"Zatoichi" is a 116-minute action film produced by Japanese studio Kitano Takeshi and distributed by Shochiku Pictures. The film was written and directed by Takeshi Kitano, starring Takeshi Kitano, Tadanobu Asano, Michio Ohkusu, Yui Natsukawa, Ittoku Kishibe, etc. It was released in Japan on September 6, 2003. The film is adapted from a Japanese essay novel and chronicles the heroic deeds of Zatoichi, a blind samurai who uses high-speed swordsmanship.
** "Love in the Sky" and the TV series "Love in Heaven" are both men. The protagonist has white hair, but I personally recommend the previous one
**Lian Kong /
< p >Pig download address
Lian TV Series Kong
Pig download address
http://bbs .btpig .com/viewthread.php ?tid=773520&highlight=%C1%B5%BF%D5
ps....The white-haired ninja in the butler's house is the supporting role of the soy sauce bottle ....