Do modern men see the universe in the same way that the ancients saw the sea?

Introduction Do modern men see the universe in the same way that the ancients saw the sea? 1. Understanding the ocean (universe): I believe that before the European Middle Ages, although the entire world was not fully connected, China

Do modern men see the universe in the same way that the ancients saw the sea?

1. Understanding of the ocean (universe): I believe that before the European Middle Ages, even if the whole world was not completely connected, Chinese civilization must be able to represent human civilization. At that time, Chinese civilization was also a land civilization, its technology was more focused on agriculture and crafts, and its maritime civilization was very weak. At that time, humans were more helpless than ocean exploration. Because there was no theoretical knowledge or technical support, more people would be intimidated by the ocean and feel unable to get started. This is the same as modern people's feeling about the universe. There is no air or water in the universe, and the restrictions imposed by various conditions are actually the same as the sea restricting human footsteps in this era.

Don't tell me about Zheng He's travels to the West. Allfirst, it was already an era of transformation of human civilization and navigation technology had already been developed.

2. Early human travel and exploration of the solar system: It must be admitted that humans have always explored the sea, including some fishermen, who make a living from fishing. But there is a difference between the sea and the ocean, okay? Human activities on the coastal continental shelf are actually areas of human life. The real unknown is the ocean, a real ocean that is tens of thousands of meters deep, has no light, and can cause big storms when it moves.

Humanity's understanding of the universe is also constantly evolving and is currently limited to a rough understanding of the solar system. But I think the solar system isn't really a universe, at best it's just the "continental shelf" of the ocean. Human activities in thisThis part is just low-level military training activities. The real unknown is the unexpected vast universe of the solar system, where there are more unknowns and even fears, where the universe is the real "ocean". >

3. Humanity's gradual exploration of the ocean and the future development of the universe. In a process of continuous development, humans have gradually become aware of the greatness of the ocean. They also know that 71% of the earth is water and 29% is water. island. Then in the future, with the great development of human beings in aerospace and space navigation, we will also find that our Earth is only a very small part, and the very large area is another. Know the universe as you know the ocean and develop the universe as you develop the ocean.

4. The path to exploration is long and arduous. Until now, humans have not dared to claim that they have reached ano complete understanding of the ocean, and the field of human activity remains the shallow continental shelf. the conquest of the deep seas has only been demonstrated. What is in the real sea? No one knows that the depth of the ocean is tens of thousands of meters. Humans still know very little about the creatures, topography, and other knowledge found there. So one thing I've been looking forward to is that one day, without considering any restrictions, the water of the entire ocean will be drained. The scene that humans will see will definitely surpass human cognition. It's a scene. that even scientists and science fiction novelists cannot imagine. The same goes for the universe.

5. From the history of ocean development to the history of space exploration. Only after human ocean technology reached a certain stage did explorers like Magellan appear. They have parkopened the world and opened all continents. Then caused the collision between various civilizations, whether religious Whether it is the export of education or the accumulation of capital, the final result is the penetration of high-level civilizations and the transformation of civilizations low level. Then there will be collisions between civilizations, the development of theories, iterations of technologies. , and the outbreak of wars. There is no doubt that the war was disastrous for humanity at that time, but it also promoted new exchanges of civilizations and accelerated the development of human civilization.

The same goes for exploring the universe. When human aviation technology continues to develop and goes out of the solar system to begin real exploration of the universe, a "Magellan" will definitely appear, and then follow. the same trajectory as historyof the ocean, and discover, collision, development and progress. This is the person who appears to be the equal of Magellan. Modern people are not equal to Magellan.

6. Human beings summarize laws based on historical similarities. The greatness of human beings lies in the summary of laws. As early as the “Book of Changes”, the summary of the laws was mentioned. Withered poplars give birth to flowers” ​​and “Withered poplars give birth to flowers”. The summary of laws allows human beings to be called civilization.

