Why can sea life balls grow?

Introduction Why can sea life balls grow? Growth principle: collagen absorbs water, expands, then breaks down into small collagen. The small collagen absorbs water again and no longer absorbs water after breaking. Let the ocean treasure

Why can sea life balls grow?

Principle of growth: Collagen absorbs water, expands, then breaks down into small collagen. The small collagen absorbs water again and no longer absorbs water after breaking down.

How to Grow Sea Babies:

When you start raising them, try soaking them in warm water. Once you put it on, don't take it off. Let's talk about it when he's older. Don't think that if the growth ball is broken, it won't grow. Actually, it may be bigger than the unbroken one~ (I personally tested it, hope it will be useful to everyone)


1 The brightly colored beads “grow” a hundred times after being soaked in water for five or six hours. They are soft and springy when pinched... Recently. , this kind of toy called "Ocean Baby" began to appear on campus. Popular, particularly popular with children.

Invarious outlets in Shanghai, the price of "Ocean Baby" is 2 yuan per small package, but in fact the cost of its main raw materials is very cheap, and the lowest online wholesale price is lower. more than 1 jiao per package.

In order to find out the true identity of "Ocean Babies", a journalist recently sent two packages of "Ocean Babies" purchased from a street stall to the Institute's Analysis and Testing Center of organic chemistry of Shanghai. , Chinese Academy of Sciences. After tests, the center's experts found that "Sea Baby" contains heavy metals and aromatic compounds harmful to the human body.

The test report of "Ocean Baby" by the Analysis and Test Center of Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences:

After elemental analysis , it was found that "Ocean Baby" contains magnesium, zinc and titanium, manganese, boron, barium, chlorine,sulfur and other elements. These chemical elements and their compounds are toxic and harmful to the human body. At the same time, tests on the chloroform extract of “Sea Baby” revealed that it contained aromatic compounds with benzene or heteroaromatic rings. (Note: Aromatic compounds with benzene or heteroaromatic rings are often used in the production of chemical dyes, pigments and additives.) According to the characteristics of the colored balls which absorb water and swell and have a certain elasticity, their main components are hydrophilic resins. . Whether it is skin contact (penetration) or inhalation of its volatile substances, it can harm the health of children; If children accidentally eat "Sea Baby", it is likely to absorb water in the digestive system and swell, causing harm to humans. body. .

Where to buy:

1: Night market,small stalls and street vendors

2: In front of school, children usually like to play with this< /p>

3: Air freshener, go to the air freshener counter in the supermarket to find it, many are designed with crystal beads

4: Flower market

5: Department stores websites



Approx 1 to 3 yuan

In summer, many places sell starfish.

Starfish can also be soaked More baby starfish

Starfish Ocean Baby PricePrice:

About 1-4 yuan


Can be widely used in air cleaning

Due to its nature, it has the function of neutralizing ammonia in the air, thus achieving a good air purification effect, effectively eliminating odors and making the air in our homes cleaner and fresher . Besides being fun, it can also be used for farming. Plants that like green shade, such as fond for roots, you don't need to buy crystal beads; they can also provide oxygen and nutrients to plants.


After After receiving the goods, put the Sea Babies in a container. One pack is about half a basin of water (don't use too much water.) The effect will be better if you put it in a sunny place. 2-3 days If you want to put it in a vase to grow flowers or when breeding fish in an aquarium, it is best to put it after a week. Place the soaked sea babies in a clear container. a very good decoration and very dreamy.

