ETSI TS 146 032 V15.0.0 (2018-07)

Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+) (GSM); Full rate speech; Voice Activity Detector (VAD) for full rate speech traffic channels (3GPP TS 46.032 version 15.0.0 Release 15)

ETSI TS 146 032 V15.0.0 (2018-07)

Name:ETSI TS 146 032 V15.0.0 (2018-07)   Standard name:Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+) (GSM); Full rate speech; Voice Activity Detector (VAD) for full rate speech traffic channels (3GPP TS 46.032 version 15.0.0 Release 15)
Standard number:ETSI TS 146 032 V15.0.0 (2018-07)   language:English language
Release Date:11-Jul-2018   technical committee:3GPP SA 4 - Codec
Drafting committee:   ICS number:
ETSI TS 146 032 V15.0.0 (2018-07)

Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+) (GSM);
Full rate speech;
Voice Activity Detector (VAD)
for full rate speech traffic channels
(3GPP TS 46.032 version 15.0.0 Release 15)


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3GPP TS 46.032 version 15.0.0 Release 15 1 ETSI TS 146 032 V15.0.0 (2018-07)

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3GPP TS 46.032 version 15.0.0 Release 15 2 ETSI TS 146 032 V15.0.0 (2018-07)
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3GPP TS 46.032 version 15.0.0 Release 15 3 ETSI TS 146 032 V15.0.0 (2018-07)
Intellectual Property Rights . 2
Foreword . 2
Modal verbs terminology . 2
Foreword . 5
1 Scope . 6
2 References . 6
3 Abbreviations . 6
4 General . 6
5 Functional description . 7
5.1 Overview and principles of operation . 7
5.2 Algorithm description . 7
5.2.1 Adaptive filtering and energy computation . 9
5.2.2 ACF averaging . 9
5.2.3 Predictor values computation . 9
5.2.4 Spectral comparison . 10
5.2.5 Periodicity detection . 10
5.2.6 Information tone detection . 11
5.2.7 Threshold adaptation. 12
5.2.8 VAD decision . 15
5.2.9 VAD hangover addition . 15
6 Computational details . 15
6.1 Adaptive filtering and energy computation . 17
6.2 ACF averaging . 18
6.3 Predictor values computation . 18
6.3.1 Schur recursion to compute reflection coefficients . 19
6.3.2 Step-up procedure to obtain the aav1[0.8] . 19
6.3.3 Computation of the rav1[0.8] . 20
6.4 Spectral comparison . 20
6.5 Periodicity detection . 21
6.6 Threshold adaptation . 21
6.7 VAD decision . 23
6.8 VAD hangover addition . 23
6.9 Periodicity updating . 24
6.10 Tone detection . 24
6.10.1 Windowing . 24
6.10.2 Auto-correlation . 24
6.10.3 Computation of the reflection coefficients . 25
6.10.4 Filter coefficient calculation . 26
6.10.5 Pole Frequency Test. 26
6.10.6 Prediction gain test. 26
7 Digital test sequences . 27
7.1 Test configuration. 27
7.2 Test sequences . 28
Annex A (informative): . 29
A.1 Simplified block filtering operation . 29
A.2 Description of digital test sequences . 29
A.2.1 Test sequences . 29
A.2.2 File format description . 31
A.3 VAD performance . 33

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A.4 Pole frequency calculation . 34
Annex B (normative): Test sequences . 35
Annex C (informative): Change history . 36
History . 37


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3GPP TS 46.032 version 15.0.0 Release 15 5 ETSI TS 146 032 V15.0.0 (2018-07)
This Technical Specification has been produced by the 3 Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).
The present document specifies the Voice Activity Detector (VAD) to be used in the Discontinuous Transmission
(DTX) for the digital cellular telecommunications system.
Archive which accompanies the present document, contains test sequences, as described in
clause A.2. Annex B: Test sequences for the GSM Full Rate speech codec; Test sequences files
*.inp, *.cod, *.vad.
The specification from which the present document has been derived was originally based on CEPT documentation,
hence the presentation of the present document may not be entirely in accordance with the ETSI/PNE Rules.
The contents of the present document are subject to continuing work within the TSG and may change following formal
TSG approval. Should the TSG modify the contents of the present document, it will be re-released by the TSG with an
identifying change of release date and an increase in version number as follows:
Version x.y.z
x the first digit:
1 presented to TSG for information;
2 presented to TSG for approval;
3 or greater indicates TSG approved document under change control.
y the second digit is incremented for all changes of substance, i.e. technical enhancements, corrections,
updates, etc.
z the third digit is incremented when editorial only changes have been incorporated in the document.

