ETSI TS 103 410-5 V1.1.1 (2019-05)

SmartM2M; Extension to SAREF Part 5: Industry and Manufacturing Domains

ETSI TS 103 410-5 V1.1.1 (2019-05)

Name:ETSI TS 103 410-5 V1.1.1 (2019-05)   Standard name:SmartM2M; Extension to SAREF Part 5: Industry and Manufacturing Domains
Standard number:ETSI TS 103 410-5 V1.1.1 (2019-05)   language:English language
Release Date:09-May-2019   technical committee:SmartM2M - Smart M2M
Drafting committee:   ICS number:
ETSI TS 103 410-5 V1.1.1 (2019-05)

Extension to SAREF;
Part 5: Industry and Manufacturing Domains

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2 ETSI TS 103 410-5 V1.1.1 (2019-05)

IoT, oneM2M, ontology, SAREF, semantic

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3 ETSI TS 103 410-5 V1.1.1 (2019-05)
Intellectual Property Rights . 4
Foreword . 4
Modal verbs terminology . 4
1 Scope . 5
2 References . 5
2.1 Normative references . 5
2.2 Informative references . 5
3 Definition of terms, symbols and abbreviations . 5
3.1 Terms . 5
3.2 Symbols . 5
3.3 Abbreviations . 5
4 SAREF4INMA ontology and semantics . 6
4.1 Introduction and overview . 6
4.2 SAREF4INMA . 7
4.2.1 General Overview . 7
4.2.2 Item and Batch . 9
4.2.3 Production Equipment and Factory . 13
4.2.4 Measurement. 15
4.3 Instantiating SAREF4INMA . 17
Annex A (informative): Approach . 21
Annex B (informative): Bibliography . 23
History . 24


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Intellectual Property Rights
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This Technical Specification (TS) has been produced by ETSI Technical Committee Smart Machine-to-Machine
communications (SmartM2M).
The present document is part 5 of a multi-part deliverable covering SmartM2M; Extension to SAREF, as identified
Part 1: "Energy Domain";
Part 2: "Environment Domain";
Part 3: "Building Domain";
Part 4: "Smart Cities Domain";
Part 5: "Industry and Manufacturing Domains";
Part 6: "Smart Agriculture and Food Chain Domain".
Modal verbs terminology
In the present document "shall", "shall not", "should", "should not", "may", "need not", "will", "will not", "can" and
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1 Scope
The present document presents SAREF4INMA, a SAREF extension for the Industry and Manufacturing domains.
2 References
2.1 Normative references
References are either specific (identified by date of publication and/or edition number or version number) or
non-specific. For specific references, only the cited version applies. For non-specific references, the latest version of the
referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
Referenced documents which are not found to be publicly available in the expected location might be found at
NOTE: While any hyperlinks included in this clause were valid at the time of publication, ETSI cannot guarantee
their long term validity.
The following referenced documents are necessary for the application of the present document.
[1] ETSI TS 103 264 (V2.1.1) (2017-03): "SmartM2M; Smart Appliances; Reference Ontology and
oneM2M Mapping".
2.2 Informative references
References are either specific (identified by date of publication and/or edition number or version number) or
non-specific. For specific references, only the cited version applies. For non-specific references, the latest version of the
referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
NOTE: While any hyperlinks included in this clause were valid at the time of publication, ETSI cannot guarantee
their long term validity.
The following referenced documents are not necessary for the application of the present document but they assist the
user with regard to a particular subject area.
[i.1] ETSI TR 103 411 (V1.1.1) (2017-02): "SmartM2M; Smart Appliances; SAREF extension
[i.2] ETSI TR 103 507 (V1.1.1) (2018-10): "SmartM2M; SAREF extension investigation;
Requirements for industry and manufacturing domains".
[i.3] ETSI TS 103 410-3 (V1.1.1) (2017-01): "SmartM2M; Smart Appliances Extension to SAREF;
Part 3: Building Domain".
[i.4] ISO/IEC 11179-6: "Information technology -- Metadata registries (MDR) -- Part 6: Registration".
[i.5] ISO 29002 (all parts): "Industrial automation systems and integration -- Exchange of characteristic
[i.6] ISO 6532: "Portable chain-saws -- Technical data".
[i.7] BS EN 10204 (2004): "Metallic products -- Types of inspection documents".
[i.8] IEC 61512 (all parts): "Batch control".
[i.9] ISO/IEC 11578:1996: "Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Remote
Procedure Call (RPC)".

