Address of Jieyang Zhanlong art supplies store

Introduction Jieyang Zhanlong Art Supplies Store Address Jieyang Zhanlong Art Supplies Store is located in Ronghua Avenue, Rongcheng District, Jieyang City, Guangdong Province. Qiyixuan Gallery Art Supplies Store is located in Rongcheng District, Jieyang City, Guangdo

Address of Jieyang Zhanlong art supplies store

The address of Jieyang Zhanlong art supplies store is Ronghua Avenue, Rongcheng District, Jieyang City, Guangdong Province. Qiyixuan Gallery Art Supplies Store is located at No. 8889, Ronghua Garden, Ronghua Avenue, Rongcheng District, Jieyang City, Guangdong Province. Jieyang, also known as Rongcheng, is a prefecture-level city in Guangdong province. It is located in the southeast of Guangdong Province, bordering Shantou and Chaozhou to the east, Shanwei to the west, the South China Sea to the south and Meizhou. to the north. The land area is 5,240 square kilometers and the sea area is 9,300 square kilometers.

Where are the most skin care product factories located in Shantou?

Guangdong Xinjia Land Petrochemical Co., Ltd. is a limited liability company registered in Puning Town, Jieyang City, Guangdong Province on 04/02/2018 (ininvestment or holding by an individual), the registered address is No. 176, first floor of Building 44, Puning Commercial Street, Puning City.

The social credit code/unified registration number of Guangdong Xinjia Land Petrochemical Co., Ltd. is 91445281MA51GM5Q9T, the legal entity is Li Wujun and the company is currently in operation.

Guangdong Xinjia Land Petrochemical Co., Ltd., in this province, the current registered capital of the company is average.

View more news and information about Guangdong Xinjia Continental Petrochemical Co., Ltd. via Baidu Enterprise Credit.

Learn about the economy, transportation and location of Jieyang, Guangdong, as well as its specific location.

There are many skin care products factories in Jinping district, Shantou. The factories of many beauty brands, such as Miyou Cosmetics Shop and Lyya Beauty, are locatedall in Jinping District.

Jinping District, a district under the jurisdiction of Shantou City, Guangdong Province, is located northwest of Shantou City. It is connected to Longhu District by the Tropic of Cancer. to the east and Anbu Town in Chaozhou City to the north and northwest. It borders Didu Town of Jieyang City, is connected to Shantou Port and Niutianyang to the south, and is adjacent to Xunwei Island and Chaoyang District to the southwest. As of 2019, Jinping District governs a total of 12 streets and has an area of ​​108.71 square kilometers.

According to data from the seventh census, as of midnight on November 1, 2020, the permanent population of Jinping District was 777,024. Jinping District is the political and cultural center of Shantou City and an important gateway to the Shantou Special Economic Zone. Jinping is the birthplace of the “Hundred Yearscommercial port” of Shantou. It has a small park and an old port full of cultural charm, the magnificent Niutian Yang and Gounan Xu Di, known as "a microcosm of modern Chinese society". history". There are many places of interest and historical sites. of Sangpu Mountain. There are more than 10 cultural places, including the Customs History Exhibition Hall, Museum, Cultural Exhibition Hall opening of the port, the Museum of Cultural Relics Approved by Overseas Chinese and the Cultural Creativity Park In 2020, Jinping District achieved a regional GDP of 55.348 billion yuan, an increase of 3. %; government budget revenue of 1.029 billion yuan, an increase of 0.58%; foreign trade imports and exports were 11.311 billion yuan, an increase of 0.58%, 8; %; the total investment in fixed assets was 43.961 billion yuan, soit is an increase of 7.4%.

