Summary of the impact of all natural disasters in Civilization 6 2021 Natural Disasters

Introduction Summary of the impact of all natural disasters in Civilization 6 Natural Disasters 2021 There are many natural disasters in Civilization 6, so what impact will these natural disasters have. Let's take a look at the article?

Summary of the impact of all natural disasters in Civilization 6 2021 Natural Disasters

There are many natural disasters in Civilization 6, so what impact will these natural disasters have? Let's take a look at the full list of natural disasters in Civilization 6 2021.

Summary of the impact of all natural disasters in Civilization 6


Floods are divided into three levels: medium floods, large floods and rare floods. When flooding is avoided (baths, dams, etc.), the probability of an increase in production will be reduced by half.

Range of influence

The range of influence of a flood is an entire floodplain (note: including prairie floodplains, plains floodplains and desert floodplains, size is 4 to 10 grid).


Medium Flood: 100% loot in affected area (Note: All disaster effects mentionborn later only affect grids in the affected area and individuals in the affected area) facilities improved, 100% buildings looted (note: when an area or building is looted, all buildings with that area/building as a prerequisite will be automatically looted, that is, advanced buildings have a greater probability of being robbed). (Note: Each affected individual determines the probability individually. Same below)

Great Flood: 100% looting of upgraded facilities, 50% destruction of upgraded facilities, 100% looting of buildings , 50% area looting, 15% of the population is killed (Note: The determination of killing the population is based on the affected cell. Once the cell determination is successful, the city to which the cell belongs loses and does not only loses one population - whether or not there is anyone in the cell Work, how many.people are working, the only exception is that cities with a population of 1 will not lose population. Like other disaster impact determinations, each affected cell will undergo a population loss determination (the same as below). units and causes 30~50 HP damage to ground units, area health, and external area defenses.

A rare flood in a thousand years: 100% looting of improvement facilities, 80% destruction of improvement facilities, 100% looting of buildings, 80% looting zones, 25% population massacres, 25% civilian unit massacres. causes 50~70 HP damage to ground units, area HP and external area defense.

Increase production

Medium floods: 25% + 1 grain in desert floodplains; 15% + 1 grain in prairie floodplains; 30% + 1 grain in pla floodplainsines.

Great Flood: Desert Floodplain 30% + 1 grain, 15% + 1 production capacity; prairie floodplain 25% + 1 grain, 30% + 1 floodplain production capacity 45% + 1 grain, 10%; +1 production capacity. (Note: On each plot, the probability of increasing each production is calculated independently, that is, a flood can bring 1 grain and 1 production capacity to a plot at the same time. The same as below below.)

A rare flood in a thousand years: Desert floodplain 45% + 1 grain, 25% + 1 production capacity; Prairie floodplain 40% + 1 grain, 40% + 1 production capacity Floodplain 60% + 1 grain, 15% + 1; production capacity .

Summary: Floods can provide many bonuses in terms of production capacity, but they can also cause serious regional damage and population losses. The construction of dams canprevent most flooding, and the Wonder Bathhouse can also prevent flooding (but it's basically impossible to do). Take it. arrived).

Volcanic eruptions

Volcanic eruptions are divided into three levels: mild eruption, catastrophic eruption and devastating eruption. At the start of the game, all volcanoes on the map are dormant. As the game progresses, some volcanoes will gradually become active and can erupt at any time, while others will remain dormant until the end of the game. The proportion of all volcanoes that will become active active volcanoes is linked to disaster level - level 0: 45%; level 1: 60%; level 2: 70%; level 3: 80%; level 4: 95%.

Zone of influence

The zone of influence of a volcanic eruption is a passable cell 1 block from the volcano.


A volcanic eruption removes all rremovable resources from affected cells.

Light Eruption: 100% looting of upgraded facilities, 100% looting of buildings.

Catastrophic Eruption: 100% Loot Upgrades, 75% Destruction Upgrades, 100% Loot Buildings, 75% Loot Zones, 20% Population Kills, 20% Units civilians killed and causes 40-60 HP damage to ground units. , HP zone and external defense zone.