What humans need to develop the universe can be summarized from the history of the ocean.

First of all, the exploration of the universe requires theoretical support; just like various theories such as "The Earth is spherical" at this time, the world of Magellan's rings was born, and various continents were gradually discovered later. Likewise, the exploration of the universealso requires this group of scientists to constantly summarize and innovate to come up with new and practical theories, and then use the theory to guide practice and take new steps forward. Theoretical knowledge will not be limited to practical tools. For example, when aviation equipment was so poor in the past, humans could deduce the period of Halley's Comet, and Neptune was also deduced through celestial mechanics. Theoretical support is therefore the first step and an extremely important step.

1. There are spots of white sails on the sea, which complement the white clouds in the sky. A few flying seagulls are flying in the wind, showing their graceful dance. People play, stand, sit, lie down or run, chat and laugh with each other, look at "the blue sky, the clear water and the golden beach", it's very pleasant.

2. Look! At night it's still blueu dark. The sea is even more charming under the reflection of the round moon, the twinkling stars, the lights of boats near and far, and the lights of the seaside and floors. I crossed my feet, I walked on the water, I looked at the sparkling sea, I listened to the sound of the waves, I walked along the beach and I printed my blurry fantasy behind...

3. The sea is the mother body of life, sea water is the baptismal fluid of life, and facing the sea, bathing in the sea breeze and feeling the thousands of customs of the rolling world is a great pleasure in life.

4. I like its calm gaze and its roaring gaze... Looking at the open and boundless sea in the past, it is majestic and boundless, and all the narrow crowded sea and the noisy cities are desperate Beyond the sky.

5. On the seaside beach, under the beautiful rays of the setting sun, these joyful observersVators of the sea are still human beings who have gone through hundreds of twists and turns but I have never been discouraged and put behind. A realistic and joyful state of existence.

6. Sea water is fresh. Standing on the beach, the sea water is like a mother's hand caressing you and making you feel the deep maternal love. The sea water is like a docile puppy, quietly leaning against you. But sometimes there is the almighty saying that “face Jieshi to the east to see the sea”.

7. As you pass the seashore, look at the place where the sea water meets the sky. Look, the sky is so low, the water is so blue and the sky is so low. Blue sea water ripples. In my heart, my heartbeat was slow and leisurely, and I felt an indescribable sense of comfort. My heart was like a cloudless sky, I felt relaxed and calm, and I gradually felt how great it good. to be alive.

8. Hai is a person who has achieved enlightenment. He is as wise as a fool but he has great ambitions. It is deep and wide and returns to silence and tranquility. Therefore, when I am by his side, I often receive inspiration and enlightenment from the wordless teachings.

9. The sea is sometimes like a roaring tiger, turbulent and restless waves. The violent waves hit the rocks from time to time, sometimes splashing crystal clear waves. like a gentle mother, happily making the waves jump.

10. The sea, the real sea, like the vast land of the northern plateau, embodies an indescribable and mysterious vitality, giving people a feeling of transcendence and profound transcendence!

11. The sea breeze is his breath and the waves are his heartbeat. I walked in the sea, I caressed the water with my hands and I felt thehe heart of the sea beats with the waves. When a wave comes, you just need to look straight up and you will feel that a high, silent wall has been erected in front of you. Soon it occupies your view until it covers the entire sky. However, no matter who you are, you will be lifted up and pushed back by it.

12. Facing the sea is like the human soul facing the infinite distance. Its width, its tranquility, its turbulence and its rushing flow are the image of the path that must be taken in life. If you work hard, you will have happiness; if you are persistent, you will reap the joy of seeing the moonlight; if you have true love, you will find the emotion that makes you feel good; if you have selfless dedication, you will; have the power of heat; dreams will have the desire to pursue them relentlessly...

13. The surface of the initially calm sea undulates, and the sad face of the sea undulates, and theripples spread. Kaihai's cry. Oh, the sea, it turns out that you are so passionate, but also so much the vicissitudes of life.

