ISO/R 610:1967

Title missing - Legacy paper document

ISO/R 610:1967

Name:ISO/R 610:1967   Standard name:Title missing - Legacy paper document
Standard number:ISO/R 610:1967   language:English language
Release Date:31-Dec-1966   technical committee:ISO/TMBG - Technical Management Board - groups
Drafting committee:ISO/TMBG - Technical Management Board - groups   ICS number:
Ref. No.: ISO/R 610 - 1967 (E)
UDC 622.23 : 622.647 : 672.61
R 610
August 1967
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Printed in Switzerland
Also issued in French and Russian. Copies to be obtained through the national standards organizations.

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The IS0 Recommendation R 610, High-tensile steel chains (round link) for chain
conveyors and coal ploughs, was drawn up by Technical Committee ISO/TC 82, Mining, the
Secretariat of which is held by Deutscher Normenausschuss (DNA).
Work on this question by the Technical Committee began in 1959 and led, in 1962, to the
adoption of a Draft IS0 Recommendation.
In June 1964, this Draft IS0 Recommendation (No.727) was circulated to all the IS0
Member Bodies for enquiry. It was approved, subject to a few modifications of an editorial nature,
by the following Member Bodies:
Belgium Korea, Rep. of Switzerland
Colombia Netherlands Turkey
Czechoslovakia New Zealand U.A.R.
France Poland United Kingdom
Germany Spain
Italy Sweden
Two Member Bodies opposed the approval of the Draft:
The Draft IS0 Recommendation was then submitted by correspondence to the IS0
Council, which decided, in August 1967, to accept it as an IS0 RECOMMENDATION.

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1. General . 5
1.1 Scope . 5
1.2 Definitions . 5
2. Dimensions ofchains . 5
2.1 Diameter of material . 6
2.2 Pitch . 6
2.3 Width of link . 6
2.4 Effective length . 6
2.5 Matching of lengths . 6
2.6 Mass. . 6
3. Material and manufacture . 7
3.1 Quality of material . 7
3.2 Heat treatment . 7
3.3 Workmanship . 7
3.4 Links inserted in the course of manufacture . 7
3.5 Conditions of delivery . 7
3.6 Method of marking . 7
3.7 Proof loading. . 7
3.8 Inspection after proof loading . 7
4. Test requirements . 8
4.1 General . 8
4.2 Selection of samples. . 8
4.3 Dimensional tests . 8
4.4 Static tensile test. . 8
4.5 Dynamic test (optional) . 9
5. Inspection procedure . 9
5.1 Acceptance tests . 9
5.2 Marking. . 10
5.3 Test certificate . 10
5.4 General inspection . 10
1. Dimensions and masses . 11
2. Mechanical properties: Basic table . 11
3. Mechanical properties: Specified test figures . 12
4. Gauge length and setting load . 12
5. Dynamic test. . 12
Annex A - Mechanical characteristics : Load extension diagram . 13
Annex B - Energy absorption factor: Explanatory note . 14
Annex C - Identification code . 14
Annex D - Examples of chain lengths with tolerances . 15

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ISO/R 610 - 1967 (E)
IS0 Recommendation R 610 August 1967
1.1 Scope
This IS0 Recommendation covers the requirements for a range of high grade special purpose
These are calibrated high-tensile, electrically welded, steel chains (round link) specially
manufactured for use with machines and equipment in mining, such as the following:
(a) conveyors, flexible and rigid conveyors of the chain type, chain belt conveyors, gate
end and stage loaders,
(b) coal ploughs and coal cutters,
(c) bucket elevators, and
(d) other similar machines in mines.
This IS0 Recommendation covers a size range from 14 to 26 mm.
Three grades of quality are specified with regard to the mechanical properties of the chain.
The chains covered by this IS0 Recommendation are not designed for lifting appliances,
such as cranes and slings.
1.2 Definitions
For the purposes of this IS0 Recommendation, the following definitions apply :
1.2.1 Size. The nominal diameter of the steel wire or bar from which the chain is made.
1.2.2 Test load. The load to which a sample length of finished chain is subjected in order to
determine the extent of total and permanent elongations.
1.2.3 Breaking load. The maximum load which the chain withstands during the course of a tensile
1.2.4 Processing. Any treatment of the chain subsequent to welding, e.g. heat treatment,
polishing or other surface treatment.
1.2.5 Inspector. The representative of the purchaser.
Non.-The use of other technical terms such as “energy absorption factor”, “total extension” and
is illustrated in the load extension diagram given in Annex A, page 13.
“permanent extension”
FIG. 1 - Dimensions of chains