Destructive Eruption: Each type of destruction has a 30% chance of expanding the area of ​​influence by 1 square. (Note: The probability of extending the range is calculated once for each damage type, i.e. it is possible to steal all upgraded facilities in the 2nd ring, but only loot all buildings in the 1st ring Extended range will only occur when disaster level is 3 or 4. Occurs when ) 100% loots upgrade facilities, 80% destroyed.t upgrade facilities, 100% pillages buildings, 80% pillages areas, 35% kills population, 35% kills civilian units and affects land. units and health of the area. Deals 60~80 HP damage with external area defense.

Increase production

If the affected cell's terrain cannot form volcanic landforms (like a coast), or if the cell's original landform is landform immovable (like geothermal), The cell then cannot be affected by the increased production of volcanic eruptions. Cells increased by volcanic eruptions will remove the current relief and form volcanic land.

Light Eruption: 35%+1 food, 15%+1 production capacity.

Catastrophic Eruption: 50% +1 food, 25% +1 production capacity, 10% +1 technology.

Destructive Eruption: 75% +1 food, 35% +1 production capacity, 15% +1 technology.

Magnificent eruVolcanic ptions

There are currently three volcanoes in the game: Kilimanjaro, Eyjafjaro, and Vesuvius. These volcanoes have always been in an unstable state, that is, they will not sleep and can erupt at any time (a tip, open the climate interface at the beginning, if there are any unstable volcanoes, this means that there are wonder volcanoes).

Kilimanjaro is not It can erupt in a destructive way, but the damage to areas and improvements caused by its eruption is slightly more severe than that of a normal volcano. However, the power of Kilimanjaro's eruption is slightly greater than that of a normal volcano.

Eyjafjallajökull does not erupt in a benign manner and the damage caused by its eruption to the population and civilian units is slightly more severe than that of ordinary volcanoes.

Vesuvius will only erupt in a devastating manner, causing damages that it will cause to the population and civilian units are much greater than those of ordinary volcanoes. At the same time, Mount Vesuvius is the only volcano in the game capable of producing culture when it erupts.

Zone of influence

The zone of influence of a volcanic eruption is a passable cell 1 block from the volcano. Among them, the two cells adjacent to the Eyjafjallajökull volcano are judged twice to judge the destruction and the increase in production.


Volcanic eruptions will remove all removable resources on affected cells (i.e. normal bonuses will be removed, but not strategic resources).

Kilimanjaro Light Eruption: 100% looting of upgrade facilities, 100% looting of buildings.

Kilimanjaro Catastrophic Eruption: 100% Looting buffs, 80% Destruction buffs, 100% buffspillage buildings, 80% pillage zones, 20% population kills, 20% civilian unit destruction, and causes 40-60 HP of ground damage. units, zone health and outside zone defense.

Eyjafjallajökull Catastrophic Eruption: 100% Looting buffs, 75% Destruction buffs, 100% Looting Buildings, 75% Looting Areas, 30% Population Kills, 30% civilian unit destruction and causes 40-60 HP ground damage. units, area HP and external area defense.

The Devastating Eruption of Eyjafhara: 100% Looting Enhancement Facilities, 80% Destroyed Enhancement Facilities, 100% Looted Buildings, 80% Looted Areas , 40% population killed, 40% civilian units killed, and causes 60~80HP damage to ground units, area HP and external area defense.

Destructive Eruption of Vesuvius: 100% loot upgrade installs, 80% installsupgrade ions destroyed, 100% of loot buildings, 80% of loot areas, 100% of population killed, 100% of civilian units killed and causes 70~90 HP damage to ground units, area HP and to the external defense of the zone.

Increase production

If the affected cell's terrain cannot form volcanic landforms (like a coast), or if the cell's original landform is landform immovable (like geothermal), The cell then cannot be affected by the increased production of volcanic eruptions. Cells increased by volcanic eruptions will remove the current relief and form volcanic land.

Kilimanjaro Light Eruption: 50% +1 Food, 25% +1 Production Capacity.

The catastrophic eruption of Kilimanjaro: 50% +1 food, 35% +1 production capacity, 15% +1 technology.

Eyjafhara Catastrophic Eruption: 50% +1 Food, 25% +1 ACproduction capacity, 10% +1 technology.

The Devastating Eruption of Eyjafala: 75% +1 food, 35% +1 production capacity, 15% +1 technology.

