I am a special agent prose

Introduction I'm a special agent. Prose 1. Who said Weihan had been in danger throughout the ages? Looking back, I can only see a mud pill-a record of the beginning and end of the engineering company's Qiaoge Line trolley project? The Qiaoge Line Trolley Project is

I am a special agent prose

1. Who said Weihan was in danger for a long time? Looking back, only a ball of mud can be seen - recalling the whole history of the engineering company's Qiaoge Line trolley project.

Qiaoge Line Trolley The project is an order for a new factory that the engineering company recently received. The main function of this cart is that the industrial robot uses a robot hand to clamp the silicon steel sheet, place it on the Qig line cart, and process it with high-quality imported cold-rolled highly magnetic conductive crystal. quality to make iron core in dry type transformer.

Due to the high quality requirements of the products, the new factory used the production drawings of the German Georg line trolleys. As soon as they came into contact with the drawings, all the employees, including the director, were stunned. If you look closely, they were not in English, but in German! Not to mention the engineering projects department, there are probably very few people in the entire group who understand German.

Seeing everyone's embarrassed expressions, General Manager Zhao Pingguo waved his hand: "What are you afraid of?" Although we don't know German, don't we still have drawings? Arabic numerals on the drawings? We are still learning pictures and Arabic numerals! » Everyone laughed after he said that.

As the saying goes: “Soldiers are the power of generals, and generals are the courage of soldiers.” Under the guidance of the leader, technicians and workers slowly explored together. Some used paper to slowly unfold the folded parts, others drew the unclear parts one by one, and some even called friends who knew German to translate the technical requirements word for word.ics. In the end, everyone completely nailed every piece and every technical requirement of the design.

Understanding the drawings is the first step in a journey of thousands of miles. What is important is how the product is processed. The original drawings being German drawings, the processed parts were designed according to the German industrial conditions of the time. This is why we cannot process individual parts at the moment. For example, for a bent part, the Germans wanted to bend a 6mm steel plate five times before welding it. However, with the current technology of our engineering company, it is difficult to achieve this, and the construction period used to be blocked. At this time, the engineering company once again held a meeting of workers to study and brainstorm ideas. At the meeting, Lu Shitou proposed that parts that can be folded four times can be usedUsed to replace parts that cannot be folded five times, provided the necessary load-bearing capacity is achieved. Everyone's eyes suddenly lit up and they immediately went to operate it. Sure enough, they tried the folded pieces four times and it worked!

During production, the German side suggested us to use their already processed beams and supports for assembly. It would be much more convenient for us, but we disagreed. The reason is simple: the materials they processed are too expensive. To this end, deputy director Chen Xiucai and technicians respectively carried out detailed auditing and cost accounting. The results proved that beams and supports bent with ordinary steel plates can fully meet the requirements of the drawings, and ordinary materials can be used. yuan of spending, pwhy not?

During the production period, the company strictly checks the welds between each steel plate to ensure that the welds are beautiful and neat. The verticality, parallelism and symmetry required in the drawings were strictly measured to ensure their accuracy. Because the inspection was too strict, many workers complained. Some said privately: “And why? A table for placing silicon wafers is nothing if 10mm or 8mm is missing. When the director found out, he looked severe? in a morning meeting he criticized: “Don't underestimate the deviation of those few millimeters. The ancients said: a slight deviation can make a difference of a thousand kilometers. If we deviate by a few millimeters, the next process deviates by a few millimeters. millimeters and hundreds of processes, so Where is the deviation? » After hearing his wordses, many people lowered their heads and their complaints quickly disappeared.

October 30 is the delivery date of the Qiog Line trolley. Looking at the nearly completed Qiog Line cart, employees have mixed feelings. From the beginning of the task to the moment it is about to be completed, we have encountered too many difficulties and too many ups and downs. Every stumbling block seems to be fatal, but we made it and the product is. about to be delivered.

Here, I remember the poem written by Lin Zexu in "Jiayuguan Pass Commentary": "Who knows that Xiaohan has been dangerous for thousands of years, but when I look back, I don't see that a ball of mud." Yes, it's such a difficult path to tread, looking back, isn't it still a ball of mud?

(This article was written on October 26, 2011, while the project to build the unloading cart of theThe Qiaog line in the new factory was about to be completed.)