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ISO/R 610 - 1967 (E)
2.1 Diameter of material
2.1.1 Diameter of material in the link
The nominal diameter d of the material in the link, except at the weld, should be as shown
in column 1, Table 1, page 11, subject to the tolerance shown in column 2 of that Table.
2.1.2 Diameter of steel at the weld
The diameter of the steel at the weld should in no case be less than the actual diameter
of the steel from which the chain is made, nor should it exceed it by more than 7.5%.
2.1.3 Position and extent of weld
The weld or welds in chains according to this IS0 Recommendation should be positioned
of one or both legs of the link. The area affected dimensionally by welding
in the centre
should not extend by more than one-half diameter on either side of the centre.
2.2 Pitch
The nominal pitch p of the link is as shown in column 3, Table 1, and is subject to the toler-
ances shown in column 4.
2.3 Width of link
2.3.1 Inside width
The minimum inside width of the link a is as shown in column 5, Table 1, except at the
2.3.2 Outside width
The maximum outside width of the link b is as shown in column 6, Table 1, except at the
2.4 Effective length
2.4.1 Nominal length
The nominal effective length I is the nominal pitch of the chain multiplied by the number
of links specified. The number of links per length should be stated at the time of ordering,
and should be an odd number.
2.4.2 Tolerance on efective length
The effective length of the chain is measured on the chain in the finished condition under
a tensile stress of about 2.5 kgf/mm2 (1.6 tonf/in2).
The length so measured should not vary from the sum of nominal inside lengths (i.e.
pitches) of the individual links by more than
& --(1+0.15 N)
where p is the nominal pitch.
N is the specified number of links
2.5 Matching of lengths
Where the chain is required in short lengths of a specified number of links for use in double
or triple chain conveyors, it should be ordered and supplied in “matched lengths”.
When measured under a tensile stress of about 2.5 kgf/mmZ (1.6 tonf/in2) (see Table 4,
page 12), the variation in length should not be greater than,
for lengths up to 2 m (6 ft 6 in), 2 mm (0.08 in)
for lengths greater than 2 m, 0.15 % of total length.
NOTE. - It is recommended that for lengths less than 1 m (3 ft 3 in), the variation in length should not
exceed 1 mm (O.Win).
2.6 Mass
The approximate mass per metre of single chain is given in column 7, Table 1.

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ISO/R 610 - 1967 (E)
3.1 Quality of material
The steel used in the manufacture of the chain should be fully killed and should be such that
the finished chain, suitably heat treated, meets the specified requirements with regard to its
mechanical properties.
In addition to possessing reliable welding quality, the steel should not be of a type liable to
any kind of embrittlement, including strain-age embrittlement.
Subject to the above limitations, the selection of the steel is the responsibility of the manu-
facturer of the chain.
3.2 Heat treatment
Any chain covered by this IS0 Recommendation should be heat treated in the course of
Heating to a temperature between 30 and 50 deg C above the upper critical point (AC3) of
the steel used forms part of such heat treatment.
3.3 Workmanship
Fins caused by welding should be removed and welds should be smoothly finished. Any
links which on visual examination show detrimental fissures, notches or similar faults should
be rejected unless the faults can be rectified by means agreed upon between purchaser
and manufacturer.
3.4 Links inserted in the course of manufacture
Any links which have been inserted should be processed, tested and inspected in the same
manner as the chain itself, so as to ensure that every link in the chain is in a uniform condition.
3.5 Conditions at delivery
Unless otherwise agreed between purchaser and manufacturer, chains should be supplied
unpolished and free from any coating. Different quality grades may, however, be identified
by markings or by different colours.
Surface finishes such as those listed below should be specified at the time of ordering:
Rust preventing coating,
Polished finish,
Coloured coating,
Rumbling without abrasives.
3.6 Method of marking
Where inspection marking (see clause 5.2.2) or identification marking (see clause 5.2.1) is
applied by means of stamping the chain,
(U) impressed marks should be placed on the straight sides of the links and should in no
case coincide with the weld,
(b) the stamps should have a concave surface and the indentation should be neither too
sharp nor of excessive depth.
3.1 Proof loading
The manufacturer should subject the whole of the chain to a proof load which should be at
least 90% of the test load specified in Table 3, page 12.
3.8 Inspection after proof loading
The whole of the chain after proof loading is subject to a thorough visual examination by
the manufacturer’s competent personnel. Any fractured or defective links should be replaced
(see clause 3.4).

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IÇO/R 610 - 1967 (E)
4.1 General
The dimensions and the basic mechanical properties and dimensions required for each of the
three quality grades of chains are summarized in Tables 1 and 2 respectively. Actual test loads
are given for each size of chain and for each quality grade in Table 3. Ranges of loads for
the dynamic (pulsator) test are given in Table 5, page 12. These values apply to tests
carried out by the manufacturer, as well as by the inspector, in the course of final acceptance
tests (see section 5.).
A graphical explanation of terms used in this section is given in Annex A, page 13.
4.2 Selection of samples
Unless otherwise specified by the purchaser, the following sampling arrangement applies :
Test samples should be selected at random by the inspector and at his discretion (see also
section 5). The samples should be representative of the bulk of the chain and free from any
coating which might obscure defects.
The chains should be tested in lots, one lot meani

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