Best route:
The approximate distance from Ocean Park to Ap Lei Chau Trail is 2.76 kilometers. The entire journey takes approximately 12 minutes. It passes through 2 stations. on the way you can arrive directly and transfer. The bus route is Hong Kong Island Green Minibus Route 36X.
How to get there:
Walk approximately 606.0 meters from Ocean Park to Aberdeen Tunnel, take Hong Island Green Minibus Route 36X Kong for 2 stops and get off at Ap Lei Chau Bridge. Walk approximately 606.0 meters to the Ap Lei Chau Trail, then you will reach the end point of the Ap Lei Chau Trail.
Other routes from Ocean Park to Ap Lei Chau Trail:
Route 2
Approximate distance from Ocean Park to Ap Lei Chau Trail is 2 .77 kilometers, and the whole journey takes about 13 minutes, passing through 3 stations, without transfers along the way, you can arrive directly. The vehicle line oftransfer is the Citybus 90c.
Route 3
The approximate distance between Ocean Park and Ap Lei Chau Trail is 2.16 kilometers. The entire journey takes approximately 13 minutes. There is no need to do this. transfer on the way. Arrive directly and transfer. The vehicle route includes Hong Kong Island Green Minibus Route 36.
Route 4
The approximate distance between Ocean Park and Ap Lei Chau Trail is 2.88 kilometers. The whole journey takes approximately 15 minutes. There is no need to do this. transfer on the way. Arrive directly and transfer. The vehicle route includes Hong Kong Island Green Minibus Route 69X.
Route 5
The approximate distance between Ocean Park and Ap Lei Chau Trail is 2.88 kilometers. The whole journey takes approximately 15 minutes. There is no need to do this. transfer on the way. Arrive directly and transfer. The vehicle route includes route 69 of the minibus green from Hong Kong Island.