Plant selection: When choosing plants, you can first have a general understanding: for example, plants grown with water are basically suitable for cultivation with crystal mud. Some plants grown with soil are also suitableement to culture with crystal. mud

☆ Product features/functions:

1. Growing plants have very high ornamental value

2. Colorful crystal soil plays a great role in the indoor environment. Good decorative effect;

3. Adding an appropriate amount of spices or perfume to the crystal soil can also be used as a solid air freshener, with a long-lasting fragrance and helping to improve the interior. environment. Crystal soil is most suitable for growing shade or plants with aquatic green foliage. It does not require regular watering or maintenance, and it does not breed insects, mosquitoes or ants. It is clean and hygienic. does not contain alginic acid or starch. Due to its unique ingredients, it will not deteriorate or fade. It is non-toxic, harmless and pollution-free. It is the newest and best material for making pgrow flowers and plants and beautify the environment in hotels. , homes and other public places. ☆The varieties most suitable for planting: Amaryllidaceae, ferns, palms, lilies, such as: narcissus, evergreen climber, lucky bamboo, pocket coconut, Brazilian iron, taro, tiger's back, Chlorophytum, colorful taro, American leaf taro, cactus, golden. finger, silver queen dieeffenbachia, white palm, silver-edged patchouli, ruby, philodendron, purple-leaved duckweed, pothos, sun god, heart-leaved philodendron and other plants suitable for shady interior decoration.

☆How to use:

1. Rinse the soil from the roots of plants before planting. If you grow it in water for about a week before planting to remove old, rotten roots, the plant will grow better. 2. Soak the crystal soil in 1:80 to 100 times of water for 12 to 24 hoursAfter swelling, drain excess water before use.

3. Pour the expanded crystalline sol into a transparent glass container. It is best to let the crystal soil completely cover the plant roots when using it.

4. If you need more to mix multiple colors, please dip each color separately first, drain the water then mix in layers.

5. When soaking crystal earth, you can add an appropriate amount of spices or perfume, which can be used as an air freshener to help improve the indoor environment.

☆ Notes:

1. The product should be sealed and stored in a cool and dry place. It can be stored for 2 to 3 years. Moisture absorption will not affect its use. .

2. This variety of flowers and plants should not be exposed to direct sunlight and should be placed out of reach ofs young children to avoid accidental consumption.

3. This type of plant can be grown without watering or fertilizing for a long time. Just spray a little water on the surface of the crystal block at the right time (2-4 weeks). , add water to expand and can be used repeatedly.

4. After the crystal soil is dirty, rinse it with water and drain it, and you can continue to use it. You can also wash the crystal soil, dry it in the shade and let it foam next time.

5. Soak the crystal soil in mineral water or pure water to achieve the best effect. Because tap water contains chlorine, it is easy to bleach the color of crystal clear soil. drained before putting it in the vase.

Filter cotton is the most basic filter material with the highest utilization rate. Whatever the type of filter, it is fundamentallyare essential. A large amount of waste must be filtered out of the aquarium and leave the filter material behind to work. The main function of filter cotton is physical filtration. Although some nitrifying bacteria may also exist, their numbers are limited and must be cleaned frequently, so the biochemical filtration function has virtually disappeared. You should choose filter cotton that has good water permeability, is not easily damaged, is not easy to fall off, does not fade, and will not cause secondary pollution to water quality. You need to pay more attention to maintenance and check the water flow. frequently to avoid excessive blockage caused by foreign bodies. Clean it. It is best to use water in the tank or tap water for cleaning. Do not use detergents or other cleaning agents. Filter cotton has a certain dlifespan and must be replaced regularly. depending on your use. Biochemical cotton is also a widely used filter material, mainly for biochemical filtration. Compared to filter cotton, it is denser, difficult to damage and much thicker, so there is enough space for parasitic nitrifying bacteria. It can also filter large foreign bodies, so it can be said that biochemical cotton is a filter material that has both physical filtration and biochemical filtration. However, because biochemical cotton is generally covered with filter cotton, physical filtration is limited and biochemical filtration. cotton is widely used. Applied to upper filter, outer filter and inner filter. Purchasing biochemical cotton is very important. First of all, you should pay attention to the filterability of the water, so that the water flow can pass smoothly without slowing down.the water flow dramatically. Choose the one that has high density and many pores. a special sponge on the market currently. Poor water filterability will significantly slow down the flow of water and it will be soft and inelastic. Try not to buy it because its biochemical effect is not good. The maintenance frequency of biochemical cotton is much lower than that of filter cotton. This usually takes around one to two months. It also depends on your specific situation. When washing, use the water from the tank and gently scrub it several times. Do not use tap water, as there are a lot of nitrifying bacteria in biochemical cotton. If you rinse it repeatedly, it is easy to wash it. nitrifying bacteria, which significantly reduces the risk of nitrifying bacteria. The nitrification effect causes fluctuations in water quality. Biochemical cotton does not need to be replaced frequentlyent. If it turns out that its elasticity has weakened, the interior is damaged and it has been washed too much, it must be replaced.