Destructive eruption of Vesuvius: 25%+1 food, 25%+1 production capacity, 25%+1 technology, 50%+1 culture.

Summary: It is basically impossible to prevent it (after all, there is only one Governor Liang), but the volcanic eruption can bring a significant bonus in terms of production capacity , so the risk is worth it. To maximize profits, it is recommended to remove bonus resources around the volcano before it erupts.


Drought is divided into two levels: great drought and severe drought.

Scope of influence

A drought will occur in 5 to 9 connected passable cells without relief.


A large-scale drought lasts 5 roundsand severe drought lasts 10 rounds.

As the drought continues, farms, ranches, camps, plantations, Cahokia mounds, inland pastures, sheds and terraces will be pillaged and cannot be built or repaired.

When drought continues, the cell loses -1 of food. If the city has canals, dams, or ladder wells, this effect can be prevented from affecting city cells.

Summary: This cannot provide any production capacity bonus, and I don't know if it's a bug. Some plots will be in severe drought for dozens of consecutive turns. Building canals and dams is the best way to prevent drought-related yield losses.


There are four types of storms: blizzards which only generate in snow, sandstorms which only generate in deserts, tornadoess which only generate in grasslands and plains and tornadoes which only generate in deserts. in the oceans (note: here ocean refers to hurricane in deep waters). Each storm has 2 levels, and regardless of the storm type or level, it only lasts 3 turns. Unlike other natural disasters, storms can move.

Range of Influence

The range affected by a storm is the fair cells it generates and the fair cells it moves toward. The storm will only cause damage to the cell it moves into. Units entering the cell where the storm is located will not be harmed.


Severity Blizzard: a hexagon of 7 blocks. 50% loot upgrades, 25% destruction upgrades, 40% loot buildings, and 15% loot zones.

Catastrophic Blizzard: A hex covering 19 blocks. 100%loot upgrade facilities, 50% destroy upgrade facilities, 100% loot buildings, 50% loot areas, 15% kill population, 20% kill civilian units, 100% cause 40~60 HP damage to ground units, 60% causes 40~60 HP. damage to naval units.

Gradient Sandstorm: A triangle spanning 3 blocks. 75% Loot Upgrades, 35% Destruction Upgrades, 60% Loot Buildings, and 25% Loot Zones.

Habu Sandstorm: a hexagon covering an area of ​​7 blocks. 100% loot upgrades, 75% destruction upgrades, 100% loot buildings, 75% loot area, 20% kill population, 20% kill civilian units, 100% cause 40-60 damage to land units and 60% causes 40 to 60 points of damage to naval units.

Multi-swirl tornado: Occupies 1 square. 75% loot upgrades, 35% destruction upgrades, 60% buildloot times and 20% loot zones.

Explosive tornado: a triangle occupying 3 spaces. 100% loot upgrade facilities, 75% upgrade facilities, 100% loot buildings, 75% loot areas, 20% population killed, 20% civilian units killed, 100% damage caused to 40~60HP land units, 100% damage to 40~60HP naval units.

Category 4 Hurricane: a hexagon covering 7 blocks. 50% (100% for coastal plains tiles) loot upgrades, 25% destruction upgrades, 40% building loot, 10% (100% for coastal plains tiles) loot zones , 60% against naval units. Deals 40-60 HP damage.

Category 5 Hurricane: a hex covering 19 blocks. 100% loot upgrades, 50% destruction upgrades, 100% loot buildings, 50% (100% for coastal plains tiles) loot area, 15% population killed, 20% of civilian units killed, 100% causes 40-60 HP damage to ground units, and 100% causes 60-80 damage to naval units.

Storm Movement Rules

Although the newly generated storm is stationary, it will move 8 squares on the second turn and at the start of the third turn after it is generated. The direction of movement. is based on the current location and the 8-frame movement is judged 8 times respectively. The concept of latitude below is similar to the concept of latitude in reality. The difference is that in Civilization 6, the top row of cells on the map is at 90° north latitude and the bottom row of cells is at 90° south latitude. If you still don't understand, please look up the definition of "latitude" yourself.

In the following, the arrows represent one possibility, and each arrow has an equal possibility of being selected. In other words, the morearrows in the same direction, the more likely they are to represent that direction.



