The purchase method is incorrect. Maverick motorcycle lithium battery, my granddaughter has been buying this battery for five years. Why can't she buy it? All Mavericks electric vehicle models (except GOVA) are equipped with lithium batteries. Battery cell suppliers mainly come from large international manufacturers such as South Korea's Samsung, LG and Japan's Panasonic. They use automotive statistical power cells. The power lithium battery system technology equipped on the Niu electric vehicle is an innovation in lithium battery PACK technology.
Will there be a safe third party for Mavericks electric vehicle lithium batteries in the future?
Would the questioner like to ask: “Mavericks batteries changed from ternary lithium iron to lithium? iron phosphate batteries” “? No. According to the official websiteHeaven of Mavericks Electric, Mavericks electric vehicle batteries have always been ternary lithium batteries, but unscrupulous marketers will deceive consumers into believing that Mavericks electric vehicle batteries have changed from ternary lithium batteries to lithium batteries. lithium-iron to phosphoric acid. battery.
There will be some. The lithium batteries of Mavericks electric vehicles will benefit from a safe third party in the future. Mavericks' battery quality and after-sales service are very perfect and strictly comply with the national safety production standards. The safety factor is very high and the battery. the service life is very strong, the operation is also very stable, and the price/performance ratio is very high.