ETSI TR 125 963 V15.0.0 (2018-07)

Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Feasibility study on interference cancellation for UTRA FDD User Equipment (UE) (3GPP TR 25.963 version 15.0.0 Release 15)

ETSI TR 125 963 V15.0.0 (2018-07)

Name:ETSI TR 125 963 V15.0.0 (2018-07)   Standard name:Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Feasibility study on interference cancellation for UTRA FDD User Equipment (UE) (3GPP TR 25.963 version 15.0.0 Release 15)
Standard number:ETSI TR 125 963 V15.0.0 (2018-07)   language:English language
Release Date:15-Jul-2018   technical committee:3GPP RAN 4 - Specification for radio performance
Drafting committee:   ICS number:
ETSI TR 125 963 V15.0.0 (2018-07)

Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);
Feasibility study on interference cancellation
for UTRA FDD User Equipment (UE)
(3GPP TR 25.963 version 15.0.0 Release 15)

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3GPP TR 25.963 version 15.0.0 Release 15 1 ETSI TR 125 963 V15.0.0 (2018-07)

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3GPP TR 25.963 version 15.0.0 Release 15 3 ETSI TR 125 963 V15.0.0 (2018-07)
Intellectual Property Rights . 2
Foreword . 2
Modal verbs terminology . 2
Foreword . 5
Introduction . 5
1 Scope . 7
2 References . 7
3 Abbreviations . 10
4 Receiver methods . 10
4.1 Two-branch interference mitigation . 10
4.2 One-branch interference mitigation . 12
5 Network scenarios . 12
6 Interference modelling . 13
6.1 General . 13
6.2 Statistical measures . 14
6.2 Interference profile based on median values . 14
6.3 Interference profiles based on weighted average throughput gain . 22
6.3.0 General . 22
6.3.1 0 dB geometr y . 23
6.3.2 -3 dB geometry . 23
6.4 Interference profiles based on field data . 24
6.5 Summary . 25
7 Transmitted code/power characteristics . 26
7.0 General . 26
7.1 Transmitted code and power characteristic in case of HSDPA . 26
7.1.1 Common channels for serving and interfering cells . 26
7.1.2 Serving cell . 27 Transmitted code and power characteristics for HSDPA+R’99 scenario . 27 Transmitted code and power characteristics for HSDPA-only scenario . 28
7.1.3 Interfering cells . 29 Transmitted code and power characteristics for HSDPA+R’99 scenario . 29 Transmitted code and power characteristics for HSDPA-only scenario . 30
7.1.4 Model for the power control sequence generation . 31
8 Link performance characterization . 31
8.0 General . 31
8.1 Overview . 31
8.2 Simulation results . 32
8.2.1 Types 2 and 2i - median DIP values . 32
8.2.2 Types 3 and 3i - median DIP values . 33
8.2.3 Weighted DIPS: geometries -3 & 0 dB . 34
8.2.4 Revised DIP: geometry -3 dB . 34
8.2.5 Power control . 35
8.2.6 Field based DIP . 35
8.2.7 Types 2i / 2 receivers: weighted & revised DIPS . 36
8.3 Appendix . 36
9 System performance characterization. 58
9.0 General . 58
9.1 First system-level study (Ericsson) . 58
9.1.1 Simulation setup . 58
9.1.2 Simulation results . 59

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9.2 Second system-level study (Nokia) . 61
9.2.1 Simulation setup for second study . 61
9.2.2 Simulation results for second study . 63
9.3 Conclusions . 66
10 Receiver implementation issues . 66
11 Conclusions . 67
Annex A: Change history . 69
History . 70


