Photovoltaic projects can be approved for areas of less than 100 hectares.
Judging from the current situation of constructed projects, the use of low-efficiency components and follow-up operation methods in high-latitude areas is unreasonable from a technical and technical point of view. economic and scale of land use. virtually no projects in areas above 45° latitude. Photovoltaic power generation construction projects are carried out using the low-efficiency component tracking operation method. So far, domestic and international cases have not found any actual construction projects with an area of . more than 100 hectares for 10MW. Considering that the efficiency level of mass-produced high-efficiency components of photovoltaic components in current construction projects is not high, in the future, with the development and advancementWith the advancement of technology, the efficiency of high-efficiency components using new technologies and materials will increase in the future and the area of land used will also be reduced accordingly. Based on the analysis of the calculation results, it is determined that 100 hectares is the upper limit of the land area for the 10 MW photovoltaic power plant, which is in line with current reality and more reasonable.
How much land is needed for the agricultural supplementary photovoltaic power generation project?
Does the questioner wish to ask: “How much land is necessary for the production of photovoltaic energy of 600,000 billion » 36 million square meters. According to relevant information, for a one megawatt (1,000 kilowatt) photovoltaic power generation facility, the area occupied by the power generation facilitiesPhotovoltaic energy in monocrystalline silicon and polycrystalline silicon is generally similar (the area occupied by monocrystalline silicon is slightly smaller). and desert areas are slightly different. The area is 60,000 square meters, which is equivalent to almost 10 acres of land. Therefore, 600 trillion photovoltaic panels require an area of 36 million square meters.
100 acres of land, photovoltaic complementary agricultural agriculture, also known as photovoltaic agriculture, is to use photovoltaic solar power generation with the characteristics of no pollution and zero emissions. , and is closely related to high-tech greenhouses (including agricultural plantation greenhouses) Organically combined with breeding greenhouses), photovoltaic solar power generation devices are placed on part or all oftee on the sunny side of the greenhouse.