How to cook steamed buns

Introduction How to cook steamed buns: 1. Dissolve the yeast in warm water, stir evenly, pour the yeast powder into the flour, and mix evenly into the cotton flakes with chopsticks. 2. Knead the dough with your hands until smooth.

How to cook steamed buns

How to cook steamed buns:

1. Dissolve the yeast in warm water, stir evenly, pour the yeast powder into the flour, and use chopsticks to incorporate the cotton. flakes.

2. Knead the dough with your hands until smooth. Place the dough in a container with a lid and let it ferment in a warm place until it doubles in volume. room temperature;

3. The inside of the dough is uniformly honeycomb-shaped. Sprinkle a little fine flour on the cutting board. Knead the dough several times until the surface of the dough is smooth. a long column and cut it into equal parts with the size of a knife.

4. Apply oil to the steaming rack, put the cut steamed buns into the steamer, leave a distance in the steamer, ferment for about 20 minutes, turn on high heat, steam for 15 minutes, turn off. heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Open the lid.

If you add milk to flour when cooking steamed buns, will the steamed buns really taste good?

The old house I lived in for 20 years was going to be demolished, so I moved into a rented house, a basic first floor house with cement walls. After simply laying the bedroom floor, he moved in. Most of the things he moved in with were old things that he couldn't bear to throw away. He always wanted to put them in a corner with his memories.

I stayed here exactly one month before the Mid-Autumn Festival.

The rented house is far from the street. After leaving the South Gate of the community, you will reach Huihe Dam in Guzhen. In this small town in the northd of Anhui, it has almost become a place where. people walk in the morning and evening. Moving alone while working, going from running around, being bored and not having time to enjoy it, to now being extremely passionate about it. After leaving work, I can't wait to come back, close the door, stay in a dilapidated room and sip tea.

Although it is the Mid-Autumn Festival, the large area of ​​land in front of the window is still green and there is no sound in my ears, I don't like excitement, and I seem to have found the habitat of my soul. Especially at night, there seems to be something here. A kind of loneliness of this world.

The basic house was finished and the fatigue of moving gradually faded. Because I was worried about my mother, I hurried to visit her.

My father has been away for four years and we sisters often come homehome to see it when we have time.

My mother lives with her younger brother and his family, taking care of her little nephew who is in third grade, which makes my mother laugh a lot. When my father just passed away, because I was worried about my mother, I moved to live with her for a month. I talked with her every night and listened to her talk about my father's past. My mother finally came out of the great sorrow that her father had just passed away, and a smile gradually appeared on her face.

Whenever we visited her in the future, she would always mention her father unintentionally, while I listened quietly.

The day before yesterday, I went to my mother's house after leaving work. She looked very good. She asked me if I was tired from moving and if I was busy at work, before leaving. gave me a bottle of Doubanjiang she had made and told me there was still some pbean paste in it. Put the peanuts in, take them again and eat them slowly.

After my father died, my mother wasNian suddenly became much older. He always hunched over when he walked and couldn't stand up straight. His hair was almost completely white. As usual, my mother turned on the light in the stairwell for me when I went out and told me to be careful when I got home.

Back at the rented house, I opened the bean paste made by my mother and ate it with steamed buns. The night is soaked and the delicious food is full of the taste of home.

My heartstrings pinched the still time, causing me to fall into the lake of memory...

I was born in the 1970s In the old street of Chengguan Town, Guzhen County, Bengbu City, Anhui Province, eating pickles is always my favoriteunchanged. The taste has been very user-friendly for decades.

When I was a kid, I remember the pickles my family always ate were pickled with spicy vegetables, and soy-based bean paste was something I only grew up with.

Guzhen was established as a county in 1965. When I was a child, I often heard my mother talk about it. When the county was established, she and her father obeyed the organization's arrangements and came to Guzhen. .