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3GPP TR 25.963 version 15.0.0 Release 15 5 ETSI TR 125 963 V15.0.0 (2018-07)
This Technical Report has been produced by the 3 Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).
The contents of the present document are subject to continuing work within the TSG and may change following formal
TSG approval. Should the TSG modify the contents of the present document, it will be re-released by the TSG with an
identifying change of release date and an increase in version number as follows:
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y the second digit is incremented for all changes of substance, i.e. technical enhancements, corrections,
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A study item for further improved minimum performance requirements for UMTS/HSDPA UE (FDD) was approved at
the 3GPP RAN #30 meeting [1]. This technical report summarizes the work that RAN4 has accomplished in this study
item to assess the feasibility of both one-branch and two-branch interference cancellation/mitigation UE receivers.
These receivers attempt to cancel the interference that arises from users operating outside the serving cell. This type of
interference is also referred to as 'other-cell' interference. In past link level evaluations, this type of interference has
been modelled as AWGN, and as such can not be cancelled. The study item has developed models for this interference
in terms of the number of interfering Node Bs to consider, and their powers relative to the total other cell interference
power, the latter ratios referred to as Dominant Interferer Proportion (DIP) ratios. DIP ratios have been defined based
on three criteria; median values of the corresponding cumulative density functions, weighted average throughput gain,
and field data. In addition, two network scenarios are defined, one based solely on HSDPA traffic (HSDPA-only), and
the other based on a mixture of HSDPA and Rel. 99 voice traffic (HSDPA+R99).
Interference aware receivers, referred to as type 2i and type 3i, were defined as extensions of the existing type 2 and
type 3 receivers, respectively. The basic receiver structure is that of an LMMSE sub-chip level equalizer which takes
into account not only the channel response matrix of the serving cell, but also the channel response matrices of the most
significant interfering cells. HSDPA throughput estimates are developed using link level simulations, which include the
other-cell interference model plus OCNS models for the serving and interfering cells based on the two network
scenarios considered. In addition, system level performance is assessed to determine the gains that interference
cancellation/mitigation receiver might provide in throughput and coverage. Complexity issues associated with
implementing these types of receivers are also discussed. The content of each specific clause of the report is briefly
described as follows.
Clause 1 of this document defines the scope and objectives of this feasibility study. Clause 4 describes the receiver
methods that can be applied to one-branch and two-branch Interference Cancellation (IC) receivers. The reference
receivers for the type 2i and type 3i are defined, both of which are based on LMMSE sub-chip level equalizers with
interference-aware capabilities. Clause 5 describes the two network scenarios that were defined and used to generate the
interference statistics, which were then used to develop the interference models described in clause 6. Clause 6 defines
the interference models/profiles that were developed in order to assess the link level performance of IC receivers. The
DIP ratio is defined as a key statistical measure, which forms the basis of the three types of interference profiles

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Clause 7 defines the code and power characteristics of the signals transmitted by the serving and interfering cells for the
two network scenarios defined in clause 5. These latter definitions essentially define the signal characteristics of the
desired user, the common channels and the OCNS for both serving and interfering cells. Clause 8 summarizes the link
level simulation results based on the assumptions developed in clauses 6 and 7, while clause 9 summarizes the system
level performance characterization. Clause 10 discusses the possible receiver implementation losses for a two-branch,
sub-chip based LMMSE equalizer with interference aware capabilities. Finally, clause 11 provides the relevant
conclusions that can be taken from this study.

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1 Scope
The objective of this study is to evaluate the feasibility and potential performance improvements of interference
cancellation/mitigation techniques for UTRA FDD UE receivers, based on realistic network scenarios. Scope of the
work includes:
- Determine realistic network scenarios.
- Determine suitable interference models for 'other cell' interference.
- Evaluate the feasibility of two-branch interference cancellation receivers through link and system level analysis
and simulations.
- Evaluate feasibility of one-branch interference cancellation receivers through link and system level analysis and
2 References
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present
- References are either specific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or
- For a specific reference, subsequent revisions do not apply.
- For a non-specific reference, the latest version applies. In the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (including
a GSM document), a non-specific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in the same
Release as the present document.
[1] RP-050764, "New Study Item Proposal: Further Improved Performance Requirements for
UMTS/HSDPA UE", Cingular Wireless, RAN #30.
[2] R4-060514, "Reference structure for interference mitigation simulations with HSDPA and receiver
diversity", Nokia, RAN4 #39.
[3] R4-060364, "Minutes of Ad Hoc on Further Improved Performance Requirements for
UMTS/HSDPA UE (FDD)", Nokia, RAN4 #38.
[4] R4-060117, "Analysis for simulation scenario definition to interference mitigation studies", Nokia,
[5] R4-060180, "Network Scenarios and Associated Interference Profiles for Evaluation of
Generalized Interference Cancellation (IC) Receivers", Cingular, RAN4 #38.
[6] TR 25.848 v4.0.0, "Physical layer aspects of UTRA High Speed Downlink Packet Access (Release
[7] TR 25.896 V6.0.0 (2004-3), "Feasibility Study for Enhanced Uplink for UTRA FDD (Release 6)".
[8] R4-060959, "Throughput simulation results for Type 3 and Type 3i receivers with shadow fading
and realistic DIP values for Ior/Ioc=0 dB", InterDigital, RAN4 #40.
[9] R4-061068, "Some observations on DIP values as a function of network geometries",
TensorComm, RAN4 #40.
[10] R4-060512, "Analysis simulation results for scenario definition to interference mitigation studies",
Nokia, RAN4 #39.
[11] R4-060391, "HSDPA Network Scenario and Associated Interference Profile for Evaluation of
Generalized Interference Cancellation (IC) Receivers", Cingular/AT&T, RAN4 #39.
[12] R4-060369, "Observations on Other-Cell Interference Modelling", Motorola, RAN4 #39.

