ISO/R 404:1964

Title missing - Legacy paper document

ISO/R 404:1964

Name:ISO/R 404:1964   Standard name:Title missing - Legacy paper document
Standard number:ISO/R 404:1964   language:English language
Release Date:31-Dec-1963   technical committee:ISO/TMBG - Technical Management Board - groups
Drafting committee:ISO/TMBG - Technical Management Board - groups   ICS number:
UDC 669.14 Ref. No. : ISO/R 404 - 1964 (E)
R 404
December 1964
The copyright of IS0 Recommendations and IS0 Standards
belongs to IS0 Member Bodies. Reproduction of these
documents, in any country, may be authorized therefore only
by the national standards organization of that country, being
a member of ISO.
For each individual country the only valid standard is the national standard of that country.
Printed in Switzerland
Also issued in French and Russian. Copies to be obtained through the national standards organizations.

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The IS0 Recommendation R 404, General Technical Delivery Requirements for Steel, was
drawn up by Technical Committee ISO/TC 17, Steel, the Secretariat of which is held by the
British Standards Institution (BSI).
Work on this question by the Technical Committee began in 1953 and led, in 1962, to the
adoption of a Draft IS0 Recommendation.
In October 1962, this Draft IS0 Recommendation (No. 526) was circulated to all the IS0
Member Bodies for enquiry. It was approved, subject to a few modifications of an editorial
nature, by the following Member Bodies :
Australia Hungary
Austria India Romania
Belgium Iran Spain
Burma Ireland Sweden
Canada Italy Switzerland
Chile Japan Turkey
Czechoslovakia Netherlands U.A.R.
Denmark New Zealand United Kingdom
Finland Norway U.S.A.
France Poland U.S.S.R.
No Member Body opposed the approval of the Draft.
The Draft IS0 Recommendation was then submitted by correspondence to the IS0
Council, which decided, in December 1964, to accept it as an IS0 RECOMMENDATION.

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ISOIR 404 -1964 (E)
IS0 Recommendation R 404 Dece m be r 1 964
The general technical delivery requirements slated in this IS0 Recommendation apply to crude
and wrought semi-finished and finished steel products.
In cases where the product standards provide different requirements, these different requirements
should apply.
In special cases, variations to the requirements, as stated in the order, may be agreed.
The user should select the grade of steel and the type of product. He may be advised in his selection
by the manufacturer who, unless otherwise agreed in the order, is not bound by this advice.
The order should contain all the necessary information. This information is specified
either by reference to a standard, with, if necessary, the variations allowed by the said
or by a precise statement of the characteristics required.
The products may be ordered with or without acceptance tests. All the conditions of inspection or
acceptance should be stated in the order by reference either to a standard or to some special
In the case of a special agreement, the following may be specified:
1. the place of acceptance, in those cases where the tests cannot be made, as is usual, in the
works of the manufacturer,
2. if necessary, one of the documents referred to in section 4, which should accompany the
3. the presence of an inspector in cases where inspection is called for,
4. the division of the consignment into batches for acceptance and the grouping of the
remaining batches (see clause 5.2),
5. any special procedure for additional tests where this is different from that referred to in
clause 6.5,
6. the methods of analysis to be used when they are not given in the product standard (see
clause 7.7),
7. the permissible deviation on chemical analysis (see clauses 7.3 to 7.5),
8. the method of selecting samples and test pieces,
9. the number and the nature of the tests,
10. the test methods,
11. the detection of internal faults by means of special techniques (see clause 8.3),
12. other possible acceptance conditions.

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ISOIR 404 - 1964 (E)
Unless otherwise agreed in the order, the processes used in making the steel and the product are left
to the discretion of the manufacturer.
When he so requests, the user should be informed what steelmaking process is being used.
It is understood that
by the steelmaking process, one means the sequence of operations which include the solidi-
fication of the metal,
by the product-making process, one means the sequence of operations following the solidi-
fication of the metal and ending wjth the delivery of the product.
If the order or the product standard requires that the consignment should comply with a certi-
ficate or report, this document may be one of the following types :
4.1 Ordered without user’s inspection
4.1 .I Statement of compliance with the order
The manufacturer states that, based upon inspection previously undertaken and results
previously obtained on the representative tests carried out, the delivered products con-
form to the requirements of the order.
4.1.2 Report based on quality control
The report, made out by the manufacturer, contains the results of control tests on current
production carried out on products having the same method of manufacture as the
consignment, but not necessarily from the delivered products themselves.
4.1.3 Works certijkate
The certificate, made out by the manufacturer, contains the results of all the required
tests and certifies that the tests have been carried out by the manufacturer on samples taken
from the delivered products themselves.
4.2 Ordered with user’s inspection
4.2.1 Test certijicate
The test certificate, signed by an inspector chosen by the customer, * contains the results
of all the required tests and certifies that the tests have been carried out by the manu-
facturer on samples taken from the delivered products themselves.
4.2.2 Certijîcate of acceptance
If, by special agreement, the test certificate is to be signed by both the manufacturer and
the inspector, it is called “certificate of acceptance”.
* This agent may, for all or part of these operations and by mutual agreement, be a member of the personnel of the
manufacturer’s works.

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ISO/R 404 -1964 (E)
5.1 Place of acceptance
The selection of samples, the preparation of test pieces and the tests themselves should be
carried out, unless otherwise agreed, in the works of the manufacturer.
5.2 Breaking down of the consignment for acceptance tests
The consignment may be subdivided in several ways for acceptance. The product standards
should fix the composition and the size of the units for inspection and should state the
conditions for regrouping the remaining quantities.
If there is no provision in the standard or any requirements stated in the order, the batches
may consist of
(a) either products coming from the same cast (acceptance cast by cast),
(b) or products coming from the same cast and subjected to the same heat treatment at the
(c) or products coming from different casts or different manufacturing operations (accep-
tance by batches).
In the last case, the product can be
either taken from stock without taking account of the cast or of the heat treatment,
or taken from specific casts (or from heat treatment batches), but in quantities too small
to form each of them a consignment.
5.3 Submission for inspection
The submission for acceptance of part or all of the consignment to the user or to his repre-
sentative should be made by means of a written note, signed by the manufacturer or his
qualified representative. Submission should be in accordance with clauses 4.2.1 or 4.2.2.
This note should reproduce the information in the order, stipulate the number of pieces
and their nominal dimensions, their theoretical mass, their markings and in general all the
information necessary for the identification o

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