SIST EN 12299:2009

Railway applications - Ride comfort for passengers - Measurement and evaluation

SIST EN 12299:2009

Name:SIST EN 12299:2009   Standard name:Railway applications - Ride comfort for passengers - Measurement and evaluation
Standard number:SIST EN 12299:2009   language:English language
Release Date:03-May-2009   technical committee:IŽNP - Reilway applications
Drafting committee:   ICS number:13.160 - Vibration and shock with respect to human beings
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.Železniške naprave - Udobnost vožnje potnikov - Meritve in vrednotenjeBahnanwendungen - Fahrkomfort für Fahrgäste - Messung und AuswertungApplications ferroviaires - Confort de marche des voyageurs - Mesurage et évalutationRailway applications - Ride comfort for passengers - Measurement and evaluation45.060.20Železniški vagoniTrailing stock13.160Vpliv vibracij in udarcev na ljudiVibration and shock with respect to human beingsICS:Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z:EN 12299:2009SIST EN 12299:2009en01-junij-2009SIST EN 12299:2009SLOVENSKI

SIST EN 12299:2009

English VersionRailway applications - Ride comfort for passengers -Measurement and evaluationApplications ferroviaires - Confort de marche desvoyageurs - Mesurage et évalutationBahnanwendungen - Fahrkomfort für Fahrgäste - Messungund AuswertungThis European Standard was approved by CEN on 7 March 2009.CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this EuropeanStandard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such nationalstandards may be obtained on application to the CEN Management Centre or to any CEN member.This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translationunder the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN Management Centre has the same status as theofficial versions.CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal,Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR STANDARDIZATIONCOMITÉ EUROPÉEN DE NORMALISATIONEUROPÄISCHES KOMITEE FÜR NORMUNGManagement Centre:
Avenue Marnix 17,
B-1000 Brussels© 2009 CENAll rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reservedworldwide for CEN national Members.Ref. No. EN 12299:2009: ESIST EN 12299:2009

EN 12299:2009 (E) 2 Contents Page Foreword .6 1 Scope .7 2 Normative references .7 3 Terms and definitions .7 4 Symbols, units and abbreviations .9 5 General description . 12 5.1 General . 12 5.2 Passenger exposure to vibrations . 12 5.3 Application . 12 5.4 Characteristics of railway vehicle motions . 13 5.5 Ride comfort . 13 5.6 Direct and indirect measurements . 14 5.7 Summary table of procedures . 14 5.8 Application of comfort indices . 15 6 Mean Comfort and Continuous Comfort . 15 6.1 General . 15 6.2 Base of the method. 16 6.3 Methodology . 16 6.4 Test conditions . 17 6.4.1 General . 17 6.4.2 Selection of test sections . 17 6.4.3 Test speed . 17 6.4.4 Wheel-rail contact geometry . 17 6.4.5 Vehicle condition . 17 6.5 Parameters to be measured . 17 6.5.1 General . 17 6.5.2 Location of measuring points . 17 6.5.3 Filtering . 18 6.6 Definition of intermediate quantities . 19 6.6.1 Symbols and indices . 19 6.6.2 Rms-values of weighted accelerations. 20 6.6.3 95th and 50th percentiles . 20 6.7 Definition of comfort indexes . 20 6.7.1 Continuous Comfort . 20 6.7.2 Mean Comfort Standard Method . 21 6.7.3 Mean Comfort Complete Method . 21 6.8 Test report . 21 7 Comfort on Curve Transitions . 21 7.1 General . 21 7.2 Base of the method. 22 7.3 Methodology . 22 7.4 Test conditions . 22 7.4.1 General . 22 7.4.2 Selection of test sections . 22 7.4.3 Test speed . 23 7.4.4 Wheel-rail contact geometry . 23 7.4.5 Vehicle condition . 23 7.5 Parameters to be measured . 23 7.5.1 General . 23 7.5.2 Location of measuring points . 23 7.5.3 Filtering . 23 7.6 Definition of intermediate quantities . 23 7.6.1 Symbols and indices . 23 SIST EN 12299:2009

EN 12299:2009(E) 3 7.6.2 Averaging procedure . 24 7.6.3 Identification of transition periods . 24 7.6.4 Intermediate quantities . 25 7.7 Definition of comfort index CTP . 25 7.8 Test report . 25 7.9 Example diagrams . 26 8 Comfort on Discrete Events . 28 8.1 General. 28 8.2 Base of the method . 28 8.3 Methodology . 28 8.4 Test conditions . 29 8.4.1 General. 29 8.4.2 Selection of test sections . 29 8.4.3 Test speed . 29 8.4.4 Wheel-rail contact geometry . 29 8.4.5 Vehicle condition . 29 8.5 Parameters to be measured . 29 8.5.1 General. 29 8.5.2 Location of measuring points . 29 8.5.3 Filtering . 29 8.6 Definition of intermediate quantities . 30 8.6.1 Symbols and indices . 30 8.6.2 Averaging procedure . 30 8.6.3 Intermediate quantities . 30 8.7 Definition of comfort index DEP . 31 8.8 Test report . 31 8.9 Example diagrams . 31 9 Guide for the interpretation of the results (Informative) . 31 9.1 General. 31 9.2 Mean Comfort . 32 9.3 Continuous Comfort . 32 9.4 Comfort on Curve Transitions . 32 9.5 Comfort on Discrete Events . 33 Annex A (normative)
Reference system . 34 Annex B (normative)
Measurement techniques. 36 B.1 General. 36 B.2 Measuring equipment . 36 B.2.1 General. 36 B.2.2 Accelerometers and processing amplifiers . 36 B.2.3 Recording equipment . 37 B.2.4 Fixing transducers to the floor . 37 B.3 Seat measuring devices and their applications . 37 Annex C (normative)
Weighting curves . 40 C.1 General. 40 C.2 Filter functions . 40 C.2.1 General. 40 C.2.2 Band-limiting filter . 41 C.2.3 Acceleration to velocity transition . 41 C.2.4 Upward gradient . 41 C.2.5 Overall frequency weighting . 41 C.2.6 Reduction of the upper limit of the frequency range in vertical direction . 42 C.3 Tolerances . 42 C.4 Diagrams . 44 Annex D (informative)
Presentation of test report . 47 D.1 General. 47 D.2 Aim of test . 47 D.3 Test performer . 47 D.4 References . 47 SIST EN 12299:2009

