SAREF consolidation with new reference ontology patterns,
based on the experience from the SEAS project
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2 ETSI TS 103 548 V1.1.2 (2020-06)
data, interoperability, IoT, oneM2M, ontology,
SAREF, semantic
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3 ETSI TS 103 548 V1.1.2 (2020-06)
Intellectual Property Rights . 4
Foreword . 4
Modal verbs terminology . 4
1 Scope . 5
2 References . 5
2.1 Normative references . 5
2.2 Informative references . 5
3 Definition of terms, symbols and abbreviations . 6
3.1 Terms . 6
3.2 Symbols . 6
3.3 Abbreviations . 6
4 SAREF4SYST ontology and semantics . 7
4.1 Introduction . 7
4.2 Use case 1: Smart Energy . 7
4.3 Use case 2: Smart Building . 8
4.4 Namespaces . 8
5 SAREF4SYST Core Ontology . 8
5.1 General overview . 8
5.2 Systems and sub-systems . 9
5.3 Connections between systems . 10
5.4 Connection Points of systems . 12
6 SAREF4SYST pattern instantiation for verticals . 14
6.1 Introduction . 14
6.2 Systems and sub-systems . 15
6.2.1 Sub-classes of s4syst:System . 15
6.2.2 Sub-properties of s4syst:hasSubSystem and s4syst:subSystemOf . 15
6.2.3 Sub-properties of s4syst:connectedTo . 15
6.3 Connections between systems . 16
6.3.1 Sub-classes of s4syst:Connection . 16
6.3.2 Sub-properties of s4syst:connectedThrough . 16
6.3.3 Sub-properties of s4syst:connectsSystem . 17
6.4 Connection Points of systems . 17
6.4.1 Sub-classes of s4syst:ConnectionPoint . 17
6.4.2 Sub-properties of s4syst:connectionPointOf . 18
6.4.3 Sub-properties of s4syst:connectsAt . 18
6.4.4 Sub-properties of s4syst:connectsSystemThrough . 19
6.4.5 Sub-properties of s4syst:connectsSystemAt . 19
6.5 Examples for the Smart Grid domain and the Smart Building domain . 20
History . 21
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4 ETSI TS 103 548 V1.1.2 (2020-06)
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Modal verbs terminology
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5 ETSI TS 103 548 V1.1.2 (2020-06)
1 Scope
The present document specifies a new reference ontology pattern for the SAREF semantic model [1], which leverages
the experience of the EUREKA ITEA 12004 SEAS (Smart Energy Aware Systems) project [i.1], and the development
of the OGC & W3C SSN (Semantic Sensor Network) ontology [i.2]. It also defines how this pattern may be instantiated
for the verticals, and point to examples for the Smart Energy and the Smart Building domains. The present document is
based on the requirements and guidelines defined in the associated ETSI TR 103 549 [i.3].
2 References
2.1 Normative references
References are either specific (identified by date of publication and/or edition number or version number) or
non-specific. For specific references, only the cited version applies. For non-specific references, the latest version of the
referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
Referenced documents which are not found to be publicly available in the expected location might be found at
NOTE: While any hyperlinks included in this clause were valid at the time of publication, ETSI cannot guarantee
their long term validity.
The following referenced documents are necessary for the application of the present document.
[1] ETSI TS 103 264: "SmartM2M; Smart Applications; Reference Ontology and oneM2M
2.2 Informative references
References are either specific (identified by date of publication and/or edition number or version number) or
non-specific. For specific references, only the cited version applies. For non-specific references, the latest version of the
referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
NOTE: While any hyperlinks included in this clause were valid at the time of publication, ETSI cannot guarantee
their long term validity.
The following referenced documents are not necessary for the application of the present document but they assist the
user with regard to a particular subject area.
[i.1] M. Lefrançois, J. Kalaoja, T. Ghariani, A. Zimmerman: "The SEAS Knowledge Model", ITEA2
12004 Smart Energy Aware Systems Deliverable 2.2, January 2017.
NOTE: Available at http://w3id.org/seas/.
[i.2] A. Haller, K. Janowicz, S. Cox, D. Le Phuoc, K. Taylor, M. Lefrançois, R. Atkinson, R. García-
Castro, J. Lieberman, C. Stadler: "Semantic Sensor Network Ontology". W3C Recommendation,
19 October 2017.
NOTE: Available at https://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-ssn/.
[i.3] ETSI TR 103 549: "SmartM2M; Guidelines for consolidating SAREF with new reference
ontology patterns, based on the experience from the ITEA SEAS project".
[i.4] ETSI TS 103 410-1 (V1.1.1): "SmartM2M; Smart Appliances Extension to SAREF; Part 1:
Energy Domain".