Ceramic rings and glass rings are currently the most widely used and popular biochemical filter materials. Because they are cooked from different raw materials, they have different names and are relatively old products. The effect is effective, and now it is gradually being replaced by glass rings. Now there are many different varieties, like regular glass rings, breathable glass rings, and depending on the size, there are large rings, small rings, including porcelain beads, etc. ., but the basic principle They are all the same, they use their particular structure and pores to accommodate more nitrifying bacteria. However, it does not have a physical filtering function, so it must be usedbehind materials such as filter cotton. The glass ring should be selected with large surface pores, light weight per unit volume and not easy to break or fall. One of the main features of the glass ring is that it does not require frequent cleaning. When cleaning, do not clean it all at once, but clean it in batches to avoid losing too much nitrifying bacteria and causing too large fluctuations in water quality. When cleaning, use tank water and do not use tap water for excessive rinsing. Many people think that there is no need to replace it. The glass ring is mainly used to house nitrifying bacteria and bacteria. It will gradually die and some will be washed away by water flow, but such accumulation over the years will lead to the formation of internal pores. Getting smaller and smaller, affecting the numberof nitrifying bacteria and reducing nitrification. Depending on your actual situation, you can generally replace it once every 1-2 years. Bioballs are usually made of plastic, most are spherical, square or irregular in shape, with many protrusions and are black. Biochemical ball is also a widely used biochemical filter material, but its application scope is limited. Its special structure makes it not suitable for many filtration methods and cannot exert high efficiency. It is not suitable for use. Its use will significantly reduce the biochemical effect. Generally, the anti-drip filter is the most suitable. When using it, try not to soak all the biochemical beads in water, but let the water flow through. which will bring more With more oxygen, more nitrifying bacteria can be parasitized, thus achieving better biological effectsochemicals, but only a certain number of biochemical balls are needed. When buying biochemical balls, you usually pay attention to the material and manufacturing. Nowadays, there are new ones with biochemical cotton inside, which can accommodate more nitrifying bacteria and further improve the biochemical capacity of the biochemical ball. The maintenance and cleaning of biochemical balls is basically the same as glass rings. For those that contain biochemical cotton inside, the internal biochemical cotton can be replaced regularly instead of replacing the entire biochemical ball. Volcanic rock forms when magma from a volcanic eruption meets lower temperature ground, cools quickly and becomes more crystalline. Small, some do not have time to crystallize and cool into glass. When magma overflows from the surface, a largeamount of gas contained inside escapes and many small round pores form in the rock. Generally, volcanic rocks are tightly crystallized and have strong properties. corrosion resistance. , transformed into a block the size of a glass ring, causing a large number of pores inside, which can be used to parasitize nitrifying bacteria and achieve nitrification.

When purchasing, please pay attention to the unit weight which is relatively light, but not too loose, the unit volume should not be too large, and the surface should be relatively clean.

Daily maintenance is the same as for glass rings. Coral Sand Coral sand is formed by the accumulation of skeletons left after coral polyps have died over many years. After coral polyps die, many small pores usually remain. In general, the structure is rrelatively tight and its internal permeability is strong. The structure is suitable for parasitizing various types of organisms. When water passes through it, parasitic nitrifying bacteria can achieve the effect of biochemical filtration.