EN 12299:2009 (E) 4 D.5 Test conditions . 47 D.5.1 General information . 47 D.5.2 Vehicle . 47 D.5.3 Seat (for Mean Comfort Complete Method) . 48 D.5.4 Seat occupant (for Mean Comfort Complete Method) . 48 D.5.5 Track . 48 D.5.6 Speed profile . 48 D.5.7 Test configurations. 48 D.6 Measurements and processing . 48 D.6.1 Measurements . 48 D.6.2 Processing . 49 D.7 Report on Mean Comfort and Continuous Comfort . 49 D.7.1 General . 49 D.7.2 Time series . 49 D.7.3 Statistical results . 49 D.7.4 Comfort evaluation . 49 D.7.5 Spectral analyses. 49 D.7.6 Examples of diagrams . 50 D.8 Report on comfort in curve transitions . 53 D.9 Reporting on Comfort on Discrete Events . 53 Annex E (normative)
Vehicle assessment with respect to Mean Comfort Standard Method . 55 E.1 General . 55 E.2 Track geometric quality . 55 E.3 Test conditions . 55 E.3.1 Selection of test sections and test zones . 55 E.3.2 Test speed . 56 E.3.3 Wheel-rail contact geometry . 56 E.3.4 Vehicle condition . 56 E.4 Acceptable modifications of the methods for Mean Comfort evaluation . 56 E.5 Test report . 57 Annex F (informative)
Guideline for the application of direct tests . 58 Annex G (informative)
Workflow for numerical integration . 59 Annex H (informative)
Determining quantities . 60 Bibliography . 62 Figures Figure 1 — Locations of measuring points Passenger coach (Conventional or articulated). 18 Figure 2 — Location of measuring points Double-Deck vehicle (Conventional or articulated) . 18 Figure 3 — Interpretation of the terms, max1sy&& and max1sy&&&in the CTP formula . 26 Figure 4 — Interpretation of the term max1sϕ& in the CTP formula . 27 Figure 5 — Relevant time periods iAon curve transition . 27 Figure 6 — Interpretation of )(ty2s&& and )(typp&& for calculation of DEP . 31 Figure A.1 — Local reference system for a vehicle body . 34 Figure A.2 — Local reference systems for a person in a seated position . 35 Figure A.3 — Local reference system for a person in standing position . 35 Figure B.1 — Seat pan measuring device (for y- and z-direction) . 37 Figure B.2 — Seat pan measuring device . 38 Figure B.3 — Seat back measurement device . 39 Figure C.1 — Tolerances for bW . 42 SIST EN 12299:2009

EN 12299:2009(E) 5 Figure C.2 — Tolerances for cW . 43 Figure C.3 — Tolerances dW . 43 Figure C.4 — Tolerances for pW . 44 Figure C.5 — Magnitude of the alternative frequency weighting bWfor vertical vibration along the z-axis on the floor and seat pan . 44 Figure C.6 — Magnitude of the frequency weighting cW for horizontal vibration along the x-axis, for the seat back . 45 Figure C.7 — Magnitude of the frequency weighting dWfor horizontal vibration along the x- or y-axis on the floor, or along the y-axis on the seat pan . 45 Figure C.8 —Magnitude of the frequency weighting pW for lateral acceleration for CTP and DEP, and for roll velocity for CTP evaluation . 46 Figure D.1 — Continuous Comfort - Collection of five-minute periods (selected periods marked grey)50 Figure D.2 — Example of Continuous Comfort and statistical distribution for a five-minute period . 51 Figure D.3 — Example of weighted (bold line) and un-weighted (thin line) power spectral density of floor level acceleration in x, y and z directions (Duration: 307,2 s / Sampling rate: 400 Hz / FFT : 2048 points) . 52 Figure D.4 —Example of time series for DEP evaluation . 54 Tables Table 1 — Symbols, units and abbreviation . 9 Table 2 — Items considered by this standard . 13 Table 3 — Motion quantities and measurement position for estimation of ride comfort . 14 Table 4 — Specification of different comfort indices for estimations of ride comfort and Vehicle assessment with respect to ride comfort. 15 Table 5 — Guidance to use the different comfort indices for other applications . 15 Table 6 — Constants for CTP comfort index. 25 Table 7 — Constants for DEP comfort index . 31 Table 8 — Scale for the MVN comfort index . 32 Table 9 — Preliminary scale for the )(tCCy and )(tCCz comfort indexes . 32 Table B.1 — Frequency range for the global transfer function . 36 Table C.1 — Weighting curves . 40 Table C.2 — Parameters and transfer functions of the frequency weightings . 40 Table C.3 —

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