It is best to find a professional manufacturer to complete the computer room noise reduction project. Relatively speaking, Losay Acoustics has been more professional in computer room noise reduction and sound insulation projects for many years and has more experience in this field. this domain. The R&D team is also very professional and can provide reliable computer room sound insulation projects. The computer room sound insulation projects we have here are carried out by this manufacturer. Their sound insulation projects should be more comprehensive and. can effectively help eliminate noise in the computer room. The price of the services provided by this manufacturer is also relatively reasonable.
Relevant data on diesel generator room design
Unit power (kW) Standard engine room (length, width and heightur in mm) Exhaust shaft and outlet area with fan (㎡) Air inlet area ㎡ (plus fan) Air inlet area ㎡ (natural air inlet) Fan exhaust flow (m?/min) Unit size (length, width and height mm) Weight (kg) Area between fuel tanks (㎡)
< p>220 7000×4000 ×4500 1.6 2, 0 4.0 490 3000×980×1530 3100 2275 7200×4000×4500 1.7 2.1 4.2 490 3150×980×1530 3250 2
310 7200×400 0×4500 1.7 2.1 4.2 490 3150×980×1530 3400 3
330 7300×4250×4500 2.3 3.0 6.0 490 3300×1250× 1800 3600
< p>360 7300×4380×45 00 2.6 3.2 6.4 490 3300×1380×1550 3700 3400 7550×4250×4500 2.6 3 .2 6.4 588 3550×1250×1800 4350
4 40 7750 ×4250×4500 3.0 3.5 7.0 588 3750×1250×1800 4800 4
500 7750×4920×4500 3.0 4.5 9.0 735 3750×1920×2300 5000 4
p>550 7750×4920×4500 3.2 4.5 9.0 735 3750× 1920×2300 5400 4
660 8650×4650×5000 4.0 6.0 12.0 900 4650×1630×2320 9250 4
704 8650×4650×5000 4, 0 6.0 12.0 900 4650×1630×2320 9350 5
1. The minimum clearance size required by the manufacturer for the exhaust pipe well (mandatory): 800x800 mm for a generator; 1200x1200mm for two generators. Increase appropriately when conditions permit.
2. Regarding the clearance size of the spray dusting room (suitable for installation): 1800 x 2000 mm when a generator is used; 1800 x 2800 mm when two generators are used together.