ID card number of Huilai County, Jieyang City, Guangdong Province

The Lianjiang and Rongjiang river basins of Jieyang City were historically part of the eastern region of Guangdong. One of the most economically developed regions. Jieyang is a transportation hub for eastern Guangdong, southern Fujian and southern Jiangxi, with convenient sea and land transportation. In the past ten years since the founding of the city, the construction of transportation infrastructure has developed rapidly. At present, there are National Routes 206 (Yanshan Line) and 324 (Fukun Line) in the territory, as well as Provincial Routes 1923 (Neilong Line), 1929 (Kuihe Line), 1930 (Shantou Line), 1932 (Jielu Line), 1940. (The mileage of the city's existing expressways is 4,397.6 kilometers (including 192.3 kilometers of expressways), and the densityof highways is 83.9 kilometers per 100 square kilometers. Each county (town) leads to each township (town) ) The roads are mostly cemented. The Guangmei-Shantou Railway and Shenzhen-Shantou Expressway, Puhui Expressway, Jiepu Expressway, Meijie Expressway, Shantou-Jieji Expressway, Chaojie Expressway and other highways have been completed and open to traffic. Preparations are intensifying. located in Paotai Town, Jiedong County, within the city, with a total investment of more than 4 billion yuan, was officially launched. The construction and upcoming opening of the Huilai Power Station will greatly promote the optimization of Jieyang's investment environment. The navigable mileage of the inland river is 369 kilometers. The Rongjiang River, which surrounds the urban area and flows through Shantou to the sea, is known as the "golden waterway" of eastern Guangdong. It measures 175 kilometersres long and is the second deepest. river in Guangdong province. It can sail 5,000 ton ships and has direct flights to Hong Kong and Guangzhou, Zhanjiang and other places, with excellent ports such as Shenquan, Jinghai and Suzhou. Jieyang City is located in the Chaoshan Plain in the southeastern part of Guangdong Province, bordering Shantou and Chaozhou to the east, Shanwei to the west, the South China Sea to the south, and Meizhou to the north. . It is located at 115°36. ′-116°37′39″ east longitude and 22°53′-north latitude —23°46′27″. The land area is 5,240 square kilometers, the sea area is 7,689 square kilometers, the mainland coastline is 82 kilometers long, and there are more than 30 coastal islands. The main inland rivers are the Rongjiang River, Longjiang River and Lianjiang River.

Address of Jieyang Forestry Training School

What is the card number ofhe identity of Huilai County, Jieyang City, Guangdong Province?

4452 Jieyang City, Guangdong Province, Jurisdiction

445202 Rongcheng District

445221 Jiedong County

445222 Jiexi County

445224 Huilai County***

445281 Puning City

Huilai County, Jieyang City, Guangdong Province

What do you do? If this question is related to your work, I suggest you ask the relevant staff of the Taoyuan Village Committee (office). The rest of the people probably gave personal estimates. Even the people in the village may not know it clearly. But the village committee staff should know that. I don't know yet, but I have a rough idea.

What is the postal code of Longjiang, Huilai County, Jieyang City, Guangdong Province


Longjiang Town, Huilai County, Jieyang City, Guangdong Province

/p>Passport of Huilai County, Jiey Cityang, Guangdong Province

The public security bureau of the place where your registered permanent residence is located. If your registered permanent residence is in your hometown, you need to apply to the Public Security Bureau of Huilai County (in Huicheng City). ). You must bring Present your household record book as well as the original and photocopy of your identity card

In addition, there are two photos (I forgot the specifications). You can take (designated) photos in front of the Public Security Bureau and you can collect them). immediately

The certificate application fee appears to be 140.

The certificate application time is approximately two weeks. There are two ways to obtain the certificate. is to leave the address and ask him to express it, and the other is to go to the Public Security Bureau to collect it

He will give you a receipt, remember to conserver, because it is also a good one for obtaining evidence

How to apply for ID card in Huaxin Village, Huilai County, Jieyang City, Guangdong Province

Bring the registration book from the household to the police station where the household registration is located to make the request.

"Resident ID Card Law of the People's Republic of China"

Article 10 states: To apply for a resident ID card, one must complete the “Resident Identity Card Application Registration Form”. " and submit the resident household registration form.

Article 7 states: Citizens shall apply to the public security agency where their permanent residence is located to obtain a residence permit. resident identity within three months from the date they turn 16. For citizens under 16, their guardian must apply for a resident identity card.ent on their behalf.