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3GPP TS 46.032 version 15.0.0 Release 15 6 ETSI TS 146 032 V15.0.0 (2018-07)
1 Scope
The present document specifies the Voice Activity Detector (VAD) to be used in the Discontinuous Transmission
(DTX) as described in GSM 06.31. It also specifies the test methods to be used to verify that a VAD complies with the
technical specification.
The requirements are mandatory on any VAD to be used either in the GSM Mobile Stations (MS)s or Base Station
Systems (BSS)s.
2 References
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present
• References are either specific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or
• For a specific reference, subsequent revisions do not apply.
• For a non-specific reference, the latest version applies. In the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (including a
GSM document), a non-specific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in the same
Release as the present document.
[1] GSM 01.04: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Abbreviations and
[2] GSM 06.10: "Digital cellular telecommunications system(Phase 2+); Full rate speech;
[3] GSM 06.12: "Digital cellular telecommunications system(Phase 2+); Full rate speech; Comfort
noise aspect for full rate speech traffic channels".
[4] GSM 06.31: "Digital cellular telecommunications system(Phase 2+); Full rate speech;
Discontinuous Transmission (DTX) for full rate speech traffic channels".
3 Abbreviations
Abbreviations used in the present document are listed in GSM 01.04 [1].
4 General
The function of the VAD is to indicate whether each 20 ms frame produced by the speech encoder contains speech or
not. The output is a binary flag which is used by the TX DTX handler defined in GSM 06.31 [4].
The ETS is organized as follows.
Clause 2 describes the principles of operation of the VAD.
In clause 3, the computational details necessary for the fixed point implementation of the VAD algorithm are given.
This clause uses the same notation as used for computational details in GSM 06.10.
The verification of the VAD is based on the use of digital test sequences. Clause 4 defines the input and output signals
and the test configuration, whereas the detailed description of the test sequences is contained in clause A.2.
The performance of the VAD algorithm is characterized by the amount of audible speech clipping it introduces and the
percentage activity it indicates. These characteristics for the VAD defined in the present document have been
established by extensive testing under a wide range of operating conditions. The results are summarized in clause A.3.

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5 Functional description
The purpose of this clause is to give the reader an understanding of the principles of operation of the VAD, whereas the
detailed description is given in clause 3. In case of discrepancy between the two descriptions, the detailed description of
clause 3 shall prevail.
In the following subclauses of clause 2, a Pascal programming type of notation has been used to describe the algorithm.
5.1 Overview and principles of operation
The function of the VAD is to distinguish between noise with speech present and noise without speech present. The
biggest difficulty for detecting speech in a mobile environment is the very low speech/noise ratios which are often
encountered. The accuracy of the VAD is improved by using filtering to increase the speech/noise ratio before the
decision is made.
For a mobile environment, the worst speech/noise ratios are encountered in moving vehicles. It has been found that the
noise is relatively stationary for quite long periods in a mobile environment. It is therefore possible to use an adaptive
filter with coefficients obtained during noise, to remove much of the vehicle noise.
The VAD is basically an energy detector. The energy of the filtered signal is compared with a threshold; speech is
indicated whenever the threshold is exceeded.
The noise encountered in mobile environments may be constantly changing in level. The spectrum of the noise can also
change, and varies greatly over different vehicles. Because of these changes the VAD threshold and adaptive filter
coefficients must be constantly adapted. To give reliable detection the threshold must be sufficiently above the noise
level to avoid noise being identified as speech but not so far above it that low level parts of speech are identified as
noise. The threshold and the adaptive filter coefficients are only updated when speech is not present. It is, of course,
potentially dangerous for a VAD to update these values on the basis of its own decision. This adaptation therefore only
occurs when the signal seems stationary in the frequency domain but does not have the pitch component inherent in
voiced speech. A tone detector is also used to prevent adaptation during information tones.
A further mechanism is used to ensure that low level noise (which is often not stationary over long periods) is not
detected as speech. Here, an additional fixed threshold is used.
A VAD hangover period is used to eliminate mid-burst clipping of low level speech. Hangover is only added to
speech-bursts which exceed a certain duration to avoid extending noise spikes.
5.2 Algorithm description
The block diagram of the VAD algorithm is shown in figure 2.1. The individual blocks are described in the following
subclauses. ACF, N and sof are calculated in the speech encoder.