14. The sunlight shines on the finely wavy surface of the river, as if covering the water surface with a layer of sparkling broken silver, or like a crumpled green satin.

15. On the sea, the sparkling waves reveal the pretty side of the sea. Under the reflection of the sunset, the pearly waves drive the small boat, floating there- low, wandering carefree and living happily. At night, there are very few people on the beach, and the pretty sea side is even more lively and unreserved at this time. The waves one after another in the seaThe middle rolls slowly towards the shore, which are the beautiful folds of the sea; the waves dance on the tops of the rows of waves, which are the decorations of the clothing of the sea; the waves sound, which are the beautiful songs of the sea;the sea. What a spectacular image of waves!

16. Sea water is so blue that it makes people think that the color of emerald is too light and the color of sapphire is too deep. Even famous teachers and masters cannot. describe it.

17. Several white sails, like a few snow-white feathers, drift quietly on the golden sea of ​​​​water and sky.

18. We love the sea, we are close to the sea and we praise the sea. It is the raging sea breeze, the powerful waves and the boundless sea that create the persevering and determined spiritual world beneath the fragile body of us humans. Faced with the sound and appearance of the sea, we are always calm and happy.

19. Listen, doesn’t the sea sing? Sometimes majestic, sometimes calming, the waves also hit the shore from time to time. I closed my eyes and slid with it. the breezenavy. The sound in my ears, in a trance, is like entering a realm without Penglai, as peaceful as heaven.

20. Looking at the sea, our mind seems to have expanded. In this state, people feel refreshed and relaxed. The water in the sea rises and the water in the sea rises. The waves rushed towards the shore one after another. Some rose like hills, others hit the seaside rocks, splashing waves several meters high and making "wow..." ..Wow..." the wonderful sound!

21. This ever-changing sea stretches endlessly. Sometimes it turns soft purple, sometimes it becomes smoky white, sometimes covered with a layer of blue. >

22. Walking in a corner of the sea is walking in the heart of the sea. At this moment, you will naturally melt your ego like a drop of water, a drop of dew , and will become invisible, and you will also embrace the worlde and will participate in the creation. Therefore, even if you are not the sea at this moment, you are still the sea, because you no longer exist, it is the water and sky of the sea, and the avenue is endless.

23. The sea seems to be a brooding giant in the writings of writers and poets. Sometimes he is calm, like a luminous mirror; sometimes it is furious, rising in waves that can capsize a sailboat. In my imagination, the sea is so mysterious and charming, but I have never experienced the style of the sea. The sea, like a magnet, attracts me deeply.

24. Gradually approaching the sea, you really feel like you are being embraced by the sea. The sea water was rising and falling, and I went up and down with the sea water. Sometimes the sea water splashed into my mouth, ah, so salty! Sometimes a wave would come and push me towards the shore. Sometimes the waves recede and carry me back to the sea. I have swum and foughtprobably in the sea. It was really exciting.

25. Far away from the sea, the water is so blue, like the petals of the most beautiful cornflower. At the same time, it is so clear, like the brightest glass.

26. The water is blue and the sky is also blue. The place where the water and the sky meet forms a line, and the sea water seems to be continuously drawn. by a pair of incessant hands. The ground moved forward, forming one wave after another, but when it reached us, it became smaller again, as if to respect us, the guests who had come from far away, the waves rolled up, like agile fairies; , swinging white foam.

27. In this ocean, if you cannot climb and swim, you will have to sink. Whether you want to move forward or drown is up to your own choice. . Since you are so reluctant, you will become stronger!

28. The tide began to rise. At the moment when the sun exhausted itslast strength, one wave after another, carrying white foam, the sea water was full of strength. but they swam gracefully towards the shore. There seems to be a huge invisible hand in the center of the sea, trying to push all the sea water towards the shore, so whether the sea water likes it or not, it is pushing them towards here.