5°N~N 30°: __←←_

Equator°~N 5°: ←_

Equator°~S 5°: ←_

S 5 °~ 30°S:_←←__


60°S~90°S:__ ←←_

Summary: Storms tend to hover around 60° north latitude and 60° south latitude. Mid-latitude storms will only move eastward, and high- and low-latitude storms will move only westward.

Increase production

Severe blizzard: 10% + 1 grain.

Catastrophic blizzard: 20% + 1 food.

Degraded Sandstorm: 10%+1 food, 20%+1 production capacity.

Habu Sandstorm: 20%+1 food, 30%+1 production capacity.

Category 4 Hurricane: 30% + 1 food.

Category 5 Hurricane: 45% +1 food, 15% +1 production capacity.

Summary: (Blizzards and sandstorms) can increase production capacity, but often with the Belt and Road Initiative, it is basically impossible to prevent it (the governor can only protect one city).

(Tornado) is the most suffocating natural disaster. If you can't increase production capacity, you still often have the Belt and Road Initiative

(Hurricane) has a greater impact on. coastal cities, but it is not common (but this thing There are even polar regions)

Nuclear leaks

Nuclear leaks are divided into three levels: overflow of radioactive vapor, radiation leak, and core meltdown. Radioactive fallout will be released after a nuclear leak, and cells affected by radioactive fallout will be unable to work/build upgrades/construct or repair areas or buildings for several turns. Nuclear leaks will only occur in industrial areas with nuclear power plants. Restarting the nuclear reactor after the project is completed can reset the age of the nuclear power plant to 0 and avoid nuclear leaks.

Scope of influence

A nuclear leak affects the cell where the nuclear power plant is located and all passable cells in 1 cell.


Radioactive steam overflow: There is a risk of this occurring after the nuclear power plant is 10 years old. 10% loot upgrades and 20% loot building upgrades. Fallout lasts 2 turns.

Radiation leak: There is a risk of this occurring after the nuclear power plant reaches 20 years of service. 40% loot upgrade facilities, 100% loot buildings, 50% loot zones, 50% kill civilian units, 50% cause 20-50 damage to ground units, 50% cause 20at 50 points of damage to naval units, 50% causes 20 to 50 points of health. harm to the health of the region. Fallout lasts 10 rounds.

Core meltdown: It is possible for this to occur after the nuclear power plant reaches 30 years of service. 100% loot upgrade facilities, 100% loot buildings, 100% loot zones, 80% population kills, 100% civilian unit deaths, 100% damage to ground units from 20 to 50 HP, 100% damage to naval units 20-50 HP damage, 100% damage to area health. Fallout lasts 20 rounds.

Summary: In fact, this can be considered a man-made disaster. This is not very common and can be avoided by restarting the reactor (but isn't it good to use the precious uranium to cause the disaster). robots and nuclear weapons?)

Here are the natural disasters of the new Season Pass update

Solar flare

Affect rangeée: Global

< p>Destruction: Damage the global power system and kill high-level units.

Generation: Extremely rare before the start of the apocalypse, common after the start of the apocalypse.

Prevention: It is impossible to prevent, we can only try to prevent climate change until the final stage.

Summary: Natural disasters that occasionally occur before the apocalypse will often occur after the apocalypse, causing the global power system to be paralyzed, which is very inimical to technological victory. It is recommended to try to win the game before the apocalypse, or. to capture carbon to slow down the climate.


Destruction: Burn woods and rainforests for three rounds, killing units in wildfire cells, destroying upgraded facilities on the plot and randomly causing population lossesurban lation. Once the wildfire is extinguished, the woods and rainforest will grow back and increase food and productivity by 1 point.

Scope of influence: It is very common from tropical to cold areas (provided there are trees). Once generated, it will spread randomly throughout woods and rainforests.

Prevention: simply cut down the tree.

Summary: Natural disasters are relatively profitable. You can even use Prophets to generate wildfires to increase the city's production capacity (but watch out for population losses).

Meteor Shower

Affected Area: Random neutral terrain patches across the world.

Destruction: If there is a tribal village on the field, the meteorite will directly cover the village. Moving the unit to the meteorite will reward you with the most powerful heavy cavalry unit salton current technology, without consuming maintenance costs or resources.