2. “Four specialties” Flowers bloomed all over the South factory site

At the beginning of winter in the North, it was very cold and thin snowflakes fell on the TBEA factory area. At the greenhouse construction site of the south plant of the new processing plant, dozens of workers dressed in blue work clothes were busy nervously on the scaffolding. When the sweat met the cold air, it turned into wisps of vapor, like smoke, floating above the ground. construction site. This is the construction site of the greenhouse in the south plant of the engineering company's new substation.

At the end of October this year, the engineering company successfully won the tender for the greenhouse project in the south factory of the new transformer factory. The construction site of construction is located in the packaging workshop of the south factory. the new transformer factory.

We can say that there were many difficulties at the start of the project.

The first is the labor shortage. Among the three engineering teams, the box-type transformer group handles the work of the Oriental Hope box-type transformer. Some members of the engineering group carry out the construction of the third phase of the silicon industry temporary office zone project, and the silicon industry temporary office construction project. the others are casting iron in the welding shop of the new transformer factory.

Only the second engineering group took over this project, and the morale of this group was very high. Every morning they started construction early. At noon, they found someone to bring food. They had just finished eating and hadno time to rest for five minutes before getting back to the intense work of construction. When asked if you take a break at lunchtime, they will always answer: "You are so young, why take a break!" » Their eyes reveal the confidence to complete the project ahead of schedule!

Snow will fall in Xinjiang in mid-November, which will greatly increase the difficulty of construction. So we have to race against time to complete the project before it snows. The construction site is relatively far from the engineering company's workshop, which leads to the loss of many materials. There are certain difficulties in the transportation of materials. At this time, Master Liu of the forklift volunteered to get up: "If there is work, send the forklift to me, and I will be there when you call." Therefore, we can often see this whenever everyone moI'm going to eat at noon. , Master Liu has a good time driving a forklift to deliver materials to the South Factory.

As the saying goes: “A mistake of a hair is an error of a thousand miles.” The drawings given to us by the new processing plant showed square steel being used to construct front and rear walls of varying heights on flat ground. However, we went to the construction site and took actual measurements, which was not the case at all. The ground that was originally flat in the drawing is actually a slope, on which square steel frames of different heights are placed, making the roof of the greenhouse almost as undulating as the sea. what to do ? Without square steel construction it would be impossible to discuss further projects and we simply cannot avoid it. At that time, Deputy Director Chen Xiucai decisively adoptedcisive the method of using a level to measure the height of each square steel on site to determine the length of each square steel.

In the cold weather of November, the level with a pure iron shell was extremely cold and it was biting to the touch. But Director Chen didn't care about this anymore. He simply adjusted the camera, measured the height, recorded it on paper, then quickly picked it up, moved to the next point, studied and recorded. Finally, more than thirty points were measured one by one, and the height of the steel square was precisely marked.

With the arrival of cold air, it is getting colder and colder outside, and the cotton-padded clothes worn by workers on the construction site have long been frozen. But they took full advantage of their wisdom and even held a singing competition. First, the team leader started: “Long hair, dark eyes…” “Oh, no, look, your singing is faux, your language is It's true. freezing, haha. "The funny songs and roaring laughter chased away the intense cold and the workers worked with more energy...

These are the workers of the engineering company, working with optimism, attitude and dedicated work spirit ensure the efficient completion of engineering projects

Although thousands of flowers have withered in the factory area at this time, the "Four Special" flowers of. the engineering company bloomed in every corner of the factory area, overflowing with fragrance and lasting!

(This article was written on November 23, 201x. During the harsh and cold winter! of Saibei, the main body of the color panel room of the waste warehouse has been basically completed and the roof is being installed.)< /p>

  3. Days in the industry silicon - Memory of a group of projects from an engineering company

Walking 80 kilometers along the Changji-Fukang Highway, you can see towering mountains in the desolate Gobi Desert. However, there are rows of unfinished greenhouse skeletons. This is the construction site of the third phase of the silicon industry raw material greenhouses in the TBEA silicon factory.

While the citizens of Changji City have taken off their heavy cotton-padded clothes and put on comfortable and practical woolen T-shirts, the cold current still rages here. Here, there are a group of people, wearing cotton clothes, cotton pants and protective shoes, or carefully welding steel profiles on scaffolding or carefully placing square pipes on embedded parts or swinging masses in nature, in full swing; The stakes on the ground were pounded. They are the project team workers of Changji Electric Branch Engineering Company.They added a lot of life to the silent and desolate Gobi.

At nine o'clock in the morning, while many city office workers were yawning and waiting for traffic on the street, the project team workers had already eaten breakfast, dressed neatly and entered. in a good mood at the construction site.