29. Only under the light of the sun, the surface of the sea ripples and shines with a halo of different colors. In the distance you can see the white and dark sails facing the wind and. waves, undulating with the waves, various ships of different colors and sizes can be seen shuttling in the port and pier. The sea at this time is the softest and most beautiful.

30. The sea is a space, a “great existence”. Pearls, corals, algae, aquarium treasures and sunken ships in the sea do not belong to the earth. The call of the sea becomes clearer as we gowalks away. When the wind blows the waves of Haixin, the sea is like a treasure attracting more people who love the sea.

31. The waves are a wonder on the sea, but she looks more like a dancer. It can make people put aside their worries and enjoy it.

32. After the dangerous and difficult journey, there is still hot soju in the days after returning, and there is still the beautiful and mysterious world of fairy tales under the stars in the sea breeze. Beach spray of shells. The gentle sea breeze still contains the immature and eternal dreams of us humans, which are the totems of us humans, which will never disappear. Faced with the vast and powerful voice of the sea, we humans are worthy of pride.

33. When you are in the mortal world, quietly looking at the blue sea and silently listening to the heartbeat of the sea,you will enter the heart of the sea and experience the infinite heart and the infinite universe. The realm of infinite altruism. At that time, you may be able to return to simplicity, blend into nature, gain the true meaning of the Tao, and experience the refinement of the Tao. As the saying goes: you are in a trance and the Tao is within.

34. The sea woke up, panted, turned sideways, yawned, stretched and wiped its eyes, because the island blocked its rotation. Strike hard with your feet, push with them. your hands, bite with your teeth.

35. I saw waves rolling, hitting waves in the middle of the current; sand gulls singing in the sky and brocade scales entering the water. The sea and the sky are the same color, and the beauty is limitless; the smoke is long in the sky and the moon shines for thousands of kilometers. The number of times the fishing fire is lit tells the story ofchanges in the world; the Dragon King rings the bell to tell the story of the vicissitudes of life. Looking at the Great Wall, you can see dragons and tigers leaping; looking at the sky from afar, you can see the waves coming from the edge of the moon.

36. When I stood on the soft beach and looked up, I saw a few satin white clouds hanging in the sky blue and the endless waves of the sea. in the distance, the sky and the sea completely merged into one, and occasionally a few speedboats passed by. Isn't this a wonderful colorful picture?

37. Under the night, in the blue water, the characters are crushed by the stars. This is the mysterious and deep dream that the sea weaves for people. mysterious night by the sea.

38. Sitting on the beach, the waves hit my chest and back, just like my mother's hands caressed me. At that time, I feltthat this sea was completely different from the sea in the novel**. It's not fierce or scary. Lying on the beach, I felt like I was lying in a cradle or in my mother's arms.

39. The sea breeze blows more refreshingly and makes you feel relaxed and happy. The summer heat is swept away. It's so comfortable! The golden beach closely surrounds the sea, but it is limitless as far as the eye can see. It perfectly complements the sea. It is truly a thousand-kilometer beach and thousands of kilometers of waves. It is both majestic and spectacular, giving people an indescribable feeling. Touching the golden sand with my hands, a warm current melted in my heart. It was really comfortable.

40. How charming the sea is this morning! The sea water is so blue, like a wide and boundless blue silk, stretching to the horizon. Seagulls fly and land onr the sea, as if they were embroidering beautiful patterns on the blue silk.

41. The sea! The sea, even the angels don't know why I'm so obsessed with you. In the future, I will also offer you my blessing for the sea.

42. The magnificent glow of the morning reflects on the vast sea, like the red glow cut by a fairy, making the sea extraordinarily beautiful. After a night's rest, the sea seemed more energetic. The waves keep coming, like a living child playing in the water.

43. Look, the tranquil sea in the distance is like a picture scroll, with a few scattered sailboats and groups of seabirds, as if time had passed stopped!