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[i.10] Recommendation ITU-T X.667/ISO/IEC 9834-8:2005:" Information technology -- Procedures for
the operation of object identifier registration authorities: Generation of universally unique
identifiers and their use in object identifiers".
[i.11] ETSI TS 103 264 (v.3, work in progress): "SmartM2M; Smart Applications; Reference Ontology
and oneM2M Mapping".
[i.12] IEC 62264 (all parts): "Enterprise-control system integration".
3 Definition of terms, symbols and abbreviations
3.1 Terms
For the purposes of the present document, the following terms apply:
ontology: formal specification of a conceptualization, used to explicitly capture the semantics of a certain reality
3.2 Symbols
3.3 Abbreviations
For the purposes of the present document, the following abbreviations apply:
ABS Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene
BIC Brainport Industries Campus
BS British Standard
EAN European Article Number
EN European Norm
GS1 Global Standards One
GTIN Global Trade Item Number
GUID Globally Unique IDentifier
ID Identifier
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IRDI International Registration Data Identifier
ISO International Organisation for Standardization
ITF Interleaved 2 of 5
ITU-T International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunications sector
OWL Web Ontology Language
OWL-DL Web Ontology Language - Description Logic
QR Quick Response code
RAMI Reference Architectural Model Industry 4.0
RFID Radio Frequency Identification
RPC Remote Procedure Call
SAREF Smart Applications REFerence ontology
SAREF4BLDG SAREF extension for buildings
SAREF4INMA SAREF extension for industry and manufacturing domains
TR Technical Report
TS Technical Specification
UCC Uniform Commercial Code
UPC Universal Product Code
UPC-A Universal Product Code
NOTE: UPC-A is an 11 digit variation of UPC, as opposed to UPC-E which is the 6 digit variation.
UUID Universally Unique Identifier

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4 SAREF4INMA ontology and semantics
4.1 Introduction and overview
The present document is a technical specification of SAREF4INMA, an extension of SAREF that was created for the
industry and manufacturing domain. SAREF4INMA was created to be aligned with related initiatives in the smart
industry and manufacturing domain in terms of modelling and standardization, such as the Reference Architecture
Model for Industry 4.0 (RAMI), which combines several standards used by the various national initiatives in Europe
that support digitalization in manufacturing. These initiatives include, but are not limited to, the platform Industrie 4.0
in Germany, the Smart Industry initiative in the Netherlands, Industria 4.0 in Italy, the 'Industrie du future initiative' in
France and more.
SAREF4INMA is an OWL-DL ontology that extends SAREF with 24 classes (in addition to a number of classes
directly reused from the SAREF ontology and the SAREF4BLDG extension), 20 object properties (in addition to a
number of object properties reused from the SAREF ontology and the SAREF4BLDG extension) and 11 data type
properties. SAREF4INMA focuses on extending SAREF for the industry and manufacturing domain to solve the lack of
interoperability between various types of production equipment that produce items in a factory and, once outside the
factory, between different organizations in the value chain to uniquely track back the produced items to the
corresponding production equipment, batches, material and precise time in which they were manufactured.
The full list of use cases, standards and requirements that guided the creation of SAREF4INMA are described in the
associated ETSI TR 103 507 [i.2]. The "zero defect manufacturing" use case has been used as basis for the creation of
SAREF4INMA in the present document. This use case is concerned with improving the manufacturing process in terms
of flexibility to timely change from one manufactured product to another, generating as little yield loss as possible. Also
the "smart services for product in use" and "smart product lifecycle" use cases are acknowledged in the associated ETSI
TR 103 507 [i.2] as especially relevant for SAREF4INMA, as they pose semantic interoperability issues for,
1) the manufacturing companies that remain responsible for the proper functioning of a product during its entire
lifecycle, also when the product has left the factory; and
2) the various, interacting parties involved in the value chain (e.g. manufacturer, user, servicing organization,
parts supplier, etc.) that need to refer to a common digital footprint of a product to allow for its management
during its entire lifecycle.
Note that SAREF4INMA specified in the present document provides a first SAREF extension for the industry and
manufacturing domain, based on the (limited set of) use cases mentioned above and an initial list of standards for
digitalization, communication, engineering and life-cycle, covering relevant concepts such as factory, production
equipment, item, material and batch, as described in ETSI TR 103 507 [i.2]. However, as all the SAREF ontologies,
SAREF4INMA is a dynamic semantic model that should be used, validated and improved over time with and by the
stakeholders in the industry and manufacturing domain in an iterative and interactive manner to accommodate more use
cases, standards and generate new requirements as needed.
The prefixes and namespaces used in SAREF4INMA and in the present document are listed in Table 1.
Table 1: Prefixes and namespaces used within the SAREF4INMA ontology
Prefix Namespace