[i.5] ETSI TS 103 410-2 (V1.1.1): "SmartM2M; Smart Appliances Extension to SAREF; Part 2:
Environment Domain".
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6 ETSI TS 103 548 V1.1.2 (2020-06)
[i.6] ETSI TS 103 410-3 (V1.1.1): "SmartM2M; Smart Appliances Extension to SAREF; Part 3:
Building Domain".
[i.7] ETSI TS 103 410-4 (V1.1.1): "SmartM2M; Extension to SAREF; Part 4: Smart Cities Domain".
[i.8] ETSI TS 103 410-5 (V1.1.1): "SmartM2M; Extension to SAREF; Part 5: Industry and
Manufacturing Domains".
[i.9] ETSI TS 103 410-6 (V1.1.1): "SmartM2M; Extension to SAREF; Part 6: Smart Agriculture and
Food Chain Domain".
[i.10] ETSI TR 103 411 (V1.1.1): "SmartM2M; Smart Appliances; SAREF extension investigation".
[i.11] M. Lefrançois, A. Zimmermann, N. Bakerally: "A SPARQL extension for generating RDF from
heterogeneous formats", In Proc. Extended Semantic Web Conference, 2017.
3 Definition of terms, symbols and abbreviations
3.1 Terms
For the purposes of the present document, the following terms apply:
ontology: formal specification of a conceptualization, used to explicitly capture the semantics of a certain reality
smart application: application using devices which have the ability to communicate with each other and which can be
3.2 Symbols
For the purposes of the present document, the following symbols apply:
RN Wire 'R' (phase R) to wire 'N' (Neutral)
SN Wire 'S' (phase S) to wire 'N' (Neutral)
TN Wire 'T' (phase T) to wire 'N' (Neutral)
3.3 Abbreviations
For the purposes of the present document, the following abbreviations apply:
DL Description Logics
EMSE École des Mines de Saint-Étienne, France
EUREKA European Research Coordination Agency
IRI Internationalized Resource Identifier
ITEA Information Technology for European Advancement
OGC Open Geospatial Consortium
OWL Web Ontology Language
OWL-DL Web Ontology Language - Description Logics
RDF Resource Description Framework
SAREF Smart Applications REFerence ontology
SEAS Smart Energy Aware Systems
SPARQL SPARQL Protocol And RDF Query Language
SSN Semantic Sensor Networks
TR Technical Report
TS Technical Specification
USB Universal Serial Bus
W3C World Wide Web Consortium
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4 SAREF4SYST ontology and semantics
4.1 Introduction
SAREF V3.1.1 [1] is a reference ontology for the IoT developed by ETSI SmartM2M in close interaction with the
industry. SAREF contains core concepts that are common to several IoT domains and, to be able to handle specific data
elements for a certain domain, dedicated extensions of SAREF have been created, for example SAREF4ENER [i.4],
SAREF4ENVI [i.5], SAREF4BLDG [i.6], and SAREF4CITY [i.7], SAREF4INMA [i.8], SAREF4AGRI [i.9]. Each
domain can have one or more extensions, depending on the complexity of the domain. As a reference ontology, SAREF
serves as the means to connect the extensions in different domains. The earlier document ETSI TR 103 411 [i.10]
specifies the rationale and methodology used to create, publish and maintain the SAREF extensions.
The present document is the technical specification of SAREF4SYST, a generic extension of ETSI TS 103 264
SAREF [1] that defines an ontology pattern which can be instantiated for different domains. SAREF4SYST defines
Systems, Connections between systems, and Connection Points at which systems may be connected. These core
concepts can be used generically to define the topology of features of interest, and can be specialized for multiple
domains. The topology of features of interest is highly important in many use cases. If a room holds a lighting device,
and if it is adjacent with an open window to a room whose luminosity is low, then by turning on the lighting device in
the former room one may expect that the luminosity in the latter room will rise.
The SAREF4SYST ontology pattern can be instantiated for different domains. For example to describe zones inside a
building (systems), that share a frontier (connections). Properties of systems are typically state variables (e.g. agent
population, temperature), whereas properties of connections are typically flows (e.g. heat flow).
SAREF4SYST has two main aims: on the one hand, to extend SAREF with the capability or representing general
topology of systems and how they are connected or interact and, on the other hand, to exemplify how ontology patterns
may help to ensure an homogeneous structure of the overall SAREF ontology and speed up the development of
SAREF4SYST consists both of a core ontology, and guidelines to create ontologies following the SAREF4SYST
ontology pattern. The core ontology is a lightweight OWL-DL ontology that defines 3 classes and 9 object properties.