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ACF vad
filtering and
Periodicity Threshold
sof Tone

Figure 2.1: Functional block diagram of the VAD
The global variables shown in the block diagram are described as follows:
- ACF are auto-correlation coefficients which are calculated in the speech encoder defined in GSM 06.10
(subclause 3.1.4, see also clause A.1). The inputs to the speech encoder are 16 bit 2's complement numbers, as
described in GSM 06.10, subclause 4.2.0;
- av0 and av1 are averaged ACF vectors;
- rav1 are autocorrelated predictor values obtained from av1;
- rvad are the autocorrelated predictor values of the adaptive filter;
- N is the long term predictor lag value which is obtained every sub-segment in the speech coder defined in
GSM 06.10;
- ptch indicates whether the signal has a steady periodic component;
- sof is the offset compensated signal frame obtained in the speech coder defined in GSM 06.10;
- pvad is the energy in the current frame of the input signal after filtering;
- thvad is an adaptive threshold;
- stat indicates spectral stationarity;
- vvad indicates the VAD decision before hangover is added;
- vad is the final VAD decision with hangover included.

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5.2.1 Adaptive filtering and energy computation
Pvad is computed as follows:
Pvad=+rvad acf 2 rvad acf
00 i i

This corresponds to performing an 8th order block filtering on the input samples to the speech encoder, after zero offset
compensation and pre-emphasis. This is explained in clause A.1.
5.2.2 ACF averaging
Spectral characteristics of the input signal have to be obtained using blocks that are larger than one 20 ms frame. This is
done by averaging the auto-correlation values for several consecutive frames. This averaging is given by the following
av00{}n=−acf{n j} ;i= .8

av10{}n=−av {n frames} ;i=0.8
Where n represents the current frame, n-1 represents the previous frame etc. The values of constants are given in
table 2.1.
Table 2.1: Constants and variables for ACF averaging
Constant Value Variable Initial value
frames 4 previous ACF's
av0 & av1 All set to 0

5.2.3 Predictor values computation
The filter predictor values aav1 are obtained from the auto-correlation values av1 according to the equation:
aR= p

     -                                               -
R = | av1[0], av1[1], av1[2], av1[3], av1[4], av1[5], av1[6], av1[7] |
     | av1[1], av1[0], av1[1], av1[2], av1[3], av1[4], av1[5], av1[6] |
     | av1[2], av1[1], av1[0], av1[1], av1[2], av1[3], av1[4], av1[5] |
     | av1[3], av1[2], av1[1], av1[0], av1[1], av1[2], av1[3], av1[4] |
     | av1[4], av1[3], av1[2], av1[1], av1[0], av1[1], av1[2], av1[3] |
     | av1[5], av1[4], av1[3], av1[2], av1[1], av1[0], av1[1], av1[2] |
     | av1[6], av1[5], av1[4], av1[3], av1[2], av1[1], av1[0], av1[1] |
     | av1[7], av1[6], av1[5], av1[4], av1[3], av1[2], av1[1], av1[0] |
     -                                               -