In the Gobi Desert, in the early spring morning, the wind was biting. A biting cold wind struck, and team member Xiao Feng couldn't help but shiver. Team leader Yang Zhongjun came over, pulled up his loose collar, and scolded with a smile: “Young man, it’s not good. »

After a night of cold snap, people at the construction site. The scaffolding was freezing at the moment, and it was cold enough to climb with gloves. Plus, they wore cotton clothes and pants, so they inevitably looked a little awkward. But when they grImpered to the top of the scaffolding and took the welding wires, they became as fast and sharp as knights on war horses.

Right now, the sun has risen, but I don't feel any heat. Maybe people who work in the city are sitting at their desks right now, making a cup of coffee and planning their work day. But on this construction site, let alone hot coffee, even a cup of hot water is a luxury. All we have here is a tight, busy construction period.

If you need to find a warmer place, the only option is a large stove made by yourself on the construction site. This stove is placed in the center of the construction site. It consists of an old iron bucket with the lid removed, and coal placed in it. It continues to burn. When the cold becomes unbearable during work on the scaffolding, I have to go down and warm up near the stove. J'wait for it to calm down a bit before continuing to work up there.

The most difficult part of the greenhouse project is the top pipe. A whole square pipe of 100*100*6㎜ weighs 106 kilograms. Due to the soft ground on site, it is not suitable for crane operations. at all, so this must be done by the first engineer. The team members carried the square tubes one by one up to the 4 meter high roof with their hands on their shoulders. At first, everyone looked embarrassed. After all, they were exhausted after trying so hard to lift the square pipe, but after carrying it, they still had to get on and off the shelf.

Seeing this dilemma, team leader Yang Zhongjun said nothing. He took the lead in tying the square pipe with a rope, led four people, first got lucky, and then suddenly lifted it while shouting: he threw his hat on the ground. Thus, several people workedhard together and the square pipe was slowly lifted at one end, getting closer and closer to the height of 4 meters. At this time, Team Leader Yang's face was already red, but he had no intention of giving up. He shouted "1, 2, 3..." as he struggled to push the last piece to the roof. “Villages look at villages, households look at households, and members look at cadres.” Under the personal guidance of team leader Yang, everyone was motivated. In addition, the staff rotation method was adopted many times, which greatly saved the situation. physical strength of team members.

At noon, the workers packed their tools and rushed to the silicon industry canteen. The team leader ate and thought about the afternoon. The team members ate and rested thanks to the heating of the silicon industry canteen.

The weather is warming up a littleu in the afternoon, which is also the best time to take some time. Everyone works in an orderly manner, like a winding clock. Unfortunately, the slight warmth of early spring has not been fully absorbed by the team members and dark dusk is approaching. It was only a little after six in the afternoon, and gusts of cold wind had already penetrated the collars and wrists of the team members, and the little energy from lunch had been digested for a long time.

At this time, team member Xiao Wang was shivering while carrying the square pipe. The team leader saw it and said half-jokingly, “Okay, let me tell you a story. What is it about ? There was a rich man named Su Bancheng south of the Yangtze River. He owned half of the city of Suzhou. But one day he came near a river. There was a single plank bridge that crossed the river from east to west. . HeThere was a drunk on the other side of the river. They all want to cross the river..."

At this time, he suddenly stopped talking, but everyone became energetic. Even Xiao Wang came over and asked, "What What happened next?"

Seeing that everyone's attention was focused and the goal had been achieved, the team leader continued calmly: "Later, l 'one of them went to the east and the other to the west They left..."

"Haha..." The team members all laughed, and Xiao Wang also laughed. The loud laughter dispelled the fatigue of the team members and awakened the sleeping sunset...

Here is the engineering team, interpreting the spirit of the "special four" with optimism and trust.

Who can wonder why the atmosphere in the engineering company is so harmonious and why the profit target can be exceeded every year? I think in the industrysilicon, they gave the best answer!

(This article was written in February 201x after returning from a business trip to the frozen materials greenhouse construction site of the Silicon Industry Company.)

< p> 4. I want to fly higher - in memory of the engineering company's first high-altitude chimney operation

One day in early April 201x, several drawings of Zhang Zhonghe's heating reduction furnace chimney quietly appeared on the desk of senior engineering company director Zhao Pingguo.