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4.2.1 General Overview
An overview of the SAREF4INMA ontology is provided in Figure 1, where rectangles containing an orange circle are
used to denote classes created in SAREF4INMA, while rectangles containing a green circle denote classes reused from
other ontologies, such as SAREF or SAREF4BLDG. For all the entities described in the present document, it is
indicated whether they are defined in the SAREF4INMA extension or elsewhere by the prefix included before their
identifier, i.e. if the element is defined in SAREF4INMA the prefix is s4inma, while if the element is reused from
another ontology it is indicated by a prefix according to Table 1 (e.g. saref refers to SAREF and s4bldg refers to
SAREF for building).
Arrows with white triangles on top represent the rdfs:subClassOf relation between two classes. The origin of the
arrow is the class to be declared as subclass of the class at the destination of the arrow.
Directed arrows are used represent properties between classes.
Note that Figure 1 aims at showing a global overview of the main classes of SAREF4INMA and their mutual relations.
More details on the different parts of Figure 1 are provided from clause 4.2.2 to clause 4.2.4.

Figure 1: SAREF4INMA overview
Figure 2 shows the hierarchy of classes and properties defined in SAREF4INMA.
Orange circles represent classes of SAREF4INMA. Object properties - which are properties between two classes - are
denoted by blue rectangles, while datatype properties - which are properties between a class and a data type, such as
xsd:string or xsd:dateTime - are denoted by green rectangles.

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Figure 2: SAREF4INMA classes and properties hierarchy
4.2.2 Item and Batch
This clause focuses on the classes of SAREF4INMA that describe an item produced in a factory. The classes of interest,
which are s4inma:Item, s4inma:ItemCategory, s4inma:MaterialCategory, s4inma:Batch,
s4inma:ItemBatch, s4inma:MaterialBatch and s4inma:ID, are shown in Figure 3.
An Item is a tangible object that represents either the goods produced by an organization's production process or
individually traced supplies (i.e. sub-assemblies of supplies). An item can be individually traced using an ID.
SAREF4INMA allows to use several types of IDs, such as the Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) defined by GS1
(, used by organizations to uniquely identify their trade items as products or services that are
priced, ordered or invoiced at any point in the supply chain. There are four GTIN formats (GTIN-8, GTIN-12,
GTIN-13, GTIN-14) and SAREF4INMA defines classes and properties for each of them. SAREF4INMA defines also
classes and properties to associate items to the International Registration Data Identifier (IRDI), which is based on the
international standards ISO/IEC 11179-6 [i.4], ISO 29002 [i.5] and ISO 6532 [i.6]. An example of relevant standard
that uses IRDIs is the eCl@ss specification ( for grouping materials, products and services.
Other types of IDs are defined in SAREF4INMA, such as the Universally Unique Identifier (UUID), or can be further
defined ad-hoc by the ontology users by creating new classes as subclasses of the s4inma:ID class.
An Item can recursively consist of other items (e.g. a shaver consists of a shaver head, motor and body) and can be the
feature of interest of a measurement (e.g. a shaver can be the feature of interest of a temperature measurement made by
a welding machine used to join different parts in the production of the shaver). An item is created exactly in one
ItemBatch, which describes a uniform collection of items produced at a certain time using a certain production
equipment. An ItemBatch consists of a set of items with similar properties (e.g. a certain brand and model of sensors
made using a certain production line). An ItemBatch is a specialization of the more general Batch, which can be further
specialized in a MaterialBatch. The difference between ItemBatch and MaterialBatch is that individual items can be
traced in an ItemBatch (e.g. it is possible to trace an individual metal sheet in an ItemBatch), whereas it is not possible
to exactly trace material in a MaterialBatch, (e.g. it is not possible to trace the exact piece of raw plastic material from a
MaterialBatch, as the raw plastic is a volume, not identifiable in a specific sheet like in the case of metal sheets).

