ETSI TS 129 523 V17.7.0 (2022-07)

5G; 5G System; Policy Control Event Exposure Service; Stage 3 (3GPP TS 29.523 version 17.7.0 Release 17)

ETSI TS 129 523 V17.7.0 (2022-07)

Name:ETSI TS 129 523 V17.7.0 (2022-07)   Standard name:5G; 5G System; Policy Control Event Exposure Service; Stage 3 (3GPP TS 29.523 version 17.7.0 Release 17)
Standard number:ETSI TS 129 523 V17.7.0 (2022-07)   language:English language
Release Date:04-Jul-2022   technical committee:3GPP CT 3 - Interworking with external networks (formely CN3)
Drafting committee:   ICS number:
ETSI TS 129 523 V17.7.0 (2022-07)

5G System;
Policy Control Event Exposure Service;
Stage 3
(3GPP TS 29.523 version 17.7.0 Release 17)

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3GPP TS 29.523 version 17.7.0 Release 17 1 ETSI TS 129 523 V17.7.0 (2022-07)

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Intellectual Property Rights . 2
Legal Notice . 2
Modal verbs terminology . 2
Foreword . 5
1 Scope . 6
2 References . 6
3 Definitions, symbols and abbreviations . 7
3.1 Definitions . 7
3.2 Abbreviations . 7
4 Npcf_EventExposure Service . 8
4.1 Service Description . 8
4.1.1 Overview . 8
4.1.2 Service Architecture . 8
4.1.3 Network Functions . 9 Policy Control Function (PCF) . 9 NF Service Consumers . 9
4.2 Service Operations . 10
4.2.1 Introduction. 10
4.2.2 Npcf_EventExposure_Subscribe service operation . 10 General . 10 Creating a new subscription . 11 Modifying an existing subscription . 12
4.2.3 Npcf_EventExposure_UnSubscribe service operation . 14 General . 14 Unsubscription from event notifications . 14
4.2.4 Npcf_EventExposure_Notify service operation . 14 General . 14 Notification about subscribed events . 15
5 Npcf_EventExposure Service API . 17
5.1 Introduction . 17
5.2 Usage of HTTP . 17
5.2.1 General . 17
5.2.2 HTTP standard headers . 17 General . 17 Content type . 17
5.2.3 HTTP custom headers . 18 General . 18
5.3 Resources . 18
5.3.1 Resource Structure . 18
5.3.2 Resource: Policy Control Events Subscriptions (Collection) . 18 Description . 18 Resource definition . 19 Resource Standard Methods . 19 POST . 19 Resource Custom Operations . 19
5.3.3 Resource: Individual Policy Control Events Subscription (Document) . 19 Description . 19 Resource definition . 20 Resource Standard Methods . 20 GET . 20 PUT . 21 DELETE . 22 Resource Custom Operations . 23

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5.4 Custom Operations without associated resources. 23
5.5 Notifications . 23
5.5.1 General . 23
5.5.2 Policy Control Event Notification . 23 Description . 23 Target URI . 23 Standard Methods . 24 POST . 24
5.6 Data Model . 25
5.6.1 General . 25
5.6.2 Structured data types . 26 Introduction . 26 Type PcEventExposureSubsc . 27 Type PcEventExposureNotif . 28 Type ReportingInformation. 29 Type ServiceIdentification . 30 Type EthernetFlowInfo . 30 Type IpFlowInfo . 30 Type PcEventNotification . 31 Type PduSessionInformation . 32 Type SnssaiDnnCombination . 32
5.6.3 Simple data types and enumerations . 32 Introduction . 32 Simple data types . 32 Enumeration: PcEvent . 32
5.7 Error handling . 33
5.7.1 General . 33
5.7.2 Protocol Errors . 33
5.7.3 Application Errors . 33
5.8 Feature negotiation . 33
5.9 Security . 34
Annex A (normative): OpenAPI specification . 35
A.1 General . 35
A.2 Npcf_EventExposure API . 35
Annex B (informative): Change history . 42
History . 45


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This Technical Specification has been produced by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).
The contents of the present document are subject to continuing work within the TSG and may change following formal
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1 Scope
The present document specifies the stage 3 protocol and data model for the Policy Control Event Exposure Service of
the 5G System. It provides stage 3 protocol definitions, message flows and specifies the API for the Npcf Event
Exposure service.
The 5G System stage 2 architecture and the procedures are specified in 3GPP TS 23.501 [2], 3GPP TS 23.502 [3] and
3GPP TS 23.503 [4].
The 5G System stage 3 call flows are provided in 3GPP TS 29.513 [8].
The Technical Realization of the Service Based Architecture and the Principles and Guidelines for Services Definition
are specified in 3GPP TS 29.500 [5] and 3GPP TS 29.501 [6].
The Policy Control Event Exposure Service is provided by the Policy Control Function (PCF). This service exposes
policy control events observed at the PCF.
2 References
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present
- References are either specific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or
- For a specific reference, subsequent revisions do not apply.
- For a non-specific reference, the latest version applies. In the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (including
a GSM document), a non-specific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in the same
Release as the present document.
[1] 3GPP TR 21.905: "Vocabulary for 3GPP Specifications".
[2] 3GPP TS 23.501: "System Architecture for the 5G System; Stage 2".
[3] 3GPP TS 23.502: "Procedures for the 5G System; Stage 2".
[4] 3GPP TS 23.503: "Policy and Charging Control Framework for the 5G System; Stage 2".
[5] 3GPP TS 29.500: "5G System; Technical Realization of Service Based Architecture; Stage 3".
[6] 3GPP TS 29.501: "5G System; Principles and Guidelines for Services Definition; Stage 3".
[7] OpenAPI: "OpenAPI Specification Version 3.0.0",
[8] 3GPP TS 29.513: "5G System; Policy and Charging Control signalling flows and QoS parameter
mapping; Stage 3".
[9] 3GPP TS 29.512: "5G System; Session Management Policy Control Service; Stage 3".
[10] 3GPP TS 29.507: "5G System; Access and Mobility Policy Control Service; Stage 3".
[11] 3GPP TS 29.525: "5G System; UE Policy Control Service; Stage 3".
[12] 3GPP TS 29.514: "5G System; Policy Authorization Service; Stage 3".
[13] 3GPP TS 29.214: "Policy and Charging Control over Rx reference point".
[14] 3GPP TS 29.571: "5G System; Common Data Types for Service Based Interfaces; Stage 3".
[15] 3GPP TS 29.508: "5G System; Session Management Event Exposure Service; Stage 3".
[16] IETF RFC 7540: "Hypertext Transfer Protocol Version 2 (HTTP/2)".