When purchasing coral sand, you should be careful to choose those that are moderate in size, light in unit weight and rich in pores. Coral sand comes from the ocean and must be clean and unpolluted. . Coral sand becomes alkaline, so not all tanks are suitable. It is generally suitable for alkaline water bodies, such as Sanhu Cichlid Reservoir. It not only plays a role in biochemical filtration, but also stabilizes alkaline water quality. widely used in seawater tank filtration. The cleaning and maintenance of coral sand is the same as that of glass rings. Medical stone: medical stone contains many beneficial soluble trace elementsfiques. It was widely used in human drinking water equipment at the beginning. It has been used in aquarium filtration systems overseas for a long time. It has only become popular in China in recent years and most people have not yet realized its importance. The medical stone has a very slight adsorption capacity and only has a two-way adjustment effect on the pH of the water. It releases a large quantity of beneficial trace elements and is of great benefit for the breeding of ornamental fish and the hatching of young fish. It is used When the time comes, simply place it in the same position as the glass ring.

Currently, there are boxed and dispersed medical stones on the market. It is best to choose stones that are moderate in size and not broken.

The medical stone should be cleaned regularly from surface dirt and replaced approximately once a year. Activated carbon Charcoalactive is now almost one of the indispensable filter materials in aquariums. It mainly uses its powerful adsorption function and large internal pores to absorb various residual pesticides, heavy metals, chlorine, pigments and odors in tap water, etc. Activated carbon is a physical filtration material and basically has no biochemical filtration function. It is placed behind the filter cotton during use. Don't scatter them. You can use used stockings to wrap them to prevent them from being scattered. Wash them several times with water in the tank before use. When buying activated carbon, you should choose one whose unit weight is light, darker in color, and the particles should not be too large. You should choose special activated carbon sold in fish stores instead of regular machine-made coconut charcoal. , marbless of carbon, etc. are now available on the market, its adsorption capacity is more powerful. Activated carbon has a certain adsorption capacity because it mainly uses the adsorption capacity of space. The shelf life is generally 3-6 months. The specific situation depends on the actual use. When the adsorption capacity of activated carbon is saturated, if it is not replaced in time, not only will it not be able to play the role of adsorption, but it will also destroy its internal contents. Harmful substances are released and become a source of pollution. Some information indicates that activated carbon can be reused after cleaning and drying. Personally, I think the price of activated carbon is relatively low. The effect cannot be guaranteed after cleaning. It is recommended not to use it for a long time. Ammonia-absorbing zeolite contains a variety of minerals and trace elements.It can quickly absorb ammonia ions and nitrites in water to fulfill the function of removing toxic substances. It can also stabilize pH quality, balance feed water and provide minerals and. trace elements necessary for the growth of fish, has the function of powerful water purification and is the best natural filter material. Instructions for use: Rinse with tap water before use and put in the filter. Other filter materials Indeed, there are many filter materials that can be used: cotton cloth, filter paper and even sand, which can play a certain filtration role if used correctly. Water softening resin: With circulating water, specially selected cations will exchange calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and various cations that cause hard water, making the water soft. Establishes stable fresh water and reduces fluctuationspH changes. It is a necessary auxiliary filter material for breeding and breeding tanks of weakly acidic aquatic plants and freshwater fish, such as discus, short snapper and trevally. Usage: It can be placed in a soft water filter to slowly pass water through the resin to reduce water hardness. Regeneration method:

1. Remove the resin from fresh water and wash it under the tap. Water first, add salt to 1kg of tap water, soak the resin in the saline solution for 30-60 minutes until the resin returns to its original brown color.

2. Rinse with tap water for 5 to 10 minutes to remove the salt.

When choosing filter materials, you should choose according to your own situation (aquarium size, fish species, filtration method, filtration space, economic conditions, etc.). One or more mediaas filters can be used in a filtration system.

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