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Material batches can be equipped with quality certificates, such as the BS EN 10204:2004 [i.7] category 3.1 steel
quality certificate ( These certificates provide additional information about
the material in the batch. Furthermore, MaterialBatches belong to some MaterialCategory, which describes a certain
type of material (e.g. a certain type of steel sheets). Analogously, item batches belong to some ItemCategory, which
describes a single type of Items (e.g. a certain type of sensor). An ItemCategory is in turn produced by some
ProductionEquipmentCategory (see clause 4.2.3). The essential properties of each Item in all ItemBatches are the same.
However, each ItemBatch might use different MaterialBatches and/or different ProductionEquipment. Therefore, small
deviations between batches might occur, while the essential properties of all Items related to an ItemCategory are
similar. Finally, the time that a batch is produced can be recorded using the time:hasBeginning and
time:hasEnd properties.

Figure 3: Item, Batch and related classes

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Table 2 summarizes the definitions of the Item and related classes described above.
Table 2: Item, Batch and related classes: definitions
Class Definition
s4inma:Item A tangible object which can be unique identified, for example, with a GTIN in the form of
a barcode/QR/RFID tag. An item can be the result of an organization's production
process (i.e. outflow of objects/goods) or a uniquely identifiable material (i.e. inflow of
objects/supplies). Each item is part of exactly one ItemBatch, whereas each ItemBatch
contains only Items with similar properties. An item can consist of multiple Batches and
other Items (i.e. subassemblies).
s4inma:Batch A uniform collection of tangible objects or Lot. This can either be a collection of produced
items (i.e. the outflow of products) or a collection of raw material or required material (i.e.
the inflow of products). It is assumed that the objects in a batch are similar and thus have
shared attributes. Note that this definition is broader than the definition in IEC 61512 [i.8],
which defines a batch as the material that is being produced (whereas in SAREF4INMA
a batch can be items or materials).
s4inma:ItemBatch A uniform collection of tangible objects which are relevant for the production process.
The ItemBatch consists of a set of objects with similar properties (e.g. a certain type of
sensors or metal sheets). The difference between ItemBatch and MaterialBatch is that
individual items can be traced in an ItemBatch, whereas this is not possible in a
MaterialBatch, meaning that, for example, it is possible to trace the individual metal
sheet used in an ItemBatch, but not the specific piece of plastic of a MaterialBatch (i.e.
only the volume of plastic material from which a plastic item generated can be traced).
This implies that the objects in an ItemBatch have a unique identifier (e.g. a GTIN code
in the form of a barcode/QR-code or RFID tag).
s4inma:MaterialBatch A uniform collection of tangible raw material which is relevant for the production process.
The MaterialBatch can consist of a set of objects with similar properties (e.g. a certain
type of screws) or a stock of homogeneous material (e.g. oil, water). The difference
between MaterialBatch and ItemBatch is that individual items cannot be traced in a
MaterialBatch, whereas this is possible in an ItemBatch, meaning that, for example, it is
not possible to trace the individual screw used in a MaterialBatch.
s4inma:ItemCategory An ItemCategory describes a category of item in terms of its static properties. Each
ItemCategory can have multiple related ItemBatches, which all contain individual Items.
The essential properties of each Item in all ItemBatches are the same. However, each
batch might use different MaterialBatches and/or different ProductionEquipment.
Therefore, small deviations between batches might occur, while the essential properties
of all Items related to an ItemCategory are similar.
s4inma:MaterialCategory A MaterialCategory describes a category of material in terms of its static properties.
Examples are: a certain category of steel or plastic. Each MaterialCategory can have
multiple related MaterialBatches, which represent the physical material. The essential
properties of the material in all MaterialBatches are the same. However, each batch
might use different MaterialBatches and/or different ProductionEquipment. Therefore,
small deviations between batches might occur, while the essential properties of the
material related to an MaterialCategory are similar.
s4inma:ID A unique identifier.
s4inma:GTIN8ID GTIN-8 (EAN/UCC-8) is an 8-digit number used predominately outside of North America.
s4inma:GTIN12ID GTIN-12 (UPC-A) is a 12-digit number used primarily in North America.
s4inma:GTIN13ID GTIN-13 (EAN/UCC-13) is a 13-digit number used predominately outside of North
s4inma:GTIN14ID GTIN-14 (EAN/UCC-14 or ITF-14 or also known as ITF Symbol, SCC-14, DUN-14, UPC
Case Code, UPC Shipping Container Code, UCC Code 128, EAN Code 128) is a
14-digit number used to identify trade items at various packaging levels.
s4inma:IRDI International Registration Data Identifier (IRDI) is based on the international standards
ISO/IEC 11179-6 [i.4], ISO 29002 [i.5] and ISO 6532 [i.6] and used in eCl@ss and the
Asset Administration Shell as unique identifier.
s4inma:UUID A universally unique identifier (UUID) is a 128-bit number used to identify items and is
also known as: globally unique identifier (GUID). In its canonical textual representation,
the sixteen octets of a UUID are represented as 32 hexadecimal (base 16) digits,
displayed in five groups separated by hyphens, in the form 8-4-4-4-12 for a total of
36 characters (32 alphanumeric characters and four hyphens). UUID are documented in
ISO/IEC 11578 [i.9]:1996 "Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection -
Remote Procedure Call (RPC)" and in ITU-T Rec. X.667 | ISO/IEC 9834-8:2005 [i.10].
s4inma:Size The amount of certain objects in a collection (e.g. size of a material batch).