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[17] IETF RFC 8259: "The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data Interchange Format".
[18] IETF RFC 7807: "Problem Details for HTTP APIs".
[19] 3GPP TS 33.501: "Security architecture and procedures for 5G system".
[20] IETF RFC 6749: "The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework".
[21] 3GPP TS 29.510: "5G System; Network Function Repository Services; Stage 3".
[22] 3GPP TR 21.900: "Technical Specification Group working methods".
[23] 3GPP TS 29.534: "5G System; Access and Mobility Policy Authorization Service; Stage 3".
[24] 3GPP TS 29.519: "5G System; Usage of the Unified Data Repository service for Policy Data,
Application Data and Structured Data for Exposure; Stage 3".
[25] 3GPP TS 29.522: "5G System; Network Exposure Function Northbound APIs; Stage 3".
3 Definitions, symbols and abbreviations
3.1 Definitions
For the purposes of the present document, the terms and definitions given in 3GPP TR 21.905 [1] and the following
apply. A term defined in the present document takes precedence over the definition of the same term, if any, in
3GPP TR 21.905 [1].
example: text used to clarify abstract rules by applying them literally.
3.2 Abbreviations
For the purposes of the present document, the abbreviations given in 3GPP TR 21.905 [1] and the following apply. An
abbreviation defined in the present document takes precedence over the definition of the same abbreviation, if any, in
3GPP TR 21.905 [1].
AF Application Function
AMF Access and Mobility Management Function
API Application Programming Interface
ATSSS Access Traffic Steering, Switching and Splitting
DNN Data Network Name
ePDG evolved Packet Data Gateway
GEO Geosynchronous Orbit
GPSI Generic Public Subscription Identifier
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
LEO Low Earth Orbit
MA Multi-Access
MEO Medium Earth Orbit
NEF Network Exposure Function
NID Network Identifier
NF Network Function
NRF Network Repository Function
NWDAF Network Data Analytics Function
OAM Operation And Maintenance
PCF Policy Control Function
RFSP RAT Frequency Selection Priority
SAC Service Area Coverage
S-NSSAI Single Network Slice Selection Assistance Information
SMF Session Management Function
SNPN Stand-alone Non-Public Network
SUPI Subscription Permanent Identifier

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UDM Unified Data Management
UDR Unified Data Repository
URSP UE Route Selection Policy
4 Npcf_EventExposure Service
4.1 Service Description
4.1.1 Overview
The Policy Event Exposure Service, as defined in 3GPP TS 23.502 [3] and 3GPP TS 23.503 [4], is provided by the
Policy Control Function (PCF).
This service:
- allows NF service consumers to subscribe to, modify and unsubscribe from policy control events; and
- notifies NF service consumers with a corresponding subscription about observed events on the PCF.
The types of observed events include:
- PLMN identifier notification;
NOTE: Within the PLMN identifier notification event the PLMN Identifier or SNPN Identifier where the UE is
currently located is provided. The SNPN Identifier consists of the PLMN Identifier and the NID.
- Access type change;
- Satellite backhaul category change;
- Service area coverage change; and
- Successful or unsuccessful outcome of the UE Policy Delivery.
The target of the event reporting may include a group of UE(s) or any UE (i.e. all UEs). When an event occurs, to which
the NF service consumer has subscribed, the PCF reports the requested information to the NF service consumer based
on the event reporting information definition requested by the NF service consumer (see 3GPP TS 23.502 [3],
clause 4.15.1).
4.1.2 Service Architecture
The 5G System Architecture is defined in 3GPP TS 23.501 [2]. The Policy and Charging related 5G architecture and
signalling flows are also described in 3GPP TS 29.513 [8].
The Policy Event Exposure Service (Npcf_EventExposure) is part of the Npcf service-based interface exhibited by the
Policy Control Function (PCF).
The only known NF service consumer of the Npcf_EventExposure service is the Network Exposure Function (NEF).
The Npcf_EventExposure service is provided by the PCF and consumed by NF service consumers (e.g. NEF), as shown
in figure 4.1.2-1 for the SBI representation model and in figure 4.1.2-2 for reference point representation model.

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Figure 4.1.2-1: Npcf_EventExposure service Architecture, SBI representation

Figure 4.1.2-2: Npcf_EventExposure service Architecture, reference point representation
NOTE: The NWDAF and the DCCF can be consumers of the Npcf_EventExposure service to perform data
collection. However, there is no data collected from the PCF by the NWDAF or the DCCF defined in this
release of the specification.
4.1.3 Network Functions Policy Control Function (PCF)
The PCF (Policy Co

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