

CdTe – cadmium telluride

a-Si – amorphous silicon

< p> CIGS – Copper Indium Gallium Selenide

OPV – Organic Photovoltaic Cell or Organic Solar Cell


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As mentioned at the beginning of this article, active solar panels can be divided into two categories: photovoltaic solar panels and thermal solar panels. Solar photovoltaic (PV) panels are used to generate electricity from sunlight, while solar thermal panels use solar energy to heat water tanks to produce hot water. We will look at the types of photovoltaic solar panels in more detail, as they are used to generate electricity and are closely related to solar lighting.

Currently, there are four tDifferent types of photovoltaic solar panels used to generate electricity from the sun. These types are:



Thin film solar cells

BIPV or Building Integrated Photovoltaic

The two most popular types of solar panels are monocrystalline and polycrystalline silicon solar panels, both of which have a core made of silicon crystals. Thin film solar panels are becoming more popular each year as technology advances in their manufacturing. BIPVs can be monocrystalline, polycrystalline or thin-film solar panels, and they can be integrated into buildings in the form of tiles, roofs, windows and other objects. Now, more details about each type of photovoltaic solar panels.

Monocrystalline silicon

Panels and cellsmonocrystalline solar panels

< p> Monocrystalline Silicon panels are the most efficient of all solar panels. Currently, the efficiency of monocrystalline cells is 15-21%. However, monocrystalline panels are also the most expensive due to the large amount of silicon crystals that must be used in solar cells. Monocrystalline solar panels are considered the first generation of solar panels and have been around for over 50 years.

Monocrystalline silicon is a semiconductor. It is made of pure silicon and contains very small amounts of other elements. Monocrystalline silicon is grown using the so-called Czochralski method. As a result of this process, large cylindrical ingots are formed. The ingot is then cut into thin round slices and cut into square shapes so that it can be easily placed into solar panels.

Avantages of monocrystalline silicon solar panels

Disadvantages of monocrystalline silicon solar panels

High cost is the main disadvantage of these panels. Monocrystalline panels are more expensive to manufacture, so their prices are higher than polycrystalline or thin-film panels.

Polycrystalline silicon

Polycrystalline solar panels and cells

Polycrystalline panels are the second largest solar panel after monocrystalline. Polycrystalline silicon cells have an efficiency of around 13-16%, which is lower than monocrystalline solar cells. However, polycrystalline solar panels are cheaper than monocrystalline solar panels and are therefore sometimes considered a better solution in different applications.

Polycrystalline cells are made from the samee silicon than monocrystalline cells, but instead of turning the silicon into large ingots, the silicon is melted and cast into a special square shape, which is then cut into smaller wafers. The production of polycrystalline silicon cells wastes less material because the cells do not need to be cut into squares like the production of monocrystalline cells.

Advantages of polycrystalline silicon solar panels

Disadvantages of polycrystalline silicon solar panels

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Thin film solar cells

Thin film solar panels and cells

Thin film solar cells Thin films are produced by deposition made from thin layers of photovoltaic materials. Thin-film solar cells may use silicon or other substances as the active material. Thin film cells are currently less efficient thanmonocrystalline or polycrystalline cells, with an efficiency of around 10%, depending on the technology and materials used in the thin film cells. However, thin film solar technology is still a work in progress and we could see huge improvements in this solar technology in the near future.

Currently, the four most well-known materials used in thin-film batteries are: cadmium telluride (CdTe), copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS), amorphous silicon (a - Si), organic photovoltaic cells.

Advantages of thin film solar panels

Disadvantages of thin film solar panels

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BIPV (Building Integrated Photovoltaics)

Building Integrated Photovoltaics

BIPV or Building Integrated Photovoltaics is the integration of solar energy Tiles are integrated into buildingsin the form of solar tiles, solar tiles, stone slabs, etc. This type of PV can be integrated into roofs, facades and even windows. BIPV is becoming more and more popular and is used in many new buildings, such as large office centers, to help save more energy and generate a certain amount of electricity needed by the building. However, BIPV has some significant disadvantages compared to building photovoltaics. The cost of BIPV can be much higher than that of conventional photovoltaic cells. However, they may reduce the need for other materials that might be needed in new buildings where BIPV will be used. Cost of materials. BIPV is also less efficient and generally has a shorter lifespan.

Solar panels in floodlights

Solar floodlights use the same solar cellss than those found in large photovoltaic systems. The three most popular types of solar panels used to power floodlights are:




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In solar photovoltaic systems, the most popular panel types are monocrystalline and polycrystalline because they are more efficient. Thin-film panels (including amorphous panels) are less common in solar systems. In solar lighting, crystal panels and thin film panels are used at the same rate. Basically, you'll find roughly the same number of projectors using amorphous, monocrystalline, and polycrystalline panels. Now let's see which spotlights are used for each type of solar panel.

Amorphous Solar Panels in Floodlights

Examine the Solar Floodlights Market andAnalyzing which type to use amorphous solar panels for floodlights, it is obvious that these types of solar panels are mainly used in cheaper “low-end” floodlights. This is very obvious because, as mentioned before, amorphous silicon photovoltaic panels are the cheapest and have lower manufacturing costs than crystalline silicon panels. Using these panels in “low end” solar floodlights makes sense because it is the perfect way to lower the price and make it more attractive to customers, while sacrificing a bit of performance. However, amorphous solar panels are not only used for short-range floodlights, but also for some medium-grade lighting. For example, the Maxsa company uses amorphous solar panels in high-quality solar floodlights that are highly appreciated by their users.

Projectors Sunforce with amorphous panels

You will usually find amorphous solar panels used in floodlights. The price of the panels ranges from $20 to $20. 70 and are often sold for between $30 and $40. These “low end” floodlights are usually made of plastic, as is the solar panel housing. These floodlights are often used around the home to illuminate smaller areas such as the front door.