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Table 3 summarizes the properties that characterize an Item and the related classes described above.
Table 3: Properties of Item, Batch and related classes
Property Definition
s4inma:Item s4inma:isCreatedIn only s4inma:ItemBatch The relation between an Item and the ItemBatch in which

it is created (inverse of s4inma:creates).
s4inma:Item s4inma:isCreatedIn exactly 1 An Item is created exactly in one ItemBatch.
s4inma:Item s4inma:consistsOfItem only s4inma:Item An item can recursively consist of other Items.
s4inma:Item s4inma:hasSerialNumber max 1 xsd:string An Item can have one serial number at most.
s4inma:Item s4inma:hasIdentifier only s4inma:ID The relation between an item and its unique identifier.
s4inma:Item s4inma:hasIdentifier some s4inma:ID An Item has a unique identifier (e.g. GTIN, IRDI, UUID,
s4inma:Item s4inma:hasIDValue only xsd:string Alternative relation to the s4inma:hasIdentifier object
property above, in case it is preferred to attach the ID as a
string directly the Item.
s4inma:Item s4inma:isFeatureOfInterestOf only A relation between an item and the measurements it
s4inma:Measurement relates to, i.e. an item can be the feature of interest of a
measurement (inverse of s4inma:hasFeatureOfInterest).
s4inma:ItemCategory s4inma:hasIdentifier only s4inma:ID The relation between an item category and its unique
s4inma:ItemCategory s4inma:hasIdentifier some An item category has a unique identifier (e.g. GTIN, IRDI,
s4inma:ID UUID, etc.).
s4inma:ItemCategory s4inma:hasModelNumber max 1 An ItemCategory can have one model number at most.

  • Relates Information
  • ISO 8130-9:1992

    ISO 8130-9:1992 - Coating powders
  • EN 352-2:2020/FprA1

    EN 352-2:2021/oprA1:2023
  • IEC TS 61158-4:1999

    IEC TS 61158-4:1999 - Digital data communications for measurement and control - Fieldbus for use in industrial control systems - Part 4: Data Link protocol specification Released:3/24/1999 Isbn:2831847656
  • HD 566 S1:1990

    HD 566 S1:1998
  • ISO 5131:1982/Amd 1:1992

    ISO 5131:1982/Amd 1:1992
  • EN 60598-2-22:1990

    EN 60598-2-22:1996
  • ISO 8504-2:1992

    ISO 8504-2:1992 - Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products -- Surface preparation methods
  • EN 12165:2024

    prEN 12165:2022
  • IEC TS 61158-6:1999

    IEC TS 61158-6:1999 - Digital data communications for measurement and control - Fieldbus for use in industrial control systems - Part 6: Application Layer protocol specification Released:3/24/1999 Isbn:2831847613
  • ISO 4252:1992

    ISO 4252:1992 - Agricultural tractors -- Operator's workplace, access and exit -- Dimensions