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[13] R4-060492, "Interferer Statistics for the UE IC Study Item," Qualcomm, RAN4 #39.
[14] TR 45.903, "Feasibility Study on Single Antenna Interference Cancellation (SAIC) for GSM
Networks (Release 6)".
[15] R4-060648, "Minutes of Wednesday Evening Ad Hoc on Interference Mitigation",
Cingular/AT&T, RAN4 #39.
[16] 3GPP RAN4 reflector e-mail, "Correction in DIPi and AWGN/Ioc values shown in R4-060648",
May 31, 2006.
[17] R4-061080, "Minutes of Interference Cancellation Ad Hoc", Cingular/AT&T, RAN4 #40.
[18] R4-061183, "Throughput simulation results for type 3 and type 3i receivers based on an alternative
method for determining DIP values", AT&T Labs, Inc. & Cingular Wireless, RAN4 #41.
[19] R4-070042, Throughput simulation results for type 3 and type 3i receivers for Ior/Ioc = -3 dB
based on an alternative method for determining DIP values, AT&T Labs, Inc. & Cingular
Wireless, RAN4 #42.
[20] R4-061241, "HSDPA Simulation Results for Type 3i with Weighted DIP Values", Motorola,
RAN4 #41.
[21] R4-070041, Minutes of interim conference call on interference cancellation study item, AT&T
Labs, Inc. & Cingular Wireless, RAN4 #42.
[22] R4-061315, "Interference data collection on a live UMTS network", Orange, RAN4 #41.
[23] R4-061309, "Interference Statistics Based on Field Measurements from an Operational
UMTS/HSDPA Market", Cingular, AT&T and TensorComm, RAN4 #41.
[24] R4-061316, "Scenario definition for interference cancellation evaluation based on measurements
taken in 3 UK's operational network", 3, RAN4 #41.
[25] R4-060593, "Further Thoughts on Scenario Definition for Studying Link Performance of
Generalized IC Receivers", Ericsson, RAN4 #39.
[26] R4-060638, "Code Structure of Serving and Interfering Base Stations", Motorola, RAN4 #39.
[27] R4-060494, "Details of the Code Structure and Power Allocation for the HSDPA UE IC Case",
Qualcomm, RAN4 #39.
[28] R4-060513, "Modelling of transmission for interference mitigation studies", Nokia, RAN4 #39.
[29] R4-060649, "Modelling of the code structure in serving and interfering base station for HSDPA",
Nokia, RAN4, 39.
[30] R4-060885, "Discussion of realistic scenarios for Interference Cancellation", Ericsson, RAN4 #40.
[31] R4-070129, "Modelling of power control behaviour for OCNS", Nokia, RAN4 #42.
[32] R4-060841, Simulation Results for Type 2 and 2i Receivers for HSDPA+R99 Scenario, Motorola,
RAN4 #40.
[33] R4-060842, Simulation Results for Type 3 and 3i Receivers for HSDPA+R99 Scenario, Motorola,
RAN4 #40.
[34] R4-060884, Simulation results for Interference Cancellation (IC0 study item, Ericsson, RAN4 #40.
[35] R4-060953, HSDPA type 3i receiver simulation results, Fujitsu, RAN4 #40.
[36] R4-060954, HSDPA type 2i receiver simulation results, Fujitsu, RAN4 #40.
[37] R4-060957, Simulation results for agreed median DIP values, InterDigital Communications
Corporation, RAN4 #40.