Article 11 If the State decides to replace a new generation of resident identity cards, the validity period of the resident identity card expires, the name of the citizen changes or the card d If the identity is seriously damaged and illegible, the citizen must replace it with a new one; resident identity card registration project. If an error occurs, the public security agency will correct it as soon as possible and issue a new certificate, the original certificate must be returned. If your resident ID card is lost, you must request a replacement.

To apply for and reissue an identity card, you must prepare the following documents:

1. The applicant's household registration book

2 . The applicant’s registration book; original application for Resident Identity Card;

3. “Digital Photograph Receipt” of the applicant;

4. Formre registration of application for resident identity card.


1. Take the above documents to the police station where your household registration is located to apply for an ID card for the first time and fill out the application form.

2. Once the application form and relevant documents are submitted, a preliminary audit will be carried out. After confirmation, the applicant will be able to receive the “Second Generation Resident ID Card Collection Voucher”

. 3. Within the notice period, present the “Second Generation Resident ID Card Collection Voucher” to the police station where the application was processed to collect the certificate.

Application address:

The police station where the applicant's permanent residence is located.

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Where to apply for ID card in Huicheng Town, Huilai County, Jieyang City, Guangdong Province

Apply for ID cardThe place where you can get your ID card is in the household registration room of the police station where you are. There is a police station in every town

Your ID card can be requested there, but it cannot. be asked elsewhere.

What district is the county ofe Huilai, Jieyang City, Guangdong Province?

It is not a district

Huilai is a county under the jurisdiction of Jieyang City, Guangdong Province. It was formerly called Kuiyang. It is located in the southeast of Guangdong province, bordering Chaoyang in the east. , Lufeng in the west, Puning in the north and Puning in the south of the South China Sea. The county extends 67 kilometers from east to west and 33.5 kilometers from north to south. The county has an area of ​​1,253 square kilometers.

As of 2015, Huilai County has jurisdiction over 13 towns and 2 agricultural and forestry farms. In 2015, Huilai County had a total registered population of 1,420,525 people, a permanent population of 1,115,700, and more than 200,000 overseas Chinese living in Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and overseas . It is a famous hometown of overseas Chinese in Guangdong province. In 2015, the county's GDP was 24.233 billion yuan and per capita GDP of 21,700 yuan.

Huilai County is located at the southern foot of Danan Mountain, surrounding the mountain and facing the sea. It enjoys a subtropical southern monsoon climate, and the whole county is located south of the Tropic of Cancer. In the third year of Jiajing in the Ming Dynasty (1524 AD), Huilai founded the county and was under the jurisdiction of Chaozhou Prefecture until the end of the Qing Dynasty. After the founding of New China, it came under the jurisdiction of Shantou City. . In 1991, Jieyang County was removed from the county and established as a city (prefecture level), and Huilai County was separated from Shantou City and assigned to the jurisdiction of Jieyang City.

I want to apply for a Huilai County passport in Jieyang City, Guangdong Province

Go to the Huilai County Public Security Bureau. Obtain a form from the office and takephotos in the photo studio next door. Normally 20 days is enough. If you want to go there. abroad you can apply for a passport. You can go through Hong Kong. If you are traveling to Hong Kong alone, you can apply for a Hong Kong and Macau pass. You can send it by courier to Shenzhen Express. days is good, but you need to go to Jieyang Municipal Public Security Bureau and the cost is higher. Don't do it for you!

Address of Jieyang Forestry Training School: Northeast of Pigou Primary School, Zhongzhong Road, Puning Town, Puning Town.

Jieyang City, a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Guangdong Province, is also known as "Lingnan Water Town". It is located in the eastern part of Guangdong province, spanning 115°36ˊ to 116°. 37ˊ39" east longitude and 22°53ˊ to 23°46ˊ27" north latitude; The land is inclinedwest to east and has a subtropical monsoon climate as of late 2021, Jieyang City has jurisdiction over 2 municipal districts, 2 counties and 1 county-level city. The city has a total area of ​​5,240 square kilometers and a sea area of ​​9,300 square kilometers; the permanent population at the end of the year was 5.6168 million.

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