My mother worked in Huaiyuan County Hospital and my father was employed in the Huaiyuan County government. When my parents arrived in Guzhen with their two-year-old brother, except for the old streets, the rest of the place was almost empty and there were no houses. My mother said that the first house they lived in in Guzhen was a thatched house. with thick mats on the walls. The bands were attachees together and the kerosene lamp lit at night was stifling, so my mother put a lampshade outside, which made the situation much better.

In my mind, this kerosene lamp was still in use when I moved to the old Guzhen Stadium. In 1984, our family moved to the new stadium on Guzhen 2nd Road. I always used it from my father's. collection. I've seen it in old stuff.

In those days of material scarcity, almost every family had many children and heavy burdens. Because the family was poor, adults and children were content if they had enough to eat. Unlike today, there are so many particularities. on food and nutrition. The various recipes prepared by experts are delicious and mouth-watering, and they also come under the healthcare perspective.

When I was a child, I didn't eatI only eat meat once a week and very few vegetables. My impression of the market is that it was on both sides of the road when I first entered the old street. The ancient inhabitants of the old street spread the bags used to transport food on the ground and placed the vegetables they grew in them. , sparsely dispersed. Back then it should have been called a market. My mother took me there to buy rice. I distinctly remember it cost 40 cents a pound.

Forty cents per pound of rice was paid only after things improved.

What my mother has said for decades is the same phrase: In the beginning, eggs cost two cents each, pork cost eight cents, and mutton cost nine cents. In 1984, when I lived in the new stadium on Guzhen 2nd Road, the watermelons I ate cost 5 cents a pound. They were big, sandy and yellow, not to mention their douceur.

The eggs only cost two cents each. My mother said that she was poor at the time and had other expenses at home, so she was reluctant to buy them from time to time and left them for her brother to eat. .Luckily for me, my mother raised several chickens in the yard behind our house in Xintiandi to lay eggs. My sister, brother and I never ran out of eggs.

Authentic local eggs, sometimes fried and sometimes fried by my mother, wrapped with lots of love.

The old stadium where I lived as a child has now become a bustling commercial and financial street, and no trace of the old remains. But these years of past events will always unfold inadvertently, and I will repeatedly recall them in every quiet moment...

The vegetables I ate when I was a child don't were nothing. The only impression I had. What is gLoved in my heart, these are the pickled vegetables that my family eats all year round.

The headquarters of the old stadium is now Xintiandi Financial Street, Guzhen 1st Road. At that time, our family owned three tile-roofed houses allocated by the departmental sports committee. Since my grandparents were there and there wasn't enough space, my father built three thatched houses in the yard and surrounded them that way. There were two houses in the front and back. In the backyard, a small open space in the front yard, my father used bricks to build the border. There were several kinds of flowers planted there. flowers. There appeared to be vines climbing up the wall. Outside the wall is the stadium, with green grass all over the field and two basketball courts built by adding salt to the mud. In the era before television, the stadium then became the onlyl the entertainment center of the county, and it was very lively every evening.

Later, my father paved the front and back yards of the house with cement. The front yard was used to park wooden carts and the family's only black bicycle was large and sturdy. My brother and I were both young and my dad would take us to play when he wasn't at work. There were no special seats for children in those days, so my father put my brother on the big crossbar of the bike and sat on the side, then he put me in the back seat;

The sky was very blue at that time, the clouds were very light and the wind was very light.

The backyard of our house was much larger than the front yard, and we had two kitchens built there at the time. One room is open, with a pot for burning fire, sealed boxes, and a fireplace extending outside. When I wasas a child, I loved seeing the smoke coming from the chimney at home, which meant it would soon be time to eat, and I was so happy. The other room was the formal kitchen, with a small dining table, dining table. a few small benches, and a There is a long wooden bench, because when it comes time to eat, there are so many children that the dining table is too small to squeeze in. There is always a child sitting on the side, and he has to get up to reach the food to eat. Later, when the family had some money, my father bought a large square table and placed it in the living room. She wasn't used much unless there were guests at home. During New Year's Eve, my grandparents were with us and the whole family sat down and ate New Year's Eve dinner big time. Even though I'm small, I really love New Years, I always feel like I don't need to eat pickles. WhenI eat that day and sit up straight. Yes, you can eat meat to your heart's content without having to get up and grab it.