44. Dim street lighting, smoky sea surface. The waves rolled, calling softly. There is a bit of sadness and desolation in this call.

45. I gently patted the waves with my hands. The naughty waves splashed with innumerablethe little droplets of water, which felt so cool and comfortable on my face. You see, these flying waves look like naughty little dolls.

46. The sea is not a calm pond or flowing water.Ding Dong Rivers. The sea is the sea! There is a pulse that never stops, and there is a cavity of warm blood that never stops flowing. It is only by being around it and immersing ourselves in it that we can feel the powerful vitality of the sea.

47. Listen, the sea Isn’t she just blackmailing? Sometimes majestic, sometimes calming, the waves also hit the shore from time to time. I closed my eyes and listened to the sound of the sea breeze passing through my ears, I felt like I was in a land without Penglai, as peaceful as heaven.

48. My ears are filled with the roar of the wind, the cry of the tide and the young and energetic sea, like a child born to be playful and does not want to bealone.

49. A silvery sea, so calm without a trace of ripples, as if a piece of thick blue fabric had just been ironed, carefully spread there.

50. The sea, sometimes you are as gentle as a white rabbit, sometimes as majestic and fierce as a lion, making people unpredictable but unable to bear to leave . I love the sea. I really want to look at the sea quietly and let my thoughts wander on the vast and boundless seaside.

51. The raging river roared down the cliff for thousands of kilometers.

52. I went to Haitang Bay, where the sea water is blue, and Wuzhizhou Island is visible not far away. The scenery is very beautiful, but the waves are turbulent and. The waves are more than one meter high, which makes people love and fear him. Even adults stand on the beach and do not dare to approach it for fearfrom being carried away by the sea.

53. Heaps of slag often float on the sea, and the sea swallows them up quietly without making a sound. She still makes light waves, smiling at the flying debris. . Sitting on the ship is like passing over the head of the sea. The water of the sea lifts us high and carries us joyfully from one voyage to another. When we look back, we immediately straighten our disheveled hair from the ship. applies smoothly and leaves no trace. Quietly looking at the sky.

54. The sea can accommodate hundreds of rivers, and its spirit is broad; the sea has ebbs and flows, and its seething ideals have peaks and valleys, and he is proud of it. The work: The sea has rough waves, which test the limits of life.

55. I like her calm look and her roaring look... Looking at the open and boundless sea in the past, she is majestic and swithout limits, and the narrow, crowded sea and the noisy city are all gray. Look to the sky and beyond.

56. The depth of the sea is also unfathomable. This symbolizes that you should think deeply about everything you do and not act hastily. You have to hide most things in your heart until you recognize him, understand him, and feel comfortable with him, and then slowly tell him the hidden things. your heart, him.

57. The sea in the evening is magnificent, mysterious and beautiful. As the sun sets, the sky still burns with an orange-red glow as the sun sets. The sea was also dyed gold by this glow. It is reflected on the crest of the wave. The glow of the sky is like pieces of burning flames, flickering and rolling, one wave higher than the other. Listening to the gentle "rustling" sound of sea water and blowing the cool and cool sea breeze makes people feelfeel refreshed and relaxed!

58. I often walk by the sea like this, enjoying the breath of the sea, the deep feelings of the sea and the heart of the sea. The tide of the sea always collides with my heart with heroism and passion.

59. The green surface of the sea is as smooth as silk, with slight ripples. Seen from a high place, the mist is vast and endless; but sometimes the sea water is at your feet, murmuring softly...

60. The sea has more than one color, what it has, it is a spirit and a life. Therefore, what I encountered was Dahai's broad mind.

61. The sweet dream scent of the quiet child sleeps, the white flowers float in the sky, and the seagulls sing the crisp song of the sea. It is truly . “the immensity of the sea” With the fish jumping, the sky is high and the birds are flying. " Rushing to the beache, the white and crystal waves splashed.