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[38] R4-060981, Simulation Results for HSDPA Type 2i and Type 3i Receivers, Intel Corp., RAN4
[39] R4-060983, Simulation Results for Type 2 and 2i Receivers for HSDPA Scenario, Motorola,
RAN4 #40.
[40] R4-060984, Simulation Results for Type 3 and 3i Receivers for HSDPA Scenario, Motorola,
RAN4 #40.
[41] R4-060909, Initial simulation results for HSDPA+R99 scenario, Nokia, RAN4 #40.
[42] R4-060939, Initial Simulation Results for Type 3i Receiver in HSDPA+R99 scenario, Panasonic,
RAN4 #40.
[43] R4-061080, Minutes of Interference Cancellation Ad Hoc, Cingular Wireless / AT&T, RAN4 #40.
[44] R4-061176, Simulation results for HSDPA-Only scenario using Type 3 and Type 3i receivers,
Ericsson, RAN4 #41.
[45] R4-061185, Ideal simulation results for HSDPA+R99 scenario, Nokia, RAN4 #41.
[46] R4-061186, Ideal simulation results for HSDPA-only scenario, Nokia, RAN4 #41.
[47] R4-061198, Simulation Results for Type 3i Receiver in HSDPA scenario, Panasonic, RAN4 #41.
[48] R4-061234, Simulation Results for Type 3 and 3i Receivers for the HSDPA scenario, Ior/Ioc=-
3and 0 dB, InterDigital, RAN4 #41.
[49] R4-061246, Simulation results for Type 3 and Type 3i Receivers for HSDPA + R99 Scenario,
Agere Systems, RAN4 #41.
[50] R4-061247, Simulation results for Type 3 and Type 3i Receivers for HSDPA Scenario, Agere
Systems, RAN4 #41.
[51] R4-061260, HSDPA type3i receiver simulation results, Fujitsu, RAN4 #41.
[52] R4-0601279, Simulation Results for HSDPA Type 3i Receivers, Intel Corp., RAN4 #41.
[53] R4-061356, HSDPA Simulation Results for Type 3i with Weighted DIP Values, Motorola, RAN4
[54] R4-070044, Additional Link Level Simulation Results for Type 3 and Type 3i Receivers,
AT&T/Cingular, RAN4 #42.
[55] R4-070045, Evaluation of Power Control Algorithms, AT&T/Cingular, RAN4 #42.
[56] R4-070061, HSDPA Simulation Results for Type 3i / 3 Receivers, Motorola, RAN4 #42.
[57] R4-070073, Simulation results for HSDP-only scenario using Type 3 and Type 3i receivers, LG
Electronics, RAN4 #42.
[58] R4-070074, Simulation results for HSDPA+R'99 scenario using Type 3 and Type 3i receivers, LG
Electronics, RAN4 #42.
[59] R4-070089, Simulation results for Type 3i receiver for Ior/Ioc = -3dB, Fujitsu, RAN4 #42.
[60] R4-070136, Simulation Results for Type 3 and 3i Receivers for the HSDPA scenario, Ior/Ioc=-3,
InterDigital, RAN4 #42.
[61] R4-070232, Simulation Results for HSDPA Type 3i Receiver at Ior/Ioc=-3dB, Marvell, RAN4
[62] R4-070271, Simulation results for HSDPA-only scenario, Nokia, RAN4 #42.
[63] R4-070272, Simulation results for R'99 scenario, Nokia, RAN4 #42.
[64] R4-070282, HSDPA Simulation Results for Type 2i /2 Receivers, Tensorcomm, RAN4 #42.

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[65] R4-070334, HSDPA Simulation Results for Type 3i / 3 Receivers with Power Control, Motorola,
RAN4 #42.
[66] R4-070186, "Text proposal for interference cancellation SI TR, Section 9", Ericsson, Nokia,
RAN4 #42.
[67] TS 25.101 V7.1.0 (2005-09), "User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception (Release
[68] TR 25.848 V4.0.0 (2001-03), "Physical layer aspects of UTRA High Speed Downlink Packet
Access (Release 4)".
[69] TR 101 112 V3.2.0 (1998-04), "UMTS; Selection procedures for choice of radio transmission
technologies of the UMTS (UMTS 30.03 version 3.2.0)".
[70] Globetrotter GT MAX 7.2 Ready Data Card from Option.
[71] R4-050728, "Simulation Assumptions for Rx Diversity + LMMSE Equalizer Enhanced HSDPA
Receiver (Type 3), Qualcomm, RAN4 #36.
3 Abbreviations
For the purposes of the present document, the following abbreviations apply:
DIP Dominant Interferer Proportion
IC Interference Cancellation
LMMSE Linear Minimum Mean Squared Error
UE User Equipment
UTRA UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access

4 Receiver methods
In this clause we give the system equations for the LMMSE chip-level equalizer with and without receive diversity for
evaluating the benefits for interference mitigation [2]. In the assumptions used in earlier work for enhanced
performance requirements Type 2 and Type 3 the interference structure was assumed to be white and the variance to be
ideally known. In the structure presented in following clauses the interference structure is now assumed to be colored
and the covariance matrix is structured based on ideal knowledge of the channel matrices of the interfering base
stations. This enables the evaluation of benefits of interference mitigation in the equalizer structure while the approach
to derive (estimate) the interference covariance ma

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