Several years later, my mother told me with a smile that she was too busy at work and had too many children to take care of. It rained lightly once and the family was almost finished eating at noon, only to realize I wasn't there. My mother rushed out to pick me up and came to pick me up, sleeping sweetly, under the big tree at the stadium.

The pot in the yard does not take up much space. The most attractive thing is a well in the center of the courtyard and a large water tank next to it. Outside the courtyard is a lake which is not big. There was no running water at that time, so everyone drank water from wells. There was a hole under the courtyard wall, which today looked like a sewer. At this time, the remaining water from washing clothests, cooking and washing vegetables flowed from there.

For watermelons in the summer, my father made a large net tied with wire. The rope was very strong. The watermelons remained soaked in the well water for a long time. frozen watermelons, which was cool Yes, it's really delicious.

But what I like the most is the large water tank. This is the vegetable basket of the house all year round, where the once happy childhood is placed.

In the large water tank, my mother marinated the gherkins that I particularly like to this day. Pickled gherkins are commonly called "Xuelihong". I don't quite understand the origin of this name. I told myself that in poor years there was nothing to eat during the white winter. Only this dish has such a festive name. . Bar.

As soon as autumn arrives, my parents are busy transporting loads of spicy vegetables on cartsettes and marinate them to eat them for a year. The type of spicy wild vegetables my mother bought was different from the usual spicy vegetables, but I never asked.

I just remember that in the fall, when my parents were not at work, they would go out early in the morning with a cart. When they came back, my father would pull her and my mother would push her. We children were waiting at home when the wagon arrived. At the door, I, who was only a little taller than the cart, happily helped my mother push it. Buy spicy wild vegetables, open them in the garden, cut the roots and remove the yellow leaves little by little, wash them several times with well water, then dry them. When the water evaporates and the leaves wither slightly, pickling begins.

My mother seems to have nothing to do with pickles, because on several occasions the spicy vegetables pickled by her mother have gone bad. DSince then, all the pickles in the house have been made by my father.

As soon as pickle day arrived, my parents were home and I was extremely happy, looking back and forth. At that time, my older brother and sister were all going to school. My younger brother was younger. My parents took him with them every time they went out. But they were very busy at work and couldn't take care of both of us. siblings. There was no kindergarten at that time, so they often left me alone when people were cooped up at home, waiting for them to come back from work.

After being cooped up at home for several years, I still moved a small bench myself, sat quietly in the yard, read the little book my father bought me and looked at the sky. I feel like the sky is so blue and the clouds are so white.

Once the vegetablesmy washed spices carefully placed, my father began to marinate them. The big water tank in front of the pickles, which goes back and forth, wash it a few times and it will be clean. First put a layer of spicy wild vegetables at the bottom of the tank, sprinkle a handful of large particles of coarse salt on it, then place another layer of vegetables, hold it firmly with your hands and then put another layer of spicy wild vegetables above ; , and a handful of salt. By repeating this back and forth, a large vat of pickles will be completely marinated. Finally, my father placed a large rock on top of the large water tank, covered it with a plastic sheet, and tied a rope around the edge of the tank. After a while, when the salt water comes out, my father washes the hot green peppers and puts them in. Together with spicy vegetables, they will become a “delicacy” on the table in the future.

I remember that when I was a childt, I didn't eat fresh vegetables. I had pickled gherkins in a large tank of water in the morning, and in the evening my mother fried vegetables, but. To this day I really don’t remember it.

The spicy vegetables are pickled, and every time my father takes a few out of the water tank and asks my mother to fry them. The mother first prepared a few slices of ginger, poured oil into the pot, waited for her father to heat the pot, fried the ginger slices, the mother quickly put the chopped spicy vegetables and sauteed, then added green chilies, and waited until the pot was ready. Then pour in a few cloves of garlic and drain it after a few back and forth movements. The only food to eat with spicy vegetables are steamed buns made by my mother herself, which are soft, white and sweet. Steamed buns are steamed in thea large aluminum pot at home.

