The voltage of each group of batteries is different when they are discharged. Everything is fine when they are fully charged. This happens when some batteries are half used and the voltage is relatively low. to the negative electrode when the voltage difference between the parallel groups is too large (a short circuit will also cause the voltage to drop suddenly), the current through the negative pole will be directed to another branch circuit with a very small one. After a complete power failure, it will return to the original main circuit with the negative pole conducting. A switch is connected between the two lines of the protection board. When protection occurs, it is turned on when charging. is turned off and allowed to pass through the protection panel. However, be careful not to over-discharge the exhausted lithium battery will not be charged at all.
If it is possible to connect two Chaowei 6020 yellow. Bread batteries in series?
Chaowei 14 string 48v12ah lithium battery (commonly known as yellow bread) weighs about 8 kilograms, and 20ah weighs 15 kilograms.
1. First of all, the battery itself is of good quality
As we all know, Chaowei Battery is one of the leading suppliers of high-quality electric vehicles. power the batteries. For electric vehicle users, Chaowei Battery is a battery brand that has occupied people's minds. Electric vehicles using Chaowei batteries mean longer cruising range and longer usage time. Therefore, Chaowei battery is more likely to have a long battery life compared to ordinary batteries. durable batteries, which are closely related to the quality and advancement of the battery itself.
2. User usage habits It is understood that usersLong-lasting battery users have one thing in common: good battery usage habits.
First of all, you need to charge frequently. The ideal is to charge the battery as you use it. If this is not possible, you can charge it when there is still 30% of the remaining power. will help protect the battery.
Second, electric vehicles need frequent maintenance. Only when the electric vehicle is in good condition can the battery be in good working condition and effectively extend its service life. The third is to avoid overcharging and undercharging. Insufficient charging can cause sulfation of some chemicals.
This will slightly damage the battery life, while overcharging will cause the battery to heat up and even react with the electrolyzed water inside the battery, causing the battery to swellor, in severe cases, the battery. may explode. Remembering the above three points and developing good charging habits can effectively protect the battery.
Bread can be considered to be of two types. One is edible bread, and the other refers to material things, either food or money. I don't know what you're talking about.
The so-called bread is made using rye, wheat and other food crops as basic raw materials. It is first ground into powder, then water, salt, yeast, etc. are added. are added to knead the dough. make a dough flan, then cook and cook food prepared by heating, steaming, frying, etc.
Usually, when we talk about bread, we mainly think of European and American bread or Japanese stuffed bread, sweet bread, etc. In fact, there are many special types of bread in the world. In addition to rye flour andwheat flour, widely used raw materials in the world for making bread include buckwheat flour, brown rice flour and corn powder, etc. Some breads are fermented by yeast and become fluffier and softer during the baking process; many other breads are just the opposite and do not need to be fermented. Although the ingredients and production techniques are different, they are all called bread.
Bread is also called artificial fruit, with different varieties and flavors.
Bread is a food rich in carbohydrates and eating too much of it can lead to obesity.
It will be softer and more delicious when the temperature is high, but it will become hard at low temperature, and the flavor and taste will be much worse.