Use cases for ontology patterns are described extensively in ETSI TR 103 549 [i.3]. Clauses 4.2 and 4.3 extract use
cases for the SAREF4SYST ontology pattern.
4.2 Use case 1: Smart Energy
The present clause illustrates how SAREF4SYST can be used to homogeneously represent knowledge that is relevant
for use cases in the Smart Energy domain:
• Electric power systems can exchange electricity with other electric power systems. The electric energy can
flow both ways in some cases (from the Public Grid to a Prosumer), or in only one way (from the Public Grid
to a Load). Electric power systems can be made up of different sub-systems. Generic sub-types of electric
power systems include producers, consumers, storage systems, transmission systems.
• Electric power systems may be connected one to another through electrical connection points. An Electric
power system may have multiple connection points (Multiple Winding Transformer generally have one single
primary winding with two or more secondary windings). Generic sub-types of electrical connection points
include plugs, sockets, direct-current, single-phase, three-phase, connection points.
• An Electrical connection may exist between two Electric power systems at two of their respective connection
points. Generic sub-types of electrical connections include Single-phase Buses, Three-phase Buses. A single-
phase electric power system can be connected using different configurations at a three-phase bus (RN, SN, TN
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4.3 Use case 2: Smart Building
The present clause illustrates how SAREF4SYST can be used to homogeneously represent knowledge that is relevant
for use cases in the Smart Building domain:
• Buildings, Storeys, Spaces, are different sub-types of Zones. Zones can contain sub-zones. Zones can be
adjacent or intersect with other zones.
• Two zones may share one or more connections. For example some fresh air may be created inside a storey if it
has two controllable openings to the exterior at different cardinal points.
4.4 Namespaces
The prefixes and namespaces used in SAREF4SYST and along the present document are listed in Table 1.
Table 1: Prefixes and namespaces used in the present document
Prefix Namespace
saref https://saref.etsi.org/core/
s4syst https://saref.etsi.org/saref4syst/
s4syst-ex https://saref.etsi.org/saref4syst/v1.1.2/example/example/
owl http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#
rdf http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#
rdfs http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema
5 SAREF4SYST Core Ontology
5.1 General overview
A graphical overview of the SAREF4SYST ontology is provided in Figure 1. In such figure:
• Rectangles are used to denote Classes. The label of the rectangle is the identifier of the Class.
• Plain arrows are used to represent Object Properties between Classes. The label of the arrow is the identifier of
the Object Property. The origin of the arrow is the domain Class of the property, and the target of the arrow is
the range Class of the property.
• Dashed arrows with identifiers between stereotype signs (i.e. "<< >>") refer to OWL axioms that are applied
to some property. Four pairs of properties are inverse one of the other; the property s4syst:connectedTo
is symmetric, and properties s4syst:hasSubSystem and s4syst:hasSubSystem are transitive.
• A symbol =1 near the target of an arrow denotes that the associated property is functional. A symbol ∃ denotes
a local existential restriction.
Clauses 5.2 to 5.4 describe the different parts of the SAREF4SYST core ontology describing the different conceptual
modules of the ontology.
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Figure 1: SAREF4SYST overview
5.2 Systems and sub-systems
A s4syst:System, is defined as a part of the universe that is virtually isolated from the environment.
NOTE: The system properties are typically state variables (e.g. consumed or stored energy, agent population,
temperature, volume, humidity).
Figure 2 illustrates classes and properties that can be used to define connected systems and their sub-systems.
Figure 2: SAREF4SYST: Systems, sub-systems
A system may be connected to other systems that are part of its environment. This is modelled by a property named
s4syst:connectedTo, which is symmetric.
EXAMPLE 1: s4syst:connectedTo
Connected systems interact in some ways. The exact meaning of interact is defined by
sub-properties of s4syst:connectedTo.
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EXAMPLE 2: For the electricity to directly flow between an electric vehicle service equipment
and an electric vehicle
, then they should be linked by property s4syst-
A system can be a sub-system of another system. This is modelled using the transitive properties
s4syst:subSystemOf and s4syst:hasSubSystem.
EXAMPLE 3: s4syst:subSystemOf .
Properties of subsystems somehow contribute to the properties of the super system. The exact
meaning of this contribution is defined by sub properties of s4syst:subSystemOf.
EXAMPLE 4: If one wants to model the fact that the consumption power of a fridge contributes
to the consumption power of the kitchen, , then one may use a sub-property of
s4syst:subSystemOf named s4syst-ex:subElectricPowerSystemOf.
s4syst-ex:subElectricPowerSystemOf .
Table 2 summarizes the restrictions that characterize the s4syst:hasSubSystem property.
Table 2: Restrictions of the s4syst:hasSubSystem property
Axiom Definition
Domain: s4syst:System The s4syst:hasSubSystem connects only s4syst:Systems.