Prevention: No need for prevention, that’s good.

Summary: It is rare to find it. If you collect a few tanks at the beginning, you can directly attack the AI, and the impact in the later phase will not be too great.


Range of influence: If it falls in the city center, it will affect one cell, otherwise it will randomly destroy four adjacent cells. It will be generated randomly on a global level. land after the start of the apocalypse.

Destruction: Directly destroy affected cells, including cities and regions. Destroying a tile creates an impassable comet crater.

Prevention: As with solar flares, try to delay the process of climate change.

Summary: The worst natural disasters will greatly affect the progress of the game. It is recommended to try towin the game before the apocalypse, or capture carbon to slow climate change.

The zones of Civilization 6 constitute a very interesting setting. Different zones allow you to significantly improve your city's technology, culture, faith and monetary production. Below I will share with you a detailed explanation of the area. mechanism of Civilization 6. Let's get together Let's see.

1. Regional concept:

The zone is a building that greatly improves your city. Many later buildings can be built in a single area

For example, a college. (0 adjacent situation at the bottom): library +2 technology, university +4 technology, laboratory (with electricity) +8 technology, three upper populations +9, hang a double card (natural philosophy), a university area can be adjacent to 0 In the later stage, 2*2+4*2+8*2+9=37 bottles were produced.

Construction Zone Requirements:

Zone 1: Requires 1 person.

Zone 2: Requires 4 people.

Zone 3: Requires 7 people. Population

4 zones - requires 10 people

(German Capacity Free Imperial City: ignore population and build an extra zone, that's how strong it is)

< p>Theory: In addition to food, population is also related to housing. Current housing population

Conclusion: We should not choose a city without water at an early stage, because the initial population is 1 and there are 2 housing units. The population will be stranded (in the middle and later stage we can compensate by cutting down trees and opening water channels, or we can sit in a city without water).

2. Regional cost:

Base cost coefficient *

Theory: Each zone has a base cost (usually 54 hammers, 36 hammers for water channels), But as you go qAs your technology and humanities develop, the coefficient will continue to increase, which will increase the cost of the zone.

Conclusion: If you plan to build a certain area, take the area as soon as possible, then produce other things you need, because the number of hammers required for the area is the number when you took the region. There will be no more increases. (For example, if you build a new city, you need to add small monuments (monuments) or workers first, but you can first remove the area you want to build later, so that the area hammer is locked)

Level skills: 40% off area mechanism, novices can skip it, suitable for those who have a certain basis to learn and understand:

A : The number of areas you have unlocked using current technology and humanities. B: The number of zones you have currently built (necessarily completed, those photographed are not counted)

C: The number of areas to be built (for example, if you want to build a college, then this value is the number of colleges you currently have) If it meets B/A

Academy: Mountain +1, 2 Rainforest +1, Geothermal and Reef +2

Holy Land: Mountain +1, 2 Forest +1, Natural Wonders +2

Theater: adjacent to wonders +2

Industry: adjacent to canals, dams +2 2 mines/logging yards + 1; 1 strategic resources/careers +1;

Commerce: adjacent to rivers +2, adjacent to port +2,

Port: adjacent to city center +2, maritime resources +1

Water canal: +2 dwellings with fresh water, +6 dwellings without fresh water

Entertainment: Do not build (build props for the Roman Colosseum), low income< /p >

Military camp: do not build unless'being conquered and low income


Generally speaking, colleges and theaters are important areas;

Industry, monitoring of trade (in the case of industrial auxiliary works, or in priority industrial areas of Germany, the bonus is too large);

The aqueducts are used so that the city of Tamsui will add housing and adjacent industries;


Religious victory will build a large number of holy places;

Conquest victory will build a small number of military camps (Canadian Army classic);

The port will be medium;

The entertainment zone will not be built (one will be built during the construction of the Colosseum (must be adjacent));

The canal embankment will not be built (the money will not be recovered)

The urban planning process in Civilization 6 is very interesting Here's a tip for beginners: groynesMap pins You can use map pins to plan the city area at first and then. you can take photos of the area with confidence!

Finally: let's share a little tip:

At the start of the game,In the level options, the color of the civilization that you selected can be changed. If you can't stand the color of Lao Qin's tiger, you can change it!

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