“18 meters high! »

“It’s too high, isn’t our scaffolding that high? »

“It’s life threatening. you are careless, the game is over! »

The workers who were present talked a lot. It is no surprise that this is the first time the engineering firm has undertaken high altitude chimney work, so it isinevitable. that they will have certain concerns.

Faced with this situation, Zhao Pingguo, the director of the engineering company, organized a mobilization meeting for everyone. Only two questions were addressed during the meeting: 1. Do you dare to do it? 2. Is it possible? One is a matter of courage and the other is a matter of ability.

There is no problem with the drawing design and material details. Obviously, we all have this ability. The topic of the meeting quickly shifted to whether we dare to do this or not. Before that, the engineering company undertook the project of color board room for scrap metal warehouse with simple equipment.And the pipeline network project for spray paint room, the height is between 6 and 7 meters. Thanks to appropriate safety measures, no accidents occurred. But this time the situation is differente. This time, the height is equivalent to three times the height of the initial project. In addition, the construction is carried out outdoors and the environment is relatively difficult.

Director Zhao Pingguo saw through everyone's shyness and said seriously: "Comrades, our engineering company has grown from a few people in the engineering class to a number of people in their 30s and 40s today. on ? What we rely on is a down-to-earth spirit of hard work, a courageous fighting spirit, and a dedicated spirit of risking life and death. Yes, those 18 meters are a hurdle for us, but our thriving engineering business can do it. be exceeded by these 18 meters. Are you intimidated? »

Finally, the assembly voted unanimously to undertake the high altitude chimney exploitation project.

The project is divided into two stages, the pre-production stage and the installation stage onsite. Thanks to the detailed drawings, pre-production went extremely smoothly and the entire production was completed within a week. The real test for the engineering company was the on-site installation phase.

The day before construction, the engineering company executives prepared all safety equipment and taught all safety precautions to the on-site project manager, Chen Xiucai.

The next day, when everyone arrived at the scene, they were all stunned. Next to the isolated factory building, a climbing scaffold stands tall and straight. The bottom layer is okay, but the top layer sways slightly, making anyone looking at it feel guilty.

Under the scaffolding, the project manager gave everyone another ideological mobilization, and Lu Shitou and Ding Yu stepped forward. As the first group of people ascending to the summit, they are not allowed to wear clothing.safety belt. The reason is very simple. Existing seat belt cords are too short and cannot move if attached. at the top, and the employees at the bottom have ropes wrapped around their waists. Even if you lose your footing, you won't fall.

The ascent has begun. In order to balance, the two people carried ropes from two different directions and slowly climbed to the top of 18 meters, 1 meter, 2 meters, 3 meters...

When they reached a height of 6 meters, they both looked back and looked down. The project manager raised his head and forced a smile, but his palms were already covered in sweat, and other employees were also secretly thinking. .

Any greater height would be beyond the height range in which the engineering firm currently undertakes projects. The two people stopped at the same time, smiled at each other and ocontinued to climb.

10 meters, 11 meters... As the height increases, the frame also shakes slightly. The project manager's forehead was already covered in sweat and the employees were starting to worry.

17 meters! The two paused tacitly and took a deep breath. One had to rest for a while and the other had to stabilize the frame in order to create good conditions for the final climbing work.

After calming the ups and downs of their breathing, the two men decisively climbed to the top of the tower and successfully tied the rope.

Suddenly, cheers rang out from under the scaffolding. We have set a new record for the construction height of the engineering company and we already have experience in chimney engineering in the future.

Subsequent installation work is much more convenient. The crane can lift it on site and the persononnel can then climb the tower to install it.

After almost a week, the project was almost complete. After seeing this, the head of Zhonghe technical reform gave a thumbs up and said admiringly: “Only you can do this kind of work. »

One morning, when he was about to leave after completion, Ta The rack has not yet been dismantled. Project manager Chen Xiucai arrived early and climbed the tower himself. Looking at the rising sun in the Gobi Desert and the completed Zhonghe Chimney, he was filled with emotion. He took out his cell phone and played the song "I Want to Fly Higher": "The sky I want is bluer, and I know the happiness I want is in that sky higher." I want to fly higher, fly higher..."

Yes, the completion of this project not only marks the complete success of the engineering company's first high-altitude chimney operation,it not only exercises the courage of employees, unites the team, but also provides In the future, the engineering company will accumulate valuable experience in high-altitude chimney operations, thereby establishing a solid foundation for undertaking high-altitude chimney projects. highest level.

I have reason to believe that the future of our engineering society will be exactly as the song says: I want to fly higher!

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