62. In the vast blue ocean, the waves kept coming, hitting the rocks, making a thunderous roar and splashing white foam.

63. The sea, when calm, is like a docile child. Every time the sea water sparkles, it is like a mirror and it seems to smile with it. vast world. And we played in the calm water, and every now and then a few seagulls would come in to join the fun.

64. The sea is ordinary and ordinary, but it is so bold, has a charm and a feeling of distance from the world.

65. Waiting flows between the sea and the sky, and hope sings there, just like the sweet call of the siren at the bottom of the sea. The waves shimmering blue lights reflect the expectation of love, and the mixed blue wind wanders in life.

66. The sea is so clear, as clear as a mirror; the sea is so blue,as blue as a large and round sapphire, the sea is so fierce, like; a Colorful ribbons float on the water...

67. Observe the sea, which can be sparkling or turbulent Listen to the sea, which can be soft and delicate or shocking . . Stop looking, close your eyes and listen to the sound of the sea with your heart...

68. The sea waves gently beat against the rocks, as if the The sea moves slowly, caressing the strings, serenading the sea and the moon.

69. The sea is blue. She's not beautiful or charming, but she makes people friendly and comfortable. It is not as clear as the bottom of the Lijiang River, but it is as majestic as the South China Sea when it is windy and as lovable as when there is no wind.

70. So I often sit on the rock and look at the blue sea. At that time, I will think of the sea thousands of times. What kind of feelingdeep is it? What kind of thing brings all the rivers together and is the same color as the sky? Look at the stubborn and hard rock, which also becomes silent, interior, rounded and deep in front of it. His head not having been raised for thousands of years, he listens to the sound of the ocean and the sky in a Zen posture.

71. The bright sun shines on the sand, like a store of gold covering the ground. There are endless types of shells to collect on the beach. Some are like bright five-pointed stars; others are like little conch shells, telling the story of the sea; others are like little fans fanning the breeze.

72. The nearby waves break on the beach from time to time, chasing each other and playing, hitting the rocks, making bursts of joy, as if to welcome the arrival distant guests; The waves here run in rows one after the other, chasing each othert, which is truly magnificent.

73. When the weather is calm, the small fish, shrimps and small shells in the sea lead a quiet life and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the sea. The seagulls hover over the -above the sea. sea for a moment, then reappeared. He crashed into the ship's mast; the wind rose, and the rough waves of the sea hit the shore, breaking many shells, and the sea made a sound of landslides. and cracks.

74. The sea has quiet happiness in the cool heat and the radiance of love in the turbulent waves; dreams bloom in the torrents of the deep sea and sing songs; . A fairy tale with true feelings.

75. The sea you often see is calm. The waves are sparkling, the smoke is vast, the sky is clear, and the scales are dancing. Sometimes a breeze passes, stirring up small waves. No matter cloudy or sunny weatherLeiling, she always shows her calm. Her calmness fascinated me, so I approached her. Oh! It is her heart that keeps her from being moved by external factors or disturbed by distractions. She can face it calmly no matter what happens. It's because she has peace of mind!

76. Faced with this limitless world and its immensity, I always deeply feel the insignificance and sublimity of the human being. Our body is so fragile that a sea breeze or a wave can do anything to us. Faced with this majestic and vast abstraction and concreteness, we humans have always walked by the sea, never abandoning it and staying with each other.

77. Standing on the beach, on the shore, looking into the distance, I saw only a vast expanse of white. The sea water and the sky merge, and it is impossible to tell whether it is water or sky. As the saying goes: fog blocks thehe fog on the top of the mountain, the sky connects the water, and the water tail connects the sky. The sea water in the distance, lit by the beautiful sun, looks like fish scales spread on the water, and naughty children jumping towards the shore.

78. I will never forget the feeling of the refreshing and humid sea breeze with the smell of the sea blowing on the hair, cheeks and every part of the body of people. As attractive as a gorgeous, plump woman.

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