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     -     -                   -      -
p =  |av1[1]|               a = |aav1[1]|
     |av1[2]|                   |aav1[2]|
     |av1[3]|                   |aav1[3]|
     |av1[4]|                   |aav1[4]|
     |av1[5]|                   |aav1[5]|
     |av1[6]|                   |aav1[6]|
     |av1[7]|                   |aav1[7]|
     |av1[8]|                   |aav1[8]|
     -     -                   -      -

aav1[0] = -1
av1 is used in preference to av0 as av0 may contain speech.
The autocorrelated predictor values rav1 are then obtained:
rav11==aav aav1 ;.i0.8
ik ki+

k =0

5.2.4 Spectral comparison
The spectra represented by the autocorrelated predictor values rav1 and the averaged auto-correlation values av0 are
compared using the distortion measure dm defined below. This measure is used to produce a Boolean value stat every
20 ms, as given by these equations:
 
 
rav102av + rav1 av0
00  ii
 
 
dm =
difference = |dm - lastdm|
lastdm = dm
stat = difference < thresh
The values of constants and initial values are given in table 2.2.
Table 2.2: Constants and variables for spectral comparison
Constant Value Variable Initial value
thresh 0.05 lastdm 0

5.2.5 Periodicity detection
The frequency spectrum of mobile noise is relatively stationary over quite long periods. The Inverse Filter
Autocorrelated Predictor coefficients of the adaptive filter rvad are only updated when this stationarity is detected.
Vowel sounds however, also have this stationarity, but can be excluded by detecting the periodicity of these sounds
using the long term predictor lag values (Nj) which are obtained every sub-segment from the speech codec defined in
GSM 06.10. Consecutive lag values are compared. Cases in which one lag value is a factor of the other are catered for,
however cases in which both lag values have a common factor, are not. This case is not important for speech input but
this method of periodicity detection may fail for some sine waves. The Boolean variable ptch is updated every 20 ms
and is true when periodicity is detected. It is calculated according to the following equation:
ptch = oldlagcount + veryoldlagcount >= nthresh
The following operations are done after the VAD decision and when the current LTP lag values (N0 . N3) are
available, this reduces the delay of the VAD decision. (N{-1} = N3 of previous segment.)

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 lagcount = 0

 for j = 0 to 3 do
  smallag = maximum(Nj,N{j-1}) mod minimum(Nj,N{j-1})
  if minimum(smallag,minimum(Nj,N{j-1})-smallag) < lthresh
   then increment(lagcount)

 veryoldlagcount = oldlagcount

 oldlagcount = lagcount

The values of constants and initial values are given in table 2.
Table 2.3: Constants and variables for periodicity detection
Constant Value Variable Initial value
lthresh 2 oldlagcount
nthresh 4 veryoldlagcount 0
N3 40

5.2.6 Information tone detection
The tone flag is only evaluated in the downlink VAD. In the uplink VAD, tone detection is not performed and tone =
Computation of the tone flag is complex. It is therefore evaluated after the processing of the current speech encoder
frame. In this way transmission of the speech or SID frame is not delayed.
Information tones and environmental noise can be classified by inspecting the short term prediction gain, information
tones resulting in higher prediction gains than environmental noise. Tones can therefore be detected by comparing the
prediction gain to a fixed threshold. By limiting the prediction gain calculation to a fourth order analysis, information
signals consisting of one or two tones can be detected whilst minimizing the prediction gain for environmental noise.
The prediction gain decision is implemented by comparing the normalized prediction error with a threshold. This
measure is used to evaluate the Boolean variable tone every 20 ms. The signal is classified as a tone if the prediction
error is smaller than the threshold predth. This is equivalent to a prediction gain threshold of 13,5 dB.
Mobile noise can contain very strong resonances at low frequencies, resulting in a high prediction gain. A further test is
therefore made to determine the pole frequency of a second order analysis of the signal frame. The signal is classified as
noise if the frequency of the pole is less than 385 Hz. The pole frequency calculation is described in clause A.4.
The algorithm for detecting information tones is as follows:
tone = false

den = a[1]*a[1]
num = 4*a[2] - a[1]*a[1]

if ( num <= 0 )

if (( a[1] < 0 ) AND ( num / den < freqth ))
prederr = MULT (1 - RC[i]*RC[i])

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