The most famous solar floodlight companies that use amorphous solar panels in their floodlights include Sunforce, Maxsa, Solar Illuminations, etc.

Monocrystalline and polycrystalline silicon solar panels in floodlights

Silicon crystal solar panels are also used in many many spotlights in the light. It is known that monocrystalline and polycrystalline panels have obvious advantages over layered panelss thin. They are more energy efficient, so they require less space to produce the same amount of electricity as amorphous panels, which is ideal for floodlighting. Silicon crystal panels also have a longer lifespan and their efficiency will not exceed 20 years. But the main disadvantage of these panels is their cost. Monocrystalline and polycrystalline silicon solar panels cost significantly more than amorphous solar panels. This is the main reason why silicon crystal photovoltaic cells are commonly found in “mid-range” and “high-end” projectors.

Revolutionary reusable floodlights with monocrystalline panels

When we talk about large solar cells for buildings When used as components, monocrystalline panels are more efficient and more expensive. Polycrystalline panelsns are slightly less effective and less expensive. So if we take this for solar lighting it would make more sense to use monocrystalline panels for the most expensive and powerful "high end" floodlights and polycrystalline panels are very demanding and less "average" floodlights high-end. In fact, there is not much difference between using monocrystalline panels and polycrystalline panels on projectors. The reason is simply that the difference in efficiency between monocrystalline and polycrystalline cells is actually not that great, which is best seen when multiple large solar panels are needed to power a building. For solar floodlights, a single small panel is usually used (or one or two larger solar panels for high-power floodlights). In small devices such as projectors there is practically no differencebetween the use of monocrystalline and polycrystalline panels. Which panel is used for which projector depends on the preferences of each manufacturer. Some solar floodlight manufacturers only use monocrystalline panels, others use polycrystalline panels, and even some floodlight manufacturers like Solar Lighting use all three types of solar panels in their products.

Polycrystalline panel solar lighting spotlights

Interesting things to note are that both monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar panels can also be found in the "low-end" categories, although they are used in shorter "low-end" projectors due to their more expensive amorphous panels. Typically you will find monocrystalline panels in projectors in the 700 yuan range, but you can also find them in powerful projectors "high-end” whose price is in the thousands of yuan and more. Polycrystalline panels are generally used in projectors, and their prices range from over 700 yuan to 3,500 yuan. Most of these “high-end” solar floodlights are made of metal housings that protect the lights and solar panels so they can be used outdoors, whatever the weather conditions. Powerful “high-end” floodlights are often used to illuminate large areas such as sports fields, parking lots, backyards, etc. They can also be used as decorative lights to illuminate statues, monuments, famous buildings and other places. The most famous solar floodlight manufacturers using monocrystalline panels include eLEDing, Reusable Revolution, Solar Goes Green, XEPA, Solar, Lighting, etc. The most popular solar floodlight manufacturerss known using polycrystalline panels are MicroSolar, Dongguan Lanyihe Metal Products Co., Ltd. and Solar Lighting, etc. Capital Market News On the evening of July 22, Jolywood Holdings (300393.SZ) announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary plans to invest 882 million yuan to build a factory for general use. with an annual output of 250 million square meters of photovoltaic back panel project.

The announcement mentions that the reason for this investment in the construction of photovoltaic backsheet projects is to further increase the backsheet production capacity, and the equipment is compatible with the production of transparent, white, black and other backsheets, which is conducive to giving full play to the scale effect and improving the profitability of the enterprise.

Jolywood is mainly engaged in the sales of solar cell back films,of solar cells and components, photovoltaic application systems, sales of electricity generation for photovoltaic plants and power plant activities.

Last year, the company suffered a net loss of 313 million yuan. The main reason was that the suspension of production of foreign silicon material manufacturers and the impact of the global epidemic caused a serious imbalance in the supply of silicon materials. and demand, which caused a sharp rise in domestic silicon raw material prices.

As the price of silicon materials increases, photovoltaic component factories have suspended large-scale production. Currently, the operating rate of component companies is only about 50%.

As a result, Jolywood also began investing in building silicon wafer andother upstream raw materials. The company and the fund established by the Taiyuan municipal government jointly invested in establishing a project company in Gujiao City to invest in projects with an annual output of 200,000 tons of industrial silicon and 100,000 tons of high purity polysilicon. However, current institutional analysts believe that silicon material prices could fall next year due to oversupply.

The Shenzhen Stock Exchange reported that the total investment amount in silicon materials projects is about 14 billion yuan, accounting for about 144% of the company's total audited assets. Jolywood in 2020. According to Jolywood's 2021 half-year report, the actual discretionary funds amount to 168 million yuan; short-term borrowings at 1.116 billion yuan, one-year non-current liabilities at 796 million yuan andlong-term loans at 344 million yuan.

Jolywood decided to adopt a staged construction method. However, due to the large amount of investment in this project, the company may still face financing risk.

Financial Network noticed that Jolywood also announced on June 14 that it would terminate the first phase of the Indonesian project with an investment of 77 million yuan and an annual production of high-efficiency bifacial modules of 500 MWN.

Although Zhonglai Shares also achieved a turnaround in the first quarter of 2022. The total operating profit in the first quarter was 2.009 billion yuan, an increase of 77.63% year-on-year. year; the net profit attributable to the parent company was 89 million yuan, an increase of 647.69% year-on-year. However, if Jolywood Corporation truly wants to rely on the expansion of upstream production anddownstream to revive its performance, its ability to raise funds could be the most important element. Otherwise, news of a corresponding expansion in production could become news that drives up stock prices. .

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