In addition to ground pot, coal was often burned at home when I was a child. My mother cooked steamed buns on the coal stove. The coal stove was very large and the fire was very strong. Four pieces of coal could be lit at a time. I remember when I was very young there were no lumps of coal and what I bought at home was loose coal. I often saw my parents, sweating profusely from exhaustion, using shovels and coal in the garden, then putting them away. The reconciled coal is shoveled with a shovel and burned in the coal stove before going to bed in the evening, it pierces a hole with a hook of the stove, then closes the lower mouth of the stove tightly, and then opens it the next morning. day. Later, with the advent of briquettes, parents no longer had to burn coal.

There was nosnacks when I was a kid. Only during Chinese New Year would the family fry dumpling sheets and berries, and my mother would buy us fruit candies costing 10 or 10 yuan. I usually eat pickles every day, but I never have enough. There are a lot of people in the family, and the steamed buns are eaten quickly, so my mother will steam the buns after a while. After my friends and I played in the stadium for a long time and ran home happily, my mother asked me to wash my little hands and handed me a freshly baked steamed bun with a lot of sugar in it. always captivating and persistent across time and space.

In order to improve the taste, my mother took a break and kneaded the noodles to make steamed buns on the ground pot, while my father was responsible for lighting the wood de heating. The face mask scars are so burnt that you can eat them all without even adding sugar or pickles.

Aside from steamed buns and face masks, the only food that goes with pickles is pancakes. When I was a child, there was a trough in the house used for pancakes, with a bulge on the top. Mother used a rolling pin to knead the mixed dough into a ball on the board, then rolled it into a thin round shape and placed it on the concave surface. A small fire is lit underneath, sometimes with small pieces of wood, sometimes specially sent by relatives from home. of wheat pulp. When making pancakes, my mother would spread and flip them at the same time. There was a small wooden stick placed next to the hollow, and the pancakes cooked quickly. Often, without waiting for dinner, I would take one and roll in it myself the spicy vegetables that Ihe mother had fried, I couldn't wait to wait. Siblings sometimes eat it brilliantly with salty chili.

Many years later, I make a cup of chrysanthemum tea and let my thoughts wander.

The smell of pickles permeates the time, and it seems like childhood has never left. The beauty of time permeates past life and hides deep in my heart.

As soon as the Qingming Festival arrives in the second year, the pickles in the large water tank begin to peel off and the salt water begins to turn white. At this time, it is necessary to fish out uneaten spicy vegetables and make them into dried vegetables for the summer. Wash the spicy vegetables, dry them and cut them into small pieces. First clean the pot, pour water well, add ginger slices, chili peppers, star anise and peanuts, and cook with chopped spicy vegetables. Generally, firestarts at 5 p.m., and there will be little left at 8 p.m. The father first lit the bellows and burned it over high heat, then simmered it slowly over low heat. Once the time was up, the firewood would go out naturally. He would cover the pot and simmer it overnight, then take it out to dry. the next day. When the family was feeling a little better, my mother would dice a piece of pork belly and put them in a pot to cook with dried vegetables. She also hung up the skin of dried meat that she was reluctant to eat.

The cooked dried vegetables are placed on the cutting board to dry in the sun the next day. When I was a child, my cutting board bed was made from four thick wooden sticks nailed together with thick ropes in the middle. A coarse mat is spread on the bed of the cutting board and the dried vegetables are placed on the back of the coarse mat to allow ventilation. Add the water in which the pork belly was cooked with the moldy dried vegetables. After a day of drying, collect the moldy dried vegetables, soak them in water with lard overnight, then take them out to dry in the sun the next day. . This goes back and forth several times until the soup is gone and the dishes are dark and bright, very attractive. At that time, it was rare to eat meat, so we secretly ate the whole diced pork belly in the dried vegetables.