Range: s4syst:System The s4syst:hasSubSystem connects only to s4syst:Systems.
InverseOf s4syst:subSystemOf If a s4syst:System has for sub-system another
s4syst:system, then the latter is a sub-system of the former.
Transitive The sub-system of a sub-system is a sub-system.
Table 3 summarizes the restrictions that characterize the s4syst:subSystemOf property.
Table 3: Restrictions of the s4syst:subSystemOf property
Axiom Definition
Domain: s4syst:System The s4syst:subSystemOf connects only s4syst:Systems.
Range: s4syst:System The s4syst:subSystemOf connects only to s4syst:Systems.
InverseOf s4syst:hasSystem If a s4syst:System is a sub-system another s4syst:System,
then the latter has for sub-system the former.
Transitive The super-system of a super-system is a super-system.
Table 4 summarizes the restrictions that characterize the s4syst:connectedTo property.
Table 4: Restrictions of the s4syst:connectedTo property
Axiom Definition
Domain: s4syst:System The s4syst:connectedTo connects only s4syst:Systems.
Range: s4syst:System The s4syst:connectedTo connects only to s4syst:Systems.
Symmetric If a s4syst:System is connected to another, then the latter is
connected to the former.
5.3 Connections between systems
A connection between two s4syst:Systems, modelled by s4syst:connectedTo, describes the potential
interactions between connected s4syst:Systems. A connection can be qualified using class
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EXAMPLE 1: One can associate a s4syst:Connection with properties (saref:Property) that describe
the interactions between the connected s4syst:Systems (e.g. population flow, exchange
surface, contact temperature).
Figure 3 illustrates classes and properties that can be used to qualify connections between s4syst:Systems.
Figure 3: Connections between systems
EXAMPLE 2: A power connection between power systems describes the fact that these systems may exchange
s4syst:connectsSystem ,
s4syst:connectedThrough .
Table 5 summarizes restrictions that characterize a s4syst:System with respect to connection.
Table 5: Restrictions of the s4syst:System class
Axiom Definition
DisjointWith s4syst:Connection No individual can be both a s4syst:System and a
Table 6 summarizes the restrictions that characterize the s4syst:Connection class.
Table 6: Restrictions of the s4syst:Connection class
Axiom Definition
DisjointWith s4syst:System No individual can be both a s4syst:Connection and a
SubClassOf s4syst:connectsSystem some For any s4syst:Connection there exists a s4syst:System
that it connects.
Table 7 summarizes the restrictions that characterize the s4syst:connectsSystem property.
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Table 7: Restrictions of the s4syst:connectsSystem property
Axiom Definition
Domain: s4syst:Connection The s4syst:connectsSystem connects only
Range: s4syst:System The s4syst:connectsSystem connects only to
InverseOf s4syst:connectedThrough If a s4syst:Connection connects a s4syst:System, then the
latter is connected through the former.
Table 8 summarizes the restrictions that characterize the s4syst:connectedThrough property.
Table 8: Restrictions of the s4syst:connectedThrough property
Axiom Definition
Domain: s4syst:System The s4syst:connectedThrough connects only
Range: s4syst:Connection The s4syst:connectedThrough connects only to
InverseOf s4syst:connectsSystem If a s4syst:System is connected through a
s4syst:Connection, then the latter connects the former.
5.4 Connection Points of systems
A s4syst:System connects to other s4syst:Systems at connection points. A connection point belongs to one
and only one s4syst:System, and can be described using the class s4syst:ConnectionPoint.
Figure 4 illustrates the classes and the properties that can be used to describe connection points of a s4syst:System.
EXAMPLE: An electric vehicle charging station may have three s4syst:connectionPoints: two plugs
of different kind to which electric vehicles can connect, and a three-phase connection point to the
public grid:
s4syst:connectsAt ,
, .
One can then associate a s4syst:ConnectionPoint with properties (saref:Property) that describe it
(e.g. position and speed, voltage and intensity, thermic transmission coefficient).
Figure 4: SAREF4SYST: Connection points of systems, where other systems connect
Table 9 summarizes additional restrictions that characterize the s4syst:System class with respect to connection
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Table 9: Additional restrictions of the s4syst:System class
Axiom Definition
DisjointWith s4syst:ConnectionPoint No individual can be both a s4syst:System and a
Table 10 summarizes additional restrictions that characterize the s4syst:Connection class with respect to
Table 10: Restrictions of the s4syst:Connection class
Axiom Definition
DisjointWith s4syst:ConnectionPoint No individual can be both a s4syst:Connection and a
SubClassOf s4syst:connectsSystemAt For any s4syst:Connection there exists a