Beijing Aquarium - Freshwater Dragon King
Osteoglossidae?Osteoglossidae?Brazilian Osteoglossus?Arapaima Fish
The picture below shows the tonguefish Brazilian giant Arapaima gigas, commonly known. such as the walrus and the big-headed arapaima.
Inhabitants of the Amazon often eat it as a food fish.
As the fish grows, the outer edges of the scales on the back half of the body will gradually turn into bright red stripes. But the walrus is not an ocean mammal, it is one of the largest scaly freshwater fish in the world. In the Amazon basin, they generally live in lakes and large rivers. Because they can grow up to 6 meters long, they are difficult to live in waterways. Its lifespan is approximately 15 to 20 years and its body length is generally 3 to 4 meters. It feeds mainly on small fish and occasionally feedsfull of snakes, turtles, frogs and insects, and even small crocodiles. Some scientists have discovered walrus fossils dating back 100 million years ago, which is why walruses are also known as "living fossils."