My mother likes to add a little vinegar when she sautés moldy dried vegetables, it's delicious. For summer dinner, the family often has a bowl of plain water noodles with chopped green onion and dried mustard greens with garlic cloves and chili pepper. It has become the most relaxing time for the family.

Later, the whole family moved from the old stadium to the new stadium on theSecond Route. There was nowhere to put the large water tank, so it was abandoned in the old house.

In the new stadium house, vegetables are finally planted in the yard, including vegetables, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, etc. There was a pomegranate tree in the yard and my mother also planted strawberries. The spreading grape trellis is full of fruit as fall arrives.

Since there was no longer a large vat of water, my mother bought a large porcelain pot and still marinated spicy wild vegetables every year, but it no longer became our staple.

My parents no longer need to pull a cart to go shopping. What they see every time is my dad bringing a pack back on his bike, washing it the same way, and marinating it the same way. My dad liked to add shredded pork to the spicy pickled vegetables and stir-fry them himself. When we were growing up, oursisters would often run home and roll them into pancakes to enjoy a delicious meal.

Over time, the number of spicy vegetables marinated at home becomes less and less, and every year I alternate with bean paste.

Now that my father is gone and my mother is old, my family hasn't pickled salty and spicy vegetables for several years. But after decades, my mother still loves to eat and pickle them. after buying them at the supermarket Yes, I fry a plate every now and then and taste it carefully.

As for me, last year I was pleasantly surprised to discover that a small shop on the corner of Guzhen 2nd Street sold fried dried vegetables. I bought them several times and it always tasted like my childhood.

Sit in the clear weather, let the memories dance and the past reappear.

Today ht seems like yesterday, reality seems more distant than before. The smell of pickles breathes warmth, permeates life, travels through time and space and wets my eyes.

Thousands of sails have passed, I have drunk heat and been drunk all my life.

Text ┃┃ Yang Chunyan

Old photos of Yang Chunyan Provide

Arrange records ┃┃ Jianghuai photo description

Milk steamed buns are very delicious, how to make steamed buns with fermented dough and milk? You can mix flour and milk in a certain ratio, then add an appropriate amount of sugar according to personal preference, add a little baking powder and wait for it to ferment. After the dough has fermented, you can knead it. Lhalves and cut it into pieces. Put it on the steamer and steam it for about 20 minutes. The steamed buns steamed in this way have a milky flavor and are very soft.

The method of cooking steamed buns with milk dough is the same as that of steamed white buns, except that milk is used instead of water. However, steamed buns with milk and dough have a strong milk aroma. are white and fluffy, soft and delicious.

There is a process of making dough which involves allowing the old dough (or yeast) to convert starch into sugar under the action of the oxygen present in the dough under certain conditions of temperature and humidity (humidity). consumed, carbon dioxide is released. At this point, the dough has expanded to more than double its original size. The first thing thatwe need to understand is that the dough must be subjected to certain temperature and humidity conditions to allow the yeast to fully reproduce and produce gases, causing the dough to expand. When yeast converts starch to sugar and consumes it in the aerobic environment inside the dough, carbon dioxide is released.

Yeast powder is used to cook steamed buns, but it needs to be seasoned. It is quite quick in summer, but slower in winter. It should be placed on the radiator or next to the stove to make it faster. How to steam it for better taste? It is recommended to use old noodles to make dough and steam. buns in a pan with firewood. The steamed buns will be white, large and very delicious. Once the starter has soaked, pour it into the basin prepared for kneading the dough,add 3 grams of flour. sugar and knead the dough with warm water.

To steam buns, it is best to use a dough that rises warm in winter. There should be an appropriate amount of flour and water, as well as an appropriate amount of baking powder. Afterwards, it's easy to wake up. , knead the dough after it has risen for the second time. After the steamed buns rise, add cold water to the pot to steam, put the steamed buns on medium heat, and boil the pot for 30 minutes. be white and fat. The key to whether steamed buns are good or not is how well the noodles rise, so if you want to steam them. To make delicious steamed buns, preparing the dough properly is the first step.

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